My Dear Friend,
Greetings in the name of Jehovah God our Father, Jesus Christ our Saviour, and Holy Spirit our Companion. May Their grace abide with your soul. Amen! Greetings.
It is a great privilege to be in the presence of our Father, who carried us in His womb. Some years ago, He appeared to me and ordered me to spread His Word to His children because He wants to teach them what they don't know so they could return back to Him whenever they die because they always head to the wrong destination. He is not ready to do away with the Earth yet because there are some years left in her lifespan. As a result of this, He is coming to wipe the wicked away from the face of the Earth. This is the reason why the Word of God is being spread through this website so that the children of the Father could know what they do wrong and make amends.
Right from the history of the Earth, the Father hasn’t stopped speaking to His children. If He doesn’t speak, how could they hear? Enoch to Noah, Noah to Abraham, Abraham to Isaac, Isaac to Jacob, Jacob to His children; all these were living proof that the Father spoke and still speaks to His children and the record is there. When He touched the Earth with His feet, He appeared to Moses the Arthur whom He specifically gave all His Laws and Ordinance to teach His children. He didn’t stop there. He continually spoke through His Prophets until He finally sent His Son Jesus to die. The stories are there.
What happens to this generation? The same Father has come again as He came in the time of old to speak to you through His servant so that you will know what He requires from you and how to live a peaceful life amid evil. Holy, holy, holy is the Father! Holiness is the food of the Father and anyone who wants to partake in His Kingdom must be holy. This He requires from all His children.
Whatever Word you may read here, no matter how strange it may be, it's from Jehovah God Himself. As He appeared to Moses the Arthur, so He appeared to me and commanded me to deliver His Word to all His children.
My Dear Friend, you're highly favoured and honoured to be partaker of the Father's blessing because the Father chastises those He loves. I pray that Holy Spirit open your spiritual eyes to see the light in His word in Jesus name.
Remain blessed as you read on.
Pastor Radiant Ayowole Jesudairo
Dear Friend,
Blessed be Jehovah God Almighty, who has chosen you and I to be partakers of His heavenly blessing. It is not by accident you find yourself on this Earth, but because our Father brought us here for a purpose, that is the reason we must strive to live our lives to please Him at all cost.
Before I came to this Earth, I was packaged well for this assignment. But when I came, because of the family I came from, I went in the wrong way. I wallowed in sin until my Father opened my eyes to see that I was far from my blessing. When I made my decision to turn back, lo and behold, everything I've longed for came to me in a twinkling of an eye.
My life is a challenge to every woman on this Earth. Many of you are Angels sent from Heaven to this Earth on assignment. However, the life you're living right now is taking you farther and farther from your blessing. Many Angels like you and I choose to become destroyers. They are destroyers through the life they live. They are destroyers through the cloth they wear. They are destroyers through the relationship they enter. In fact, they are destroyers in every area. Did God create them that way? Not at all. They are destroyers because they choose to. Do you find yourself in this category? Come back now before it's too late. Jesus is ready to take you back to the Father so you can be on this Earth, who the Father created you to be originally. It is not too late. The door is open to everyone who is willing to change.
May the Lord grant you the grace to walk with Him as you take a U-turn to please Him. May the Spirit of God of all flesh open your spiritual eyes to see the truth of His word in Jesus name. Amen!
Remain blessed as you read on.
Pastor Blessing Agnes Onome Jesudairo
The Word Of God
Dear Friend,
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