A Charge To Keep

The Father speaks

(Saturday 23rd October 2010, 18:30)

My son, you know how to read, you know how to write, and you know how to compose songs. Whenever I come, when I come through My daughter, you know how the atmosphere looks like. I want you to write down everything because it will be a history. What I’m coming here to tell you, nobody knows about it and I want it to be known to the whole world. Each day since I started with you, I want you to write down everything. It’s not something easy. People are seeking for it and they can’t find it. Both of you are holy, because I taught you how to be holy. That is why I make your home as My dwelling place. Something great will happen through you. You haven’t seen anything yet. I want you to write down everything for people to see it. In ages to come, it will be there. It will never be erased. It’s Me. I can come at any time. I can change at any time. I can change to anything. It is Me. It’s Me. I am the River of life. I flow in any direction I want. If you move towards Me, I will move towards you. If you are close to Me, I will be close to you. I will use you as My dwelling place. Did you bribe Me? Did you bribe Me? It’s a reality. It’s something that people will never believe. I want you to know today that what I’m doing with you here is something everlasting. Your fifth generation children that are coming will see it. Your name will never be erased. I bet you, and I’m saying it. I am God; I will never change; I remain the same. I am Unchangeable-Changer. I am the Authority. I am the Beginning; I am the Ending. That is Me. I’m here with you. Everything I told you, put it into practice. I will use men to favour you. I will use men to change your story My son. That is Me. You didn’t go anywhere to seek for Me. You didn’t go there to lock up yourself for 3 months to seek My face. Anytime you need Me, I am there for you. Anytime something is hard for you, I will give you the solution. I am the answer to every question you may have. I am with you. You have no cause to trouble yourself because I am with you. You know it. As you’re eager of Me, I will never leave you and I will never forsake you. I will always be with you until the end. Holy, holy is the Lord. Holy, holy is the Lord. I want you to write about your life. I want you to write about My daughter’s life. I want you to write everything, never hide anything. I want people to know that, you may see people outside there; you don’t know who they are. You don’t know who is the apple of God’s eyes. Anybody can condemn anybody outside there. You don’t know who is who. There are some people; they are angels in human flesh. You don’t know who is who. You have a lot to write My son. My speaking with you today is not for shouting, is not for screaming. I’m just telling you what you are about to do because your story is going a long way. It’s going a long way for generations to come.

You cannot see the Lord until you are righteous. You cannot see Him until you are holy. You cannot see Him in dirtiness. You cannot see Him in sin, until you are holy. I don’t know how he’s doing this, I don’t know how he’s doing that. I don’t know how she manages to speak. If you plant a seed, and weed is growing around it, if you don’t clear the weed, can that seed grow to become something? Until you uproot all the weeds away, and that place is free for the seed, that is when the seed can grow. If you fail to clear all the weeds, the seed will never grow. It will be like a child that has kwashiorkor. How much more getting fruit from it. That is human being for you. If you are in sin, and you use sin to be your everything, you cannot become what you ought to become, and you cannot see the Lord because He is a Holy Father. Don’t think you can see Him when you are in sin. When you think what you are doing is okay for you, you’re wiser than yourself. Are you God? Why do you think you’re satisfied with what you’re doing? Are you God? How do you think what you are doing is okay for you? After all, my Father is a merciful God. You jumped into conclusion, and you think it will be well with you. How do you manage to know? Even though I speak through you, and I use you to perform miracles, there is a limit. There is a limit. You are swimming in sin and I’m still telling you there is a limit. Those I love I chastise and I reveal the secret of secrets to them.

Since you have been busy there, I was here looking at you. You were speaking to Me, did I answer you? I was just looking at you because I want to do something through you. I was just looking at you imagining it. You have to be bold in Me. Take every fear away. Even though something happens to you, is it a new thing? It’s not a new thing. But I promise you, no evil will befall you.

I can come in a different form, I can speak in a different form. It’s Me. I can use you to speak, I can use you to sing, I can use you to dance, I can use you to write, and I can use you to do anything. It’s Me. It’s not by power. It’s only righteousness I need. Don’t you know that I give each of My children different work. So many of them are doing another person’s work. They abandoned their own work; they are doing another person’s work. The one I gave to them, they abandoned it. That is why you see a lot of them don’t prosper. They abandoned their work. The area I chose for them, they left it. When you leave your work and begin to do another man’s work, can you know it? Do you know what will come out of it? Jealousy! Because your own mission is to produce water and you abandon it doing another thing. Since it’s not your field, you cannot make it. Those who are on their own field, though they don’t do it as they supposed to do it, they will prosper because I’m the one who put them there. Whatever I say you should do, I bless it for you. If I say you should be producing this water, either you do it as you supposed to do it or not, you will prosper because I bless it for you. This is what I give to you, to take care of your family. However, when you leave it and begin to do another man’s work, you cannot prosper. You’ve missed it. You are doing another man’s work. You will not make it. Even though you are making it, it won’t be like the one I designed for you. This is why you see a lot of trouble everywhere. How does he make it and I’m not making it? It’s not your field! That is not what I said you should be doing. Many of My children missed it in the first place. I’m talking of their handwork now. I’ve never talked about wife, I’ve never talked of other things. Most of them missed it. That is why you see everything crashed down.

I’m telling you this one because this is your field. I’m the One that called you. It’s not by mistake. This is your field. Don’t be afraid. Won’t they say is this a pastor? Won’t they say this one again? Yes! There is a pastor, and there is a pastor. There are those I chose and called, and they are doing My will. I guard them, and I speak through them. If they are going astray, I call them back. However, those I didn’t call, they are doing it on their own. They can lie, they may say anything they want to say. I’m here waiting for them. I am on My throne. I’ve told you before. I don’t change. You can never change Me. What you are doing can never change Me because I’m the One that created you. When I say do this, and you do your own, at the end of the day, who will regret between us? You are the one. I have destined you to do this work. Never afraid how you’re going to do it. You are afraid. I know what I’m saying My son. Why are you afraid? Go and preach My word. Are you afraid they want to destroy you? Don’t be afraid of My word. I’ve told you the way you will apply it. Speak My word peacefully and gently. They will listen to you. I have told you My son. Why are you afraid? They will never do you anything. Did they see anything in your hand? It’s My word they see in your hand. Don’t allow the devil to sow seed of fear into your heart. When you do it, you’ll see what will happen My son. I’ve promised you. I’m your God forever. I am the God of Abraham. I am the God of Isaac. I am the God of Jacob. I am the God of Joseph. Do you know Joseph? I am his God. I did it. He passed through temptation, and he did not surrender because I guarded his heart. He trusted Me. Even when he thought he could fail, I said he shouldn’t fail. You are a story, a story to My children. I guarded his heart. Do you think he could not fail? It was very easy for him to fail, especially when Potiphar’s wife tempted him. I was the one who guarded his heart not to do it. I said don’t do it because I created you for a purpose and you are a story to My children. This is not your end. It wasn’t his power. Do you think it was his power? My son, there is a lot of mystery there. When I called Abraham; I promised him and it came to pass. It was also easy for him to fail. I promised him and I blessed him a lot. Even where he should have failed, I blessed him. I’m telling you the secret of secrets My son. I never let him down because he would be a story to My children. This is what We are saying here. I’ve told you; I said generations and generations to come, your name will be there. You should believe Me today. I am the Most High God. I am the Great I am that I am. I am the Beginning and I am the Ending. When I say My word, it will come to pass. I am not feeble. I am not just framing it. I know what I’m saying. Don’t let anything trouble your heart. Go there and speak My word.

Go out there and do what I asked you to do. Tell them exactly what they supposed to do. Miracle is not the first thing. The word is what will change their heart. What happened to the woman of the issue of blood? Because the word carries power. You will win many souls. Many people will follow you. I know what I’m saying. You will change many people’s lives. I’ve told you before. When I say go outside there and preach to My children, I know what I’m saying. Many of them need you. The power is with you there. Many people you’ve visited, did their sickness remain with them? Do you want Me to count them for you? I will count them, those that you yourself don’t even remember. However, they forgot about you. What about the ones you visited in the hospital? Because your heart was there and you were there, I said I would prove Myself. Nobody knows you now. Don’t trouble yourself. It’s not your work, you are doing it for Me. The glory returns to Me. But a workman deserves his wages.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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