Do Not Worry

The Father speaks

(Sunday 3rd April 2011, 11:45)

Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself. Faith! Faith! Faith is the evidence of the things you hoped for, that you have not yet seen. It is about Me. There is no sorrow there. There is no weeping there. There is no crying there. There is only joy and peace there. Carry My cross. Carry My cross. Carry My cross. Do you know how to carry My cross? Carry My cross. I will never care what they say. I will carry my Father’s cross. I will never bow down. I will never submit. I know my God; I know my Father. That is My cross. No matter how it is, I will not leave my Father; He is with me; He has prepared a place for me; I will not miss it. That is it.

I said it before, worries of this world. How will people classify me? Worries! It’s like my Father is not there for me. It’s like He’s not hearing me. He said it, and it has not come to pass. Maybe it’s not He that spoke to me. When you condemn your heart, it is part of sin. In fact, it is a great sin! Do you know you have peace more than those living in a mansion? Do you want to be like them? Amazing grace! The opportunity you have, they don’t have it. You know where you’re coming from; you know where you’re going. Millions of them, they don’t know where they’re coming from, and they don’t know where they’re going. Things of this world! Things of this world! Do you know Apostle Paul? Do you know about him? He is My son. He forgot about everything. He lost everything. He is with Me in My kingdom. He is with Me.

Hellfire is true; My kingdom is true; Heaven is real. There, no sorrow, no worries. There is peace, joy, an abundance of joy there. It’s a place you need to go. It’s a place that many people want to go to. There is a lot of screening. There is screening there. If you’re not pure, you cannot go there. I told you before My son; don’t miss it. Never let the things of this world take you away. You will choose. The ball is in your court. To enter My kingdom, do you think it’s milk and honey? Do you think it’s easy? My Disciples, what happened to them? It’s not easy. Because you are going somewhere, there is a limit to your enjoyment here. You cannot enjoy here and enjoy there because money is the root of all evil. Somebody offers you money that is not in My way, and you take it. You will miss it. You forget about Me because of the things of the world.

Who will curse whom I’ve already blessed? I am above; they are beneath. Their hands can never touch Me. Who can fight Me? Who will trouble Me? I Am the Great Judge. I Am the Immortal God; I Am the Invisible God, the Only Wise God. I Am a Great Protector. I protect; I save; I guide those who give their heart to Me. Those who choose Me as their God, I guide them; I care for them. Evil will never befall them. But if you neglect Me and push Me aside, then, I will leave you. When it happens, don’t call on Me. If you recognise Me, if you choose Me as your Father, I will keep you safe. If it happens, don’t cry because you don’t recognise Me. No other personality, everybody is under Me. As they mention My name, every knee shall bow; every tongue shall confess. I Am All-In-All. Grace! It’s just My grace. It is My grace that is sufficient for most of them. They don’t merit it. I prayed, and He answered me. It’s just My grace. All their heart is fashioned in one way. When they need Me, they call Me. I’m still there for them. It’s just My grace. It’s My grace. You prayed, and it happened, it’s My grace. If I think of how they’re doing things, with their ways, a lot of things will happen to My children. It’s My grace. Because they prayed and got the answer, they think they’re doing it well. I said it before; they’re coming to meet Me. My insurance covers them. The grace; that’s the insurance. There is a time for everything. Everybody will give an account of himself. The way you speak it, the way you judge it. My grace; that’s the insurance. Those who seek Me, I reveal things to them, I never hide Myself from them. I reveal mysteries to them. I search the heart of all men; that’s why I reveal My secret to them. I can never give My food to dogs. If you seek Me, I will use your heart as My dwelling place; that’s Me. I can never reveal My secret to you for you to twist it to suit yourself, because of what you want.

I Am a Wonderful Father. Do you think they just call Me Wonderful Father? I Am full of wonders. Beyond human imagination, I carry it out; I do it. No one will question Me. I Am a Righteous Father. Who have ears, let him hear. When the trumpet sounds, everybody will know. The trumpet will sound, then everybody will know. Let them seek Me now while I Am available. A time is coming; they need to seek Me. They still have the opportunity because I Am available. They still have the chance; they still have the opportunity. You know.

You heard about the flood? Because they read it in the Bible, they count it as a story. That’s why most of them do anything they want. Even most of My servants want to do the work as a hobby, not as work. They’re not serious with it. They take pastor’s work as a hobby; they don’t take it seriously. At the end of the day, they have to feed their family. That’s why things are hard for them. They didn’t seek Me with their heart. How you teach My children matters a lot. That’s why most of My children don’t obey Me. Because you as a man of God, you’re not doing what you suppose to do according to My Word. How will you teach My children what you don’t do? Most of them, they know your secret. Because of this, they’re lost. Don’t fornicate, don’t lie, but you Pastors are doing it. A teacher in the school will only set the examination upon what he taught his students. If you teach them, they will ask you questions, and when they ask, you can’t answer. That’s why they have to cover up that place. If you’re doing the wrong thing, they will do as you do. Many of My children want to follow Me. Yes, I still speak through them. Is he not a man of God? If God is speaking through him and he’s still doing this, I will do it too. I committed sin; I cried to my Father; my Father has forgiven me. How do you know you will make it at the end of the day? You asked for forgiveness, and you still go back into sin again. How do you know you will make it?

All trees that do not produce good fruit, what happen to them? They shall be cut off and cast into the lake of fire. If I forgive you, I know the reason why I forgive you. But don’t go back again. When you always commit sin and think your Father will forgive you, how do you know you will make it at the end of the day? I don’t want to let down one person for the other because I Am a God that keeps top secret.

The truth is bitter, but you must speak the truth, and it will set you free. Keep on speaking the truth; don’t mind where it will lead you. Christ is All-In-All. He has run the race. That is all! There is no part two. No but, no comma. He ran all the race; He finished it. Is there anything to judge Him? He has peace with Me. He is on My throne. You teach your own way; you follow your own way. In all His words, He regarded Me. He knew I was the One that sent Him. He always recognised Me. He did not do things on His own. Even when He was there on the cross, He called upon Me. Even when He knew the time has come, He said it is finished; He still called upon Me. If He wanted to turn the hand of the clock, He could have done it. He had the power; I gave Him the power. He did not say He will not go back to the Father because of the things of this world. Where were the wife and children? Where were His mansions? I give Him the crown, and nobody can take it away from Him. He is Number 1.

I bring this matter My son, for you to learn a lot of things and for them to know as well. Those who call themselves Pastors! He carried everybody along, both the rich and the poor, the strong and the weak. He preached to the rich ones, many of them turned to Me. Many of them came down. My children, they are afraid of the rich ones because of what they will get. Who was Matthew? Who was Nicodemus? How can they regard Me that I’m the One who sends you if you paint their riches? That means you’re telling them to go ahead and do it. How will they regard Me when you’re promoting them, telling them to continue?

My son, anyhow you know you can pass this message across, pass it across. My kingdom is real. Don’t let anything take you away from the place your Almighty Father has prepared for you. There is a way you pass it across My son.

I want to be rich; I want to be rich, prosperity. When you preach about salvation, they will look at you as if you don’t know what you’re saying. It’s not that I’m against wealth My son. But how do you make it! If your wealth comes from a genuine source, I’m not against it. If you do what you don’t have to do, I’m against you. If you do your work genuinely, I will bless you. I will add one to two; I will bless you; that is Me. If you’re a businessman and you genuinely do your business, I will bless you. If you’re a Pastor, if you preach My Word undiluted, I will use people to bless you. I’m not against wealth. Do you know about King David? A man after My heart! Even when he committed sins, he recognised Me. I blessed him. Apart from My covenant with Abraham, I blessed him. Through him, I blessed Lot. Those who encountered him were blessed as well. Those who saw him knew he was blessed. When I wanted to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, I spared Lot’s life. Do you know why? Because of Abraham. Nobody will overthrow Me! My son, I’m not after riches. I Am the God that bless. But what is the source of your riches? That’s why I said most of them would miss it.

Some of My Pastors are very poor. Do you know why? They have an unforgiving spirit. Unforgiving spirit! Let go; they will not let go so they can flow in Me. If you hold somebody, how will you move? You don’t allow that person to move forward and you too will not move forward. Unforgiving spirit! And they say they preach the Word of God. Riches are Mine; greatness is Mine; honour is Mine; wealth is Mine; favour is Mine.

I Am a Great Deliverer. What happened to the Israelites when they were coming out of Egypt? What is the Red Sea? It’s an obstacle! If I didn’t dry up that river, could they have passed through it? What happened to the pursuer? Anyone who says he wants to afflict you; I will afflict them.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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