My Word I Will Not Swallow

The Father speaks

(Thursday 6th July 2017, 02:30)

Behold, I have heard the word of the Almighty. I have heard the word of Jehovah King of Heaven. I have heard enough, and I wish not to hear anymore. My ears are full, and I can no longer bear it because my entire being quaked whenever You speak. I am a mortal, a man like every other man. Blood and water flow through my veins. Though You have fortified me, You have made my heart like a stone, to confront lion and not be afraid, to tear him apart with my bare hands. Yet, I live among mortals. I have human sympathy. When a mother mourns her dead children, I cannot stand her tears. Ah, Sovereign Lord, what have You done to me? Though You have changed my being, I must continue to live among them. My eyes must continue to look as tears flow through the eyes of a mother who mourns her dead children. How long, O Lord? How long will my eyes see the wickedness of men? How long will I continue to see their injustice? How long will my eyes behold destruction and calamity? Whenever You speak, I could not hide Your word. I must deliver it to Your children either good or bad.

My son, I told you many years ago that if you know how to wash your hands, you can be greater than your fathers Abraham and Moses. When I appeared to you one-on-one, I didn't hide Myself from you. Though I reduced Myself to a human being so you wouldn't run away from me. Now I know I've captured your heart, and you cannot run away from me. You are My son and My husband. You are also My servant. When I first appeared to you, I told you I gave Myself to you as a wife. If you look at everything that has happened to you, I Am the One. I performed many things for you in your house to see and have the assurance that I Am with you. Lucifer cannot be more powerful than Me. He is My son, but he chose his own way. My son, you must continue to deliver My message for My wicked children. No matter what they say or do to you, you must continue to speak My word. The word is Mine, and the work is Mine. They will not reward you, but your reward is waiting for you whenever I call you home. What I did not reveal to Enoch and Moses, I have revealed to you. Nothing I hide from you about this Earth and the lives of my children. And I Am still ready to reveal a lot to you.

Though they're wicked, I still need a few of them to come to Heaven. This is why you must be strong and continue to speak while you live among them. As you see tears flow from their eyes, so also you must continue to speak. Do not pity them because they don't pity themselves. You are their solution, and I Am Your Solution. No one can speak peace on this Earth unless you speak. Whenever I put My word into your mouth, you must say it exactly as I command you. You are My blessing and the blessing of those among My children who accept your word. As for those who reject your word, you're a curse and a snare to them.

My son, as long as this Earth endures, My Covenant with you will stand. When I made My Covenant with Abraham, though Lucifer lured him to go on his own way, yet, I fulfilled it. As I fulfilled My Covenant with Abraham, so will I fulfil My Covenant with you too. I started My journey, the journey of holiness with Abraham; I will end it with you. As I promised Abraham, so I promised you also. I know what I promised you, and you know it as well. Forget what you're passing through now. The whole Earth will serve you My son. All My children will bow at your feet. Your fame will spread across the whole Earth. My Covenant with you goes beyond this Earth. Whenever I call you home, you will continue to work for Me. I know it's not easy. Abraham passed through it. You know what Moses passed through as well. What about My Son, your Saviour? He passed through it more than any of you. You are not the only one My son. No matter what you're passing through now, I Am with you. I have told you all these before. The land you live in now has become a cursed land. Have you forgotten what I asked you to do to the land a few years ago? I know you cannot forget. That's why I told you not to plan anything in this land anymore because it will become desolate. I have taken My glory away from here. I told you I Am taking you back to Nigeria. You know My church which I have chosen. There you will teach My children all the Laws and Ordinances I gave to you. As I dealt with Moses and the Israelites, so will I deal with you and My children, and the whole world will see it. You are their father, and you must cleanse them and bring them back to me because they're lost. I told you I would use you as I used Moses. Therefore, prepare yourself. I have taught you everything. Nothing I did not teach you. I taught you how to move among My children because they are wicked. Be very strong! No harm will befall you unless you cause it by yourself. Your journey is still very far because I want you to teach My children everything I have taught you. When your days are over, My Angel, whom I promised you, would take over from you. He will continue to lead My children in holiness until I finally roll the Earth away. I have cleansed you, and it's your responsibility to cleanse all My children. Whoever fails to listen to you will see My wrath. I told you I want to wipe many of them away from this Earth so the Earth can enjoy a time of peace once again. The remnant that remains, you will teach them My Ordinances and My Statutes. The one that is their leader now is packing his load, ready to come home. Two kings don't rule in a land. When one goes down, the other one will rise to the throne. You are My King, and you will rule over My children. I count so much on you, and I have assurance you will not fail Me because I have taught you everything. All My servants have failed Me, and I don't want you to fail Me. That's why I took My time to prepare you for the journey. I know nobody will believe you now. However, when I blow My trumpet and introduce you to the whole world, they will bow whenever you open your mouth and speak because your word is thunder. As you speak to them, I will confirm it on My Throne.

Woe unto them! Woe unto My children, for they've forsaken the way of holiness and married with unrighteousness. He who chose unrighteousness as a wife will produce unrighteous children. All of them continue to produce unrighteous children every day and, as a result of this, pollute the Earth without remedy. Their sins go after them wherever they go. The generation of Noah was far better than this evil generation. This is the generation of bloodsuckers! The land cannot yield anything good anymore unless I wipe them away and settle the Spirits of the land because they're angry. The sins of My children angers them day by day. If I don't come down and settle it once and for all, this Earth will become unlivable for all of you. Many creatures I created to live spiritually wants to force themselves to live physically among you. I can never allow it to happen because it will be a disaster for all of you. Your sins have destroyed so many things on this Earth. My son, wait for Me until I take you to your destination where you will speak to all My children. I have spoken My word, and I will never swallow it.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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