My Prayers

I will bless You O Lord my God for Your mighty hand alone has brought me thus far. I will exalt your name at all times for there is no God and Father like You. You are God and God forever, the only God who knows the affairs of His children. Holy and righteous are You my Father.

Almighty Father, the Giver of life, I thank You for everything You’ve been doing in my life since the beginning of this year.

O Lord, forgiveness comes from You. I ask You this day to forgive me all my sins and wash me clean with the precious blood of Your Son that was shed on the cross of Calvary and make me whole.

Creator of my life, I surrender my spirit, my soul and my body into Your hands. I put my trust in You O Lord. Take my life and let it be fully and wholly Thine I pray.

Lord, when I came into this world, I came with nothing; when I will leave, I will also leave with nothing. Engrave these on the walls of my heart, so I may continually look unto You as the source of my wellbeing.

Father, help me to keep my covenant with You and help me to renew it daily as I walk with You.

O God, my desire is to be holy just as You are holy. Help me to live above sin. Destroy every work of flesh in me, so my spirit may be alive to walk with You.

Lord I pray Thee, create an unquenchable fire of Your word in me, so I may be bold to speak it to this dying world. Help me to continually treasure Your word in my heart daily.

Righteous Father, if I’ve neglected the assignment You gave me and ran after my own desire, please forgive me and judge me according to Your righteousness.

I pray Thee O Lord to give me a discerning heart, else I jump into the territory of my adversary and eat the bread of sorrow.

Lord, give me a heart like Thine, a forgiving heart, a caring and loving heart, a heart that put others first, a merciful heart.

If there are souls I should have won and I allowed Satan to continually have his way in their lives or take their lives, please have mercy on me and grant me the grace to continue to do that which You’ve called me to do.

O Lord, give me greater grace to overcome every temptation that comes across my way and continually chastise me so I will not stray away from You and sleep the sleep of death.

Lord, keep me away from every unprofitable desire that can cause me harm and terminate my calling.

Holy Lord, help me to walk before You in a renewed mind, so I may be your true ambassador here on earth.

My Father, You are my inheritance. Help me not to derail from the place You have put me in You. Help me to be blind to everything that may entice me away from You. Quench every appetite of satanic food that may cause me to die prematurely.

God of power, empower me to dwell daily in Your presence. Be the Controller of my mind. Whenever I’m alone, help me to dwell constantly in Your presence. Make my heart Your home. Help me to be lowly, for You Holy Father, only dwell with the lowly.

Ah my Father! Destroy my pride and humble me. Destroy whatever needs to be destroyed, so I may be like You.

Keep me away from every unprofitable desire that can cause me harm and terminate my life. I desire to do Your will O Lord. Humble me by taking away my heart this day and give me a heart that glorifies You alone not a heart that glorify itself.

Please continually wash my heart with Your blood and purify me with Your fire.

O Lord, let my desire perish and establish Your own desire in my life!

Dear Lord, I ask You this day that You have mercy on me and grant me the grace to move on in my life so that I will be fulfilled in my area of service unto You.

Father, I know You love me and I really want to love You from the bottom of my heart so that Your work will be first priority, just the way You love and care for me. Lord, give me the grace and power to do the work which You have entrusted into my hands. Deliver me from ravenous beast that seeks my life and guide me daily from the reach of the evil ones.

O Lord, I pray for all my brothers and sisters whom You have called to serve You, that they will not fail. Guide and protect them daily in this evil world. Help them to carry their burdens so that they will not worn out quickly. Help them to keep the faith so that the enemies will not triumph over them. Establish Your love in every heart so that they may learn to love one another as You love us.

O Lord, I pray for all our children that You guide them from every pollution out there. Guide and save them from every satanic desire. As young as they are, help them to hunger and thirst after You so that at the appointed time, they can be whom You want them to be. Help them in their education and protect them from every evil lecturer seeking to terminate one’s glory.

O Lord, I pray that You protect the children because they are innocent. Let Your blood be upon them day and night. Let Your presence never depart from them and keep them from all evil.

O Lord, incubate all our children in Your hands. Lay Your hand upon them and keep them safe from every dart of the enemies. Keep them safe from every satanic initiation in Jesus name.

My Father, I pray that You keep the marriages which You have joined together. Bind husband and wife together with Your unfailing love and help them to learn to be open to each other so that there won’t be any hidden place for Satan in their lives. Help them to know that it’s only through You they can survive the problems of life.

O Lord, heal and bless every barren womb. Manifest Your power in their lives this year. Blind every eye You have not ordained that is monitoring their lives far and near.

My God, teach every home Your way. Help them to follow Your Commandments and abide by Your rules. Break and smash down every satanic head ruling Your nation. Establish and engrave Your Law in every heart so that we can continually put Satan where he belongs. Banish all kinds of evil from every heart and replace it with Your fear so that all creatures will fear You. O Lord, peradventure they’ve derailed from Your rules, chastise them and help them to accept Your Laws and follow them daily.

O God, I pray for those who are carrying the load of two people alone, not because of their selfishness and greediness, but because of what the enemies have caused in their lives, that You should continue to be with them. Provide their needs daily. Love and cherish them. Be Husband to them and Father to their children. Help them to know that You are always with them no matter their situation.

O Lord My God, I pray that You keep Your church. Help the leaders to know that You are the Husband of the church and without You, their strength will result to nothing. Sweep Your church clean and purge both the leaders and the entire congregation from all sort of immorality, lies, greed, anger, pride, unforgiveness, wickedness, witchcraft, and many others. Shine Your light upon them so that their lives can be full of light and that the children of this world may know that Your church is the light of the world.

O Lord, break, smash and destroy every enemy of Your church. You have established Your church, Father, pull down every gate of hell in every form. You were with the church in the past, Lord, be with this present church and manifest Your power. Equip Your church with power so that signs and wonders can be visible for this present generation to see and know that truly You are God Almighty.

Almighty God, as You sit upon Your throne, fire surrounds You. Rain down fire like a brimstone upon all enemies of Your church both within and without. Set Your church on fire so that every agent of Satan in Your house will be uncomfortable as from now henceforth. Any church that is still sleeping, Father, wake them up!

O Lord my God, I pray for every leader in Your house. Help them to know what they’re doing. Help them to lay aside every worry of this life and carry their cross and follow You alone. O Lord, You are God of faith, help them to live by faith. Pull down every stronghold of Satan in their lives and guide their hearts against all manner of entanglement of Satan so they will not fail You.

Father Lord, You are holy and You require holiness from us. You are perfect and you require perfection from us. We have no power to do all these except You empower us. Lord, give us greater grace to overcome every temptation that come our way. Destroy and annihilate every evil thought of our hearts that hinders Your work from prospering.

O Lord, behead every serpent crawling around us to cause us harm in Jesus name. In Your power, continually deliver us from the hands of the evil ones. Lift us up far above principalities and powers and let Your grace be sufficient for us in all ways.

Almighty Father, I pray that You touch the heart of those who have not come to the knowledge of the truth that You are the only One who can spare their soul from destruction. Forgive them all their sins and draw them to Your heavenly Kingdom. Help them to know they are on the broad road that leads to destruction. Glorify Your name in their lives.

O God, I pray for every soul to find You and to know You as the only true God who sent His only Son to die for their sins.

O Lord, I pray that You protect every youth from every initiation of marine agents. Preserve their lives from all evil. Make them prosper in their education. Lord, mark Your children for greatness.

O Lord, the youth are the leaders of tomorrow: Put Your fear in them so that they will stop following the ruler of this age. Take away their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh, a heart of love and passion for You.

O Lord, guide all the leaders in Your church from every seductive spirit. Protect every homes from all destructive powers. Quench every fire that is burning right now in many homes and calm the storm. Protect the pregnant women and the babies in their womb. Keep them away from every evil attack and preserve them safely to Your heavenly Kingdom.

Almighty Father, I pray for Your nation which You have chosen that you touch the heart of every soul. Let every soul, every tribe in Your nation, even across the globe know You are the only One who can give peace. Stop every blood shed that is going on in our neighbourhood. Give us all a heart of love not that of hatred for each other to the extent of taking lives.

Jehovah God, send down Your revival! Let every heart come to know that Jesus is Lord over every soul living on this Earth. Send down Your fire to consume every altar of Baal that has been built in Your nation for ages. Lord, make Your nation great! Let Your revival begin and let it be extended to other part of the world.

O Lord my God, destroy every altar of idolatry in every home, villages, towns and cities. Release Your fire from Heaven and let the idols flee to where they belong. Purge Your nation from every spirit of witchcraft that is destroying Your handwork.

O Lord, help all of us to be like You and help us to live a life that is pleasing in Your sight, a life that glorifies You alone.

O Lord I pray Thee, set us on fire and let the fire of Holy Ghost consume every debris in our lives so we can continually live a life that is radiant before You.

Almighty Father, have mercy on all Your chosen servants and purify them and help them to live for You alone. Give them courage and destroy their cowardice so they can be bold to preach the truth of Your Kingdom. Lord, open their eyes to see and know that You who called them can meet all their needs. Give them greater grace to overcome every evil plan of their adversaries.

O Lord, heal those who are sick both physically and spiritually and let them enjoy abundant life in You.

O Lord I pray, break, destroy, terminate and annihilate every satanic head ruling Your nation. Have mercy and forgive our leaders for they’ve forsaken You. Let Your glory and Your greatness dwell once more in Your land so that whoever comes will always see that You, Lord dwell here.

Father, I pray that You destroy every ruling and controlling spirit ruling each nation. Terminate every plan of bloodshed and purify every heart that has become synagogue of Satan with Your fire. Change every life for You alone has power to build and pull down. Pull down every stronghold of the enemies and let Your light shine upon every dark soul.

O Lord I pray that every kingdom in any form that stands against Your Kingdom in Your nation shall not stand. Pull them down and destroy them permanently in Jesus name. Terminate every satanic contract and let Your power dwell richly in every house You’ve built with Your hands.

God of love, shower all of us with Your love and bring back unity. Terminate disunity among Your children. Let the world know that truly You’ve called us to give light and let others see Your light through us.

O Lord, You who created this Earth for Your children to live, enjoy and return back to You, shine forth Your light upon every darkness so that Your light may be visible in every nation.

All these I ask You Almighty Father in the name of Your loving Son – Jesus Christ. Amen.

Pastor Radiant Ayowole Jesudairo
London, 17th August 2015.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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