I Will Visit Nigeria

The Father speaks

(Sunday 16th October 2011, 11:40)

My son, tell all the top Pastors to empty their account and give it to those who need it. They should empty their account and give it to My children. My children are suffering; they're crying. That's what I want them to do. If they do it, I will give them spiritual blessings. Empty your account and give it to My children. That money is not your money. Prove the Father and see what He will do. Empty your account and see what I will do. Millions of My children need food to eat. You're neither there physically nor spiritually. Why are you working for the Father? Is that what the Father called you to do? Are you working for yourself? Empty your account and give it to those who need it so they can eat and praise their Father. You can only offer what you have; you cannot offer what you don't have. If it's the spiritual you have, offer it; if it's the physical, offer it. But you don't have the spiritual because you don't meet the need of the Father. For you to meet the need of the Father, you have to die. You have to die and let every flesh go.

My son, tell them; if it cost them to sell what they have to meet the need of those who are crying, they should do it. They should remember the needy. If they don't do it, I will use everything they have stored in one corner against them. Tell them that I will use it against them! Those who have and keep it are making My children suffer. They go to where they shouldn't go and do what they shouldn't do. I will use all the wealth they keep that is supposed to feed millions of people against them. If you're doing My will, your hand is clean and holy, but you keep money in one corner and fail to give it to those who need it, I will use it against you. I will use it against you!

My son, there is money in an individual's account. They keep it! That money they keep is not their money. I warn them! I know them; I know their name; I know their home! They should empty their account. If it cost them to sell everything they have to remember those who are down, they should do it. That is what I want. All My servants should pass this message across to those in power. They should put the needy in their budget. Tell them! It's their soul I need by the end of the day. It's the good work they do I need by the end of the day, not their wealth. It's not their wealth! The Father blessed you, and you should bless others, but you keep the money to yourself. My children continue to go where they shouldn't go. That is why sin piles up every day. They put their hands in what they shouldn't put their hands. But you're there to help. You're there to wipe tears away from their eyes. Tell them they should do it immediately. If not, My wrath is coming! I Am coming if they don't do it. I Am saying this for the last time My son! They should do it so they can spare their lives because I will visit the top people! They should empty their account and give it to those in need. That is My anger! That's why I Am angry. They should empty their account and give it to those who need it right now. Right now! They should not waste time because I have set My time. I told you before. I have set it! Many of them could spare their lives through this good. I'm targeting those people that are on the top. Tell them! They are the ones that destroyed this Earth with their wrong information, with their wrong doctrines and their selfish lifestyle. Tell them they should empty their account right now so that those who are down can remember their Father. They should not waste time. I have set My time. They should do it now. If they don't have anything, they should sell their assets and give it to those in need. They should pass this message to those people in power that this is what I say.

Many of My children are down. All those things they keep is not their own. I see everything! You eat enough and keep the rest. You keep many women in one corner. I see everything! They should come out and open up. They should purge themselves. If not, My wrath is coming. All the Pastors should do it now! Many of My children are crying; they need it! They leave the house of food and turn themselves into beggars in a strange land. If they don't do it, I Am coming. I Am coming! And they should not say I Am a wicked Father. They should not say I Am a wicked Father because I will eliminate all of them. All of them in positions should empty their account now and give it to those in need! It's their soul I need by the end of the day!!! It's their soul I need! I don't need any wealth from them. It's their service I need. It's not the wealth they pile up. Tell them they should scatter the wealth now and give it to My children. They should tell the ruling (Jonathan Goodluck) to put the needy in his budget. They should remember those who don't have anything. They should remember them because I will carry out My assignment.

You cannot help yourself, and you can't help anybody. Is the Father a wicked Father? Is He a wicked Father? You're neither there physically nor spiritually. What can you offer! Is it the word of your mouth you will offer? You cannot speak to the water to divide. The one you have physically, you keep it to yourself. Are you the one that owns the Earth? Is it your own! Tell them they should sell their assets and give it to those who need it. They should not say I'm a wicked Father when I visit all of them. If My children eat well, they will remember Me. Oh, I'm committing sin; I cannot go there (church); I cannot go there because I don't have food to eat; I have finished school for how many years now; what should I do. If you extend food to that person, won't he remember the Father? You have money that piles up. That money you keep somewhere, do you know how many generations it could feed? Give it to them! If you give it to them, My children will have no excuse to give because you would have washed your hands clean. If I cut you off now and go to Hellfire, what benefit is it to Me? If I kill you without saying it out, people will not know why I kill you. I know everything.

Tell them! All of them that eat remain and even put women in one corner to the extent they born children everywhere; they cover it. Tell them the Father says they should come out. They should come out because I will visit all of them. My son, I told you I had set the boundary. They should do it now. They should also tell those in power to put the needy in their budget. If it's £5 every month, it's money. It is money! Let them be happy. They should enforce a law. The old men, if it's to sweep the street, let them work and give them money in return. It's work! They should not forget about those people. That's what the Father wants. Those who can work, they should create jobs for them and let them work. You have the money, and you keep it to yourself.

A child finished school, came home and saw his old man crying. Why? Because there was no food! Why is there no food? Let me carry guns so I could bring food to my father to eat. Father, don't worry, you will see food to it; if I die, you will still be alive. Then that child began to kill. He began to cut off people as if he was cutting orange. Is that what the Father chose? My son, tell them I want to visit that place. I want to visit Nigeria! It's My home. They should do it now. If not, they will see.

Tell them; they should tell the one in power (Jonathan Goodluck) to remember those who are down. If they do it, everybody will come back to Nigeria. If he does it, you will see what will happen. I have told you before. The gold is there in that place, but they don't use it well. I Am the One that owns that place. I know what I put there. There is a treasure in Nigeria. It's My land. It's My home. My children are there. There is gold there. How are they using it? What are they using it for? Tell them that I, the Almighty Father says if they don't do it, I'm coming. They will be surprised what will happen. If they do this, there will be plenty of food on the table, and everyone will come back again. Nigeria will be a better nation again. It's My nation. It's My nation. Those who love Me are calling Me every day. My children are there. There is no food to eat. But the food is there. Some people keep it to themselves. Tell them that the Father, the Authority, the I Am That I Am, the Ancient of Days is the One speaking. The Originator, the One who has the final say, the One who speaks His word and carries it out, is the One speaking. Tell them; I Am not a wicked Father. There is enough food there, and they should share it immediately.

Tell them I will start from My house – the church. They should sell everything they have and begin to give it out now! They should not waste time. I told you I had set My time because a lot will happen, so they will not share from it. If you don't give what you have to others and feel the pains, you will not meet the need of the Father. If you empty all your account and give it to somebody, you will feel it; then you will meet the need of the Father. If it doesn't touch you, you have not met the need of the Father. If you still have some to keep while some people are crying, you are not doing the will of the Father. Enough is enough for My children to suffer in a strange land. It shouldn't be like that. I created this Earth for you to enjoy wherever you go. But they turn everything to wickedness. Tell them that any help each one of them can render, they should begin to do it. There will be peace. You will open your door, and nobody will enter inside.

My son, poverty causes wickedness; food doesn't cause wickedness. If food is on your table and somebody knocks on the door, won't you say welcome? But if there is no food and somebody knocks on your door, you will be angry. You don't want to see that person because you're hungry. My son, tell them that judgement will start from My house. Tell them that judgement will start from the church. If they don't do what I'm telling them now, I know all of them. They should sell everything they have and give it to My children because they came empty and they will return to Me empty. I have prepared a place for them. Tell them they should release all those things they're keeping for their unborn generations. They should give it to those in need. If they do this, no more excuse for those who don't want to serve Me because that is the excuse they're giving Me. They don't have any help; they don't have any job. That is the excuse they're giving.

Tell the one ruling (Jonathan Goodluck) that the Almighty Father says he should not overlook those who are down. He is there through My power. I heard the cry of My children. The people cried to Me because of him. He is not there by his power. Tell him he should come down and listen to the voice of My children. Let there be food on My children's table. That is the message. If he does this one, people will come back to that place. That place will be a better place. Nobody will mention the name of that place and hiss. I have told you before. People from here will go there because there will be peace. And I will prove Myself to these people that I can use anybody, and I can turn everything around. I will do it now. Tell them they should create job opportunities. If it's ice water or pure water, if it's cake or meat pie, let them work. Those who have money should give it to those who want to do business. There will be enough food on the table. If they're doing the work and they remember Me, I will increase it for them. I give you peace. 

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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