I Am The Controller

The Father speaks

(Sunday 12th April 2020, 12:00)

It makes no difference to Me either you worship Me inside your house or the church. It makes no difference to Me either you celebrate Easter inside your house or the church. Of what purpose is your gathering if you will not do My will? Why do you gather together if you only gather because of the things of this Earth? Did I slaughter My Son for you to multiply sin upon sin? Did I kill Him for you to live as you please and push Me aside? What is your motive for giving your life to Jesus Christ? All of you should ask yourself all these questions? Yes, you gave your life to My Son! Are you worthy to enter Heaven? Will Heaven receive your soul? You’re alive because I give you life to live. If I take My life away from you, where are you heading? Are you heading to Heaven or Hellfire? These are the two choices you have left because the door of the Dark-Planet is shut against you the moment you gave your life to My Son. Will Heaven accept you? It doesn’t matter who you are. Either you’re a General Overseer or Pope, either you’re a Bishop or Reverend, either you’re a Pastor or Deacon, all of you are heading to the same destination. Where are you heading My sons and daughters? Won’t your work fail you? All the works you’re doing for Me, all your sleepless nights, will they be acceptable in the end? Do you really know Me? Are you truly working for Me or you’re working for yourself? I want all of you to ask yourself these questions because I will visit all of you. If I visit you, the measure of holiness in you will determine if you will remain alive or not. I Am the Almighty God. Jehovah is My name. I Am the Great I Am That I Am. I Am the Authority. I Am the Originator. I Am Unbeatable God. I Am Unaffordable God. I Am Unstoppable God. I Am the Beginning, the Middle, and the Ending. There is none before Me, and there is none after Me. I Am All-In-All. I Am the Controller of the whole universe. I formed, and I created. I enthrone, and I dethrone. Every power is found in Me. The Earth is Mine and nothing and no one can take it away from Me.

You are reading and preaching My Word, yet, you don’t know Me. You don’t know what I can do. All of you are using your brain to interpret My Word and teach My children. Heaven, you will not go; you will not allow them to enter either. The only thing all of you know how to do is to preach about money. You turned My children to your source of income. You’re living like a man who did money ritual. Is it not better for everyone to worship Me inside their house? Many of them don’t know what it takes to come to Heaven. You’re there cajoling them every day because of what you want. You’re living as if death will never come. Continue to do what you’re doing. Continue to dance to the band of demons as you always do. Whenever the spirit of death comes, tell him you don’t want to die if he will listen to you. All of you are there, and the Earth turns upside down. Why did I choose you to be My servant? I chose you to preach My Good News to My children. What is the Good News? Jesus Christ is the Good News! I sent Him to redeem your soul from sin and death. Right now, as I’m looking at all of you, you’re dead already because My Spirit in you is dead. My Spirit in you is dead because you love the things of this Earth. You gave your life to Jesus Christ, yet, all manner of atrocities full your hands.

If a child is born, he’ll grow up and have his own children. His children will grow up and have their own children. It will continue until the end of time. That’s how I programmed everything. If you grow old and see your children-children, as your children are growing, you’re there to advise them about life based on the experiences of life you’ve got. Everybody will see you and happy together. If your grandchildren begin to tell you what to do, this is a sign for you to begin to pack your load and go back to where you come from. You will die without stress because you’ve fulfilled your mission. As it is for a man, so also a woman. But what do you do? You committed all manner of sins to the extent Satan and demons are using you to afflict your children and their generation because you carry evil inside you. They will touch their jobs, afflict their marriage, and nothing good will happen to them. All these because of you alone. If you die, somebody in your lineage will also give birth to you again. You will come back again with all the evil which is inside you. They’re calling you grandfather, they’re calling you grandmother, and you’re happy. They don’t know you’re the cause of their predicament. All manner of evil spirits is speaking inside you. They will decide what to do to your children and their generation. They will decide which area of their lives they will hold to ransom. Did I create the Earth so that evil can multiply? I will not regret it if I destroy you.

I have carried out different kinds of assignments on this Earth before. Some of the ones I did in the time of old, My children didn’t know I was the One. All of you should go back into My Word and read everything I did, starting from Noah. What about Sodom and Gomorrah? You know what I did with Pharaoh and many others. I Am happy for your technology. Now you can keep the record of whatever happens. Since the day I created the Earth, I have not destroyed it yet. I always wiped the creatures away and created another. I created many generations before Adam and Eve. All of you are the generation of Adam and Eve. The longest generation that has lived on this Earth is you. I don’t have the time at all. All of you are enjoying the grace of My Son. All My shouting and speaking is because of those of you who gave your life to Jesus Christ. Nothing can stop Me from doing whatever I want to do on this Earth because it’s My property. Satan himself knows his limit. There is a limit he can do on this Earth. Whenever I want to carry out any destruction, he doesn’t like it because it will affect him too. All of you should do research, and you’ll find out all the plagues I’ve brought upon human beings like you because of sin.

If you’re eating your meal, you’ll drink a glass of water or two. That’s if you’re eating a meal. But if you’re thirsty, you can drink a full bowl of water. If you want to eat a full course meal, you’ll start from somewhere, may be soup. It’s a very long journey before you get to the main dish. I Am the Almighty God, and every power belongs to Me. I can do and undo. You cannot dictate for Me how to run My Kingdom. If you have My fear, you do yourself good. If you don’t have My fear, you’re among those that will face My wrath. All of you still think it’s a joke. You can choose to believe whatever you like. Am I not watching all of you? I Am listening to everything all of you are discussing inside your house. Can any man create anything that will destroy the Earth? If I see that a man wants to carry out any assignment that will not benefit My children, I will cut him off immediately. All of you don’t know anything. Let every tribe, every race, every nation and people have My fear. I Am All-In-All.

Whenever all of you are tired to stay at home, you will go back to your daily work. Life begins as normal, isn’t it? All of you are very foolish and stupid? It will take a very long time before you can come out of the damage this plague will cause all of you. As you’re trying to rise again, another one will hit all of you. What happens to the money? I have said it several times that the money will go. It’s My money, and it will go. Because of this money, that’s why you claim I don’t exist. I said I want to cleanse the Earth. Whenever I cleanse the Earth, many souls will go down. I don’t want to do what I did in the time of Noah. I Am not ready to roll the Earth away yet. I still have work to do here. Before I finally roll it away, I will cleanse it for the last time. Those who remain will live and rebuild it again. All of you cannot see what I see. I know why I’m doing what I’m doing now. Evil is everywhere. You cannot know something more than the one that created it. My wrath will fall upon every nation on this Earth.

Satan is interpreting My Word to many of you. He’s telling you that I will take the righteous away and leave the evil ones. Of what good is the Earth to Me if I take the righteous away and leave the evil ones? I expect all of you to understand many things based on the wisdom I put inside you. But because of your sin, you cannot see the road anymore. All the works My servants of old did for Me, all of you have destroyed everything with your sin. If I don’t act quickly, very soon, nobody will remember My Son anymore. My Son suffered so much because of this Earth. Anyone that commits sin uses a rope to tie himself. I have planned everything I want to do before I begin to act. Each and every one of you will begin to see it as each day unfolds. None of you should speak what you don’t know. Gather your household together and begin to pray to Me. I will spare your soul.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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