Empty Yourself

The Father speaks

(Sunday 17th May 2020, 11:30)

My son, you must neither mourn nor sorrowful. Whatever your eyes see in this journey, take it as you see it. I told you that I called you as I called My son Moses. When he led My children out of Egypt, they were all happy. When they got to the Wilderness and refused to follow Me, death began to take them away one after the other. What did Moses do? Did he trouble himself? Any Prophet I choose neither mourn nor sorrowful. As you sealed your heart from the beginning to forget everybody around you and follow Me like Abraham, go ahead and never look back because you carry My cup and you mustn’t drop it. When My Son started His ministry, didn’t He forget about Mary who suffered to bring Him up? You’re My son, and you must do whatever I ask you to do. Whoever speak any evil against you speaks against Me. Such a person is looking for My trouble, and he will see it. You’re light, and this light covers everybody around you. And if anyone chooses to die a shameful death, that’s what he or she chooses. Nothing concerns you. I told you that you don’t belong to any family on this Earth. I Am your Father, and you’re My son. Whoever follows your footstep in serving Me will also see the light. I told you before that you’ll shed tears because of what you’ll see. No evil will befall you and your household, but as you see My handwork on this Earth, you’ll shed tears. This is just the beginning! I Am not a wicked Father, but all of you love darkness than light. Nobody will tell Me what to do. Nobody will counsel Me on how to run My Kingdom. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Great I Am That I Am. Jehovah is My name. I Am the Creator. Unbeatable God is My name. I Am Unaffordable God. I Am the Originator. I Am the Breeze that controls the universe. Nobody understands My way. Nobody knows what I can do. Nobody can wait to see My wrath because it will consume you and your entire generation because you’re evil.

If Satan could lure a woman to destroy the life of her children, all of you should tell Me where such woman is going whenever she dies. If I designed your womb to carry My Prophet and Satan lured you to destroy his life, what do you think will happen to you? You will go with what you love. You love death and destruction. After your death, the demons that possessed you in your lifetime will follow those who love you in your family. Demons don’t follow you to wherever you’re going. They remain on this Earth. They’re your property, and your children will inherit them. As it is for good, so it is for evil. When I told all of you to bury your dead immediately without any delay, you think I don’t know what I was saying. And as you remember them after their death, you’re telling the demons to afflict you the more. I Am the Creator, and I know how I created everything. All of you should choose what’s good so you can enter My realm of joy.

When I created you, I didn’t create you and sin together. All of you came to meet sin on this Earth. If I give you the opportunity to come to Me through My Son, if you give your life to Him and walk in His ways, then you’ll reign with Me in the end. What happened to all of you? I gave you the grace to give your life to Jesus Christ. I allowed you to become a Pastor. With you and the pastorhood, sin isn’t far from your reach. If My Prophets of old, those I used mightily could not enter Heaven because nobody attorned for their sins, how much more all of you. My son, tell them! They’re very foolish and stupid! I keep speaking and shouting every day for all of you to remove evil far away from you, yet, you fail to listen. These Prophets of Mine suffered for Me! They didn’t enjoy any life because of My children. They lived a life of slavery because of Me, yet, they didn’t go to Heaven because no one attorned for their sins. After the death of My Son Jesus, that’s when I began to take them to Heaven one after the other. I even sent some of them back to this Earth, but they couldn’t come back to Heaven. They hanged! The Earth swallowed them! How much more all of you who call yourselves Pastors everywhere. You laid evil and bad examples for My children everywhere. Yet, you claim you’re going to Heaven. Which Heaven are you going? Are you the owner of that Heaven or I Am the Owner? If I Am the Owner, you cannot go there unless you empty yourself. All the works you’re doing will be in vain by the end of the day.

As My servant, you must learn to live a life of slavery in Me. You and your children are My slaves! You must live your life as a common man. You must expect anything to happen along the journey. That’s why you must always depend on Me to meet your needs. Many of you depend on your congregation. You turned yourself to celebrities everywhere. I said it before that all My servants that opened private universities everywhere have a case to answer whenever they die. Whatever you do that My children cannot enjoy isn’t from Me! I want My children to come to Heaven. I don’t want anybody to stress them for money at all. Of what good is the money somebody gives to you and his or her soul isn’t happy? But you don’t care what they’re passing through in their house. That’s why I said it, and I repeat Myself that any servant of Mine who’s cruising around the world with private jet will not enter My rest. I Am the Almighty God, and nobody will destroy My handwork. If you have enough money, give it to My children and let them have time to serve Me. You must live a simple and humble life. Let your life challenge My children in holiness, not in the things of this Earth. If you a Pastor send your children to private schools, which testimony are you going to give? While they’re there in that public school, My Spirit in them will prove who they are. Through this, they’ll offer them scholarships. Do you pay for scholarships? You will not stress yourself for anything! But you’re cajoling My children to bring money so you can live like an earthly king, but you forgot you’re a King of Heaven. If somebody has ten demons in her and she’s giving you money, what kind of money do you think she’s giving to you? What will become of your life and that of your household? You will carry her sin! A man will dupe a company and bring the money to the church. You, a Pastor, you’ll take it and pray for him. Whenever Satan is accusing him of fraud, your Spirit will be present also because you fail to tell him the truth. As My servant, it’s your responsibility to know the kind of work every member of your church does. Anyone that’s doing illegitimate work, you’ll tell him what My Word says concerning such things. If he decides to leave the church, let him leave. You’ve washed your hands clean of his sin. But what are you doing? You’re encouraging My children to engage in all manner of ungodly businesses. You’re spending the money that you don’t know the root. That’s why Heaven rejected many Pastors. All of you think it’s a joke. Many of My servants like you are in Hellfire. And you’re also free to join them because of your handwork.

It is a dangerous thing to undermine My Word. It is a dangerous thing to undermine My Law and Ordinance. Were you there when I formed the Earth? Where were you when I formed you? Do you know how the spirit of sin was created? How did I create demons? Tell Me because you know! I will call a man, give him an Ordinance to carry out for Me because of My children, then you’ll come from nowhere and destroy it. Where do you think you’re going whenever you die? Nobody destroys My handwork and go free. I will deal with you until the end. Can you give what you don’t have? If you don’t have what it takes to lead My children to Heaven and you see someone whom I gave Ordinance to cleanse you, why can’t you embrace it and do accordingly? Because you know who you are, your hands are full of sin; you’ll refuse to confess your sins and teach your congregation to do the same. You’re saying the moment you gave your life to Jesus Christ, your sins are forgiven. Are you the one that sent Jesus to this Earth to die? If I say this is how I want to run My business, what is your problem? You’re quoting scriptures, cajoling My children to be comfortable inside sin. No matter how you gave your life to Jesus Christ, until you vomit everything you’ve swallowed, until you confess all your sins openly, you cannot enter Heaven. If you’re not ashamed of yourself, why can’t you confess? As you seal your mouth, that’s how you’ll seal it and enter Hellfire. I Am the Almighty God.

If the spirit of sexual immorality is in My servant and his church members are seeking for children, as he prays so that their womb could carry babies, Satan will pass through the spirit of sexual immorality in him to impregnate the women. He will use his image to impregnate the women, and they will see him in their dreams. Many women had such an encounter in their church, and they were happy because they thought it was Me. I have no hand in evil!!! I Am a Holy Father. Sin is an abomination to Me. Any of My servants that sees himself sleeping with women in his dream will never enter My rest. Satan is using you to produce evil children everywhere. I know what I Am saying! Many of you are there on the pulpit. If you’re sleeping around with your church members or you committed such sin and sealed your mouth, what happens to the spirit? You also cage him inside you. If I created you powerfully as My servant, so also powerful the spirit of sin that will control your life the moment you commit sin. All of you, both men and women are working in the dark, and you still claim to be My servants. Unless you confess all your sins and make sure that spirit is detached from your Spirit, you cannot enter Heaven. The whole world may praise and celebrate you; it doesn’t matter. They will not be there whenever They want to judge you. You’re on your own! You’re on your own because it’s a personal journey. As My servant, once a sinner, as you’re preaching holiness to My children, you’re cleansing them. What about your own life? As you’re cleansing My children, you’re also cleansing yourself. But if you refuse to preach holiness to them so they can be cleansed and come to Heaven, you’re doing yourself more harm than them. Both you and they will miss Heaven.

Many of you are giving testimonies everywhere. Oh, praise God; I’ve been seeking for the fruit of the womb for several years until the servant of God spoke, and I became pregnant. Yes, you’re pregnant and gave birth. What kind of a child do you carry in your hands? Before you were pregnant, who did you confess your sins to? Before you were pregnant, who did you see in your dreams? If you caged all those spirits of sins inside you and you’re pregnant, you’ll give birth with them and your baby together. You must remember that as you are, so they are. The spirits of sins produce children as well. That’s why Heaven reject all of you! You’re there inside the church; you’re rendering foolish service, giving foolish offering but you fail to empty yourself. Even though I bless you on this Earth because of the good you do, that doesn’t mean you’re going to Heaven whenever you die.

The things of the Spirit are hidden. You cannot prove it. That’s why you cannot accuse somebody of witchcraft because it’s hidden. You can neither see nor prove it. I, the Almighty God that you’re serving is also a Spirit. I Am hidden to all of you. Satan and sin are hidden. In a nutshell, spiritual things are hidden. If any of you want to serve Me wholeheartedly and give yourself time to study My Word, you’ll be surprised what you’ll see. You will hate your father and mother; you’ll hate your brothers and sisters. You will see every spirit of sin in all of them. The same house you’ve been living for several years, you can suddenly see a creature smiling at you. You’ll begin to see every demon around you. Then you’ll think maybe Satan is the one dealing with you. It’s not Satan; I Am the One. I Am the Almighty God, and I Am a Mystery. I know why I seal your eyes to see all the things around you. If I open your eyes, you cannot sleep. Your jacket can suddenly turn to a demon. The chair in your house can suddenly turn to a demon. Through this, all of you will understand why I gave the Israelites various Laws in the time of old. The things you cannot see are more than what you can see. I created them all. None of you can be cleansed enough until you die. But as you put more effort every day, you’re getting closer to where I want you to be. As you’re doing it, I will begin to fight the battle for you spiritually. Some of the things all of you see in your dreams; if you see such things physically, you’ll die. As you’re praying to Me, I will begin to use your Spirit to fight on your behalf, and you’ll see it.

All of you are dirty. No one endeavours to settle his Spirit, yet, you want to come to Heaven. There is a prerequisite to come to Heaven. I Am the Almighty God, and I work on principles. All of you forget about the place of your rest. You concentrate on what you want to become here on this Earth. Whenever your life ends here, what will become of you? You’ll go to the place where you’ll shed sorrowful tears for the rest of your entire life. Yes, because you’ve given your life to My Son. It doesn’t matter who you are. Both Pastors and church members are there. You may die, and they’re celebrating you here. The more they celebrate you, the more your torment will be. If you have given your life to Jesus Christ, you have no other choice than to do My will. Will I force you to do My will? Far be it from Me! I will never force you. If I chew a piece of food and put it into your mouth because I love you, will I also help you in swallowing it? I’ve done the best I can do for all of you. I slaughtered My Son and gave you His blood. This blood will stand against all of you the day you die if you fail to come to Heaven. I Am the Almighty God, and My Word is final.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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