Before You Plant Your Crops

The Father speaks

(Wednesday 13th March 2019, 10:15)

Every one of you is crying to Me every day as if I’m a liar. Before you plant your crops, what did you do? Did you clear your farm? If you want to plant your crops, you need a piece of land. After you acquired the land, you’ll clear everything on it to make sure nothing will disturb your crops when you plant them. No matter how thick the bush is, you’ll clear everything and uproot everything that needs to be uprooted so that your crops can have space to breathe. If your crops have enough breathing space, they’ll germinate well and produce good fruits for you to eat. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Creator of this Earth. My Word is full of wisdom, and only the wise hearken to My voice.

You are there crying to Me “Father!, Father!, Father!”. Did you clear your farm before you plant anything on it? It is a question! If you clear your farm before planting your crops, within few days, you’ll see your crops germinating because nothing disturbs them. Haven’t you seen yourself in your dreams clearing farm before? If you dreamt and saw yourself clearing the farm, that means you’re working towards your destiny. If you dreamt that your farm is growing, that means you’re not praying, and you’re not doing what you’re supposed to do. Uproot everything on your farm! Many of you planted crops on your farm, and you failed to clear everything that would challenge you. As those things grow and overpower your crops, when you don’t see your life as it should be, you begin to cry to Me. Why are you crying? Why are you disturbing Me? I have given you the bulldozer, I have given you the fire, I have given you the power to work with. What are these things? Who are they? These are the things you cannot see. Without the spiritual, you cannot meet My need.

It is not about money; it’s not about food, it’s not about cloth, it’s about your holiness. The farther you are in holiness, the more you’ll have peace. And no matter how holy you are, you cannot have more than what I purposed for you to have. All of you should open your ears and understand this! You cannot operate beyond your capacity. If you’re clean and holy, your work will become pure, and everyone will praise your handwork. No sorrow will attach itself to your work. Whatever you and your children have, you’ll have peace with it. You’ll not envy another person. “O, I saw one woman wearing a beautiful cloth, and my husband hasn’t bought such cloth for me before.” No, you will satisfy with the little you have. Holy Spirit will make you feel comfortable because I Am the One that supplies your needs. If you have the spirit of jealousy, it’s not from Me. This is not part of the work of the Holy Spirit. If you have all these things, something else is operating inside you entirely.

“O man of God, you know we started together; how are you doing it; I don’t have people in my church.” If you know you’re a man of God, and if it’s only two people you have in your church, you’ll work hard to teach them holiness. You’re not taking them to another heaven because there’s no other heaven elsewhere apart from My Heaven. But because you want to run more than yourself, you went and hired a hall so that people can come into your church. How much is your income? How much do you have? Is that what I asked you to do? But you’ll gather them together and begin to tax them. Did I send you to do that? If you know that the fire of holiness is burning in your heart, carry your Bible and begin to preach to people everywhere. If you know you want to gather people together, gather them together in an open field. Don’t spend any penny. As you’re doing that, I will enter inside those who will pay for a hall for you. The person will call you by himself. Through this, you’ll know that My work is moving on. You don’t go and borrow money to do anything and begin to sorrowful in the end. I asked you to do this work and bring My children to Me. Why should you be sad over it! When My Son Jesus Christ was alive, He turned water to wine. He blessed many people to the extent the Bible couldn’t record everything. But He did not build any church! When He wanted to eat the Passover with His Disciples, what did He do? He sent some of His Disciples to a certain man that He’s coming to use his house. When they got to him, did he dare refuse? Did He pay money? Did He build a house? All of you should go into My Word and reread it because you do more than yourself. Bring My children to Heaven is what I told you. I didn’t say you should scrape the hairs on their head because you want money, because you want to build castles on Earth.

My son, when I started dealing with you, Myself, My Son and Holy Spirit separated Ourselves so that you could know Who’s speaking to you precisely. Now you know everything. I have never spoken any Word to you that will hard you. I will never tell you the wrong Word. Jesus Christ sent His prominent Disciples to him, and when the man heard His message, he trembled. He said they should ask Him to come and use the house for as long as He wanted. But Jesus said no, just for a night with His children. He didn’t pay a penny! He took permission from the man. He sent a message ahead to him in a respectful way. My Son had the money! He could call a house from Heaven to appear on this Earth without any man building it. The house would stand! He could tell His Disciples we’re going to a specific place and they wouldn’t know how the house came to exist. But He did everything based on the instruction I gave to Him so that the testimony would be there forever. I didn’t want to do anything that I would call down from Heaven and people would think it’s magic. I wanted to do everything with what He met on this Earth so that after His departure, the story would still be there. I wanted everything to be from the grassroots so that by the end of the day, My children, especially My servants would not say because they could not meet the need, that’s why they had to go on their own way. My Son met all My needs! He did everything I asked Him to do. I brought Him from a wretched home, and He did it for Me. When the prison gate opened for Simon Peter to escape, where did the people pray? Was it not in somebody’s house? If you’re working because of the food you want to eat, you’re not working into the Kingdom of God. My Kingdom is open for you to feed My children with whatever I give to you. But every work you do remains on this Earth because you’re working for yourself. I want all of you Pastors to listen to Me! Your work remains on this Earth. The basket I asked you to fill in Heaven is empty entirely! There is no fire in your work.

If you’re working and everybody is giving Me glory, if the foundation upon which you started your work isn’t pure, you’ll have no reward. You’re among the people My Son called the workers of iniquity. He doesn’t know you! You’re operating on your own. Your name is not written in Heaven; your name is written boldly in Hellfire. Every work you do, if you do it well, the reward is awaiting you in Heaven. Foundation matters a lot. Many of you built your foundation on sin. The foundation of your work came from the marine kingdom under the sea. I Am the Almighty God, and you cannot deceive Me.

Every work you’re doing, every deliverance you perform, you’re taking the glory of My children by initiating them into the marine kingdom. This is why it’s good for all of you to test every Spirit. If somebody lays a hand on you inside the church and you fall down, will he come and lay his hand on you again when you enter your house? What happens to the demons? Yes, the Pastor could lay a hand on you inside the church, and the demon will scream, but when you enter your house, the same demon will start his business with you again where he stopped before you went to church. I don’t deal with demons, and I deal with you. As he laid his hand on you, when you get home, you’ll begin to see the things which you’ve not seen before. The marine kingdom will begin to drag you. Your name is written already in their kingdom. You’ll begin to commit the kind of sin you’ve not committed before. Not only you, you and your entire generation because somebody has initiated you inside the church. If the Pastors do all these by themselves alone, it would have been good.

Anybody that attends their church will be initiated into the marine kingdom, and their planet is growing every day. This is why you see the Earth go down every day. This is My pain because the glory of every work you do never goes to Heaven. The glory of all these people remains on this Earth because I, Jehovah God Almighty will not eat from a dirty bucket. Though all of you are praising Me, the glory never reaches Heaven. Why are you giving Me glory while the glory of My children goes to the marine kingdom because somebody initiated them inside the church? I don’t take this kind of glory. Every one of you is praising Me, yes, I know, but I don’t eat the glory because all My children are sent to the marine kingdom. They took their glory away from there. But all of you will be praising Me in your ignorance while the Pastor knows what he did. He knows he built his house on the ground that will collapse. If you attend such church and you table all your requests, they will give it to you because they know what they’re taking from you. I Am the Almighty God, and I work on principle. As I work on principle with My servants, so also Satan works on principle with them. They will gather in the name of that demon because they’ve signed an agreement together. But I see everything.

As a Christian, you must be very careful about the kind of church you attend. If you’re passing through one affliction or another and you’re seeking for solution, you must know the reason why you’re being afflicted. This will help you in seeking the right solution. This will not lead you to where they’ll take what you have and give you what you want. I don’t operate in darkness; I operate in light and holiness. The solution you seek is in your hands! If anybody asks you to confess, you’ll run away because Satan has sealed your heart. “You will be ashamed of me, and you cannot confess everything we’ve done together. As you’re going around seeking for solution, we’ll begin to increase your problem the more. It is a taboo because you cannot confess me.” This is why you see My children travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho seeking for what’s not lost. Make altar-call that they should come and confess. They will not come out! If you’re in the church and a spirit is speaking through your mouth everything he has done, what about you? I don’t deal with demons, and I deal with My Spirit inside you. If a demon could speak through your mouth, what about you that carry the demon in you? In the first place, why did the spirit enter you? All of you claim you’re doing deliverance and spirits are jumping around, if I say I should come down inside the church, the news and television will carry it everywhere that people died inside the church because I will come down with fire. And if I come down and strike the demons you carry, who will die? Is it not you? This was why many of them died in the Wilderness in the time of Moses.

The best thing for all of you is to use your legs and walk to whoever is willing to receive your confession. Go and confess everything you’ve done. As a Pastor, go to your Co-Pastor and set yourself free. If you’re free, then you can set others free. Teach them from the grassroots. Then you will have peace everywhere. Let the wife respect her husband and let the husband respect his wife. Let both of them see themselves as little children so that the Holy Spirit can do His work. But all of you are feeling a headache every day because of the food you want to eat, but somebody holds your life into ransom. I said you should release that person and let him go. How can he go? Release him through your mouth. As you confess everything you’ve done, he’ll run away from you. The same mouth you confessed Jesus Christ, use the same mouth and confess everything you’ve done if you’re not ashamed of yourself. I don’t condemn those who are alive, and I only condemn those who are dead. While you’re alive, you can confess everything you’ve done, and I’ll forgive you. I Am the Almighty God. I Am a Holy Father. I give you peace.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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