My Word Will Never Destroy

The Father speaks

(Saturday 12th November 2011, 00:10)

Lord, Thy Word abideth,
And our footsteps guideth;
Who its truth believeth
Light and joy receiveth.

When our foes are near us,
Then Thy Word doth cheer us,
Word of consolation,
Message of salvation.

When the storms are o’er us,
And dark clouds before us,
Then its light directeth,
And our way protecteth.

Who can tell the pleasure,
Who recount the treasure,
By Thy Word imparted
To the simple hearted?

Word of mercy, giving
Succor to the living;
Word of life, supplying
Comfort to the dying!

O that we, discerning,
Its most holy learning,
Lord, may love and fear Thee,
Evermore be near Thee!

You cannot change the word of the Father. You cannot change the word of the Almighty. His word is everlasting to everlasting. Nobody can change the word of the Father. No one can change the word of the Almighty God. The word of the Father is a living word. It is an indestructible word from everlasting to everlasting. The word can never destroy. You cannot use your memory to change it. You cannot use your qualification to change it. The word of the Father is fire. His word will never destroy from everlasting to everlasting. His word remains the same. He may use anybody to speak it, that person will die, but the word will still remain. They may remember that person, but the word remains the same. The same word the Father has been speaking, He still speaks it today. Everything He speaks will come to pass. Any word the Father uses anybody to speak will come to pass. You cannot use your knowledge to carry the word of the Father because His word is life. You must fear the word of the Father. It's not what anybody can debate. No one argues the word of the Father. No one disputes the word of the Creator. The word of the Father is final. If you know you're serving the Father and know the things He did before, which are still there in the Bible, why are you debating on it? Why are you dragging the word of the Father? It's not what you'll argue about because the examples are there. The examples of what He did before are there. He spoke the word raw; He spoke it live, and His children brought it out. You can see everything there. The record is there, and it'll never destroy. If you're serving your Father, why can't you go there and have the word in your memory so that the Father can teach you by Himself? Whatever you know you don't understand; He will teach you Himself. It is a reality. There is something good, and there is something bad. If you choose the good one, you'll see the good; if you choose the bad one, you'll see the bad. The Father is not partial. He will never be a partial Father. If He gives you a test, if you score 40 percent, He will write 40 percent there for you. He will not say because you're too beautiful; He will not say you have good character and write something else there. If you know you have good character and give alms, why do you score 40 percent? I know I give alms; I serve my Father; I pray every day; I am not doing evil. Why do you score 40 percent? I don't commit any sin; I'm on the right lane and serving the Father. But why do you score 40 percent?

The Father marked the paper by Himself. You can bribe any teacher, but you can never bribe the Father. The teacher will look at you and add to your marks because you bribed him. But you cannot bribe the Almighty Father. That is why the Father is different from man. Every of His judgement is final. I told you that you could not debate on the word of the Father. My son, tell them what the Father says and leave. Even though the fire is burning them, tell them. If they don't see it happen here, they will see it there because judgement will take place. As they're there in Hellfire, they will remember when you're preaching to them. The Father is alive every day; He doesn't travel; He doesn't change. You can never see Him because He's a Breeze. Whenever people look at you, they see you're gentle and kind; but you're a crooked person in your heart. Is that what the Father chose? The Father wants an open heart. My son, tell them exactly the truth and leave them. If they want to appeal, let them go and appeal with their Father, and they'll meet Me there.

You think you are holy. Who told you you're holy! You are arguing with your Father! That's why that thing (Satan) makes them compete with the Father. My son, whenever they mention My name, My children are supposed to reverence Me. That thing gives all of them the power. He's deceiving them. Do it; you can be like Him. No one can be like the Father! He gives all of them a strong heart. Whenever I'm speaking, they are supposed to shake. Anywhere My name is mentioned, they supposed to reverence Me. I purposely did the things I did in the time of old so they could have My fear. But that thing gives all of them a strong heart. You've tried your best; They cannot penalise you for this little one; if you do that a bit, you can do this a bit; They will not penalise you. He knows what he's doing. If I choose My servant to preach My word, he will tell them what they did is enough; after all, He will accept you at the end. He knows I hate evil! This one you did is enough; come and do this one. Then they'll begin to do evil. He will give them boldness to do evil. If you eat, you clean your mouth. He begins to deceive them because he knows where they're going. When I chose My children in the time of old, wherever I pushed them to, they'd go. They had the power to refuse Me. When I said they should enter the fire, they entered. They didn't care because they knew the Father would rescue them. Nowadays, you'll jump to the conclusion. After all, I've tried my best; after all, I'm giving alms; after all, when I see people, I help them. You are judging yourself. Let Me set an exam for you to know if you'll pass. You hold evil in your hand, and you don't want to drop it. Even when the Father is shouting, you're still holding it; you don't want to drop it. But you say you're 100 percent holy. Oh, I've tried my best; I've done the ones I could do; I know I'm going there (Heaven) when I die. Who told you you're going there! But when They gave you an exam, you failed. Oh, why did I fail? Here is the question, and this is the answer you gave. You will then gnash your teeth.

My son, all of them are dancing to the same ringtone. All of them are the same thing. When My Son Jesus came, everybody ran away from Him. They rejected Him. Evil is everywhere My son. They believed in Him when they saw Hi ascending back to Me. It's not an easy journey. That's why you see a father with many children; the children would die and leave their Father because they chose their own way. You chose the path of holiness, but they chose the way of evil. They entered where their father would never believe. If you, the father, saw another man's property, you left it; but when the children saw it, they picked it. My son, this Earth is a mystery. Every word you're telling them, those who live longer will see it here, and those who don't live long will see it there. If death comes, it may take four out of five. If you die, do you think you die like that? They will judge you, and then you'll know where you're going. But all of you are serving the Father together. All of you are calling Jesus together. This Earth has turned upside down. Many people are walking with their back, not their front. They pursue what they want to eat, but you're seeking where you want to sleep. If they see what they'll eat, they will rest. When the time comes for them to sleep, they'll begin to gnash their teeth. When you're preparing the place you would sleep, they're pursuing food. As they were pursuing food, that thing was giving it to them. After they've eaten, they're now looking for where to sleep. But you were in the church! Didn't they tell you what to do? Were you not a Christian? Didn't you have the word? Why are you now looking for where to sleep? It's too late. As you pursued food, he gave it to you, and you knew you belonged to him. That thing will usher you there because you ate his food. It was his food you were eating, and you forgot about the Father. He did not create anything; he stole the ones he gave to you. The Father owns everything, but he gave it to you in a wrong way. He is a thief! He knew he was giving you in a crooked way, and all of them will backfire. He knew he would catch you by the end of the day. It's a shortcut. The lane was there for you to follow, but you were looking for a shortcut. When you woke up in the morning, you wanted to continue your sleep; it was a shortcut. Oh, it's too cold; I cannot enter inside the cold; it's a shortcut. After you finally woke up, you turned on your computer and off you went to the internet. Whenever somebody asked you what you were doing, you said you were doing business. In the twinkling of an eye, you had millions in your account because you cheated others to make money. Overnight you were driving a limousine. When others saw you, they were envious of you because you were richer than them. As you were spending the money, some people were crying because it was their money. That person that was crying should have helped your entire generation tomorrow. But you destroyed everything. Where was your company? Because you wanted to eat; you wanted to drive your corpse. It's a corpse My son. They are all driving their corpses. If you know your Father you're serving, you won't look at those kinds of people. They'll tell you the word that will annoy you if you look at them. They may even call you a poor church rat. You cannot pursue two things together. There is a time for everything. This Earth is not your own. At the right time, your Father will come and take you home.

You are eating meat, but that brother drinks water every day. Both of you are alive. As you're killing a chicken to eat every day, that brother is drinking just water. Nevertheless, both of you are living. You that eat chicken every day don't have peace. When you're telling them all these, they'll think you're mad.

My son, nobody knows Me. When they say Father makes a way where there is no way, it's the same Father. If He speaks His Word, He will bring it to pass. Every word I speak, I will do it. Watch and see! I have settled everything My son. The story will be there. If the Father blows just one trumpet on this Earth, the story will change. The story will change! When I keep quiet, they think I don't know what I'm doing. I Am not a man that will brag about what I want to do. I repeat My word every day because of the grace I give you. If I speak, I don't repeat Myself. I have told you before. I will do it. When I asked Noah to build an ark, it took time. It was not easy, and he built it. He that was building the ark didn't know what would happen exactly. He said, let me build it, and he built it. As he was building it, the Father was watching him. It was like a play. When the Father opened the bottle's mouth, water began to gush out. When He saw it was enough, He closed the bottle again.

My son, I told you that if I allow something to happen on this Earth just for a day, the story will be there. The story will be there. Where are they? Where are the people? Where are their powers? He (Satan) will run away. This one that's destroying all My children around will run away. I told you he didn't have a life of his own. He uses human beings to destroy. If he doesn't enter the body of human beings, he cannot destroy them. He uses people to kill. He knows your heart. He knows everything. He knows your weakness. He's a traitor. He is cunning. He knows what he's doing. If he looks at you, he knows what you're about to do, and he knows what you'll become. He will find his way to deviate you from that way. He will offer you what you want, but it's a counterfeit. If he sees the Father is the only one in your heart, He will leave you alone. That is why he meets each person's needs. If he doesn't know your heart, he doesn't know what you're looking for. If he looks into your heart, he knows what you want and how anxious you are about that thing. He will offer you what you want, and it's a counterfeit. How does he know what you want? Because your heart is not in your Father, you're anxious about what you want. He will give it to you, and you'll take it because you're eager about it. You will take it because your Father is not in your heart. If your Father is in your heart, immediately he sees you, he knows. He cannot offer you anything. If you're going to church because you're looking for a child, where do you put the Father? Is it not the Father that will provide child? You set the time for the Father.

Are you the one to set a time for the Father, or the Father will set time for you? The Father is the one that will set time for you. You will begin to count it. Oh, Pastor, I've been coming here for the past two years; I could not get pregnant. That means you're looking for a child, not the Father. That thing will now bring his own. He will directly lead you to another Pastor, where you'll be pregnant within two days. Oh, Pastor, close your church; is it God that called you; I left your church and went to another church; I was pregnant within two days; look at my child. But that thing is laughing at you in one corner.

After you gave birth to the child, things began to happen. Because that thing has taken you to where you shouldn't go, you'll begin to go deeper. You and your husband don't have peace at home. You think you have a child, but you don't know it's a problem you have. Things will not go well again because the Father who sheltered you is no longer there! You'll begin to go deeper to where you shouldn't go. Before you look at yourself, you've gone too far. You have no time for the child you thought you were looking for. A child is supposed to be a thing of happiness. Even the husband will say, 'you and this your thing in this house'. A child now turns into a 'thing'. You and this 'your thing' will not let us have peace in this house; you'd better look for a place to keep him. A child that is supposed to be a joy turns into an ordinary 'thing' because the Father is no more there. The devil will say yes, I'm the one who gave him to them; she knows where she went; I have the right to trouble them; it was what you want we gave to you. One day the man was fed up; he went to the bar to drink. I don't have peace in that house because of 'that thing' – the child. My son, I Am the One speaking. Since that child came to that house, there's no peace.

The man began to drink. Maybe in the process of drinking, as he was driving home, he died. Is there peace in that home or pieces? The Pastor they rejected before, they will call him again. Oh, Pastor, it's me, Sister Rebecca; my husband is dead. The Pastor would answer, 'oh sorry, what happened'. Oh, Pastor, it's a long story; the man was evil; I had no peace since I had my child. Why didn't you tell him where you went! Because the devil that gave you a gift is the one working in your house.

The blessing of the Father never adds sorrow. You don't know! Where did you go? If you indeed went to the house of God, you wouldn't have experienced all these. Do you think all Pastors are Pastors? Do all of them carry the anointing of the Father? They have sold their anointing to the devil. Satan is the one ruling them. Some of them have changed the anointing the Father gave to them to another thing. The devil is the one controlling them. Satan is the one that gives them power. But they say they're Pastors. Was it not the church I went to? Yes, they call it a church! The Pastor that laid hands on you, that blessed water and anointing oil for you, knew what he gave to you. If you yourself were inside the Father, He would have revealed it to you, either through dreams. You would know where you went. Nobody will tell you to run away before you run away. That is why My son, as I'm speaking here it's a reality. If you serve the Father, He will clue you everything because the Spirit of the Father is inside you. Nobody will deceive you; nobody will tell you a lie because the Father is a loving Father. Nobody teaches the Father. The Father Himself is a Word. The word of the Father will never destroy. That was where I started My discussion with you. Do not trouble yourself. I will perfect My word. I will do what I purposed to do. 

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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