Death Cannot Be Adjourned

The Father speaks

(Friday 3rd February 2012, 22:30)

It is all about God and His kingdom. Nobody ever went there – Heaven to live and come back to say what that place looks like. Nobody! Nobody ever went there to live for some days and come back to tell the story. No one! They did not give anybody that kind of chance. They did not give anybody a chance to go there and live for some days and come back to tell the story. No one! Those who have a clue, it’s just by chance for them to know what that place looks like. Nobody has seen it. No one! Those who saw it, it’s just by chance. This is just for them to know what they’re missing, the taste and quality of that place, while all of them are running helter-skelter for the things of this Earth. I created that place and put everything there. I created it, and you can never compare it with any other place. That is the place they’re missing because of the things of this Earth. Because of all the things of this Earth, the children miss that place. They miss the everlasting grace I gave to them. They all miss it because of things that are worth nothing. Can anybody adjourn death? Can you adjourn it? You cannot adjourn death. I Am the only One who can adjourn it. If you know Me and serve Me well, and I know you’re still full of life and fulfilling My will, He can adjourn death for you and push it forward. I Am the only One who can adjourn death; nobody else.

No matter how you enjoy on this Earth, the money, the chicken, the houses, the cars, those are all you’re looking for. Money, money, money; will you eat it with your mouth? If you have money, what will you do with it? You will buy houses, buy cars, and give some to women. That is all. Are you going to eat the money? Compare it with what you’re missing. I Am the only One with the power to remove, restore, eliminate, reduce, and do everything. I Am the Father. When I give you work to do, and you’ve not reached halfway because you go on your own way, I still have the power to pull you down. I will reduce the time I proposed for you to live on this Earth because you go on your own way. I have the power to do it. If I had said you would live ten years before and you abandoned the work I gave you to do, I would reduce it to five years. And if I reduce it to five years, you know where you're going. I can reduce it because you bite more than what you can chew. That time, you are not operating under Me again; you are on your own. But you’re still thinking, oh my Father, my Father, my Father. But you abandoned the message I sent you! For example, I will call you this evening. My son, take it and give it to somebody. As you go, you get to halfway and go your own way. After all, He’s not seeing me; They will know I went there by the end of the day.

Are you still under the umbrella of the Father? That place you go, if something happens to you there, what do you call it? Because you don’t go where I sent you to go! I knew no evil would befall you. But you diverted and went on your own way. If the lion swallows you, who will you blame? Because you know more than the Person that sends you, you know more than your Father. But you think the grace of the Father still covers you. Anything can happen to you because you choose your own way. I know you will come back to My feet. Every journey you go, you must pass through the Father’s gate before you head to your destination. Even the place you are going, I Am the One who owns it. But I did not want you to go there. You will still pass through My gate. Daddy, good night, Sir. You will pass through the door of the Father to go to wherever you’re going. Daddy, it’s me; You sent me a message that time; don’t You know me again? Oh, My son, good night. Father, please tell them to leave me. What concerns Me about you? You have chosen your own way. You will pass through your Father’s door. Oh, I’m the freeborn; it is me; Daddy, please speak to them; it’s me. But you will go to where you've chosen. Daddy will look at you and say I sent you a message, but you went your own way. You thought My grace still covered you. I have removed My hand from you. I knew you would still come back to Me. I knew I would see you when you’re going to wherever you’re going. Now you’re pleading. Who are you pleading to? When you were there doing your own, wallowing in sin, did you remember the Father? You turned the Father to the pen you’re using to write. The Father worth nothing in your hand. You went your own way. Now you’re back asking the Father to speak on your behalf. Was I not the same Father you turned to pen, the same Father you turned to chew gum in your mouth? Now you’re back asking Me to speak on your behalf. But if you honoured Me, what would you have done? My Father is the One that sends me a message; don’t mention my Father’s name anyhow; my Father, my Father. The way you mention the Father’s name, won’t the remaining people emulate you? Everything comes from my Father; let my Father be the Number One in everything you do. What, then, will the Father do? But when you take the things of this Earth as number one, and the word of the Father is there, can you destroy the word of the Father? That is why I tell you, wherever you go, you will still come back again. No matter how far you go, you will come back because you must pass through the junction. Here leads to Heaven; here leads to Hellfire.

I Am the King of all. Who created Hellfire? It is Me. I Am the One that owns it, not the devil. The devil is not the one that owns Hellfire; it is Me. I Am the One who owns Hellfire. Any category that falls to Hellfire is evil. Satan was the one that first fell into that category, and he became the number one. He now lures people to join him. He is the senior. It’s like a mother who has many children, either male or female; one must be the senior. That is how it is. He was the one who started it; he now packs other people to himself. The Father is the One that created Hellfire, not the devil, not Satan, not a demon. The Father is the One that owns it. With your heart, you can choose which one you want. As I’m here on this Earth, I will not do anybody evil; it’s only good I will do; if they like, let them kill me with my good; it’s my good I will do to the end; if I die, I will go to my Father. My son, I told you before, if you don’t know your Father and they kill you, you die for nothing. If you don’t do evil, but you don’t know your Father, you die for nothing. If you know the Father, the Father will fight on your behalf. If you don’t know the Father and say you don’t want to do evil, you’re wasting your time. Demons will kill you. If you follow their category, then you cut your life short. Know the Father; that is the number one. That is the key to everything.

The demons are there to destroy you. They are there to kill you because you’re walking with your blind eyes. The Father who created this Earth knows how He created it. He knows where He created it from. You don’t know more than your Father. When the Father that created you says, 'know Me; don’t commit any sin; let every word be from the Father; let your heart be in the Father', then do it. That is the weakness that Satan uses against My children. There is no other shortcut. If you pray and pray, the Father will rescue you. But as you’re praying, you're wasting your time if you’re still committing sin. Whatever they do to you will affect you because you’re committing sin. You break the rule of the Father. It’s like breaking the glass of a glass house because you don’t know the consequences of each sin you commit. It’s huge! It’s like breaking a glass door or window so you can enter. That is the power of sin. Satan will now say this is what my Father is saying: you that call yourself freeborn, look at what you did. They will attack you, and you’ll ask yourself: what do you do? What you do is more than what your mouth can tell. The devil will slap you from every angle. But it’s your body. Isn’t it? Yes, because you break the law of the Father, we will punish you for it. You don’t know the power that covers that sin you commit. That is why you’re a human being. If you sharpen a cutlass and use it to cut somebody, it will enter. But you can also use that cutlass on somebody, and it will not enter. Why? Because the body is dead! That is the power of the Father. That is what the Father can do.

Who among the sons and daughters of the Father can stand and proclaim the word of the Father that if anybody cuts me with a cutlass, nails me or shoots me with a gun, nothing can happen to me? Who can do it? Everybody is afraid. My son, I told you the Father loves challenges. What is the difference between a cutlass and a furnace of fire? It is horror death; it’s a tormenting death. What is the difference? The person will stand and say let the fire burn me. He crosses his heart! Do you know what it means for somebody to seal his heart? I don’t care; after all, death is death; I see my Father; I know He will rescue me. They forgot about everything on this Earth. No one can stand that kind of faith again. That was why I asked you why the disciples died. If they could throw those little children into a furnace of fire, what else again? Jesus Christ died because He came to this Earth for that purpose. If I had wanted to turn it around so they wouldn’t kill Him, I would have done it. But My word will never go void; it must come to pass. The Father has the power to wave it away. I Am the One speaking. But it had to happen because His blood would save My children. That is why you have the Father back; that is why he has the Father back; that is why she has the Father back, because of My only Son. If not, nobody merits it. They are all enjoying this grace, and no one deserves it. But because of Jesus Christ! Nobody can see that kind of miracle again. That is why everybody has the chance to go on their own way.

After I used the blood of My Son to buy them to Myself, instead of them to hold the Son, they claim they’re inside the Son and are still committing evil. You were once lost, and the Father now found you and brought you close to Himself because of His Son. As He brought you close to Himself and asked you to do His work, you’re now going on your own way. You are doing it on your own. The grace of my Father is there because of Jesus Christ. Why, then, did Jesus Christ die? That was why I told you nobody will stand if you carry a cutlass and say you want to cut somebody. Those saying ‘my Father, my Father’ will run away. That is for you to know the position all of them are on this Earth. All of them are looking for money. Let them gather together, challenge those worshipping other gods, and see what will happen. Can anybody come out and challenge? They can never come out. It’s a shame. It is very shameful and disgraceful. My son, nobody is proud of Me. It is shameful and disgraceful! I Am the same Father of old. I will never die. I remain the same thing. I want My children to be proud of Me so I can carry out My work. I told you a few days ago that nobody is proud of Me. Nobody provokes Me to anger. You know what I can do when I’m angry. You know what I can do. Nobody causes Me to anger so I can come out. I don’t see any power. All of them are very cold. All of them are cold. I told you before that they are like putting a huge pot on top of candlelight. Can it cook? It can never cook. What are all of them praying for? They are praying for miracles, praying for blessings. Nobody prays to the Father to come out. Oh, Father, forgive; blessing, blessing, blessing. Nobody prays that Father, come and show Your power; come and show Your power to those who have defiled You, those who have defiled Your altar, who have defiled this beautiful place You have created for us. My son, nobody prays for that. They are praying for an individual because of the food they want to eat. They are praying for the food they want to eat.

Don’t they know the sin they’re committing destroyed the food? It is the sin they’re committing. If all of them could gather together and say they don’t want to commit sin again, My son, I will give you some months, and you will see what happens. It was the sin they committed that destroyed the seed they planted. It was the sin! Nobody goes to that area; nobody talks about the sin. They are talking about blessing, blessing, blessing. Is it the Father who took their blessings away? It was the sin they committed. But you never admit you committed sin. You are saying the Father is not a wicked Father. So the Father brought His Son to be killed. Who will He bring again? Is it Himself? Should the Father come and sacrifice Himself for you? It can never happen! You can never even see the Father. That is why I said all of them will pay for it. That was why I asked if you could adjourn death. You cannot adjourn it. After death comes the judgement. You cannot also avoid death. It is unavoidable! You must die. Are you a stone? Are you a dead wood? If you are neither a stone nor a dead wood, you must die. The wood that is dead can never die again. That is the last bus stop. Can you kill a stone? You can never kill a stone, and you’re not a stone. If you cut down a tree, it will die. A stone can never die because it’s not a living thing. If you’re not a dead stone, that means you will die. Do you know more than your Father? You will die. As the day breaks, you’re approaching it. If anything happens to you, maybe through an ordinary fly, you will die. But this is the body you carry like an egg. This is the body that everybody will hail you when they see you. Where is your heavenly Father? When everybody sees you, they reverence you. What about the Father who created Heaven and Earth? So the children of the Father in the time of old that fought earnestly so that everybody will hear the name of the Father in the whole world didn’t know what they were doing? That means they were fools. They didn’t know about money, which means they were not wise.

My son, they don’t even know the meaning of death. This is what will happen and take you away, and you can never come back again. If it happens, it happens. I have taught you about the heart. If it stops, it stops. If it stops, that is all. They will take your corpse and bury you in the ground. Where, then, is your soul? Where is your spirit? Can you get up and eat the good food they cook for you? Can you get up and wear your clothes? Because if you don’t eat food, you cannot wear clothes. The food you eat is the best thing on this Earth. If you eat, you will thank the Father and your soul will be happy. The food you eat is what you have. That is all. You come home, and your wife prepares good food; instead of eating, you’re doing business on the phone. Have you finished building the house; what about those cars; if you don’t bring that money to me, I will deal with you. Where do you put your Father? You have been screaming about houses and cars; even food for your soul is difficult. You can never eat until you settle the case. What about your Creator? You don’t give yourself peace, you don’t remember your Father, and you don’t give your wife peace. You disappoint yourself, you disappoint your Father, and you disappoint your wife. But she was busy cooking for her husband so that when he comes, they would eat together. You disappoint your wife. You disappoint your God. You disappoint your God.

All these things We’re saying are too hard for them. Nobody counts it as anything, but it means a lot. If you miss your home, you miss everything. If you get that home, you get everything because everything starts from home. If your wife gives you ordinary water, thank You, Father. That Father you remember will take you to the next step. This I’m teaching you here; many homes missed it. As a man, you fail if you cannot govern your home. If you cannot cope at home, you cannot cope outside. Your house is not settled, you go outside, and a man complains to you. What will you tell him? Look at my wife; I returned from work, and she did not prepare food for me. Your wife cooked, but you said you didn’t want to eat. What will you tell him? You will keep quiet. Look at me; this one is telling me the wife did not cook for him; my own wife cooked, and I refused to eat; look how stupid I am. That means you miss it.

When I created man from Myself, do you think I didn’t know what I was doing? In each home, the Almighty Father watches the drama they’re performing. The Father is watching each individual. Many men have lost their homes because of the things of this Earth. They have given the devil a chance to take over their home because of the things of this Earth. Because of the things of this Earth, you lost your everlasting home. Because of your foolishness and ignorance, you lost the Father. What else do you want again when you’ve missed your Father? Don’t you know you’ve failed? You have failed. My son, nobody wants to hear what I’m telling you now. They will make wrong decisions. You make some decisions, and you think you make them well. The Father will chase you when you get there. He will punish you for it because you caused it by yourself. Unless the Father purposely tells you to stay clear. If He doesn’t tell you and you decide by yourself, you will blame yourself for your decision. The Spirit of the Father is inside you. If you look around and have nobody to counsel you, connect your heart to the Father; he will teach you what to do. He will tell you what to do because the Father is alive. If you’re alive, the Father will teach you what to do. There are many ways the Father will speak to you. I cannot hear from my Father; is it my Father who said I should do this one? Is your soul inside the Father? Are you thinking of the Father? How can you hear from the Father when your soul and spirit are inside money? When the money and the work you’re looking for take over the position of the Father in you, how can you know what the Father wants you to be? Those who spoke to you, you counted it as nothing. By the end of the day, you will remember everything when night comes. Then you will remember that the Father has spoken to you before. You will suffer for it. Who owns wealth? Who owns the job? Who owns the money? You choose to suffer. You cry everyday, but you look more beautiful than those who don’t have work. But you’re still crying.

You are serving the Father you cannot see. You have not seen anything to compare with the Father. Is it not only what you see in the word you know? There were so many things the Father did in the time of old that are not in that book. The Father did lots of work in the time of old. You are praying that rain should fall. If the rain falls, I Am the One speaking. If the rain falls, you will say, Father, please don’t let it fall again. You will see it. The Father eliminated many people in the time of old. It’s only what they wrote there you know. If the Father starts His work, who will block His way? My son, I am a Reality. I Am the One speaking in this house. Those who dance any evil dance because of you will see Me. My son, you still don’t know Me. You don’t know My power. You don’t know what I can do. I am the living Father. I Am the living Creator. I see everything. If you know Me, if anybody speaks to you out there, you will not mind them. If you know your Father that is inside you, if you know your Originator, if you know your Authority, if you know your I Am that I Am, you will be at peace. Tell them in the public that I know my Father; I know what my Father can do; if He tells the rain to fall, the rain will fall nonstop; I know my Father; if my Father says rain will not fall, the rain will not fall; I know my Father; if my Father says there will be no food, there will be no food; I know my Father. My son, as you’re saying it, I’m happy. I Am not a Person that somebody will hide. Tell them about Me, who I Am, and what I have done before. My son, do not trouble your heart because no evil will befall you. I Am the One speaking. Let them go and consult their evil. Let them go to their witchcraft coven. Let them go to wherever they want to go. Let them hire seven wings to fly. Who owns the air? Who owns the sea? Who owns the land? I Am the One that owns all of them. Where will they pass through? Because I give all of them a chance. They will hang themselves. Do you know when death could have killed you? Even in your mother’s womb, you could have been flushed away. But I know why I sustained you. Do not be afraid of anybody. Be bold of the Father in your heart. If I keep quiet, I know what I’m doing. If I do half-day work, this Earth will turn upside down. My son, fear Me. Fear Me. I Am the One speaking. Fear Me. Be happy and be bold in Me. I have spoken, and I will do it. I Am the Owner of this Earth. Whatever I want to do, I don’t take permission from anybody. And whatever I say I will do, I will do it. I give you peace. 

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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