My Word Will Come To Pass

The Father speaks

(Sunday 28th August 2011, 10:45)

As I spoke My word in the time of old, that was how I did it. As I speak My word now, that's how it will be. No matter how long it takes, I will never reverse it. I fear nobody. I will not be afraid of anybody. I will not be scared of any creature because everything is My handwork. I Am not a wicked Father. I will never be a wicked Father. I always take care of My children. I always go before them and go after them. In a situation where the children ignore the word of the Father and go their own way, whatever pronouncement the Father makes will surely come to pass. The Father is not a wicked Father. The children are wicked because they want to rebel against the word of the Father. You can never change the word of the Father. If the Father says yes, it's yes. You, the children, can never change it. If you do it, then you dig your grave. The Father has spoken, no appeal, no pleading. The Father has spoken. The Father has spoken His word, and He will bring it to pass. The Father has spoken His word, what He's about to do, and nobody will reverse it. He will bring it to pass.

My son, do not shake your heart. Do not trouble yourself. Nothing will happen to you. I Am the One speaking. The Father has spoken. Whether they like it or not, it will come to pass. Those who want to be good will change from their evil way. Those who say they want to block their ears and continue in their evil ways do themselves harm. When the Father comes, He will not destroy the faithful ones; He will destroy the evil ones. I have told you. Nothing will stop Me from doing it. Anything they like, let them call you. They may say a woman is the one speaking. I Am the One speaking. That is how I've been using My children right from ages. I can enter inside any creature to speak. I can enter inside the animal and speak. I can use anybody to speak. I can use a stone to speak. That is Me. Nobody will condemn you. Do not be afraid. Do not be dismayed. I Am the One speaking. I said it three times; I never changed My mouth. It will come to pass My son. It will come to pass. And if it comes to pass, there will be peace on this Earth. I Am the One speaking My son. There will be peace if it comes to pass because everybody will be in horror of fear. Everybody will be asking each other 'what is this; where is this coming from'. In generations to come, the story will be there that something happened that changed the whole Earth at a particular time. I Am the One speaking. I will bring it to pass. If I don't bring it to pass, My son, don't honour My word! If I don't bring it to pass, don't honour My word again.

Nobody will rebel against My word. If I speak My word, who will say it cannot happen! My son, nobody! I give them grace, but I'm doing them evil. All of them want to forget about Me. Now I want to prove Myself to them. My son, I have told you what I'm doing here is not common. I only did it in the time of old, and when I did it, I didn't do it the way I'm doing it now. They don't know Me. They don't know Me My son. They don't know what I can do. I hear every word My children speak. That's why I can answer their prayers. I heard what you prayed this morning, and I recorded it. I will bring it to pass. How do I manage to hear everything they're saying? Because I Am inside them. Give Me something; I want to make an illustration for you. 

Father and His children

Father and His children

This is Me and here are My children. As they are, if any one of them moves, I know. Then they will say the Father is not a talkative. If I don’t speak, how will they hear? They are all connected to Me. The Father is the Pillar. Everything they say, every of their conversation, every evil they do, I Am there. If I see that one of them is clean and holy, I will always come to that one. If I see that one of them is dirty, I will ignore him. Though he’s still with Me, I will ignore him. My Spirit is still inside him, but I will ignore him because he’s dirty. If you clean yourself, I will begin to flow inside you. I will begin to give you the power. The current will begin to enter. That’s how My children and I are. My son, I give you peace.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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