I Am The One

The Father speaks

(Tuesday 1st March 2011, 21:25)

My son, do you believe I Am the One speaking to you, or you're mocking Me? Let them come and challenge Me. Let anyone come and ask Me. Let anyone come and challenge Me. Nobody will come and challenge Me because I will tell them to their face everything they've done right from the beginning of their lives. I will tell them, and I will let them know I Am God. I Am God! I do My things the way I want to do it, and nobody will challenge Me. Because in the time of old I took everything very hard, very hard for My children. This time around, what do I do now? I come down peacefully. I come down peacefully to speak to you one-on-one. I don't want to take things harshly.

In the time of old, I took things hard. I showed no mercy to no one. If you did anything wrong, I took you off. I made things hard. This time around, I said, let Me come down. Let Me use another way to bring them to Myself. That is why you see Me come down. If not, you yourself don't deserve it. You know it yourself what I'm saying. You don't deserve it; you don't merit it. Who are you? Because of My grace! I looked everywhere and said this place is a bit better for Me to put My body. I could not see anywhere to put My body. I couldn't see it! Because everywhere is polluted. It's polluted! Don't do this; you will go and do it. I can't stay there; I can't stay in a dirty place. I know what I'm saying. I have told you whatever word comes out of your mouth; I Am here; I Am listening to you because I live with you in this house. I am sending you a message. Do what I asked you to do. He who has an ear, let him hear.

Whoever read the words on the website, let him do accordingly. Whoever doesn't want to do it, the road is open. I Am the One that owns it. Nobody will challenge Me. Do you know how I created the Earth? Do you know the mystery? What do you know? Have I spoken any word that didn't come to pass? Any word I speak must surely come to pass because I see more than you. You don't know anything. Be careful! I fought every battle for you, and you have peace. Do you think it's easy? Do you know what they wanted to do to you before? The enemy tried to swallow you up. Be careful!

The words I said you should publish there, I know many people will not do what I say. I told you to publish it because it's a sign; everything will come to pass, so they should know. While you're doing it now, they think you're doing nonsense. You are doing nonsense! Everything will come to pass, and I know what I'm saying. My word will never destroy. It can never be destroyed, and it will never destroy. I mean what I'm saying. Nobody challenges Me. Nobody challenges Me. No one challenges Me. No one can put words into My mouth. When I speak My word, that is the final. No one challenges Me.

I know what I'm saying, and I mean what I'm saying. Whoever likes, let him believe. Whoever doesn't like it, let him remain. I Am the One that owns the whole Earth. It's Mine. Surely they must come to Me one day, and they will come and meet Me. Then judgement will take place. That is the end of My statement. I don't want to say anything more than that. If you travel throughout the Earth, you'll do whatever you like and come back; at the end of the day, judgement will take place. That is where My hand will meet all of them. My hand will meet all of them!

Yes, you don't believe in Hellfire; you don't believe in Heaven; whenever you die, you die. Yes! Even the place you think you're going to whenever you die, are you the one that created it? Is it your own? So you can manufacture yourself. You have a place to go when you die, and you don't believe in Hellfire. Then the place you're going to, is it yours? Are you the one that created it? You are the one that built the house there so that when you die, you're going to live there. You are lying! You are lying! Let anyone come and challenge Me.

My son, you have to stand firm in your word. You have to stand firm on the word of your Father. When the challenges come, you can stand and challenge them. That is why I entrusted these words into your hand, and I'm using you. I know what I'm saying. You can stand and defend the word of your Father. Tomorrow they will say, My daughter is the one speaking by herself. You know she's not the one because you live in the same house with her. You know who she is. All the words, when they go there, they keep quiet. When they read, they keep quiet. Do you think they just read it and keep quiet? Whoever reads Me must see the effect in his body. As far you know how to read, and you're reading it, you must receive the sign in your heart because it's Me. I Am the Heart; I Am the Living; I Am the One you're breathing. As you're reading that word, you must feel it in your heart that it's Me. You must be troubled. Your heart will trouble you because it's Me. Because all of them, they've eaten and drunk with that thing - Satan, they don't care, and they will still care. I Am the One they're reading there, nobody else. I Am the One speaking! Be careful! I do My things the way I want to do them. If I say I should come out of miracles and miracles, yes, this place will fill for miracles; but that is not what I want. If I give them the miracle without telling them where they missed it, they will get the miracle, but the problem will come back again. The one I'm doing with you now is what I want because I started from the grassroots to get them back. If you don't tell them where they missed it, it can't happen because through that thing they're doing, that's where the problem is coming to them. They are committing sin! The sin they're committing brings a problem to them. If they're running after miracle, and the problem comes back again, that's why I come out in your lineage and begin to teach you so that you can teach them. I know what I'm doing. Nobody will tell Me he did not know; nobody will say to Me he didn't hear. I give you peace. 

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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