Mystery Of Slave Trade

Jesus speaks

(Sunday 16th January 2011, 13:00)

My son, I want to tell you how the slave trade came into existence. Do you think it could have happened if We knew nothing about it? Do you think everything could have happened if We didn't give the go-ahead? All the places they enjoy today, all of them, if it didn't happen, can they enjoy it? Some cities that exist now wouldn't have existed. It happened! I'm just telling you to know that everything that happened that time, if We didn't know about it, it wouldn't have happened. If it didn't happen, can you enjoy what you enjoy today? You can never enjoy it. You know some countries they created. If it didn't happen, can you enjoy it? What are you saying? Why are you swearing? I know what you don't know. You just talk and talk nonsense. I know you're surprised My son. Don't be surprised; I know what I'm telling you. They came; they dragged them here. But you're enjoying it now. Did they kill you? You didn't see the light. They brought you to see the light. What happens today? Are you not enjoying it now? When they chose to do evil! They, Africans, chose to do evil. They chose evil My son! They chose evil. My son, let Me put that aside today. I'm just telling you to know that nothing happens on this Earth without Our knowledge. Do you think My Father will be on His throne and see them capturing His children, killing them, and He'll be happy? Some people died because they struggled with them. They had no mind to kill anybody. They brought them to come and work for generations to come. Are they not enjoying it now? What happens today? They are enjoying it.

When they went there, I mean those who went there, what was their mission? They were missionaries. They went there to spread the Good News. They told Us about them. They settled Us! Their aim was not to harm them; it was not to do them any evil. They said Father; some of Your children don't know You; we want to go and spread Your Good News; we want to establish them. And I said go ahead and do it! They poured their whole heart to Us. What happens today? They came as missionaries; they did this and that. Yes! Somebody taught you what you didn't know. They taught you; they shed more light on it for you to know it because you didn't know it. What happens today? Are they not enjoying it now? Those who came that time, were they not better than the ones ruling them now?

My son, what is the difference; I want to know? They are killing innocent souls. They don't go to church here, but their heart is clean; they don't do evil. If you fall down, they will lift you up. What is happening there in Africa? They kill even inside the church. You will give your money to somebody, and that person will kill you with it. You will die because of the help you render. Then somebody will eat, wake up, and begin to say what he doesn't know. What do you know? Nothing happens on this Earth that We don't know. My son, if you don't ask Me to sit down, I will sit down.

My son, I'm telling you what happened in this land like Father and son. These people, their forefathers and My Father were one. They spoke one-on-one. Whatever they wanted to do, without them consulting My Father, they wouldn't do it. When they went there, did they travel by land? Didn't they travel by sea? If My Father wanted to turn their ship upside down, wouldn't He do it? Why did He give them a chance to go and do it? Because My Father is a Father who knows the ending from the beginning. He knew there would be a reward for His children through it. Those who didn't come then, what's happening now? Are they not finding their way to come here now? Then you will eat, and with your full belly, you'll begin to swear. What are you swearing? I don't want to speak My son. You know everything that's happening there in Africa. I'm the One speaking to you My son. This world is a mystery. Only do what I asked you to do and leave the rest. The world is a mystery. It is the handwork of My Father and Us. We know how We did it. I have so many things to reveal to you My son. I love you My son. I Am happy. Anyone who wants to destroy you will destroy himself. Be bold and be strong.

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