Can God Heal Me?

In midsummer of the year 2000, I came across two sisters in the Lord. One had two kids while the other had none. The one who had no child led the other to the Lord. It happened that I discovered they had cancer. The one who had no child was so involved in the church’s activities and I was so moved and had compassion on her. I called her and I said sister, I would like to pray with you. She made an appointment with me in her office where she worked at the United Nations Building in Vienna and I went to her a few days later. As we were having discussions, she opened up to me and told me the reason why she had cancer.

Her friend who had two kids was the one who had cancer initially, but she herself had no cancer. She thought if anything should happen to her friend, what would become of her two kids. She then prayed that God should transfer the cancer from her friend to her body. Two days later, she began to feel pain and lo and behold, it was cancer. I asked her why she had to do such a thing and she said she was stupid because her pain was now so severe. As we continued in our discussion, I told her that I would pray with her, and God would heal her instantly. She began to argue with me. She said I was telling her she doesn’t have to go for her therapy anymore. I said I was not telling her not to go for her therapy, but I said “God will heal you so you don’t have to die of cancer”. She continued with her argument and said, “Apostle Paul was sick, why didn’t God heal him?” I told her you are not Paul, you are who you are, and besides it was not stated in the Scripture what Paul was talking about exactly. She said she does not want to get healed anyway until her friend is healed. I said okay. We were still in the midst of our discussions when her mobile phone rang. It was her friend. She told her that what we were discussing about might be of interest to her and she was really interested. She gave me the phone and I spoke with her. I booked an appointment with her, without hesitation, she agreed, and I went to her house a few days later for prayers. It was then I knew how severe the pain of cancer could be. As I was praying, I held her head close to mine. I felt a heavy load came from her head, went through mine and entered my body, and went straight down through my right leg and into the ground. It was like a 200kg stone tied on one finger. I finished my prayers and left.

A week later, I went to the other one for prayers. I came to know many things about her life. She opened up and told me the reason why she did not have a child. She was pregnant and because her husband said he didn’t want a child, she aborted the baby. As we were praying, she was weeping. I did exactly what I did for her friend, but this time around, the load went through my left leg into the ground. I finished my prayers and that was all. A week later the first lady called me (this was exactly two weeks since I prayed with her), that she went for a check-up and her cancer was gone. We praised God and she began to live a healthy life again. What happened to the other woman? She continued to go from one surgery to the other. It came to the point when she was so desperate for healing, but unfortunately, the door of Heaven was closed. She did not receive it and she died in the early summer of 2002. Another mysterious thing happened. Her friend who was healed of cancer over a year ago became very afraid. She thought now that her friend is dead, maybe she is also going to die. The Bible says in I Timothy 1:7 that, “God has not given us the spirit of timidity (fear), but of power and love and of a sound mind.” Fear overwhelmed her and her cancer came back; two months later, she died. The Scriptures cannot be broken!

In all this, I myself was still ignorant how all these things work. When my Father came down physically to teach me and gave me the ordinance of cleansing, I now understand what happened in the time of old with the ordinance He gave to Moses and the reason why Jesus Christ had to come. There are many things my Father didn’t want to speak about, however, as His children continually go on their own way every day, He now begins to explain and explain everything so that all of us will know how to serve Him better and avoid the fire of Hell.

Many of us quote the scripture and try to justify our action. This lady compared herself to Apostle Paul. No illness comes upon anybody just like that. The result of Apostle Paul’s illness was because of his past sin. This lady had no cancer, but she prayed that God should transfer cancer from her friend to her body. God doesn’t do things like this. Any word you speak, especially the bad ones, the demons are there to act on it immediately. Remember, cancer is a spirit! Besides, every man is a sinner. Every illness or sickness comes as a result of sin. In most cases, unconfessed sins. Apostle Paul was a servant of God who did exploit for God, yet, my Father allowed demons to torment him for the rest of his life. He prayed thrice that God should take it away, yet, this demon kept tormenting him. He spoke of a thorn in his flesh - (see II Corinthians 12). All of you should know that, no matter how much Satan uses you to destroy people; you will also become his prey by the end of the day. This was what happened to him. My Father is not a wicked Father. He has power to remove that demon and also has the power to leave it. He does whatever pleases Him. There was a reason why all the disciples except John were murdered. Many things happened which my Father did not speak about or revealed to the writers of the Bible. They could only write what God revealed to them, for it is written in John 3:27 that, “A man can receive nothing unless it has been given him from Heaven.” This is why it’s better not to commit sin at all. If you do, you will live with the consequence for the rest of your life. Even though you give your life to Jesus Christ, you will still face the consequence of your past sins here on Earth; you will experience Hellfire on this Earth; however, your soul will be saved for eternity. Through this, all of you will know it’s not easy going to Heaven. This is why I implore every one of you again to stay clear from sin and teach the coming generations to live a sinless life. Whatever you do, you will live with it for the rest of your life. God cannot be mocked! This lady quoted what she knew nothing about. She was not willing to receive God when He came to her, yet, she was a Christian. This is how many of us quote Scriptures out of context!

Every sickness has its root in unconfessed sins. It depends on the kind of sin you and your generation committed. If you committed sin and failed to confess it out, even though you don’t commit that sin again, the demon still lives inside you. He will not leave just like that. You are the one that invited him to your life. He needs food and once you fail to feed him through your life of sin, that means you’re starving him. As a result of this, illness will come upon you. This is why you see people die of sicknesses and diseases. After a particular sickness killed a mother, the same thing will move to her children and they call it hereditary. It is not hereditary, it’s a demon! They can kill husband and move to the wife again. That is their work. When Adam and Eve sinned, how come their son (Cain) became a murderer? If you allow the demon to come into your life, you’ve brought disaster upon you and your generation. There are some demons, no matter what you do, they will not go until you go to the river and cleanse yourself. Jesus Christ did not send Himself to this Earth. He will not change how my Father operates. The Father is a Spirit and all His dealings with human beings are spiritual. Jesus Christ Himself is a Spirit and He deals with us spiritually. Many of you are Christians, even pastors; yet, you’re ignorant of all these things. Once you live a sinful life, sickness and disease become unavoidable. Many of you are sick right now and you don’t know what to do. The only solution is for you to open your mouth and confess your sins to God in the presence of a holy servant of God. This is the only solution. This is exactly what’s going on in the church today.

Many are like this sister, working in the body of Christ, yet, lacked the truth and knowledge of the Most High. Jesus Christ came and died so we might live. There is a demon attached to every sickness as little as ordinary headache. What makes demon have access to your life? It is sin! If we look across our churches, we will see how people are suffering from incurable sicknesses and diseases. Why is this so? Is this the plan of God for his Church? Absolutely not! Children of God have abandoned the precepts of God and prefer Doctor’s precepts. Doctor’s recommendations look better and more helpful than God’s precepts. Children of God don’t believe anymore that God can heal an ordinary headache. If somebody does not believe that God can heal ordinary headache, how can he believe that God can heal cancer? The Almighty God says in Jeremiah 29:11 that,

“For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, said the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”

If the plan of the Lord is for Him to destroy you or to ruin your life, there is no point for Him to give His promise that you will prosper. He did not only give His promise, but He fulfilled it by sending His only Son to die so that we might have abundant life in Him. The book of Isaiah 53:4–5 says,

“Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered Him stricken by God, smitten by Him and afflicted. But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities, the punishment that brought us peace was upon him and by His wounds we are healed”.

Almighty God, the One who created you in his image and likeness, sent His only Son to die just because of you so that you can enjoy good health. Whatever happens again that somebody places you on medication for years, something is wrong somewhere. You are the one who should act on faith and put the devil to shame and claim your healing. Divine healing is your birthright and you must claim it. Almighty God declared in Malachi 4: 1-2 that,

“For behold, the day is coming, burning like a furnace; and all the arrogant and every evildoer will be chaff; and the day that is coming will set them ablaze,” says the LORD of hosts, “so that it will leave them, neither root nor branch.” “But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall.”

The Sun of righteousness will arise. The Sun of righteousness has risen and it is yours to claim your healing. No matter what may be happening around you, you supposed to stand out clearly and praise God, because He said none of the diseases of the Egyptians will He allow to come upon you.

What brings healing? It is the blood of Jesus Christ and faith that comes through Him that brings healing. How can the blood of Jesus heal you? As I said earlier, demons attached to each sickness people have. As you open your mouth and confess all your sins to God in the presence of a holy servant of God, God will then use the blood of Jesus Christ and appease the demons so they could leave you. However, don’t commit sin anymore. This was the reason why my Father brought Jesus Christ to this Earth. Until you confess your sins, the demons will not leave you. In the time of old, they used the blood of animals to appease the demons. This was the ordinance my Father gave to Moses. The blood of Jesus now replaces the blood of the animals. It is written in Hebrew 9:21-22 that,

“And in the same way he sprinkled both the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry with the blood. And according to the Law, one may almost say, all things are cleansed with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.”

You only see what happens physically, but I am telling you now what goes on in the spiritual. This was why Jesus Christ came. Some of you may take this as nonsense; however, this is your life. The Bible says in Philippians 2:9–10 that,

“Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him a name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in Heaven and on Earth and under the Earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord to the glory of God the Father.”

The name of Jesus is so powerful to the extent I have never seen any problem that can withstand it. His name is so powerful to the extent that Heaven, Earth and Hell must surrender to it. However, no matter how much you call the name of Jesus, hence there is still a demon inside you, nothing can happen. Jesus Christ will not force you to confess your sins. If you do it voluntarily, you will see the reward. Sometimes, my Father, The Almighty God purposely healed some people hoping after they’re okay, they would go and confess their sins. Unfortunately, they failed to confess and their illness came back. Hence the demons still live inside you, the illness will come back.

Friends, it is time for you to stand on your feet and claim your birthright. Healing is your birthright and the Most High God is ready to heal you right now if you have faith in Him. Do you want to be healed? Go and confess all your sins and demons will leave you. Then you will receive your healing and be free.

Pastor Radiant Ayowole Jesudairo
London, 6th January 2007, Revised 22nd January 2014.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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