His Judgement Is Set

Holy Spirit speaks

(Tuesday 13th December 2011, 05:30)

The Word of My Father is very fearful. If He says this is what He wants to do, He will do it. He’s never afraid of anybody. He’s never scared of any soul because He’s the One that created all the souls. He knows the way He made all the souls; He knows how He formed them. He has a lot inside His body. If He chooses to create many today, He will do it. And if He decides to destroy you, that is your problem. It does not affect My Father. If He says this is what He wants to do, He will do it. He will do it. How I wish they know. How I wish the children know the Father. How I wish they know what the Father can do. Even We that work with the Father have no right to tell Him to stop. Any message He asks Us to deliver, We have no right to say no. We have to go and deliver it and come back. Before He sends Us the message, He’s already weighed it, and We have to deliver it and come back. How much more when He comes and speaks by Himself! I Am the Holy Spirit speaking. I Am the Holy Spirit speaking. If My Father says He wants to do something, who will challenge Him? Who will stop Him? Nobody will dare stop Him because He has done it before. It is very fearful and dangerous.

Whoever does not know will think it’s a matter of joke. He will close down His eyes and do it. If you’re screaming and crying, nothing concerns the Father because He has taught you what you should do and the ways you should follow. If you’re crying, the Father will never look at you. If another person is beating you up, He will rescue you if the demon is chasing you. He will tell you not to do whatever you’re doing that again makes the demon chase after you. If the Father says He is the One on your case, who will rescue you when you’re crying? Because He talked, He spoke, He shouted, and you didn’t listen. The Word of the Father is very fearful. Nothing I will speak that you haven’t heard. No language I will speak that is new to you. If I say I should begin to speak in tongues this morning, will you hear what I’m saying? I can speak in different languages and interpret them for you to know what I’m saying. For you to know that the Father speaks the same thing. Three of Us are One. We never lie. I Am the One speaking. I never speak on My own. I only speak what the Father asks Me to speak. I put more light on what the Father has said for you to know that every Word He spoke is accurate; He will never lie. Your prayer now is ‘Father, spare my life; spare my home; I will never go with them’ because you know everything. That is your prayer. Stand firm in the Word of the Father. Never look anywhere. Stand firm! Stand firm. Don’t let anything of this Earth shake you. Sin is sin! When Angel of destruction comes down and sees the trace of that thing in you, he will never look back.

When the Father wanted to destroy the firstborn of the Egyptians, what did He say the Israelites should do? They were to apply the blood to their doorposts. Their heart was in the Father. They never slept when the Angel of destruction was coming. They were praying so the Angel would not destroy them. When they woke up in the morning, they came out and saw it truly happened. They began to hear the cry of those who lost their children. When the Father says, you should not apply any blood this time around, but let your heart be clean and holy. Even though there is no food, the Father will feed you. He has fed His children before. They neither sow nor reap when He brought them out of that land into the Wilderness, yet He fed them. You have read it in the Word before what the Father can do. I Am not the Father that I will use My hand to beat My chest that I Am That I Am; no. I Am the Messenger of the Father. The Father told you and used His hand to beat His chest that I Am That I Am That I am. Nothing I will speak than the One My Father has spoken. I put more light on the One My Father has told you. Nobody prays to see the anger of My Father. Do not be carried away. Don’t let the things of this Earth makes you lose everlasting joy. If it happens, a lot of innocent souls will follow them. My son, people are praying everywhere they want to see the Father in action. Do you know how many evil goes on everywhere? Do you know how many people they’ve put into sorrow? The whole house became empty. They want to see the anger of the Father. Evil is everywhere. It is very sweet to preach the Word of the Father but difficult to do it. Let your heart be like that of a baby. I give you peace. 

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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