Message To Redeemed Christian Church Of God And Nigeria

The Father speaks

(Saturday 21st September 2024, 01:00)

I Am the Almighty God. Jehovah is My name. I Am the Creator. I Am the God of Redeemed. There is no other. Many of you are happy whenever you're reading the message I asked My son, Radiant Jesudairo, to be sending to the whole world. Right now, I know many of you will be angry when you hear the name' Redeemed' because that name isn’t just an ordinary name. I Am the One who brought the name from Heaven. The meaning of that name is ‘those who fought and conquered’. Many of you will be very angry whenever anyone speaks against ‘Redeemed’. It is a name you hold in high esteem. Yes, that’s how I made it because it’s a holy church. Now, all of you are far from holiness because you’re dirty. Should I use My holiness to cover your shame because you're not redeemed? Now you know! Listen to My word so you can be redeemed. I Am the Almighty God.

When I asked My son Josiah Akindayomi to establish My church, I told him what to do. I purposely brought down this church from Heaven because other churches have failed Me. That's why I called it the Redeemed Christian Church Of God. I also gave My son Akindayomi all the Commandments and Ordinances the church should follow. All of you have destroyed everything, starting from the head. My son Akindayomi delivered everything I gave him to this church. This is just the second person; the third person hasn't taken over yet. All of you have destroyed everything. It is My church. It is neither the church of Akindayomi nor Adeboye. It is not a church of man. It is not a church of flesh. The Redeemed Christian Church Of God is a spiritual church. It is not a Pentecostal church. There is a difference between the two. It is a Spiritual church. It is not an ordinary church. It is not a worldly church. It is a church where I want to take My children to Heaven. It is a Spiritual church. If I say a Spiritual church, it's not about lighting candles or bathing in the river alone, which I also introduced to destroy the power of demons that followed all of you. When it comes to deliverance, lighting candles or bathing in the river may come in. This isn't an assignment for just any Pastor to carry out. I Am the Almighty God, and none of you can fault Me. White garment is an attribute of holiness. I didn't impose it on you to wear a white garment because I believed that if you follow all the Commandments and Ordinances I gave to you, I will gain your heart. And if I gain your heart, then I have everything. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Authority.

Without you hearing what the Spirit is saying, you cannot do My will. And without you doing My will, you cannot hear what the Spirit is saying. Most of the churches I brought down operate spiritually. It is a spiritual church. You can only hear what the Spirit is saying by giving yourself to the Holy Spirit. If you don't put down your ears and listen to what the Spirit is saying, you cannot do My will. All of you should not neglect the spiritual aspect of My church. If you don't put down your ears and listen to what the Spirit is saying in the church, you've missed it. The Redeemed Christian Church Of God is a spiritual church that I brought down from Heaven to this Earth. That was the reason why My son Akindayomi could hear what I was saying. I used him physically and used him spiritually. You cannot hear what the Spirit is saying if you don’t kill your flesh. You cannot involve yourself with worldly things and still think the Spirit will use you; no. You must kill your physical flesh so the Spirit can use you, so I can tell you how to operate My church. If you kill your flesh, you cannot resist My Spirit whenever He comes upon you. Whatever message I give to you, you will not hesitate to deliver it. You will not be afraid to speak the truth. You won't care if they kill you. You cannot do it alone by yourself. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

The Redeemed Christian Church Of God is a church where Pastors live their lives for Me by connecting their Spirits to Me so I can speak to them. If you don't do My will, how can I speak to you? If I don't speak to you, what will you give to My children? All of you Pastors are living and working by flesh, including the head. I Am not with you. Many of the congregation think that all is well. All is not well!!! I Am angry! I Am speaking to all the Pastors of the Redeemed Christian Church Of God, starting from the head. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the One speaking. I Am a respecter of nobody. All of you are My sons and daughters. You don't know what is coming to hit you because I have prepared what I will do to all of you. All of you will suffer here on this Earth before you continue the rest in Hellfire. I Am the Almighty God. Jehovah is My name. I Am The Great I Am That I Am. I Am the Originator. I Am the Self-Existing Father. I Am the same God of Abraham and Moses. I Am Omnipresent and Omnicompetent God. I Am the Mighty-Man-In-Battle. I Am the Ancient of Days. I Am the Beginning, the Middle, and the Ending. I Am Unchangeable and Unbeatable God. There is none before Me, and there is none after Me. I Am All-In-All. I Am a Perfect Father. None of you can fault Me. All of you are foolish and stupid because you think you can use your education to change My word.

You cannot serve Me without the light of Jesus Christ in you. If there is no light of Jesus Christ in you, Satan can kill you before your time. Many of you Pastors, including your wives have no single light in you. You gather lions and tigers and call them congregation. Whenever you preach any message which isn't inspired by the Holy Spirit, what do you think they'll do to you? They will eat you raw! They can attack your Spirit for a long time. Afterwards, they'll kill you. People will think you die of a common illness. Nobody will know they kill you right there inside the church. What leads to sickness? Sin! If your hands are not clean and they're looking for their meat, they will eat you. And if I keep you alive by My grace, that doesn't mean you're doing My will. Your hands are dirty. Your hearts are dirty. There is nothing good in you. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Great I Am That I Am. I Am a Holy Father.

All of you call yourselves Pastors and contribute nothing to My kingdom. You're on your own. All your congregation are heading to Hellfire because they're not doing My will. You're not working for Me. You're working for yourselves. If you're working for Me, you will not carry sickness from the church to your house. The kind of evil all of you have in your heart has no comparison. There is nothing good in you. Your hands are full of blood! Does My blessing add sorrow? Satan can cut down anybody at any time. You don't have My light in you and want to preach My word. You will read the Bible, memorise some verses, climb the pulpit and begin to preach. While you're preaching, your word is touching some people whose hearts are evil. What do you think they'll do to you when you don't have the light of Jesus Christ in you? You will only waste your life. All of you are wicked and foolish servants. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

You should allow the Holy Spirit to inspire you with every single word you speak so that if the enemies throw any stone, I can fight for you. How can I fight for you when I did not send you the work you're doing? You're on your own! Some of you have lost your wives or husbands because you're not working for Me. You're only working for your General Overseer so he can praise you. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the One speaking. You're doing eye service. If I ask any of you to recite the Commandments and Ordinances I gave My son Akindayomi for this church, you cannot recite it. You're using your foolish brain to lead My children. You're using your education to lead My church. All of you are working for your General Overseer. What can you do when your head is already off? O, I want Daddy GO to praise Me. You're not working for Me to praise you. That's why evil is befalling all of you. You put your trust in a man and forget about Me. If I choose a man and he forsakes My way, if you're genuinely working for Me, and not for that man, why can't you know that that man has missed the road? As he missed the road, all of you follow him blindly because you're doomed. All of you will fall into the pit together. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

As a Pastor, I chose you and your wife to do My work together. As a woman, a Pastor's wife, if your husband is going the wrong way and you fail to speak out, Satan will kill you on his account. Your husband is the head of the church. He knows the truth, but Satan is using him to send My children to the kingdom of darkness. If you know about it and support him through your lifestyle, you will pay for it. You're eating, drinking, driving cars, but you're not bothered whenever you see tears in the eyes of the congregation. You didn't know the congregation is suffering on your husband's account. They will pay physically and spiritually. Whenever demons need blood, they will not see your husband. They will bounce on the Pastor's wife. You must pay for it because you didn't fight for your salvation. If a Pastor enters an evil covenant, why should you die on his account? Both of you have equal rights before Me. If you do it well, why should I allow you to die because of your husband? If I keep calm for you to die, that means you're not doing it well. My word says if you eat any deadly thing, if you step on lions and tigers, they will not harm you. That's why all of you should go back to My word, the Bible, and read from Genesis. You will see how I dealt with My children in the time of old. They were not Pastors. They were just ordinary people. They took My word seriously, and I came down. Their names are written in My word, the Bible. Why should you go down for your husband? Why should your congregation be jealous of you and kill you? I Am the Almighty God. You have your own life to live. Your life is not in the hands of anybody. Why are you blaming Me? All of you are blaming Almighty God for the death of Pastor's wife.

The foundation of the Redeemed Christian Church Of God is holiness and spirituality. If you throw away the spiritual side of it, many things will go wrong. You shouldn't blame Me. Blame yourself because you missed it. Even though your parents gave birth to you through the covenant of idolatry, but you've entered another covenant with Jesus Christ. Why should the covenant of idolatry overtake you if you genuinely gave your life to Jesus Christ? If you're sleeping, your Spirit never sleeps. That's how I created all of you. Your Spirit wanders around everywhere. Even if you're dead, your Spirit never sleeps. While your loved ones are crying, you'll go to another planet enjoying yourself. It is a joy to some people and a sorrow to others. Whenever some of you are sick, you'll pray for death to come so you can have peace. Who told you? If sickness kills you, you're not qualified to rest in a peaceful place. If you die of illness, you will come back again and enjoy it. Your loved ones will also enjoy it because all of you come from the same generation. My son, tell them to read their Bible from Genesis and see how I dealt with My children. Do not allow anybody to confuse you. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

If the head is destroyed, what can your body do? Those who're serious with My word, I mean Pastors and other religion, those who know Me as Jehovah, I use their faith to work upon this Earth. Then, if you manipulate it and allow the politicians who work for their bellies to come to you, and you take anything from their hands, that means you accept whatever they want to do on this Earth. That means you accept their spirit to rule over you. And whatever comes out of it, even though you cry to Me, I cannot do anything because that politician is not guilty because he paid for his position. Do you think something good will come from any man who gives a bribe to enter any position? What does My word say? My word distinguished you from them. You are a Christian, not just a Christian but My servant. Read My word.

You are the ones living on this Earth. I don't live here. I only descend and ascend. Can any of you plant some seed and reap nothing at the end of a whole year? It will never happen! Even if rain doesn't fall, you will still harvest something, no matter how little. Are you the ones that make your plants grow? I respect the spirits I placed in every key area of this Earth more than you. Initially, I respected you more than them. But what happened to you? You lost your glory in Me. The spirits I placed in the sea, air, forests, and mountains all give Me respect. They pay homage to Me. They respect Me as their Father. They know Me as the Almighty God. They respect Me. Sometimes, I will stand in the air. Why do I stand in the air? If My feet touch the air, peace will continue to reign on the Earth because of you. The fact that your feet touch the ground matters a lot. My word says you'll possess anywhere the soles of your feet touch. If your hands are not clean and you touch the ground with your feet, how can the land yield its increase? But I, Almighty God make the Earth yield its increase everyday. If you fail, somebody else will not fail. I cannot stop settling the spirits of the Earth because of you so that others will not have peace. You’re the one who will not enjoy it.

As Pastors, if you accept bribes from the politicians and the kings of this Earth and do evil business with them, how can I rescue you when evil befalls you? Many of My children are crying in their beds, and there is nothing I can do. You gave your consent to a wicked king to rule you. All of you should go into My word because it happened before. Yes, I brought Jesus Christ to this Earth to save you through His blood. I didn't design Him to die at the age of thirty-three. I knew His death would atone for the Earth. But why did it happen so soon? Pontius Pilate had My fear. He was afraid because he had a conscience. He said this Man didn't do anything; I will not have His blood in my hands. When he asked all of you what he should do, what did you say? You shouted crucify Him! Even if they released Jesus Christ, His blood would have still touched the Earth before He departed, but not so soon. He had a lot to reveal to all of you. He still had a lot of work to do on this Earth. You people killed Him as a baby. Jesus Christ died as a baby! He would have lived many more years before He returned to Me. But you shouted, crucify Him! Crucify Him! Crucify Him! Did they crucify Him or not? What happened after they crucified Him? I took My Son because He passed. He passed! Even if He lived fifty or sixty years, He wouldn't have committed any sin. How old was Moses when I used him? I didn't design Jesus Christ to die at a young age! I knew His blood would touch the Earth before He departed because He came to work for Me. No matter what, His blood would avenge the Earth sooner or later. That was His mission. You people cut Him short. His Disciples haven't enjoyed Him at all. They haven't learnt a lot from Him. Satan knew the reason. He was the one who crossed the path of Judas Iscariot who initiated His killing. But you had the opportunity to rescue Him. What did you do? You shouted crucify Him! You preferred a thief to My Son. You preferred an armed robber to your Jesus Christ. Then, why are you crying?

In the whole of Africa, Nigeria is exceptional, and nobody can take it away from you. But what did you do? What did you do? In the same way I created Britain, so I also created Nigeria. As the whole Earth comes to England, do you think it's by their power? That's how I made Africa, especially Nigeria. All of you should look at the map of the world and judge by yourself. I did it that way. I Am the One. I Am the Almighty God. In the same way I gathered different people with different languages together to form Britain, so I also gathered you together to form Nigeria. Nobody knows how to do anything more than Me. But what did you do? You use your hands to destroy everything. You're blaming the culture, blaming the foundation. If all of you work together in harmony, nobody will come from outside and separate you. What shall it profit you to eat everything and lose your respect? Anywhere you enter, they look at you like rejected people. I haven't rejected you totally. All of you will be shocked at how I will repair the land. By the time all the people who gathered wealth begin to fall down and die, they will not tell you what they're passing through. My son, tell them what I will do to all the people who gathered wealth. They don't have My fear. They use boxes to pack money. Do you have a conscience? Who are you? Are you a human being?

Demons have a conscience more than you. That's why they give you whatever you want even though it's counterfeit. They give to you so you can follow them. Whenever I ask the demons why they give you such a gift, they will say you're the one who came to them. If I say they should repair it, they will say I know they can't repair anything but can only destroy it. If you cry to Me, they will surrender and leave you for Me. That means I Am the Originator. If you have Me, you have everything. Do you know why I said you're more wicked than demons? The food you eat, the money you spend, the oil you sell, you acquire them in an evil way. Yet, you misuse everything. If you give it to My children, will they continue to cry everyday? Have you seen anybody on the street with an open truck of money and calling everybody to come and take some? Saying, come, this is the money my Father made me realise from the politicians; this is part of the money our Father gave to us; take some and feed your family; start your business and praise Almighty God. Have you seen such a person before? Even if they arrest you at the end of the day, I will fight for you because My children are happy. They needed the money. Have you seen or heard something like this before? You will never see it, and you will never hear it. Satan hardens their heart to take the money to a foreign land and allow the people of the land to continue to suffer. They will buy houses, and they'll never live in them before they die. They will put money in the account, and they'll never spend it until they die. They didn't know the consequences are waiting for them and their generation. You human beings I created after My likeness are very stingy and wicked. The wickedness in your heart is worse than demons. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

You stay inside your house while somebody is crying outside. Some of you politicians, people will wait for you on the street so they can see you whenever you drive by because they need your help. You'll ask your driver to zoom off whenever you see them. You're saying you don't want to see those useless people. Who is useless? You and your entire generation are stupid and useless! Your house is packed with money because you have the power. It's too late for the mouth to open after the head is off. I will pass My judgement through you and your entire generation, including the unborn children. I Am the Almighty God. If you think your wealth will last for generations, you lie. All of you should look at your palms. Who put the marks there? Look at the palms of your hands. Who put those marks there? Four of you should stand next to each other and look at the palms of your hands. The lines are different. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Great I Am That I Am. I created Hausa, Ibo, Yoruba, and others. I joined all of you together so you can enjoy the treasures I put in the country. I wanted you to live together in peace and harmony. You can work, live, and eat together. I put My own faith, Christianity to deal with holiness. The second faith also deals with holiness. Christianity is the head because of the blood of My Son Jesus. I never reject you if you're praying to Me. If you live and die in My will, I will put you in a better place in Heaven. I never reject anybody. I Am Jehovah God Almighty. I come to exist on this Earth through Christianity because of the covenant of blood I had with Abraham.

This covenant of blood started with Abraham through his son Isaac. When I brought down Isaac, sin still affected them. I needed blood to atone for their sins. That was why I asked him to sacrifice his son to Me. When I looked into his heart and saw he had killed Isaac, I stopped him and gave him a ram as a replacement. The blood of a ram couldn't atone for the sins of Abraham and his generation. That's why I asked them to circumcise themselves. Which means they paid for their sins with their blood. They entered into a covenant with their bodies. The same thing led to women's monthly flow. This monthly flow atones for their eggs every month. Some women don't menstruate but see a sign of blood in their bodies every month. I Am the Almighty God. Nobody knows how to do it more than the Owner. Whatever I ask you to do is for your own good, not Mine.

For you to take a bribe from whoever wants to rule you is an abomination to the land. People have done it before, but very few have done it. I still used the faith of the majority to move the land forward so they could enjoy peace. As it continued, it became worse. Those who're involved now overpowered the holiness of the land. The spirit of sin and corruption has overpowered the spirit of holiness. How can the land yield its increase? You have used blood to test the mouths of demons. They ask for blood every time. They don't ask for the blood of animals. They ask for the blood of human beings. Why are you crying on your bed? Are you not a Christian? Can't you see what your Pastors are doing? Can you challenge your Pastor? You cannot challenge him because you believe he'll kill you. Why are you crying to Me on your bed? You respect your Pastor more than Me. You're saying I should come down and kill everybody. It doesn't work like that! Whenever somebody speaks about your Pastor, you'll be very angry, as if you should kill him. Do you know what your Pastor is doing in the closet? All of you are promoting evil! All of you will enjoy the punishment together. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

If Jesus Christ should appear today, you will stone Him to death and go to your Pastor. You will stone Him to death and go to your General Overseer. You will not recognise Him as your Saviour. You may think My son Radiant Jesudairo imagined and wrote this message by himself. All of you have gone far in sin. If I say you should turn back, you cannot. You will enjoy the penalty of the sins all of you committed. As long you keep supporting your evil Pastor, you're also a wicked man. When that man called My Son Jesus 'good', what was His reply? He said no one is good except His Father. I Am the Father. He didn't take My glory. He knew He was a human being on this Earth. He gave the glory to Me. But all of you give My glory to your Pastors. Tell your Pastors to feed you. Tell them to settle the spirits of the Earth crying for blood everyday. They cry for blood because you have used blood to test their mouths. They never ask for the blood of animals. They only ask for the blood of human beings. You give them the blood of pregnant women, the blood of infants, the blood of virgins, the blood of hunchbacks, the blood of cripples, the blood of old men, and the blood of old women. You give demons everything they ask from you. I have given you Jesus Christ. You put Him aside and followed your demons. You're saying, after all, nobody sees us. You have double spirits. You have the spirit of witchcraft. I Am the Almighty God. How many Am I going to reveal?

All the heroes I brought to this Earth to sing in My house, both male and female, Satan is requesting their blood from Pastors. They're killing them! I brought them to elevate My church through their songs. Through their songs, miracles will happen, and My Spirit will be elevated in Heaven. But Satan is requesting for their blood through Pastors. They don't know their right from left because they want money and fame. They don't know what I put inside them. Satan has succeeded in killing many of them through Pastors. They don't talk of marriage and children. As a young woman, if you marry and settle down, you and your husband will join hands in doing My work. If any evil Pastor invites you to minister in his church, you and your husband will kneel and pray to Me. I will tell you not to go because it's not a church but a lion's den. Satan will not kill you prematurely. How old are you? You don't want to marry! You're going to sing in the church, but you adorn yourself with all that nonsense. Whenever people look at you, they see something else entirely. You're the prey of demons. You're not working for Me. After your ministration, they will call you to the Pastor's office and promise to promote you. Are you working for Me? Can My blessing add sorrow? You only cut your life short. If you die, They will judge you and send you to Hellfire because you claim you're a gospel minister. Imagine they invited you to sing and offered you money afterwards. You didn't know they set a trap for you. You're going to Hellfire whenever you die. There are fake Prophets and Pastors right from the time of old. If a top Pastor invites you to minister in his church, to you, it's My will; it's a good thing; it is promotion. You didn't know they had prepared to use you to renew their covenant with demons. Whenever they invite you to minister in any church, seek My face before you go. Don't look at the outward appearance of the Pastor and his ministry. They're clothed in sheep's skin while their inside is like a wolf. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

I bring down heroes everyday through every family so the Earth can yield its increase. As a gospel singer, you don't just sing in the church. Every song that comes out of your mouth is from the Holy Spirit. You will never compose songs. The songs will come automatically. But the demons of this Earth are being tormented through your songs. They will not only plan to quench your fire but to kill you. They will do it through your Pastors. What are you looking for? My only encouragement to the young ones coming is to get married immediately they get to the age of marriage so that they and their husbands can have the same mind. If they call you to minister anywhere, kneel down and pray to Me. Let Me tell you if you should go because many wolves are inside the church, especially on the pulpit. If they plan to kill you through money, I will put an obstacle, and you'll never go. But because you're not seeking the things of Heaven but the things of this Earth; therefore, you'll continue to enter their traps. You want to build houses; you want to buy cars. You forgot that the building of a woman ends in her husband's house. The building of a man ends in his wife's house because both of you will leave your parents and come together as one regardless of the call I call you. Any glory I gave you ends in your husband's or wife's house. Both of you will join hands together and do My will. I will shield and shelter your household. If you say you want to live as a single man or woman, your door is open for demons to enter. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

What did they use in killing your Jesus? Money! The same person who dipped his hand in the same plate as Jesus Christ initiated His killing. They use this same money to lure all of you. How old are you? You don't want to hear about marriage, both men and women. You don't want to marry because the daughters of Belial line up for you to sleep with them. You don't want to marry because you're already doomed for destruction. I cannot force you into marriage. But you must keep your body pure if you don't want to marry because that's what Satan will use to destroy you. Imagine somebody I brought down from Heaven to this Earth to sing but now died a shameful death. What are you looking for? The kingdom of darkness will be happy because you tormented them with your songs. They use your body to practise evil. Why can't you refrain your body so I can use you to do signs and wonders? Why should you give your body to them? There is good and evil. If you know what's good, why should they use you for what's evil? You're also evil because you accepted it. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

If you don't want to marry, I will care for you. Let your handwork favour you. You say you don't want to marry, but you open your legs everywhere and allow men to sleep with you. You will face the consequences. If you marry, you should be content with whatever you have. If you go out there looking for more, you'll manage whatever you see. You have already opened the door for demons to enter your house. It can affect your husband or wife and your children because of the name of Jesus Christ you're calling. You cannot walk on two roads at a time. Narrow is the road, and broad is the road. If you want to walk on the narrow road, let people see you. You claim you're walking on the narrow road but hiding. Even if you cover yourself, demons will fish you out. They will cut your life short. Nobody has insight like Lucifer and demons. I Am speaking to male and female singers. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

To the husbands and wives who sing with their clean hearts, carry on. I Am watching you. I will surely reward you. In a church where the Pastor has dipped his hand into evil, My Spirit still moves because of the songs you sing. Many people survive through your songs because your Spirits are not subject to the Spirit of Pastors. Carry on with what you're doing because there is a reward for you. They will judge you at the end of your journey. I Am the Almighty God.

If you know of any evil secret in your church, and you close your mouth, They will judge you. If there is any secret troubling your heart that you can't speak about, confess it to somebody, carry your Bible immediately, and leave the church. You cannot open your eyes while you see people go down. You're afraid to speak and still stay in the church. They will judge you. You don't want to speak about it because of your position. You're not working for Me. If you speak out, that person may be saved. In the church, you as a mother know that somebody is sleeping with the children, destroying their lives, but you keep quiet. My punishment is waiting for all of you. You cannot continue to commit sin and expect My grace to abide with you. Do you think I will use somebody else to set that person free? You are the one I will use to set him free. If they want to demote you, carry your Bible and leave immediately. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

Many of My children thought all would be well if they entered the church. Unfortunately, they committed the kind of sin they've never committed before the moment they entered the church. The church of God is supposed to be a holy and pure place because that's how I made it. But the reverse is the case. If your own church is where they destroy the lives of children, what kind of church is that? Carry your Bible immediately and run. If I can penalise you because of the word of your mouth, such as little lies, imagine what I will do to such people. You know all these, and you said nothing concerns you. You don't want them to take your position away from you. I Am the One who determines whether your position will reach Heaven. That can only happen if you get there. How can you have the fear of your Pastors and dispise Me because of your position? Many men in the church are five and six with their Pastors. They know everything their Pastors do. Their Pastors always bribe them with money. They cannot speak out; they only speak in the corner because they're afraid. You can set your Pastor free if your Spirit is not subject to the Spirit of the Pastor. As long his Spirit is with him, encourage him to come out of the path he's treading. If he confesses everything he has done, I will pardon him. If he refuses, you have done your part, and I will set you free. Leave him immediately and don't work for him anymore. But if you continually take money from him, you're more evil than him. You will partake in the punishment of the Pastor. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Great Judge. All of you have already prepared where you're going.

As a Pastor, no matter how you hide yourself, somebody close to you must know your secret. They will only speak in the corner; they will not speak openly. My son, tell them they and their children are doomed for destruction. How did Jesus Christ get His Disciples? By going around speaking the truth. Most of them abandoned what they were doing and followed My Son. How come yours is different? Who are you working for? You are disciples of demons! As your master is, so you are. The Earth will never yield its increase. I Am out of this equation. Those who are faithful to Me individually, I meet their needs; I care for them. The time is not on your side anymore. The time is not on your side because all of you will enjoy what you laboured for. I Am the Almighty God. I will judge all of you. You cannot say no if I say yes.

Before somebody will approach you for anything, he knows the kind of spirit you have. O, I don't want to approach this Pastor; if I do, he will disgrace me. But because he knew such spirit is in you, he knew what you loved; therefore, he came to you and your wife. Do you love money more than Almighty God? Do you love wealth more than Me? Come to Heaven and see what's there. It's a shame for you to gather the things of this Earth and miss Heaven. You don't only miss Heaven, but you also put your entire generation into torment. Anybody can die at any time. Nothing concerns Me! That's what you laboured for. None of you have My fear. You bear false witness and do a lot of evil things. How can the Earth yield its increase? How can I save you when trouble is coming because your hands are not clean? You're cajoling My children, telling them, 'Our God is not a wicked God; our God is a loving and kind God'. All of you should read your Bible and see where I laid curses upon those who did evil. Why can't you tell them, 'Our God hates evil; our God is a Consuming Fire'? Yes, I Am a loving and kind God to those who do My will. You're deceiving My children by saying, 'Praise the Lord, don't mind the poor people; our God is not a wicked God; our God is a loving and kind God'. You will bring out the verses from the Bible to support your nonsense. Read the whole chapter; don't just bring out a verse. Then, you will know who I Am. I Am the Almighty God. I Am a Consuming Fire. I Am the God of Redeemed.

When I asked Jonah to deliver an ordinary message so the people would be free, what happened to him? As a Pastor, I asked you to deliver the message of holiness to My children. If you didn't enter the belly of fish like Jonah, does that mean you will make Heaven? You think Jesus Christ gave you the ticket to do whatever you like. You will fly in your private jet to all manner of meetings. Nothing concerns you with My children. Whenever you call your wife, you'll ask about the welfare of your children. But nothing concerns you about My children. You built a wall of money around your wife and children. Nothing concerns you with the remaining people. You look at yourself that you're everything. I Am not a partial God! The judgement I deliver to one, I also deliver to the other. I judge all of you equally. You may be enjoying yourself eating cake while another person eats sand. I give it to all of you equally across the whole Earth. This was exactly what I told them in Britain: that the law should affect everybody, both Duke and Harry. That's what they practise until today. If you're qualified for anything, they'll give it to you because they have a conscience. But there in Nigeria, you practise wickedness. People are applauding you. Those who applaud you know you're foolish. The foreigners are clapping hands for you, calling you foolish because they want the country to be destroyed. They don't support you for good because they're jealous. They know the treasures I buried in Nigeria. They want you to destroy it by yourselves. They will help you to destroy it so you can keep going to their country as slaves because all of you are stupid!

If you visit Britain and look at the environment, do you like it or not? Upon what did they build all the structures? Isn't it the same land as Nigeria? I gave all of you the same thing. My purpose was for you to come to Britain, see everything, return to Nigeria and build the same thing. If you cannot build it by yourselves, you will invite them to build it for you and pay them. That is all! But you said no, we will remain slaves; we will pack all our wealth and give to them. If you take anything from Nigeria to Britain, it will never go back with you. If they lure you to buy a house, it will remain with them. You will remain their slaves forever because wherever your wealth is, there your heart will be. No matter how you take your wealth to them, they will never see you and them as equal. You are their slaves! They use you to boost their economy. I Am the Almighty God. I didn't create any of you to be a slave to somebody, whether you're white or black. Somebody must be the head. You will learn from him while he teaches you. I didn't say somebody would be the head while you're the slave. Never!!!

Why did the children of Jacob go to the land of Egypt? Because of famine. They now became slaves. If you don't do it well, you will become slaves. This isn't the beginning. It has been there right from the beginning. If you don't do it well, you will be a slave. This is what the white people used to overpower all of you. I treat all of you equally, whether you're white or black. All of you are in Heaven. The colour of your skin doesn't matter. Jesus Christ can appear to you as a black man. Tell them My son! If a hen lays her eggs, can you differentiate them? You can only differentiate them after she hatches the eggs. You will see yellow, white, red, black. Can she call a hawk to carry some of them away because they don’t belong to her? Never!!! Whoever touches any of them is in trouble. Are all the clothes in your house black or white? Why do you all confuse yourselves? Do you know more than Me, the Owner? I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

Those of you who read this word should work upon yourselves quickly without delay because time is not on your side anymore. Anything can happen at any time. Save yourself and your family. Speak the truth to your children. If you wake up in the morning, greet each other and then pray. No matter anything, all of you should read your Bible at least twice a week. Read it spiritually. As you read it, do whatever it says. From that moment, the Holy Spirit will begin to tell you the portion to read through your mind. After you have read it, it will rhyme with your situation. You, the man, don't put fire into the body of your wife and children. This is the handwork of Satan so that the family will not have peace. There is no peace in the family, and there is no peace in the church so that his hand can touch them.

As a father at home, why are you looking at the hands of your son or daughter for money? What do you want them to do? You're crying that your sons and daughters have entered the streets. What do you expect them to do when you're looking at their hands for money? Why are you looking unto them? They should be the ones looking unto you. You want them to give you money. If the fire is too much, they will do whatever they asked them to do on the street. If they catch them, you'll cry to Me, shedding nonsense tears. O, Father, I know what you said concerning my son. You have missed it! No matter how challenging the situation may be, continue to encourage them. But you put your eyes on expensive things. How many did you do? You, as a father, how many companies do you have? How many houses did you build? But you're asking little children for money. You don't even teach them My word. You will go to the church and leave them at home to pray for yourself because you're looking for food.

The children that are supposed to elevate your name, you leave them at home. You failed to teach them My way. How can they possess their possession? O, Father, You told me my children will be great. Yes, I told you! But did they know the way of God? Did you show them My way? Their blessings will only come if they know My way. The only language they hear is to carry a computer and go out and look for money. Whenever the police arrest them, you'll cry to Me. I know what God told me concerning my son. It's too late because you're a failure!!! If you continue to teach them My word and way, and the government of the land fails, I will surely make a way for them. I Am the Great Connector. Through My fear in them and the talent I gave to them, I will glorify Myself in them. That's what happened to Joseph. That's what happened to Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego. That's what happened to Daniel. That's what happened to Esther. Nobody can destroy My word. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

All of you want to run more than yourself, especially the chosen ones. You're chasing the things of this Earth. You will never hear words because demons will devour you. They will eat you raw? Satan and demons request barrels of blood everyday. Why should it be your blood? They're always happy whenever they shed the blood of My chosen ones. If we torment them, most of them will not be Christians anymore; they will run away; we will start from the church. We will capture all of them; they're all in our net; they even spend our money; they cannot come out of it. Satan started from the church.

If We're talking of Satan and demons, it is something spiritual. Every sin you commit is spiritual. Whatever you do in your closet that nobody knows about is spiritual. You have to pay for it. If you enter your room and sleep with a woman unlawfully, did I give her to you? If you go to the market and steal any item, they will kill you. Then, you're asking Me why I created it. Why are you a thief? A woman isn't your wife, and you impregnated her. Is she your wife? Demons can do you anything! Why are you blaming Me? I Am the Almighty God. I Am holy. I always accept what's good.

How many women were in the Garden of Eden? How many men were there? Adam was always there with animals. Why didn't Satan ask him to sleep with animals? Adam was a human being and the overseer of the animals. He was the one who cared for the animals in the Garden. Satan knew that no matter anything, Adam would never commit any sin. When I brought out Eve, Satan knew Adam could only listen to her voice. He would never listen to anybody's voice. Adam saw everything the animals were doing. He saw them while they were sleeping with each other. Satan knew he couldn't approach Adam for anything. Hence, Eve was the one who came out of his body; he would always love and respect her. He couldn't approach Adam, so he turned to Eve.

If the spirit inside you tells you to sleep with your daughter, is it a good spirit? Satan knew Adam and Eve would have children together according to My promise. That's why he lured them to do it, but not in My own time. They did it in a sinful way. As this principle was in the beginning, so it is now. I never relent on it. If you do anything unlawfully, you will pay for it. The record will go to your generation. They will suffer for it. Why are you crying? My ear is full of your cry and tears. If I open your book and look into it, you're among those who destroyed the Earth. You support evil!

All of you should go and read your Bible, starting from Genesis. If you're going to a church where they sell miracles, you're doomed. You don't buy miracles. If you buy it, you will manage whatever you see. My miracle isn't for sale. You are the ones promoting Pastors. Right there inside your house, you can receive your miracle by faith. As a Pastor, My blessing is never for sale. As a Christian, if it comes from your mind, you can take a bottle of water from your house to the church so the Pastor can pray to it because you have the faith. As you drink the water, it will work for you. But if any Pastor sells water for you, do you know where he got the water from? Apart from that, it will never work because whatever I give to My servant isn't for sale. I gave it freely, and he should also give it to you freely. That evil Pastor is breeding demons in your body.

Why can't you read the word of God, open your mouth and cleanse yourself from all the sins you committed, including lies? Let My Spirit enter you as you read My word so I can elevate you, so the spirit of sickness can disappear from your body. The spirit of sin is a spirit of darkness. If they possess your body, they will take all your organs, and you can't function well anymore because you believe in a man. Darkness always comes upon anyone who believes in a man. Jesus Christ isn't a man; He is a Spirit. As a Christian, you should believe in Jesus Christ. He is the Head of all churches. If you believe in Pastor Joshua, you're in darkness. If you believe in Pastor John, you're in darkness. If you believe in any Pastor, you're in darkness. Believe in Jesus Christ because He is the Head of all churches. Pastors should not take My glory. I will judge that Pastor! If you believe in Jesus Christ, He will visit you. He will never visit you to commit sin. He will visit you and elevate your Spirit.

The church of God is real. You are the church of God. You are the ones who make the church function. You are the one who brings light to the church. Do not be enticed by Pastors' cars and private jets. Do not be envious of their wealth. Do not be envious of the progress of the wicked ones because everything will fade away in a twinkling of an eye. Everything will be destroyed. The end of a perfect man from Me is always good. Do not be envious of Pastors who progress in their own evil way because everything they acquired will end on this Earth. The Pastor who speaks My holiness shall flourish. The Earth is Mine and everything in it. As a Christian, if somebody loses her purse inside the bus, she will come back and see it. If somebody loses his phone, he will come back and find it. Whoever finds it will take it to where he can easily find it. Who are you? An item will be missing in the church, and you can't find it anymore. Who are you? Pastors tell lies right there on the pulpit. How can something good come to you? You're in darkness through your Pastor.

As a Pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church Of God, you're working for your General Overseer. You're not working for Me. I Am the Almighty God. Nobody controls Me. The Earth cannot control Me. I Am the Controller of the Earth. You cannot tell Me what to do. I Am the One who will tell you what to do. You're seeking praise from man. You're doing eye service. You want him to praise you. You're not working for Me. If the spiritual head of a church is already dead, what else can you do? What do you think will happen to you? All of you are working and walking in darkness. You don't know anything. You don't have My fear. You have no connection to Me. You're seeking the food you want to eat. None of you is doing My will. Before anything happens, I cannot reveal it to any of you to prevent it because your hands are dirty. You're operating forward and backward. That's how all of you operate in the Redeemed Christian Church Of God. A little good, many evil; a little good, many evil. Who are you? Go and ask what I did to Pharaoh. The door is closed against all of you already. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Great Judge. I Am a Consuming Fire.

You cannot call yourself My servant and continually eat with the kings of this Earth. I Am speaking to all My Pastors in the Redeemed Christian Church of God, including the head. You cannot call yourself My servant and continually eat with bloodsuckers. You belong to the same occultic fraternity. All of you will gather at night to do evil. You think it's a night, but it's a day to Me because darkness is as light to Me. The spiritual is more than physical. Everything you do physically is nothing compared to what you do spiritually. The spiritual will show whatever you do physically. I was the One who separated day from night. And if We talk about spiritual and physical, they're like day and night. Who owns it? I Am the One. Who are you doing evil to? Are you doing evil to Me or yourself? I brought you down to this Earth so you could repair the lives of My children so the Earth could yield its increase, but you focus on gathering wealth. After you gathered wealth, you're now afraid of death so they wouldn't kill you. You then went and joined an occultic society so they can protect you. Who will protect you if I don’t protect you?

If you enter any occultic society, you must pay your due. You must pay your due, and it doesn’t matter whether you’re the General Overseer or not. All of you Pastors have gone too far. The demons that control you are asking for more than you can give. That’s why some of you eat the tongues of a human being. Some of you eat the kidney of a human being. Some of you eat the eyes of a human being. Some of you eat male organs. Some of you eat the breast of a woman. Some of you eat the nipples of a woman. Some of you eat the liver of a human being. You do all these evil and abominable things and still call yourselves My servants. Can’t you see Satan is clever? Lucifer and demons have more insight than any of you. All of you will pay dearly for all your atrocities. You sacrifice a human being every year. Some of you sacrifice a virgin every year. You alone! How many years are you going to live? How many human beings are you going to use for your ritual before you die? I swear by My name, Jehovah, you and your generation shall suffer the consequences of your action. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed. I Am the One speaking.

If you say you're My servant, what is the difference between you and the evil kings? You're lying to My children. You gathered innocent children together, young boys and girls, and ordained them as Pastors when they didn't know their right from left. You ordained them as Pastors everywhere so they could gather money for you. Whenever you call them for a meeting, you'll ask them how much money they've gathered. You appointed some Pastors to oversee the money. Your own is about money. You don't even ask how much holiness is coming from each parish. You don't ask about the kind of testimonies that come from there. You don't ask what's happening to husband and wife. You don't ask what's happening to children. You never ask because you're not interested. All you care about is money, money, money. If they bring any bad report to you about any Pastor, you'll command them to transfer him to another parish without a proper investigation to know whether the report is genuine. You don't even know if they're telling you the truth or lying because everyone is working for their own pot. You're asking them if they know how I called you. You're asking them if they know how you reach this stage. The Pastor and his wife will begin to cry to Me. Is that why I called you? You turn Me to a wicked God in the sight of Pastors and congregation. Your work is to repair all these people. Many of them have left this church and moved to another church. Many are still on their way out. There are evil testimonies everywhere. You're already dead; you're not alive anymore. I have judged you already. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

You don't ask them about their lives. You don't ask them about their affairs. Money causes chaos between husband and wife. They have no peace. Husbands have no time for their wives and children anymore. You're dragging them to read My word, which has no impact on their lives. They don't gain anything from it. They cannot hear My word. They hear nothing because fire is burning them because of money. Who are you? Are you a taskmaster? Satan has gone before them and vowed there won't be peace. Satan is saying hence, Almighty God has a covenant with this church; we will destroy it; we will get everybody through the head; we will destroy all of them; anything that concerns the Redeemed Christian Church Of God, there will never be peace; as the church filled the whole world for good, so also we shall destroy all of them except those who separate themselves and vowed not to follow the multitude but live and do the will of God; those who commit sin, we will put fire and make them commit sin the more. Satan has vowed. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

My initial plan was to repair Nigeria like Britain through the Redeemed Christian Church Of God. Through Nigeria, great things would have happened in Africa as a whole. But all of you have failed, including the head. Through you, Satan got everybody. Many of the Pastors emulate you. When you joined the occultic society, you thought your secret was saved. The few who knew began to spread the news that you're among them. I created you to bring My children to Heaven, but you're now an evangelist, evangelising your Pastors into the occult. You have drivers who know your secrets. You now ordained small boys as Pastors everywhere. You have caused chaos everywhere. You put the lives of young boys into disarray. You're saying I will compensate you for building churches everywhere. Who will compensate you? Are you the owner of Heaven? I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Owner of Heaven. I will only compensate you for your evil behaviour because you have caused a lot of damage on the ground. The damages you caused cannot be repaired. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

Which word of truth are you teaching them? Is it for women to respect their husbands at home or to take care of their children? You believe you're educated, and everybody must be educated. The husband is a Pastor and also goes to school; the wife is a Pastor and a housewife and also goes to school. How can a woman do full-time work and also go to school? Who will take care of the children? How much is your salary that made you have a housemaid? You're overworking yourself. All of you are dead, but you think you're alive. Fire is burning you everywhere. All of you want to go to school. Did I tell you there is a school in Heaven? They force you to read and study the Bible to know what to preach. There is no Holy Spirit in you at all. Nobody trains anybody to be a Pastor because it's spiritual. I didn't choose anybody to be a Pastor because of his education. All My servants I used to write the Bible you read and study; which school did they attend? Who taught Moses? Who taught Samuel? Who taught Jeremiah? Who taught My Son Jesus Christ, your Saviour? Can't you see all of you are foolish? That's why you have missed it! You're on your way to Hellfire already. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

For anybody to be a Pastor, I must have ordained him from Heaven before coming to this Earth. Satan now used your education to destroy all of you. Let Me tell all of you. All the sins you committed before still live inside you, and Satan can revive them and use them to destroy you. Right from the beginning, I didn't want the church to have any hospital. That is the work of those in government. That is the work of politicians. I didn't say you shouldn't go to the hospital if you don't have faith. Even there in the hospital, I Am still the One who will heal you. I didn't say you shouldn't take any medication if you want. But when it comes to My church, it's a different thing entirely. I believe you will receive your healing and miracles inside the church. If you don't have the faith, then, you can go to the hospital. The church has no connection to the hospital. You don't build a church and build a hospital. It's like having two different professions. I Am the Almighty God. I don't want that! You can prepare a place in the church where women will give birth to children. You can build a midwifery for women to give birth to children, not a hospital. Why Am I God? If I ask you to build a church and a hospital simultaneously, why Am I God? If a woman gives birth to a baby, there must be a midwife around who will clean the baby and hand him over to the mother. That is what I approved! In a situation where My church has now turned into a physical hospital where they advertise sickness, all of you must know you have sinned. You have sinned! Any Pastor who does it is doomed. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

In the church, the Pastor can preach to young men and women not to commit fornication so they won't contract sickness. It is not your work to advertise sickness in the church. Let the preaching of holiness overpower everything in the church. You also built a centre for sickness. You're now telling Me that I don't have power. Who do you call Me? You have brought calamity and disaster upon the entire congregation. These are part of your judgement the very day you die. If you could build a centre for sickness, why are you calling Me to come and heal? You're now teaching women how to do family planning inside My church. You're saying there are too many children; therefore, women should do family planning. Modernisation! You have become an abomination to Me. You and your Pastors have committed all manner of atrocities. When I haven't brought My Son Jesus, a woman lost her husband, and his creditors came to seize her only son. When she cried to Elisha, he solved her problem with My power through his mouth. He was a man like you. Elijah went to the house of a barren woman to stay for a while. What happened to her in the end? She was blessed with a child. All these are My handwork through human beings like you. Through you, Satan is making caricatures of the church, calling you fake Pastors. Through you, he destroys the Earth everyday. He knows I cannot come down physically but will always use My servants to represent Myself. He is giving you what you love: money. My son, tell them! Whenever they die, they will know that all the private jets they acquired will land them in Hellfire. Worms will eat all of them. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

After their death, everything they left behind will be destroyed. You destroyed the Earth because of all these things. Do you think it's a joke? Do you see yourself as a joke? Is your body a joke? Go to your kitchen, take a knife, and stab yourself and see if you can stand it. If you're not a fake, this Earth is not a fake. I Am the Almighty God. I reveal Myself to My children everyday. You're playing with Me because of glass and pieces of aluminium. What did they use in manufacturing your aircraft? You now sold the Earth a peanut to demons because of it. On this Earth, the two things you can enjoy are the food you eat and the wife I gave to you. And you don't do it in sin. Anybody I chose to lead My children and allow them to commit sin will face torment until he dies. After his death, he will continue the torment in Hellfire. It's not only one torment; they have different types of torments. As they pass through one, they will enter another. They torture and torment them everyday. All of you think it's only fire. There are different kinds of torture in Hellfire. Supposing you do My will, you should have gone to Heaven and enjoy. But because you fail to do My will, Hellfire is your destination. All of you are dreaming. On this Earth, all of you are dreaming. Heaven or Hellfire is the reality because I didn't create you to live on this Earth forever. You can only live in Heaven or Hellfire forever. If you go to any other planet, Satan will drag you, and somebody will give birth to you on this Earth again. But if you go to Heaven, nobody can give birth to you on this Earth again unless I purposely send you down to work for Me again. If you go to Hellfire, they cannot give birth to you on this Earth again. If your Spirit is hovering around the Earth, Satan can make you enter the womb of any woman so she can give birth to you. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed. I Am the Revealer of mysteries.

If I, Almighty God who chose you cannot protect you, who else will protect you? Do you think any man can protect you? Are you not reading My word to see what I did in the time of old? When I told Manoah and his wife that I would give them a son, why? Because of My children! When they captured Samson through Delilah, removed his eyes and cut off his hair, what happened after the hair grew again? He talked to Me because he was My chosen. Did I answer him or not? He knew he had disobeyed Me, and he received the punishment. If your mother told you the secret to your power, why should you tell your wife? It's like a man who entered into a covenant and broke it. Supposing they didn't remove his eyes, he wouldn't have died. Satan doesn't do anything without you seeing the impart. They chained down a hero and made jest of him. This was only Samson. Imagine the souls of people I tied to you as a Pastor. They're calling you Daddy GO, Daddy GO. But you don't know your Daddy GO is doing evil business in the underground. My son, tell them!

If a woman had the spirit of witchcraft, gave her life to Jesus Christ, confessed it secretly and didn't use that spirit again, if they see that her good work outweighs her evil, they will leave her. If she saw it spiritually that they wanted to harm somebody, she would speak out in the form of a vision. She will now use that spirit to work for Jesus Christ. But as a woman, if you enter inside the church and give your life to Jesus Christ but hide the spirit of witchcraft in a corner, whenever any challenge comes, you will pick it up. You will begin to use it to help your husband who is a Pastor. You'll begin to give him evil advice inside the church. But you forgot that I created your husband for the journey. I Am the Almighty God. I Am a respecter of nobody. I Am a Revealer of mysteries. If you die, will you come back and do what you're doing? If you die, will you come back and tell people where you are? The man all of you respect and call the son of God, do you know where he will be whenever he dies? As all of you respect him, does he respect Me? Does he respect Almighty God? As My servant, I respect you because of My children. That's why I gave you the power. I honour the word of your mouth. But you now entered another covenant and acquired another spirit with that power.

Instead of your children having My fear, you gave them the kind of business they would do. As a man of God, as a prominent man of God who reigns everywhere, his son is chasing business around instead of helping his father to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ. What else do you want? Are you the one to tell Me how to run the affairs of your life? Don't you know all your children are Pastors like you? Whatever happens to your children happens because of you. You drag My name in the mud. The people are looking up to you. Did I choose you to lead My children because of the things of this Earth? When I asked My son Akindayomi to establish the church, he was a sinner. He did it to the point of marrying three wives and producing many children. When I asked him to send two of his wives away, he obeyed Me. His children are still alive. Do you hear anything evil concerning them? Do you hear his name or his children in an evil way? But you and your wife had your children in My presence. You are the second person; the third person hasn't taken over yet. I cannot eat with any of you. I cannot speak to any of you. Even if I speak, you cannot hear because your ears are blocked. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

If you want to choose a Pastor, I will open your eyes to see if he is worthy to be My Pastor. My Spirit will tell you. Even if his parents ask you how you know, you will say to them I told you he is My servant. That's how the Spirit works. If a virgin goes out to defile herself, I will show you. If it's a church where they wear a white garment, you will tell her not to wear a white garment again because she has defiled herself. If it's not a church where they wear a white garment, you will call her aside and tell her to fast for several days to cleanse herself because she defiled herself. You will let her know the implications of what she did physically and spiritually. If I cannot operate from Heaven through you to My church, why did I put you there? Without you killing your flesh physically, you cannot control My church. I use My Pastors in different ways. As a Pastor, your end has come the very moment you defile yourself. You can defile yourself in various ways. Some of you can be sleeping around with women. Some of you women can be sleeping around with men. Some of you can go to an herbalist so he can do a charm into a handkerchief for you so that people can begin to fall down in the church. Some of you went and initiated yourself. If you do it, you're a dead man because your Spirit is one, not two. Satan will begin to use you. Satan will begin to operate in the lives of your congregation. Your congregation may think you're still who you were before. You have messed up the church of God. All your preaching will be about the things of this Earth.

The church itself isn't about the things of this Earth but about the things of Heaven. How do you operate the things of Heaven on Earth? Through holiness. Just as My word says that sons and daughters will prophesy, old men will dream dreams, and young men will see visions, this will be a reality in the church. You will not do the work alone; everybody will lend a helping hand because I will pour My Spirit upon them. Your work will become less. I Am the Almighty God. I don't operate in darkness. I operate in the light. Just as they believe in you, you also will believe in them. If anyone stands up to speak, you will know it's not an ordinary word but a word from Heaven. It will be a word that will edify My church. In a situation where you, My servant, have defiled yourself, if My Spirit moves anyone to speak, you will ask the ushers to silence him because you don't want him to reveal your secret. You will then hate him with passion. If it continues, you may ask him to leave the church. I Am the Almighty God. I Am a respecter of nobody. The Holy Spirit is a Spirit of light that hates darkness. You're like a man swimming in the river who thinks nobody sees him but forgets his back is open. The Redeemed Christian Church Of God is a spiritual church, not a worldly church. All of you must accept it like that. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

If you make an altar call concerning a white garment and the people say no, I will not dispute with you. A white garment is a symbol of holiness. When you said you wanted to modernise it and change to coloured clothes, did I dispute with you? Did I say no? It is not about your clothes; it's about your heart. But what did you do? Those who didn't know where the book of Acts of Apostles is, you ordained them as Pastors. They knew they were not qualified, but they were afraid of the General Overseer. My church is not a business centre. My church is not a company where you hire who you want. You can hire them and fire them at any time. My church isn't like that. You ordained children who just graduated from school who didn't know their right from left as Pastors everywhere. I called you to be a Pastor. You made many people tell lies in the church. As Pastors, now they know the truth. They cannot deny that they know the truth. They're reading the Bible, but they don't do accordingly. They go to Hellfire on your account. You want Pastors to be recognised. Do you want them to be recognised through the salary you pay them or their work in their companies? How do you want them to be recognised? You want them to be paying their dues. Which job do they do? Do you bother to ask them about the kind of work they do and where they work? These people have heartache everyday because they want them to be recognised in the church. How do you want them to be recognised? You want them to bring tangible money to you. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed. I Am the One speaking.

I want My Pastors to be recognised based on the work they do through holiness. They should be radical for holiness. If they hold any crusade, and I see the word that is coming out of their mouth, I will say, yes, this is My church. You cannot preach what you're not doing. Let there be less jealousy. All of you should stop chasing fame. You should stop eye service. You want people to notice you. Heaven isn't against anybody. All of you are working for the same source. Why are you people jealous of yourselves? Brother Bernard does this; I want to do mine. If the head is already bent, what can you do? The head is bent! If a father is smoking and the children see him, what will happen? They will smoke as well. If it's not good for the child, why does the father smoke? I said you shouldn't give My glory to an idol, but you didn't only give My glory to an idol; you're an idol. Some of you Pastors are herbalists! Today, you're in the church; tomorrow, you're in the shrine. You know yourself that you're not a Christian. You're only doing eye service. Heaven is watching all of you. Then, if something happens, you'll open your mouth and begin to speak nonsense. All of you will reap what you sow. If you know you're a Pastor, and you're working for Me, put in more effort, and I will reward you. If you know you're working for your General Overseer, continue to work, and you'll receive a reward from your General Overseer. Whoever works for Me shall receive a reward from Me because I was the One who brought down this church from Heaven. But whoever works for a man shall receive a reward from a man. If you say I Am lying, you should make an altar call and let your Pastors come out. Then, you will know the kind of Pastors you've ordained. Some of them say they will gather as much as they want and repair themselves tomorrow. Do you know when you will die? Do you know what tomorrow will bring? What do you call demons? They will remain with you until you die if you fail to repair yourself. And you will go to Hellfire. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed. I Am the One speaking.

If you know you're uncomfortable in that seat, but you're there because of shame, you're committing sin. You will face the penalty. Carry your Bible and leave while you're still alive. If you know you're uncomfortable in the seat they put you in, if you know you're not worthy of being a Pastor, carry your Bible immediately and leave. You know that what you see in the church isn't from Me, but you sit down there because of shame; you may not leave alive when I come because I Am coming for all of you. You see the truth, but you can't speak because they will kill you if you speak. If you die, you're going to Hellfire. If you know you're ordained as a Pastor, and you know things are not right in the church, carry your Bible gently and leave. The church of God is about holiness. You cannot be ashamed and die in silence. If you know your superiors are doing what they're not supposed to do in the church, and you're afraid to speak out, leave immediately; otherwise, you will die on their account. As a Christian in the church, you must always speak the truth. If you know these people are working in a crooked way that is evil in My sight, and you fail to speak, and you remain there, you will live with the consequences forever. Why are you praying? I cannot answer your prayers. You know the truth, but the truth cannot set you free. If anything happens today, you will go with it. You're a Christian, and you know things are not right. What are you doing there? You lay a bad example for people everywhere. What are you still doing there? If you have given your life to Jesus Christ, stay in your house, gather your children and pray to Me. Why should you carry sin from the church to your house? You're not the only one who will suffer the consequence of the sin. It will rob everybody in your house. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

A little girl will see another man enter the house to sleep with her mother. She cannot speak out because the marriage will scatter if she speaks. You have destroyed the life of that child because it will never be erased from her memory forever. O, I was there when they killed my father. That incident will remain with him forever. Sin goes from one stage to another. Some of you say, 'Well, if God cannot come down and punish them for what they're doing, who am I?'. You're lying! You can change them because you're a mini-god. Challenge them! If you know you cannot challenge them, leave the church immediately. Otherwise, you will share in their sin. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

I use the Redeemed Christian Church Of God as a point of contact. I brought the mat of the Redeemed Christian Church Of God from Heaven to change the whole Earth. Nigeria could have been like Britain for holiness, as I chose it in the beginning. What happened? You have failed. I Am only telling all of you to know where you missed it because this will not stop what I want to do. If you know that evil is happening in your church, wash your hands clean. Whenever the wave comes, you may not commit any sin, but you'll go with it because of what you saw and failed to speak out. You will partake in the punishment. Right from the beginning, I have never kept quiet for My church. Right from the time of old, I never kept quiet. In the time of old, I was the One who officiated in the temple. I told the Priests what they would do. What happened to Nadab and Abihu, the first two sons of Aaron? I killed them in the presence of their father when they did what they shouldn't have done. I would have also killed Aaron, their father, if he had said anything. I don't take any nonsense from anybody. All of you are enjoying the grace of My Son Jesus. Imagine all the sins you people commit inside My church today. All of you have failed! I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

In the household of Israel, there was a king and Priest. A king was to look after the affairs of My children through Me. If the king goes the wrong way, I would send My Priest to speak to him so he wouldn't lead My children astray. You, as a Priest, have nothing in common to do with the king. You only go to him and deliver My message. But for you to collaborate with them and partake in their evil is an abomination to Me and the land. There must be a parallel difference between both of you. You're neither friends nor enemies. You're My servant and My mouthpiece. That's how I did it. You must respect Me who sends you a message, and respect yourself. And the king must have My fear. If the people see you coming, they will know they've done something wrong. They will begin to pray. In a situation where you've lost your glory, you can't do anything anymore. All of you should go back to the Old Testament and read everything from the beginning until the end and know how I operate. I didn't do much in the New Testament because of My Son Jesus. It's all about Jesus Christ and what happened. But you can see all My attributes in the Old Testament. You should go and read how I dealt with kings and the Priests. You should start from Genesis and continue until the end. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

All of you should rededicate your lives to Jesus Christ again. I use the Redeemed Christian Church Of God as a point of contact for all the churches. You must go back and give your life to Jesus Christ again. That doesn't mean what has been destroyed can be good again, but you can rescue yourself from the coming calamity that will befall the Earth. Some of you can save your soul. This is not about repairing you because Satan has sown an evil seed in the hearts of many of you, but you can defend yourself through it. You can protect yourself whenever calamity comes. Wash your hands clean, and ask for mercy. If you need to confess your sins, go and confess. What is the difference between now and when you gave your life to Jesus Christ newly? Some of you didn't commit the sins you committed inside the church before you gave your life to Jesus Christ. You committed sin because you saw somebody did the same thing. Some of you say, 'After all, they said Jesus Christ would come all these years, and He didn't come; let me do my own; whenever Jesus Christ comes, all of us will hear it together'. I can purposely delay Jesus Christ from coming because you heard My word but chose to disobey. Jesus Christ has come and fulfilled His mission on this Earth. You are the ones that failed. If I allow Him to come today, He will come to take the saints, not to beg you to remove your hands from evil. That is the final! Can you continue to commit sin and abide in My grace? You all complain that the president doesn't rule you well, but you don't know that your sins have overwhelmed him, and he can't do anything good. Satan is at work! Satan is real; demons are real.

What you take for granted goes a very long way. The sins you committed go a long way. If you abuse somebody, part of it lives inside you because your mouth is not meant to abuse but to bless. This is just a little example of what you do. Imagine what would happen to you if you were there when they killed somebody. Whenever you close your eyes, you will see it because it lives inside you. You fail to speak about it. Both physical and spiritual killings, you know everything. Taking people's items unlawfully, you know about it. Sleeping with people's wives, you know about it. Defiling people's children, you know about it. Bearing false witness because they give you part of the money, you know about it. Using people's children for rituals, you know about it. All these happen in My church. Many of you are witnesses to everything. How can you enjoy your children and what you gather together and still make Heaven? Even if you haven't killed, how can you make Heaven? The money that should have gone to the government, you shared it among yourselves and spent it, you know about it. It begins to affect everybody in the land. Kill and divide, you know about it. Both your hands and legs are inside this matter. There is no exemption! You cannot run away because you know about it. You will partake in the penalty. You don't know how I will come. I can come in a different dimension.

As a mother, if you have ten children, all of them go to school while you're inside your house. Somebody now rushes in and says: 'Mrs Bernice, seven of your children died in a motor accident'. Will you like it? My son, ask them this question! Am I a wicked God? But you bore witness when evil happened to people. You're there in the household of God. O, God, why? Ask yourself a question about what you did. Ask yourself! Somebody had only one child; some of you were there when they killed him. You bore witness to the killing of that child. You knew about it, and you kept quiet. You didn't know the child you killed was the apple of My eyes. All these happened in My church. You know about it! You're the first person to land in Hellfire. I Am the Almighty God. I speak in a simple language you can hear. My son Radiant Jesudairo is My servant. He's not a member of the Redeemed Christian Church Of God. I revealed everything to him and asked him to deliver it to all of you. I Am the One. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Great I Am That I Am. I Am the Creator of the universe. I Am the One speaking.

All of you will pay for your atrocities. When evil happened in the church, you were there, but you said you weren't there. You will pay for it. None of you will escape My wrath. I created all of you to make the Earth good. If you say you want to make the Earth bad, I Am coming for all of you. The category you know you fall into, wash yourself clean now. This message may be like nonsense in your ears. As a woman, if you see a young girl dressed naked, speak to her. You can change her. If you don't dress like that and you call yourself a Christian, why can't you speak when you see young girls dressed naked? Speak to that girl! Let her know her body is My temple. She may curse you, but I will judge her. Adam and Eve were naked when I created them. What did I do after they committed sin? I covered them with the skin of animals! They were like little children when they had not committed sin. The very moment they committed sin, their eyes became open. That's why I covered them with the skin of animals. Anybody can fall into sin if he sees the nakedness of a woman. That is the essence of wearing clothes. That's why a woman needs to cover her body. Some men slept with women and impregnated them not because of love but because they saw the nakedness of some women, whether the breasts or buttocks. All of you should go back to My word and read My Commandments. The Ten Commandments are few. There are many other Commandments. You shouldn't ask Me how I do the affairs of My kingdom. Anyone among you who asks such a question is guilty of Hellfire. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

All of you shouldn't say you did not hear and that you did not know. You will see somebody chasing you. People cannot see that person; they can only hear you screaming. They will hear you screaming, 'Don't kill me; don't kill me; I didn't know; nobody told me; don't kill me'. He will kill you, and you will die. People will bear witness to it that they heard you screaming before you died but couldn't see anybody around you. Your death can come either physically or spiritually. If I didn't love this Earth, I wouldn't have created it. If you love yourself, that means I love the Earth. I created everything for you to take care of yourself, physically and spiritually. We're talking about the spiritual now. If you don't bathe for a few days, you will smell. That's why I created water. I created different types of food for you to eat. You cannot fault Me in any way. Out of the food I gave you to eat, you now use it to commit sin. You're committing crimes, doing people evil, but you don't feel it. In any area you know you're guilty, wash your hands clean. The day you think something good will happen, something good will not happen. That may be the day of your death. What all of you will see is bigger than you. When you're talking of judgement, the judgement will meet you on this Earth. When you're doing evil, and you know it's not good, no problem. Both of Us will do the evil together now. Who among you can do evil more than Me? I created it, and I know how they work. I will punish all of you for your atrocities. You will see what you've never seen before. I did not create any of you to do you evil. I Am the only One who has the right to do whatever I want because I know your heart. If you're evil, I will kill you and kill your generation. If you invite any spirit to live with you, he will remain with you and your generation. He will never leave. I now brought My Son Jesus to die so you can confess your sins so the spirit of evil can leave you, but you say no. Can you create a human being? I Am your Creator. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

As a Pastor, if your superior sends you a message of sin, he will not judge you. I Am the One who will judge you. If you're a Pastor in the church, how did you get there? Anybody can go and spread My word. Anybody can evangelise to people. Anybody can win souls. They can train you to be a worker in the church, but nobody can train you to be a Pastor. My son, tell all of them! Nobody can train you to be a Pastor because it's spiritual. If I created you to be a Pastor, My Spirit in you will bear witness to it. If I didn't create you to be a Pastor, and somebody chooses you to be, that person will lead you to Hellfire. You will use your hands to destroy yourself. You're there inside the church, and they're sending you a sinful message. You see evil, but you can't speak out. Who chose you to be a Pastor? You don't know how to judge yourself. You don't know how to judge your home. You don't have time for your family. You're committing sin. Your wife and children cannot enjoy you. Your marriage is chaos because you don't have time for them. You will pay for it. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

Who sent you to have three churches on the same street? Did I send you? I Am the Almighty God. I didn't send you such a message. Only one parish can be in a whole town. I didn't ask you to scatter churches around everywhere. If you scatter churches around, you need Pastors for them. This is where you confused yourself and confused everybody. You built three churches on the same street. Whenever a Pastor is preaching in one parish, people can hear him in another parish. Is that a church? Some of the churches are empty; nobody is there. You're paying money for the building; you're also paying the Pastor. You deceived some of them that you would pay them for full-time, but you don't pay them anything. You don't pay them anything. These Pastors have wives and children. You're now sending them on errands, delivering sinful messages. You also told them what they bring will determine their promotion. What can Pastors bring than to bring My children to Me? The Spirit of holiness living in the Pastor will determine the souls he will win. Remember, you're dealing with demons. As you're speaking to the person to give his life to Jesus Christ, the demons are telling him not to listen to whatever you're saying because they have a legal ground. Because the Pastor isn't an ordinary person, the Holy Spirit will take over his mouth and overpower the demons with My word, which is true and real. You don't win souls with physical power. Therefore, the Pastor has nothing to bring besides My word. That is why you shouldn't ordain anyone I didn't choose to be a Pastor. Jesus Christ had many followers when He was on this Earth. He only chose the Twelve for a reason. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Great I Am That I Am. I Am the One speaking.

You can walk several miles to the church if you love Me. For you to decide that you're going to a church service far away from your home, your prayers have been answered already. You will wake up very early in the morning to go to church because it's far from your house. Your prayers have been answered for taking such a decision. If you're going to an interview, you will make sure you're not late. You will be there in time. You will not dress anyhow; you will dress in a presentable way. If the manager is reasonable, even if you're not qualified, he will consider you because of how you present yourself. If they employ you, they will train you so you can be up to their standard. I Am the Almighty God. That is how I judge.

You wake up early in the morning and set out to church. You cannot leave your house that far without listening to what the Pastor will preach. But because they made everything easy for you, the church is very close to your home; you no longer value Me. Because you scatter churches everywhere, even somebody who lives behind the church will come late to church service. How did they go to church in the time of old? If you don't suffer for whatever you have, you will not value it. Some mothers in the church will not go to service until the Pastor knocks on their door. O, mummy, come; we want to start the service. Is that a church? You don't feel it! As a mother of the church, they're forcing you to go to church service because you don't want to go. But you're saying evil should not befall you. Why won't evil befall you? Who will wake you up if evil is coming? For you to remember that you're going to church and don't want to be late, you choose Me as number one. If you choose Me as number one, tell Me how evil will befall you. Whenever evil is coming, My Spirit in you will knock him out. If you draw near Me, I will draw near you.

When they ask you to confess your sins so that the spirit of sin in you will not pass to your children, you say no. If you refuse to confess your sins, the very day you die, the spirits of sin in you will move to your children. As parents, whatever sin lives in you, some of them also live inside your children because you gave birth to them. If you confess your sins, then you disown them. You're their carrier. Whenever you die, they become the property of your children. But if you confess your sins, let your children also confess their sins so they can have fear in them. If your children are little, get a glass or bowl of water, dip your finger into it, and give it to them to drink. Do it constantly until My Spirit tells you to stop. You will destroy the spirit away from their lives. As they grow, continue to teach them My word. As you do this, Jesus Christ will atone for the entire family. But if they're already grown and they refuse to confess their sins, if you confess your sins, the spirits will go to them because you're one family. As long you live and eat together, you will never have peace because the spirits will continue to trouble you. That's why evil never ends in Christian homes. If you're sick to the point of death, confess your sins so that Heaven can receive your soul. But if you die with all those spirits, you're going to Hellfire. If you go to Hellfire, the spirits will come back to your children. I Am the Almighty God.

As a human being on this Earth, if you work hard to get everything you have, you will value it. If you can pass on this Earth, then you pass My test. This Earth is a trial place. I send all of you here to live, not just to live but to do My will. If you can pass this test, you will rejoice in Heaven. If all of you value Me, you will value all the spirits I put on this Earth to take care of it. If I choose you to be a president, and you misuse the treasure I gave to the whole land because of your power, you have sown everlasting hardship and suffering for your unborn generation. As a president, you have chains of properties. You have the power to connect to the whole Earth. You and your generation will suffer the consequences. Everything you do contrary to My Law, you set an everlasting trap for yourself and your generation. I Am the Almighty God. It doesn't matter whether you gave your life to Jesus Christ or not because the lives of My children are connected to you. I judge presidents as I judge Pastors. I Am the One who put you there as a leader to control the wealth of the land so that everybody can enjoy it. Are you the one who buried oil in the ground? Are you the one who buried gold in the ground? Are you the one who buried diamond in the ground? Are you the one who buried all those treasures in the ground? I Am the One! Do you eat gold or diamond? I buried it in the ground so that all of you can sell it and better your lives. But what do you do? You will kill people and put people in hardship for what I created. I put it there so that everybody can benefit from it. Anyone who trespasses My word will suffer everlasting torment. The generation of anyone who supports such evil will never see peace. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Great Judge.

As a man, if you lived with your father when you were little, you can still remember every evil he did. Because you know it's evil, you can choose not to do the same thing. As a man, if you know good and evil, and your father is doing evil so that other people can suffer, and you keep quiet, you and your unborn generation will suffer the consequences. What is the difference between you and other people? As I created you, so also I created them. I created all of you with two ears. I didn't give you two ears on the right and two on the left. I gave you only two ears. When I brought My Son Jesus Christ from Heaven to this Earth, He had the same organs as you. The only difference is that He came from Heaven and worked as a Spirit based on the word that came out of His mouth and the stories surrounding Him. If He hadn't performed miracles, you wouldn't have believed He was different from all of you. If you hadn't read or heard anything about Jesus Christ, you wouldn't have known that He came down from Heaven. I brought many children down to this Earth similarly through many women. You don't know anything about them. I brought down many Angels from Heaven to this Earth through many women, but I didn't announce it. They did signs and wonders and returned to Me. I rewarded them for their work. The assignment of Jesus Christ was different because I connected the souls of both born and unborn children to Him.

Any Pastor who puts their hand into evil will suffer the consequences. If any of you put your hand into evil and gather My children together, those who trust in Me with their clean hearts will receive genuine miracles. But some of them will think it's because of that evil Pastor. No, it's because of Jesus Christ. That Pastor is on his own! My Son disgraced all the churches when He revealed Himself to My son John in the Book of Revelation. Haven't you read about it? Why do you think it is well with you if you do the same thing? You're on your own! You're working for your own judgement. Every one of you prospers in your own way. Anyone among you in the church who receives genuine miracles through your tears, prayers, and service unto Me should give the glory back to Me, not to the Pastor. If you give the glory to the Pastor, then you dig your own pit. Any Pastor who doesn't operate in My present physically and spiritually is an idol. You are an idol! Any Pastor who dips his hand into evil and the congregation still puts their trust in him, both the Pastor and his congregation will fall into the pit together. I Am the Almighty God.

There are three categories of miracles in the church. If your miracle is genuine from Me, there is a reason I gave it to you. That means you worked upon yourself and your faith through the name of My Son Jesus. I didn't give it to you because of any Pastor. Jesus Christ is the Overseer of all churches. All of you gather together in the name of church. The word 'church' came from Christianity. Christianity came through Jesus Christ. Who is the church? The members, the congregations are the 'church'. If you have a genuine testimony in the church, it's not because of that Pastor. It's because of Jesus Christ. All of you are in that church because of Almighty God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. You shouldn't give My glory to that Pastor. None of you knows the evil that Pastor has put his hand. I Am the One who knows the secret of evil that Pastor has done. And if any Pastor puts his hand into evil, you must know the spirit that follows him. But because you're ignorant, you're prayerful and faithful; I now gave you a miracle. You then open your mouth and give My glory to that evil Pastor; you're digging your grave. My blessing never adds sorrow. If you receive any miracle in the church, give glory to Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ will give it back to Me. He is My Son. He cannot compete with Me. Even though I gave Him the key, He still give the glory back to Me. I Am the Almighty God. I respect My Son for who He is. I respect Him for His obedience. My Son never takes or shares My glory.

Some of you dreamt and saw your Pastor in an evil way, but you think I'm the One using him. That is a lie! Some of you shared your dream with some members and kept quiet. I revealed to some of you before evil befell the members. You will say, 'O, God, this woman is very active in the church; why does evil happen to good people?'. Because she was in the wrong church! If you look carefully, they will abandon her, and nobody will care for her until she dies. The mission of the church has been accomplished. I revealed different kinds of mysteries to some of you before you gave your life to Jesus Christ because you're not just an ordinary person. What quenched the fire? If you give your life to Jesus Christ, the intensity of the fire is supposed to increase. Why do you grow cold as if you're dead? Because your glory has been taken away from you through the laying of hands and giving you nonsense to drink! My blessing adds no sorrow. Things like this happen everyday in different churches because they're not working for Heaven. You're not supposed to be in such a church. I Am the Almighty God.

The fish in the sea has a life. It knows it will end up in your pot one day, and you'll eat it. That is the end of it. But you're a human being. You're not a fish. Nobody can put you in the pot and cook you to eat. If you die, your Spirit will go somewhere and give the account of how you live your life here. I will judge you tomorrow because of every word that comes out of your mouth. If you have the power, destroy the spirit of death. Why are you running whenever a vehicle is coming? Why can't you stand and allow it to hit you if you don't meet your death? Why are you praying for your days to long? Why can't you adjourn death or destroy the spirit of death? Why? If you say there is no God, if you say there is no life after death, that means you don't exist. All of you on this Earth are living in the dark. If any of you think you can have the whole money on this Earth and nothing can happen to you afterwards, you're very stupid. You're useless because you've dug a pit for your generation. I Am the One who knows the kind of judgement I will give to you and your generation. Every one of your children who knows about the evil you're doing will suffer until death. If I come down today to judge the Earth, all of you who turned the Earth into evil will face everlasting torment, including your children. I will never forget about it. I don't need to arrest you with the police. My son, tell all of them! Everything you've done is written in the palm of your hand. I Am real. My word is real. The Bible is real. Go back again and read it. Go back and start from Genesis. My Spirit is in you. You're a mini Me.

As a Pastor, no matter what anybody does in the church, you have no right to expel him. Before you take such a decision, the elders must sit down and know the reason behind his action. Who are you? Did you teach him not to steal? Did you teach him not to commit crimes? Why should you expel him? You're guilty of Hellfire for expelling him from the church. I put you there to teach My children and bring them to Heaven. You're teaching them how to make money. You're teaching them how to do evil. If something goes wrong, you will expel them. Who permitted you to expel them? You have done a lot of evil; your hands are full of blood. Did I expel you? I still keep you alive. Why should you expel people from the church? I Am the only Judge, not you, because you're flesh. Before you make any decision in the church, ask Me, and I'll tell you what to do. I Am the Creator, not you. After your investigation, before you give him any punishment, he must be worthy of it. You shouldn't judge by flesh. Even if you give him any punishment, you must assign people to look after him so that Satan will not kill him in the process. Today, all of you judge as you like. Even if somebody commits any crime and he's worthy of punishment, some elders will say, 'Who punished you when you did yours?'. Is that a church? You, as an elder, did it, and nobody punished you. Where do you put the Holy Spirit? You're on your own.

You're operating in dirtiness inside the church. You only go to the church to have fun. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the One speaking. People go to many churches to have fun. You don't do anything to cleanse yourself. You don't work towards Heaven. You're not concerned about peace in your home. You're not concerned about peace in your family. None of you is concerned about holiness. This is the essence of Christianity. If all of you wash your hands, you can eat from the same plate. Nobody will complain of a stomachache. If We're talking of dirtiness, it's not physical but spiritual. That's why many people die before old age. You can eat after coming out of the toilet without washing your hands. Nothing will happen to you! We're talking of living spirits that possess your Spirit. They are alive. They speak in your body. They have their own family. I created everything to produce children. They have children as well. Whenever you go out with physical friends, they also have friends. If the load is too much in your body, you'll then fall sick. The doctor can call it any name. If you go out, see an old friend and exchange numbers, the spirits in both of you also have friends. I Am the Almighty God. I Am not a man. I Am a Spirit. I Am the One speaking.

As you exchange contact, the spirits of sin in you will also exchange contact. You may be sleeping in your house; they will come to your house spiritually. If you wake up in the morning, you'll say your body is paining you. Yes, because you didn't know what happened when you were sleeping. They cook, eat and urinate inside your body because they're dirty spirits. Why? Because you carry them! You will get pregnant and give birth in your dream. Who does it? The evil spirits in you. But if the Spirit of holiness is inside you, He will reveal something of life to you. He will reveal how you can possess your possessions. That's why if you give birth to an innocent baby, he'll begin to diminish as he grows because of evil. Whatever you do, part of it lives inside you, whether good or evil. You found yourself on this Earth and don't know the root of your existence. You don't know how you live everyday. You don't know when you will die. I hide it from all of you. Only the good you do will save you after you leave the Earth. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

All of you should listen to the voice of the Prophet. You should listen to the sound of holiness to save yourself from evil. Do not allow anybody to die on your account. Do not allow anyone to shed tears on your account. If you gather people in the church, let them go home with good words. Let the message from the pulpit change their lives. Let the message from the Pastor settle homes. Let the message from the pulpit repair the lives of children. At home, children fight and curse each other. They take other people's property. Brother will sleep with his sister. They steal and do all manner of things in the house. All these people are Christians. As parents, you should only give your children what you have. You shouldn't steal and give to your children. You don't steal wherever you're working. If you do it, you sow evil seeds into the lives of your children. Any evil, any crime you commit starts from the family. If no one takes it away from that child, it will grow into something else. I asked the children of Israel to tie My word to their neck so that peace could reign on this Earth. I Am the Almighty God. I don't live on this Earth. Everything you do lives in your body. Husband and wife, repair yourselves and repair your children.

As a Pastor, if you pray for anybody in or outside the church and the prayer is answered, if they come to appreciate you, ask them to return the glory to Me. You are a servant! You must not take anything from their hands. Even if you're hungry to the point of death, don't take anything from them. If you pray and heal anybody, don't take anything from them. If you counsel anybody in the church, don't take anything from them. Any power I give to you isn't for sale. Even if you have your way, give what you have to them. Out of the money the church gave you and your wife, give to them if they're hungry. I spoke concerning Tithe and Offering before. Tithe and Offering is for the Pastors, widows, orphans, and needy in the church. If anybody struggles to make a living, they should not pay Tithe. Why should you pay Tithe and borrow afterwards? You will grumble in your heart and pay Tithe. Don't you know you're spreading evil to those who spend the money? If you will struggle to make ends meet after paying your Tithe, don't pay. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the One speaking. You should only pay if you can afford it. If Mr Bernard refuses to pay his Tithe today, somebody else will pay. As the money comes in, they will share it with different departments in the church. As a Pastor, you should also call the person who struggles to pay and ask him questions to know what's happening to him. If things are done this way, the land will be peaceful. Choose some people to know about the affairs of everybody in the church. It's not to know their affairs so you can collect money from their hands. You should know their affairs so they can live comfortably. If they're comfortable, they will have no excuse to serve Me. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the God of Redeemed.

How much is your salary? You rented a house that takes three-quarters of your salary away. You bought a car that cost you a lot to maintain. My blessing doesn't add sorrow. The Pastor should counsel and teach them how to live within their means. As a Christian, you shouldn't work to acquire the things you can't afford. Only acquire what you can afford. I will not come down from Heaven to eat your Tithe and Offering. Human beings like you will eat it. Anyone who works must make provision for the needy in the church. Some of you don't want to pay your Tithe and Offering even though you can afford it. That's why Satan sow tares into your blessing. I Am the Same God of old. I Am still the same God. The fact that many of My Pastors turned Tithe and Offerings into their personal property doesn't mean I have changed My word. I Am the Almighty God. I will never change My word.

My servants don't follow My Ordinance on Tithe and Offering in the church. That's why they begin to lay curses on their congregation. As a Pastor, you have sinned when it comes to Tithe and Offering. You're guilty! Where is the Tithe and Offering of the money you make? The money some of you Pastors make, if you're to pay the Tithe, it's a lot. Pastors, where is your Tithe and Offering? My son, ask them! Pastors, where is your Tithe and Offering? As a head of the church, the congregation paid Tithe and Offering to you, and you took everything. Where is the Tithe and Offering of Pastors? Somebody duped his company and gave you half of the money. Did you tell Me thank you that Mr Bernard gave you half of the money he stole from his company? If it's true that you're serving Me and working for Me, I will ask you questions. Where did Bernard see the money he gave to you? I will speak to you one-on-one. I will ask you to return the money because it is a dirty money. Many members of the church put their trust in their Pastors. They don't know their right from left. They don't even dream. If I choose you as a Pastor, We communicate Spirit to Spirit. You can never go astray, including physical affairs in the church. Also, if I'm the One that chose you and you cannot hear from Me even though I can see and hear you, that means the things of this Earth have already taken over your Spirit. You're not working for Me. What do you do with the Tithe that Pastors pay in the church? The Tithe also goes to those in need! The Tithe goes to the same pot as everybody else. Out of it, the body of the church will give you and your wife your own portion.

Now, Pastors are fishing for money. How do they do it? They asked their congregation to be looking for money in a different way. There are some wealthy people in the church. The Pastor asked them to bring money to him. You, Pastor, how do you pay the Tithe of such money? You're doing evil business in the church. A lot of things are waiting for all of you. If you think you will make Heaven, you lie. You will never make Heaven. I Am the Almighty God. I Am not a liar like you. You will never make Heaven because you're only working for your belly. You're not working for Me. To be a Pastor isn't about money. To be a Pastor isn't about the things of this Earth. You're the head of the church physically to bring My children to Me through My word, the Bible. If truly you're My Pastor and you follow My word in the Bible, there will be changes in the church. There will be changes in the whole world. Pastor, where is your Bible? Which word are you reading? If you're reading My word to the congregation like the time of old, why is the Earth like this? What are you teaching your congregation? Do you think I Am joking with everything I'm saying? This is the life of every one of you.

Some of the congregation will connect with each other whenever they get home, discussing the atrocities of their Pastor. Yet, you're still in the church. You didn't know that such action could stop you from entering Heaven because the truth didn't set you free. Why should you wait until the point of death before opening your mouth? Who asks you to confess? Don't you know that all those things cut your life short? They can send you to an early grave because the truth didn't set you free. What is your gain if the Pastor ordained you as an elder in the church? You're only ordained because of name. Do you know the meaning of elder in the church? Do you know the meaning of deacon or deaconess? You're the next to the Pastor in the body of Christ to repair the church. Then, you're gossiping out of sight in a secret conversation. You feel you're not concerned. That position is not for fashion. If the Pastor doesn't allow you to contribute to the holiness of that church by speaking the truth, if the Pastor tries to overpower all of you by subverting the truth, carry your Bible and leave the church. Yes, in Heaven, everybody is holy. However, each person has a position in Heaven. As it is in the body of Christ, so it is in Heaven. If you don't work for your position here, you cannot acquire it in Heaven. I Am the Almighty God.

Do you think Heaven recognises you because you're a millionaire Pastor on this Earth? A madman on the street who doesn't know his right from left but gives his life to Jesus Christ will be on the top while you, the Pastor, will go to Hellfire. The madman reverences Me with fear in his heart. He will always stay clear from anything unclean. But you, a man of God say nobody can do you anything because Almighty God knows you. Yes, I know you. I know you that you're evil, a wicked servant. As a Pastor, if you have cars more than one, you have a case to answer. As a Pastor, you don't even need a car. Wherever you're going, any member of your church will carry you. That is part of the favour I bestowed upon you. You're tormenting your congregation. They will buy a car for you. They will also fuel it for you. They do everything for you. That's not enough. You're also sending them to bring money to you. This happens in all the churches, especially the Redeemed Christian Church Of God.

A lot of atrocities happen in the church. Pastors and politicians are one. The Pastor will send his boys to politicians because of money. You destabilise yourself everywhere in the whole world. You disgraced the name of Christianity everywhere. If you're a politician, will you go to church? Whenever they want to hold an election, the politician will ask the Pastor to send his boys. They will have a series of meetings together. During the election, Pastor's boys will also recruit some boys and send them to the villages. They determine who wins. They can destabilise any polling station to achieve their purpose. Whoever they support will win. Whoever they don't support will not win. After the victory is announced, the politician will give the Pastor his own share of the money. The Pastor will also compensate his boys. They will threaten the boys that they'll wipe off their entire family if the secret is leaked. This is what happens in Nigeria. That's why no single Pastor can come out to speak whenever there is a problem in the land because all of them have sold their birthright to demons. I Am the Almighty God. I Am Omnipresent God. Every secret lies open before Me. Who will you arrest if something happens? Is it the politician or the top Pastor? They have settled all the senior judges and police officers. They can kill any junior officer who opens their mouth to speak. They know how to settle lawyers and judges. They know how to settle police officers. Spiritually, both Pastors and politicians belong to the same occultic society. They also work together physically because of money. Tell Me how the land will yield its increase.

As a Pastor, if you have only one clothes and you value it, will any politician drag you into evil that will affect you and the entire congregation? That's why you see Pastors with bodyguards. They know what they've put their hands. Money comes from everywhere for them. How much Tithe do the congregation pay in the church? Do you think they acquire everything they have through Tithe and Offering? Most of them are into dirty businesses you can never imagine. They send boys to kill and rob people. They defraud people. They send boys to sell drugs. They use people for rituals. They kill and eat human body parts. They know they're not Pastors. You, as a congregation will suffer for whatever they do because you put your trust in them. You will carry the load that doesn't belong to you because Satan is real. You will vomit the food you didn't eat because you put your trust in your Pastor. When Jesus Christ told some people,' Go and sin no more', that means they committed sin. If you're proud of money and everything you have, can you extend your life more than the Earth? Everything ends on this Earth. All of you are talking, cursing Me everywhere. It doesn't concern Me. I gave you everything free to eat. I Am happy where I Am. Those who do My will are also happy.

If you work with your two hands, you will receive your salary at the end of the month. You will care for your wife and children and remember those in need. If you do anything you want with the rest of the money, I will never penalise you for it. You can build a house and buy a car. You can buy anything you want as long you work for it. It's your money. It's your sweat. I hate wastage! Why should you acquire what you don't need? Why should you buy what you don't need? You bought a car and packed it in your compound. You don't drive it. But others don't even have a bicycle. If you don't drive that car, give it to others and let them drive it. I will never send you to Hellfire because of what you bought with your money. I love good things. If I didn't love good things, I wouldn't have made the Earth as beautiful as this. If you have anything and you don't use it, give it to others. You worked to buy it. If you give it to somebody, he will thank you and praise your Father. You pack a car in your compound, and you're out of the country. What kind of human being are you? But you call yourself a Christian. All the men of God in Nigeria are zero. They are zero because they have more than one car.

My children have the zeal to serve Me. They don't know their right from left. You stab and betray them. You put them in a confused mood. They have nothing, but the Pastor has more than enough. Some of the Pastors store bags of money inside their houses. Tell Me what you want to do with the money. But My children are there languishing everywhere. Some of them sell themselves as slaves to foreign lands. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Great Seer. By the time your heart begins to drop, all of you will face My judgement. Your congregation will be shocked. I Am alive. I Am not dead. I Am closer to all of you than you can imagine. If I keep quiet, that doesn't mean I Am foolish. Do you want to change the Earth for Me? None of you can change the Earth. I Am the Owner of this Earth. All of you will die, but the Earth will remain. I created it before I created all of you. I send you here to enjoy My handwork. Hence, you say you hate light and love evil; evil will take you away. All the Pastors who turned this Earth into a lion's den for My children will die a shameful death. Your children and their generation will also suffer for it. I Am the One who created darkness and light. I Am the One who created life and death. I have decreed My word, and so it shall remain. I will wipe all My wicked and evil Pastors away. All of them will go to Hellfire. I Am the Almighty God. I Am Jehovah, the God of Redeemed. 

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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