Message To Pastors And All Christians

The Father speaks

(Monday 25th December 2023, 22:20)

I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Great I Am That I Am. Jehovah is My name. Jesus Christ is My Son. I greet all of you for honouring My Son—Jesus Christ, and celebrating Him. I know the date doesn’t change. It’s a date you chose by yourselves. I count neither days nor years because a thousand years is like a day, and a day is like a thousand years to Me. All I know is that I brought down My Son to this Earth for you to follow holiness so that the Spirit of holiness can overtake your life and overpower darkness. You choose physical celebration over spiritual celebration. It is a shame! By now, I should be hearing different kinds of testimonies, good testimonies. O, I sent somebody to drop a bag of money, and nobody picked it up; they left it there the same way I dropped it. Satan will be so ashamed if he hears such a testimony. O, I forgot something on the bus; they were looking for me everywhere so I could collect it. This kind of testimony is a shame to Satan. All these testimonies glorify My Kingdom, but it’s a shameful thing in the kingdom of Satan. O, something happened; I didn’t have money to care for my children; some people came from nowhere and cared for me and my children. This is the kind of testimony I want to hear and see. But I didn’t see it! What I see is tears everywhere. I see mothers looking for their children. I see mothers looking for their husbands. I see innocent children crying everywhere without parents. I see somebody claiming another man’s property, which he had worked for for several years. All this is a shame to My Kingdom! This isn’t the reason I brought My Son Jesus to this Earth. Every one of you is saying I Am a Merciful Father. My son, ask them to judge themselves if they do it well or not. All of you should ask yourself! I brought My Son to this Earth so that sin can be reduced, not to multiply sin. But you claim you’re serving Me; you claim you’ve given your life to My Son, yet sin multiplies everywhere. You know that sin is an abomination to Me.

If anyone commits sin, the remaining people in his family will continue to suffer for what they don’t know. Why? Because you’re family! I chained family members together for good, not for evil. As children, the same way you will inherit your father's wealth is also how you will inherit his sins. I showed you the way of holiness to avert all these things, but all of you think it’s a joke. None of you can avoid Me because I Am your Creator. Everything on this Earth, both living and non-living cannot avoid Me. You cannot avoid Me because you came from Me. If I could create a human being, and the human being also manufactured a chair, can the chair fight with the person who manufactured it? This life is a chain. As one good thing deserves another, one evil thing also deserves another. That’s how I created this Earth. Any sin that no one can atone for lasts forever until the end of the Earth. If anybody enters into a covenant of blood, it has no end. If he dies, his children and their generation will continue to offer the same blood. If you do it out of ignorance, you have brought disaster upon your children and their generation because whatever involves blood doesn’t end. For example, your father fell from on top of a motorcycle and didn’t die. Out of your ignorance, you began to offer a bull once a year to thank the spirit of the ground who saved your father. Though you started it like a joke, you must continue with it, and after you die, your children must continue with it.

If We’re talking of spirits, it goes a very long way. If a man dies, his Spirit becomes more powerful because nothing hinders him anymore. He has dropped this body of flesh. His Spirit becomes more active and powerful. You that I created to come down and enjoy what you didn’t work for, you’re never satisfied with what I gave you; instead, you’re seeking artificial and quick blessing. Nobody can change My word. Nobody can change My word in anybody’s life. Whichever way I programmed your life to be, that’s how it will be. The word of any man cannot change your life. If a man is sick to the point of death, and they take him to a doctor, whether traditional or modern, if he recovers, the doctor isn’t the one that made him whole. He didn’t die because that’s not the time for him to die. If a Pastor prayed for a man who was sick to the point of death and he recovered, and he didn’t die; that Pastor wasn’t the healer. That man didn’t die because it wasn’t his time to die. If you sacrifice an animal or human being for a ritual, you only waste your time. All of you who sacrifice human beings because of money do evil to your unborn generation. Nobody can atone for it because it’s an abomination to Me. Whatever concerns blood, whether the blood of an animal or a human being, nobody can atone for it. It will become a generational curse. If a man starts it, he must continue with it. If he stops, the spirit will take the blood by himself. If a man wants to lay the foundation of his house and sacrifice an animal to appease the spirit of the land, he must continue with what he started. If he stops, the spirit will begin to take the blood of human beings in the house. Can any of you produce blood? Blood is a living thing. Blood is your life, the life of a human being. The life of a creature is in the blood. The dead have no blood. Only the living have blood. Without blood, you have no life. Whatever has to do with a covenant involves blood. Blood is a seal of a covenant. Anyone who enters into a covenant of blood must pay any covenant he enters. If you fail to pay, it will pay itself automatically. You can only cheat a man; you cannot cheat spirits. You may commit any sin, but any sin involving blood goes a long way. That’s why I hate witchcraft! Witchcraft involves blood. Whatever you do and shed, whether the blood of a human being or an animal, if you fail to continue, the spirits will take the blood by themselves. If you go anywhere to avert it, if care is not taken, the demons will kill that person. None of you created yourselves. You should give all the glory to Me for creating you and give yourself respect. If some people are ill and their families take them somewhere for a solution, the demons will kill the priest. Any sin you will commit that will make demons vow to take your entire generation, don’t commit it.

The Earth is Mine and everything in it. I can joke with you about some things. So also, I cannot joke with you about other things. I cannot joke with My children about anything that involves life. Anything that involves life goes a long way. You cannot create a human being. If you do a ritual because of money, why won’t the spirits request the blood of animals from you? Why are they requesting the blood of human beings? Can you change human beings to money? Satan is deceiving all of you so you can commit the sin that has no atonement. Nobody will atone for such sin. Any blessing you have that gives you no peace, always asking for more and more blood, you must know that Satan deceived you. Any blessing you have that gives you a sleepless night isn’t a real blessing. Satan deceived you. You have a blessing, and something is asking you to donate your wife or children, father or mother, brother or sister, even your friend; Satan has deceived you. It is better for you to remain poor than engage in any ritual. If you drink only water, it will give you peace. But you will have no peace if you have money that is full everywhere. They will take the person you love most away from you. If you have nobody to give to them, they’ll begin to take your organs. They will kill you in the end. You will have no happiness throughout your life on this Earth. I Am the Almighty God.

To work with demons is like going to a black market. That’s what happened to Judas Iscariot. Satan visited him because he had a particular spirit in him. This your Jesus Christ who called Himself the King of everything; even God could not call Himself a King; have you seen God before; you know we’re living inside you, and you’re the closest person to Him; we will send you a message; nobody would know you’re the one; just show us the way to get Him; we will give you some money which is enough to solve your problem; you’re not the one to kill Him; just prepare a place for us to enter; that’s all we want. This is how Satan works with My children. I Am the Almighty God. I don’t engage in the black market. I Am not a deceiver. I don’t deceive you. Satan and demons work through guesses. You’re the one who will suffer at the end of the day. They will rob you of your blessing. They will rob you of your peace. They will rob you of everything you’re qualified for on this Earth. Not only you but also your entire generation. I Am the One that created you. I know everything about you. I gave you an assurance of life. That’s why I brought My Son. My Son continually shows you the way to Heaven even though you people don’t want to go. He constantly pours His forgiveness upon you so you can taste what’s good. But Satan is deceiving you, telling you I don’t love you by creating Hellfire. Did you know when you were committing sin; that’s what happened to me; I didn’t know when I committed sin; after I finished, They said I violated the Law of the Father, and They threw me out; as I violated the Law of the Father, so also you; I fall a victim, you also fall a victim; He created good and evil; why did He create evil; I was His son before you; why did He disown me; why did I turn to a vagabond; who is to blame; I have my own kingdom; even the kingdom I have belongs to the Father. This is what Satan is saying to all of you.

I Am the Almighty God. I created good and evil. I created you with a conscience. Before you do anything evil, your conscience will tell you. Human beings consist of both good and evil. However, don’t use the evil side of you. As I Am, so you are. When My Son came to this Earth, He said if you see Him, you see Me. I Am the Father of everybody. When Jesus Christ came to this Earth, He did nobody evil. This is the life I want you to live. Don’t follow the word of Satan. He is a deceiver. Why are all of you blaming me; I will continue to do what I want to do; those who want to follow me will still follow me because I’m not the one who created the Earth; if all of you are accusing me, do I force you to follow me; I only give you what you love; who forced me; who made me to do what I did; when I did it out of mistake, why didn’t He forgive me; why did He disown me. This is the argument of Satan. Nobody knows anything more than the Creator. Don’t do evil because of an enjoyment of the moment that will destroy generations. It is very painful to Me. Anything you do outside My will, you sow evil seed into your generation. It could have been good if it’s only about you, but whatever you do will rob your entire generation of their blessing. As all of you point fingers at Satan, he is defending himself, blaming you for it. Jesus Christ promised you a Kingdom you cannot see, but I promise you a kingdom you can see and enjoy; Jesus Christ is deceiving you by promising you an unseen Kingdom; you will see and enjoy my own kingdom. This is what Satan is saying to all of you. My son, when it comes to holiness, nobody knows how to do anything. All of you must have My fear. If My fear is in you, you can do anything. This fear brings peace. It brings love. If there is fear in you, you will not cause turmoil anywhere you are. No matter what anyone does to you, you will not pick an offence. You will calm down in every situation. Love and peace will surround you everywhere you go. Anyone born through a woman has no solution to sin. I Am the Almighty God.

In the time of old, how many hospitals did they have? How old were they before they died? How many hospitals do you have today, even in a small city? How old are you before you die? What is your life expectancy? Does the hospital stop you from dying? Can doctors stop you from dying? How come you’re not old like the people of old? Can’t you see all of you are deceiving yourself? Unless all of you go back to the life of old, don’t do evil, and love your neighbour as yourself, that’s the only way the Earth will yield its increase. The coming of Jesus Christ to this Earth doesn’t give you the license to commit sin. Anyone who commits sin does himself and his generation evil. Not only your generation, but you will also introduce others to it. The more people you introduce to your evil, the more reward they’ll give you. The demons that introduced you to the life you live will also arrest you when the time comes. You cannot see them; you can only hear them speak to you. You have to be afraid of the Person who can kill both the Spirit and soul. Why can’t you renounce evil?

There in Nigeria, a young boy died, and all of you are seeking justice. Don’t you know who killed him? All of you should know that human beings killed him. The death that killed him is known death. They killed him for a reason because they belong to a secret society. The boy didn’t die a natural death. He died a known death. They knew and planned everything. He himself knew before he died. He knew what killed him. He knew what he entered. He entered it ignorantly. He thought it was good when he first saw prominent people who controlled Africa inside this secret society. They carry out different categories of assignments. They don’t only smoke weed and deal with drugs. They deal with human body parts! I Am the Almighty God. I Am the One speaking. They deal with human body parts. Some people eat body parts. As they eat it, they feel energised because that’s what the demons inside them require of them. They eat and feel very strong. But as they’re eating body parts, somebody is crying. How can you eat human body parts without killing human beings? If they cut off your tongue, will you still be alive? I Am telling you the secrets of secrets. This was the main reason the young boy said he didn’t want to do it anymore. If it’s about weed and drugs, it’s very easy. They’re trading in human body parts! If they give you a set of teeth of a human being, will the person still be alive? This is why they kill people everyday. Train your child the way he should go so that when he grows, he will never depart from it. If your hands are not clean, every blessing you have will become a curse. Nothing happens because it just wants to happen. The battle all of you are fighting on that young boy is globally connected. You can never see a solution to it. But his father is guilty. He allowed evil to befall his son. You’re walking and hiding in darkness. You’ll look for a dark place to hide whenever somebody comes with light. Your hands are dirty, and you know it yourself. None of you can see the solution to this matter because not only one person is involved. Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy.

My own servants are part of them! I Am the Almighty God. Jehovah is My name. I Am the Mighty-Man-In-Battle. I Am the One speaking. My servants, My Pastors are among the evil people. As a Pastor, you’re eating the eyes of a human being so you can preach properly on the pulpit because that’s what your demons ask you to do. Satan deceived you. Is that the Good News I asked you to preach? You will eat the tongue of a human being and other parts of the body. Some of you have read My word - the Bible several times. Did you see it anywhere I said that a man should sacrifice another man? If Satan is deceiving you that, if it’s not good, why did I sacrifice My own Son? I sacrificed My Son Jesus to buy you back from sin. I had the power to raise Him up, and I did. I raised up My Son. If you kill your son, can you wake him up? All of you are stupid and foolish. Some of you charmed your fellow Pastors to the extent they didn’t know what they were doing anymore. You did it because of position. Some of them are dead now. Are you working for Heaven or Hellfire? You’re working for Hellfire. You call yourself My servant, but you’re an ambassador of demons. You will never have peace until you confess your sins openly. All of you don’t know anything. This was the main reason I destroyed the Earth with water. I threw fire into cities.

I gave you everything when I created you. Can you see Me? My son, ask them if they can see Me or not. Ask them!!! I wanted you to see Jesus Christ; that’s why you could see Him. I wanted you to see Him so you can live the life I proposed for you to live. What kind of life do I want you to live? A life of fear, a life of sympathy, a life of empathy, to be in somebody’s shoes. If somebody comes to you, even a criminal, you must listen to him as long as he comes to you. That’s why Jesus Christ was close to some people when He was on this Earth, so He could take them out of their predicament. I brought Him so you can emulate Him and live the kind of life He lived on this Earth. If He hadn’t lived the kind of life He lived, He wouldn’t have resurrected when He died. The witnesses were there. There were physical witnesses everywhere. I Am the Almighty God.

What is that thing you valued most that made you abandon My word? But you forgot My word is your life. When Jesus Christ came, He didn’t build His own Kingdom. He came down and made My Kingdom known to you. He came down to show you how I want you to live. He came and showed you the way of holiness. How many years now? If you prove Me wrong, can you destroy the word (The Bible)? The word is My witness. Can you destroy it? The word is My witness between you and Me. The Holy Spirit always points you to it because I used My children to write it. If you open your Bible, you will see the names of the people I used. It wasn’t their word but Mine. I Am the Almighty God. I entered inside different people to write it. What is the difference between you and them? Why is your testimony the same thing everyday? All your testimonies are testimonies of calamity and disaster. Testimonies of sorrow are everywhere.

Good is good, bad is bad. As a Christian, you join people to share bad news everywhere. You join people to bear false witness. How can the Earth be good? You don’t leave a good example for people to emulate you. Every day by day, your house is on fire. You beat your wife, you trouble your husband and children, and on Sunday, you will come out and go to church. What are you showing others? Are you telling them to give their lives to Jesus? How will they give their lives to Jesus when you’re evil? Some of you are Pastors! Can you win a soul? Why is Satan winning souls because of the things of this Earth? Because you don’t know your right from your left. All of you should go back to your Bible and read how My children served and worshipped Me in the time of old. Go back and read how they officiated service in the church. They gave all; they left nothing aside, yet they didn’t please Me. You cannot call Heaven to come down. Heaven remains where it is. The Earth remains in its original position. Whatever you do, the consequences are coming to every one of you.

As a Pastor, whichever category you belong to, whatever you know how to do, keep doing it. At the end of the day, your reward is coming to you. If you do anything and Heaven bears no witness to it, you know what is coming to you. If you send any message or give any prophecy, and Heaven bears no witness to it that They’re the Ones that sent you, then you know what’s coming to hit you. I Am the Almighty God. You use your imagination to do things. Everything you do must rhyme with My word. If Heaven doesn’t recognise that you’re working for Them, you’re on your own. You cannot join any secret society here and still say you’re working for Me. Heaven doesn’t recognise you! Heaven doesn’t recognise your work. You must be neutral! Wash your hands clean. If you say ‘thou shall not kill’, and you pray a little prayer on it, Heaven will answer. You cannot be killing people, and you’re saying, ‘The Bible says thou shall not kill’. Heaven bears no witness to what you’re preaching. Heaven has no hand in it. Any word you preach must rhyme with your character. You come from a family, a house, a street, a city, a state, and a country. You cannot live a bad life and continue to preach. People see you physically and spiritually. Before you come out, demons have targeted you already. They’re the ones that will disgrace you. They will not allow anybody to listen to you. Nobody will have your fear. As they mention the name of My Son Jesus, every knee must bow. How come an ordinary beggar on the street talks to you anyhow? Because there is no fear of God in you! My seal is not in you. You join people to do evil. You call the name of Jesus Christ in vain! Why do you call the name of Jesus Christ in vain? My son, I will never send you a message to tell My children that I will bless them tomorrow. I will never do it! Every word I will continue to send you is about holiness. That’s why anyone who comes across it will know it's the same as My word (The Bible). Whoever goes through it will see the similarity. I will only give you a message that will cleanse peoples’ lives. The word that will sanctify peoples’ lives. The word that brings light. The word that will make people live the life they should live.

I Am the Almighty God. I have given the Earth to all of you to enjoy. Why can’t you team together in holiness? If Paul has five holiness, Peter has five holiness, John has five holiness, Rebecca has five holiness, Grace has five holiness, what will happen if they team together? That’s twenty-five! If they team up and pray about something, won’t I answer? Then what are you people doing? You wanted a president; why couldn’t the holy ones among you team up and cry to Me? What did you do? You went behind and collected a bribe! Yet, you say you’re a Pastor. You collected bribes against the body of Christ. When they called you for prayers, you said you were going to Ghana. Why? Because you’ve already taken a bribe and wanted that man to win. Do you think the man from whom you took a bribe will rule you well? I could have come to the prayers, but I wasn’t around. My son, it didn’t happen to only one Pastor, but many of them fall into this category. Why do you people even object to that man from winning the presidential election because he’s a generous man? My son, is it true? All of you should go into My word and read about those who took bribes. After you’ve taken it, and the man won, innocent people begin to suffer for it. Why are you crying? You’re saying you and your children will not suffer after all. But you don’t know you’ve opened the door of poverty and hardship for your children and their generations. Another one said, president or no president, I have my own means of income; if they like, they should kill them; nothing concerns me.

Whatever secret society you join, all of them work together. They can never be against each other. If you’re a Pastor, and you join a secret society, and a politician is among you, you must sign whatever the politician wants to do. My son, all of them are in the same category. Though they come from different fraternities, but they have the same mission. Whatever is unholy isn’t from Me. All these groups of people work together. You cannot win them. Unless some holy ones among My children can team together, I will use their faith to defeat them. Before they start their evil agenda, Satan has already given them what they want. That’s why they have a stony heart. Many of My Pastors belong to this evil group. They eat up My children as one eats bread. This is the situation in Nigeria. I Am the Almighty God. I Am a respecter of nobody. I always use holy people to repair the land. That’s why I bring down holy children from Heaven everyday. I Am a Spirit; I Am not flesh.

When they arrested My Son Jesus for the sin He didn’t commit, what did Pilate ask the people? Should I release your King or not? What did they say? They shouted crucify Him! I Am the Almighty God. I work with whatever you people agree with. But I wanted what happened to My Son to happen because I wanted to use His blood to atone for the Earth. If you people say you want bribery and corruption as your president, you’ll have it. Why are you people crying? Many of you are prominent men and women of God everywhere. You dominated everywhere. You’re even more than those who brought Christianity to Nigeria. If only one Pastor gathers his congregation and prays to Me, won’t I answer? Imagine six prominent men of God with different congregations gathering together and crying to Me in holiness for only three days. What will happen? The Earth will shake! But I will not answer your prayers because your hands are soiled with blood! I don’t fight a dirty fight. I Am a Holy Father. If the hand of a Pastor is not clean, you’re only wasting your time because blood is in his mouth already. You cannot enter a covenant with evil men and fight against them. You cannot! Satan knows the weakness of every human being, and he knows how to enter you. Even if you have wings, you cannot fly. They will pin you down. If you enter into a covenant with them, then they get you. They will erase you and your generation if you want to do otherwise.

Sin rules the Earth. If sin rules the Earth, it will never yield its increase. There will only be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Some people are eating, and they don’t know what happens outside. They have peace with their family. Another family is there with nothing. They’re suffering everywhere. Their house is filled with sorrow. But I didn’t create the Earth to be like this.

Satan wants marriages to break down so that the children can suffer. As for all of you who run into marriage, if you fail to study My word properly to know what it takes to marry, and you bring innocent children into the world to suffer, I will avenge the children on you. I Am the Almighty God. The children will neither see their father nor their mother, yet both parents are alive. The children will become vagabonds everywhere because nobody can train them in which way to follow. I will take revenge on the father and mother of those children. Any Pastor who wants to join people in marriage should sit them down and teach them My word properly. This is not the issue of whether they’re compatible or not. They should understand My word properly because innocent children are suffering everywhere. Satan vowed to continually separate marriages because the parents love the things of this Earth more than the lives of the children I gave to them. Why did you leave your marriage? My husband did not buy a car for me. Why did you leave your marriage? My husband did not give me money to cook. Why did you leave your marriage? I saw my husband talking to a lady. I saw my wife did such and such. But all of you failed to value the lives I gave to you! I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Great I Am That I Am. I will take revenge for their lives on your lives. If children don’t grow up under their parents, what will they become in society? All My Pastors have failed Me! They’re looking for a large congregation because of money. They failed to teach parents how to train their children. They failed to teach parents My word. Through their teachings, anyone who wants to commit a particular sin tomorrow would surrender. If the Pastor fails to teach them, he promotes evil in the land.

As a man, you were seeking for a job. You and your wife prayed, and you got a job. Because the manager of the company was a single woman without a husband, you then abandoned your wife and children and followed the other woman because of your covetousness. Do you know the life the children would have given to you? Do you think you can take the company away from the woman? Do you know how she started the company? You will turn into a street beggar because of your covetousness. This is the same thing that made many of My Pastors join secret cults everywhere because they wanted to drive cars and private jets. O, I will bring whatever they want me to bring. A covenant is a covenant. Before you enter anything, especially marriage, think twice. You must know the consequence that follows it. If you rush into it, you will manage whatever you see. I Am the Almighty God.

You’re celebrating Jesus Christ, and your life doesn’t change for good. You’re celebrating Jesus Christ in sorrow. You’re reading it in My word: ‘He carried my shame; He carried my sickness’. Is it true? My son, ask them this question! Why are you crying while singing if He carried your sin and sorrow? Anytime you choose to celebrate My Son, I don’t want to see tears in your eyes. Why are you crying? Jesus Christ has shed your tears. Why are you shedding tears whenever you talk about Jesus Christ? Because you fail to live the life of Jesus Christ. Why don’t you live the life I proposed for you to live on this Earth? Whenever My children in the time of old wanted to praise Jesus Christ, they were happy because they knew where He picked them from. You gave your life to Jesus Christ and commit sin everyday. Every time you commit sin, you’ll ask for forgiveness. Let Me tell all of you! If you gave your life to My Son and continually commit sin, that means you didn’t give your life to Him because Satan will rob you of your blessing. If Jesus Christ shed tears, was beaten, nailed, speared with a sword, spat on, humiliated, and rejected, why do you still pass through pains and sorrow? Until you’re dead, buried, decayed, and a new covenant comes out of your body, that’s the only time you’ll have peace. Every one of you is not dreaming. It’s a reality.

If I want to destroy the Earth tomorrow, I will still preach, even at the last minute. I Am the Almighty God. I Am a Preacher. I preach My word. I tell you that the road you choose isn’t Mine. Though I Am the One who created it, I didn’t create it for you. I see your thought. I see your plan. You choose to do it, and I cannot stop you. Some people like you vowed they would never follow a bad road, and they counted it for joy and righteousness. They’re on this Earth. They have peace. They sleep like a baby. But because of what you want, you join an evil society and fly during the night. You will lie on your bed and fly to Kafanchan. All of you know what I’m saying! You’re on your bed, you’ll fly to your meeting. You purposely joined a secret society. If you duplicate your body to another thing, you’re not with Me anymore because I created you – Spirit, soul, and body. Even if I want to use you at night, I Am the One who will use you. I don’t want you to use your Spirit while you’re sleeping. If you use it by yourself, you commit sin. I Am the only One to use your Spirit. If I use it, you don’t do evil. Sometimes, I will open your eyes to see it. If I see the percentage of holiness in you, I can use you to heal somebody. I can also use somebody to heal and deliver you. Jesus Christ can use you as well. In a situation where you categorically join a secret society, you cannot come out of it until you die. After your death, they will transfer it to another family member. You will lose everything you’ve acquired if they cannot transfer it. What does your Bible tell you? A good father leaves an inheritance for his children. Can you leave such an inheritance for your children? Can you leave any inheritance you acquired in an evil and dubious way for your generation? You pollute the Earth. You pollute your family. You pollute your generation. You pollute the land. You pollute everywhere because it’s an abomination. That’s why the Earth turns upside-down today.

Woe unto those who call good evil. Woe unto those who take bribes to pervert the course of justice and hide the truth because of their selfishness. This is not My way. I don’t teach any other word than holiness because it sanctifies you. It promotes you. It elevates you. It gives you peace. It favours you. If the time comes for Me to take you away from this Earth, I will settle your Spirit. Nobody is holy like Me. I don’t say you should be holy hundred percent. Nobody can be holy ninety percent. Only a few people can attain eighty percent. As long as I see the percentage of holiness I require in you, I Am more than satisfied. That’s why I want your holiness to increase everyday. I know how powerful sin is. I know you cannot carry the load of sin. That’s why I brought My Son to carry the load for you. Since you say you know more than Me, the Creator, that you don’t value it by telling Me you can carry the load of your sin, let’s see who will get tired between you and Me. But the very day you change your mind that you don’t want to carry it anymore and hand it over to My Son, that’s when Satan will release his hands from you. As long you choose to continue in the way of sin and evil, you will also hand it over to your children and generation. The Law is My Law. I created good and evil. I said that one is not good for you. As you hold it and say you don’t want to leave it, you cannot see anything good. You hold it in your hand, and you’re crying. I see everything happening in the church. What you hold in your hand will tell you to bring, bring, bring. It’s never enough. That’s the contract you enter with Satan. It’s like a man who borrowed money from an evil man. You will pay until you die, and your children will continue paying as well. I Am watching all of you. I Am the Almighty God.

I Am the Almighty God. I Am a Righteous Father. Holiness is My name. I Am not a wicked Father. I have decreed what I want to do with this Earth, and you can do nothing about it. The rest is now in your hands. If I say I want to destroy the Earth, what are you doing about yourself? When I wanted to destroy the Earth during the time of Noah, he wasn’t the only one who was holy. There were some holy individuals in the land, but only Noah’s household was holy because I wanted an entire generation. That’s why I wiped everybody away, both the holy and unholy. Whatever I do, I do it for Myself, and nobody can tell Me what to do. I have decreed My judgement upon this Earth. As a Pastor, if it’s a crusade you want to hold and speak to people to remove their hands from evil, go ahead. Whatever you know how to do to save people from calamity, go ahead and do it. Maybe I can save a remnant through it. Whatever you’ve done, come out and confess it. If you’re into secret cults, come out of their midst and renounce them. Stop shedding innocent blood. Innocent children are everywhere, too many widows. Everything is about money. You cannot change a human being into money. Satan is only deceiving you. You’re spending evil money, and the land is accursed. As you spend the money, it gets mixed up with every other money and circulates around the country. The evil spread everywhere because it’s blood money. Why should the evil of another man affect you? Because you don’t have the seal of Jesus Christ in you. That money calls for poverty, sickness, and sorrow because it involves the blood of human beings. In a nutshell, it comes from an evil source. Only those with the seal of Jesus Christ will escape the wrath of Jesus Christ. For example, if they arrest some people on the bus and spray something on them, they will fall asleep immediately. Those who have the seal of Jesus Christ among them will not fall asleep. These are the people they call abomination because of the seal of Jesus Christ on them. Some of you may think it doesn’t concern you that you’re living well. If I come down, it will touch everybody. It will touch the holy and unholy, rich and poor, good and evil. It will affect everybody. Those who changed My handwork will see My wrath. I will not allow evil to overpower the holiness of this Earth. Those who believe in Me, My Son and the Holy Spirit should not stop praying. This is the only way they can avert My wrath. This is My message to all of you this year. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Authority. Evil is an abomination to Me. 

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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