Britain - From Greatness To Nothingness

The Father speaks

(Monday 4th July 2016, 08:00)

Alas, My children are confused. They are confused, seeking a solution where there is no solution. I Am The Solution to every problem. I Am The Almighty God. Jehovah is My name. The whole earth is Mine, and no one will take it away from Me. Do you know when I created the earth? Do you know how long it took Me to level the whole earth? If all of you say you will not give Me peace, none of you will see peace.

Hear now O you people of Sodom. Listen to Me O, you people of Gomorrah. I made you Britain as a bear and your brother America I made like a lion and tiger. I made you took My children - Africans as slaves because of their idols so you could teach them My Word and My Ways so that I could produce glorious generation through them. However, you hated them and killed many of them. You conquered many lands by My power. I made your language a universal language so that all of you could communicate with each other easily. I used your forefathers to repair the land so my children could enjoy and have peace. I banished the father and mother of witchcraft away from you so that the land could produce good seed. I gathered My children from all over the earth to come to you so they could learn from you and do the same thing in their own land. But you taught them abominations. All the things I warned your forefathers not to do, you practised them and taught all My children to do the same. I Am The Almighty God.

I Am not a wicked Father. I created good, and I created evil. I did not create you to do evil. I created you to do good because evil is an abomination to Me. If I lay a curse on a particular nation, that the nation will suffer for 99 years, no matter how that nation prays and cries to Me, I will not answer until the 99 years I decreed is over. I Am the Almighty Father.

I gathered you together, and I taught you My Ways and My Ordinances. Any nation I dealt with cannot depart from Me just like that. When I brought My children out of Egypt, I led them to the Wilderness and began to teach them. When they were unwilling to listen and do My will, I destroyed all of them in the Wilderness. I Am The Almighty God. When I brought their children into the Promised Land, the land they did not build, they also wandered away from Me, and I sent them to slavery.

Listen O you bear! Listen O you tiger and lion! Listen O you generation of Sodom and offspring of Gomorrah. You think you know more than Me. Everything you enjoy today; you believe it’s by your own power. Your forefathers whom I used to do everything didn’t enjoy anything. I sent some of them back to the earth so they could enjoy what they laboured for. But what did you do? You keyed into their brain there is no God. How then could they return to Me? You are wicked children, and My hand is against you! I that gathered you together will also scatter you. You opened doors for My children to drink and fornicate. You taught them I do not exist. I will prove Myself to you that I exist. Your hands are full with all manner of abominations; the things I hate are what you love. I will use everything to fight you. Go, ask the nations I dealt with in the past, and they will tell you the calamities that befall them. You took My children – Africans with fetters and chains because I allowed it. Your own children will go to slavery. I Am The Almighty God! Nobody will take them as slaves, but they will give themselves as slaves willingly because of hunger. I will prove to you I Am still the same God, the same God of Old. Anywhere they go, they will be treated as an outcast because you despised Me. It will be an adage that a master becomes a slave, and a slave becomes a master. I scattered My children – Africans because of their idols. I will banish idols and witchcraft from them. I will return them to Africa as kings and queens. I will come down and teach them My ways by Myself. I will do it, and no one will challenge Me. You converted all My houses, the houses your forefathers built for Me into flats. You destroyed many of them because of your evil. I will prove to you that I Am The Almighty God. As I scattered My children from their homes, I will also scatter you from your homes until you become slaves. Britain and America will be desolate. Europe will be a pile of rubbles. I will prove to all of you that I Am The Almighty God, and I exist! You cannot spit on My face and go free. You destroyed everything I laboured for. It wasn’t easy for Me to settle the spirits that troubled your land. Now you have peace, and you think it’s by your power. I will remove My peace, and you will know the difference. No matter how you pray and cry, I will not answer until I satisfy My will. I Am The Almighty God. 

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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