I Will Shake The Earth

The Father speaks

(Sunday 11th September 2011, 10:50)

Have I mentioned My name and spoke but did not come to pass? Never! That means every word I spoke and mentioned My name came to pass. When I sent My son Samuel to anoint David as a King, did it come to pass? But in the sight of men, it looked as if it wouldn't come to pass. He was a mere little boy, and somebody was there as a King. Somebody was there as a King, and Samuel anointed another person to be a King. Would you kill the person that was there? In the sight of men, the King was still there. My son, I want you to know that I have never sent any of My servants and did not honour My word. I have never sent any of My children, My servants, to deliver the message and did not come to pass. I Am telling you this for you to know that every word I speak in this your house will surely come to pass. Every word I speak in this house through you, everything I promise to do will come to pass. Because I Am the same God who used them in the time of old, they carried My word out and were not afraid of anybody. They were not afraid of mortal men. They were not afraid of the personality of any man. All the words they delivered came to pass. Every word I said right from the time of old, I honoured it. Every word I sent My children to deliver came to pass; none was missing. Every word I speak through you in this house will come to pass. Every word I put in the mouth of My daughter, and she coughs it out, will surely come to pass. It is Me; it's not My daughter. It is Me, and it will be Me until the end. It was Me in the past, and it is Me today. I Am the One that brings out the word, and I Am the One that will perfect it. When everything comes to pass, that's when they will know it's Me. I Am the One speaking, and I'm still speaking. Nobody will destroy My word, and nobody will look at My word and hiss. If I say something will happen tomorrow, it may take time, but it will come to pass. Whatever I say will surely come to pass. I Am the One speaking. My son, do not be dismayed. Don't scatter your heart. Every word I speak to an individual or a group or a nation will come to pass. Every pronouncement I made will surely come to pass, and you will know I Am the Almighty God. I know you may not believe Me because of what people are saying, but I'm telling you today that I Am the Almighty God. I Am the One, nobody else. I Am the Almighty Father speaking. I Am the One speaking, not Holy Spirit; not even My Son Jesus. I Am the One speaking.

(He laughs). My son, do you know why I Am laughing? It's like a play. It's like a joke. It's like We're playing. It's not a play; it's not a joke. It's unlike putting a pot of water on the fire and later turning it into a soup. This is reality. This is what will shake the whole Earth! I have told you before. I Am the One speaking again this morning. This is not food. Because if you put a pot of water on the fire and later turn it into a soup, it's like you're performing an experiment. This One is not an experiment. This is what will happen and make everybody sober. Everybody will shut up. How many times have I said it now? I have said it several times. I told you if it doesn't happen, do not honour My word again. My son, none of them is inside Me, and none is ready to change. It will happen My son! It will happen. I have asked you if I sent any message through My children and didn't come to pass. If you say God says and God did not say; woe unto you. Woe unto you. This is not 'God says', but I Am the One speaking. I Am the One!

In the time of old, whenever they said 'God says', it would come to pass; how much more Me, the Almighty God, speaking to you. I Am the One speaking. My son, I didn't want to speak before; but because of the prayer you were praying, that's why I said I should speak to you. I want you to know that any word I speak, I mean business. Honestly, I Am not a talkative; but how would you hear if I did not speak? Because of that one alone, My son, I will judge this Earth. Because of that statement alone, I will judge this Earth. They will know that I Am not a talkative. Because of that word alone, My son, I can destroy the whole Earth, and I can spare it because of one person. Because of that statement alone, My son, you will hear. Because of that message that man sent to you, they challenge Me. Oh, Father, we see the message You send to us; we will send it across and do accordingly; please have mercy on us. Instead of being sober, what did they do? My son, because of that message alone, they will hear Me.

My son, through this, you will know that I Am the God of David. I will do this one, and you will know that I Am the God of David. I Am the same God. I will do it, and when I do it, nothing will change Me. It doesn't remove anything from Me. I want to glorify Myself. I Am the One speaking. If I do it, the remaining ones will fear Me. They will know there is a Father. Whenever I speak My word, no one challenges Me. Whenever I utter My word, no one will challenge Me. Nobody dares cough. Either good or bad, you will never dare cough. You will never dare challenge Me. The only thing you're supposed to do is, 'Father, have mercy'.

The Father does not annoy anyhow. Something happened that made Him annoyed. Then you have the right to challenge the Father. That means you don't know the God you're serving. The Father is inside you every day. The Father sees everything you're doing. Do you think the Father is blind!!! The Father is not blind, not deaf, and not dumb. He is the same as you are. He sees everything you're doing. You, human beings, are blind. You're the one that is deaf and dumb. You're the one that doesn't know what you're doing. You are foolish! You don't know what you're doing. The Father will carry His assignment out, and who is that person that will rebel against His word. Who is that person! Right from ages, the Father always speaks through His children. Whatever He wants to do, He would speak through His children for you to know what to do. You now claim you're inside your Father; you're now returning word back to your Father.

You are biting more than you can chew. My son, I don't want to talk again. It will happen. It will happen. You yourself will shed tears. You will cry. I Am telling you! When it happens, you yourself will cry because I've told you it would happen. It's not that it'll get to where you are, but when you see it, you will cry. Nothing will pinch you and your children. It will not rob you! But because of what you see, you will cry. You will say 'Father, You are really a Father'. Because of this one, you yourself will fear Me.

This is not the world I created by Myself. This is not what I want. The Father is not a wicked Father. The children are wicked children. They are more than wicked My son. I know what I Am telling you. Seeing is more believing. When it happens, fear will grip you. You will know that this is the same Father they were talking about in the time of old. Fear will grip everyone. Don't ask Me how I will do it. I know how I will do it. Very soon, you will hear about it. This thing isn't supposed to be like this. This one isn't supposed to be like this. We think it's okay. Why is it like this? Yes!!! Because the Father is the one that owns the Earth! If you tie something, the Father can untie it. If you screw nut on a bolt, the Father can unscrew it. And who are you going to ask! Who are you going to blame! What do you know? What do you know? You are an engineer; you know how to tie something. Who gave you the knowledge? Who gave you the knowledge that you know how to screw the nut on a bolt? You can put a nut on a bolt and screw them together until they become tighter. Who gave you the knowledge? Is it not the Father! If you tie it and leave there and the Father unties it, who will you ask? Who are you going to blame? Because you think you're wise! You now put the Father in one corner and begin to do things on your own; you're manufacturing. My son, I don't want to speak again. Is there anything too hard for Me to do? I give you peace.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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