I Have A Purpose For Each Child

The Father speaks

(Thursday 23rd April 2015, 00:10)

I will reward you for everything you do on this Earth. You may decide to do good or evil. I give everyone a chance to do whatever he wants to do. I will reward you for whatever you do by the end of the day because I Am your Creator. Whichever power you have, whichever position you are, use it as you wish, but I will judge you by the end of the day. The position you are in will determine the kind of judgement you will face. If you're a president, I will judge you as a president because you go on your own way when all My children are crying. The more I give to you, the more I will judge you. Either you're a pastor or a doctor, I will judge you. If you're a doctor, you can only practise what I gave to you. If I give you to treat teeth, then you cannot do more than that. As each patient comes to you, you know exactly the category his sets of teeth fall into. If it warrants you to put artificial, you know exactly the kind of artificial you will put. That is your field. You see so many problems on this Earth today because many of My children are looking for money and abandon their own fields. If you don't have My kind of faith, I don't say you shouldn't go to the hospital. However, as I created you, don't cut away any part of your body. If you have an accident and some part of your body is destroyed, the doctors will replace that particular place with artificial. It is an abomination to plant another man's body into any man. Without the doctors believing in God, nothing can work. That's why you see a lot of problems everywhere.

Some people are doing well, but they look at themselves and say they want to do family planning. By the end of the day, they destroyed their womb. If the devil knows you've destroyed your womb, he will kill the children you already have because he knows you cannot have another one anymore. That's one of the major reasons I hate it. Satan lures people every day to destroy their wombs. If you live your life as I want you to live and there is no sin in you, if you have My fear, you will feed your children if it's only bread you're selling. When it is the time for your children to marry, let them marry. Every child doesn't need to go to university. If it is My will for that child to go to university, I know how I will connect her. Just put your trust in Me. Sometimes, the child may even go to university without you paying a penny. That is what the Almighty God can do. You sold your clothes; you sold everything you had to train your child. After she finishes at the university, you're the one feeding her again. Is that life? Remember the time you went and borrowed money hoping that the child would improve your life.

I created each child for a different purpose. Being a graduate now is just word of mouth. After she graduated, she would go and marry. The time she should have married and produced children, she went to university and defiled herself. By the end of the day, she will still come and marry after she's already chaff. You, as a mother, do you know the destiny of that child? Oh, I spent a lot of money on you; is that the kind of man you're going to marry? As a human being, I live inside you. Always go deep into the spiritual, and I will reveal the kind of children I gave to you so you won't be carried away. In the Bible, what was the work of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ? What was her husband's work? Did I give Jesus Christ to Mary because she graduated from the university? By holiness, not by the university! She took care of herself. If I put an Angel in your womb and you send her to the university, they will destroy her life there. Every good thing I prepared for her is gone. You have exchanged it! Oh, my son, you will build my house for me. Who told you? If I say he will build a house for you without that child going to university, he will do it. But you don't have the means to send your child to the university, and you still stressed yourself so he could go. That's the reason many parents died prematurely. They died of a heart attack. I that created you and send you to this Earth know how I will make way for you to live your life. I Am the Great Connector.

I put twelve tribes into the body of Jacob, and I chose one of them as a hero. He wouldn't be a king, yet, through him, all his generation would feed. The same people I tied their soul with the soul of Joseph were also the ones Satan used to trouble his life. Such kind of thing still happens on this Earth today. Somebody will have the spirit of witchcraft and kill the best person in the family. I may give you three children and purpose the middle one to be a hero of the family. Satan will lure one of them with the spirit of witchcraft so they can destroy the hero. That's why it's good for every mother to look after her children. As a mother, you should stop pursuing money. Pursue holiness for your children so they can be who I created them to be on this Earth. You that own them don't know who they are, but Satan knows. He knows how he will connect to one of them to have that spirit. It may be through food. They have destroyed many of My children like that. With ordinary one penny in their hand, a child can ruin the booming business of their mother. That's the work of witchcraft. As the mother is lamenting, the child will be looking. That is chronic evil. That's why I said they should kill them in the time of old. Nowadays, many of My children have that spirit. It is very easy to discourse about physical issues, but the one inside is hidden; nobody can discuss it. Two people may be in the same witchcraft coven together, in the midst of a discussion, the third one, being innocent, will continue to run her mouth without knowing that those other two belong to the same coven. That's why it's good to be watchful of your mouth. Every one of you, your eye is blind. If somebody doesn't have it in your family, it's very hard for an outsider to destroy you with it.

Many of My servants have it, and they think that's how God uses people. If you have it, you're far away from Me. That is the kind of spirit many of them use in the church. In short, you know where you're going. For that spirit to leave you as a servant of God, you must work hard because it's a higher spirit. All of you know where you're heading to. Until you open your mouth and disgrace yourself, that's the only way the spirit will leave you. 

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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