No One Can See Me

The Father speaks

(Saturday 5th March 2011, 10:00)

What happened in the beginning after God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt and they got to the Wilderness? They lived in Egypt for so long that they were lured into evil like the Egyptians and forgot about their God. While they were in the Wilderness, God told Moses to teach them what they should and shouldn't do. He began to teach them because they didn't know. As he was teaching them, were they doing it? Some of them obeyed, while some disobeyed. What happened then? God began to fish them out; He began to destroy them. The generation began to go until Jesus came. Why did Jesus come? That's where I'm going. I Am the One speaking to you, My son. While the children were in the Wilderness, what did God tell Moses to teach them? Because of what? Because He wanted to get the heart of the children. That's why He gave them the Ten Commandments because they were filthy. Don't do this one, don't do that one, all because of their heart. It's their heart He needed. He looked at it and said to Himself; as I'm doing this, it's like I'm still far from them. As I'm far from them, they wouldn't believe Me like that. Let Me prepare who would go down, who they could see, touch and listen to. Maybe through Him, I could get all of them back because they were afraid of Me. Let Me prepare who would come in the form of man, who they would eat with so they would know the Father is not anyhow Father; so they would know He's not a wicked Father. The Father is not a wicked Father! I Am like you My son. That's where I'm going. Right from the beginning, nobody can see Me, and that's My nature. No one has ever seen Me, and no one will ever see Me. You cannot change Me, and I will not change it because of you. If you think I can come so you can see Me, that's a lie. If you say I want to see the Father, that means you're digging your own grave because no one can see Me and live. You cannot see Me. You can never see Me. If you say you want to see Me, that means you're digging your grave, and you know where you're going. If the Father is the One speaking, then I want to see the Father. You are lying! You can never see Me. You cannot see the Father because that's His nature right from ages.

I brought My Son because they looked at the Father as if it's something they could imagine. Who told you! I Am a Person just as you're a human being, and I Am a Breeze, and you can never see Me. I created you as I Am. If I tell you I bring you out of Me, don't you know you're like Me? Then why do you doubt? You want to see the Father! Can you see the Father? I brought My Son; He's My Son. You saw Him; you felt Him; you ate with Him. Why do you doubt? You saw Him and destroyed Him. The Father you couldn't see, yet you couldn't respect Him. The Son you could see, you didn't respect Him but killed Him. What do you want Me to do My son? That's why I told you not to trouble your heart because of anybody. The Son came; He preached everything for you to follow. If you want to see the Father, this is what you would do; this is what you wouldn't do. You're looking for the Father, yet you're doing what they asked you not to do. That's exactly where I'm going for you to know they've missed it. Are you serving the Son? Are you serving the Father? The Father gave Him the instruction and everything He asked you not to do. You will follow it. The son didn't teach you what you're doing, nor did the Father. Everything My Son taught you here, I was the One. He did not teach you anything of His own. I was the One that told Him everything, and He did everything perfectly. He didn't have any wrinkle or spot. My Son is with Me. I know what I'm telling you My son.

If they're serving Jesus, did He do all these things they're doing? Did He do it? If you're serving the Father, have you seen Him before? I Am proving Myself now. Nobody can see the Father, and nobody will see the Father. I know what I'm saying. You cannot see the Father, and you will never see the Father. If you have seen the Father before, you will prove yourself. Those things you're doing, was it the Father that taught you? You can't say you've seen the Father because since I created this Earth, nobody has ever seen Me, and nobody will ever see Me. I brought My Son for you to emulate Him, to do everything as He did it. What did Jesus Christ do? There was some food He ate; some He didn't eat. Then you will stand up and claim you're serving the Father and still eat all this nonsense food. They're telling you, but you are saying, well, it's like you're teaching me another thing. Then what did Jesus Christ teach you when He came? It's like I've not heard all these you're telling me before. That means you're on your own. You are on your own! If somebody could speak such a word from his mouth, then you can imagine how the whole Earth would be. Somebody that says he's in Me for many ages, if he could speak that word, then conclude in your heart how the whole Earth is right now. This is the person who says he's in Me, who claims he has rank in Me and still speaks like that; you should know how the whole Earth is right now. We are talking about physical food now. This thing you're doing, don't do it again; it's not good. Then you're saying it's like you're teaching me something different; you want to confuse me. That was why I asked you what Jesus Christ taught when He came to this Earth. What did He teach? Is it not holiness; is it not righteousness. Did He teach any other thing? This is for you to know what they're teaching, what they're doing, what they used to feed all of them. Do this one, don't do that one. Jesus Christ did not teach that one. If He did, I would know. He didn't teach it! You can do this one, but you can't do that one. You fail! You miss it! Because whenever He tells you don't do this one, then don't do it. Don't do this; My Father says He doesn't like it. Don't do it, and if you do it, then you're not in Him. That was what He taught. He didn't say you can do this one, but don't do this one. No! He did not waver in His word. He stood by His word. I was the One. I was the One! He stood by His word. Whenever He was speaking, I was with Him. He's My Son.

While they were beating Him, they were beating Me as well. While they were nailing Him, they were nailing Me as well. I was feeling it because He's My Son. He is My Son. He came; He taught everything. He didn't hold back anything. He gave you all. The message I sent Him, He delivered it all. He used Himself to pay for it. Then you, you say you want to do like Jesus, you're serving the Father. You're not doing everything Jesus Christ said you should do, and you're happy. What kind of happiness is that? You better stay on your own for you to know where you stand now. You better know where you stand. If you want to be for the Father, you know what you're supposed to do. You committed some sins, but you didn't think they were sins, but I've forgiven you because you cannot be hundred percent righteous like Me. No human being will be righteous like the Father. There are some sins We overlook. There are some you know they're sins, and you're doing them. It doesn't matter; it doesn't matter; it doesn't matter. You think you're serving the Father. You think you're doing the things the Son asked you to do. You are lying! You deceive yourself.

My son, that's why I told you not to trouble yourself. That's where I started. It's your heart I need. Preach My word. Don't trouble yourself because of anybody, because the journey is a personal journey. It's a personal journey. You will not be on your journey with another man's own together. If you say your own load is not enough for you and you want to carry another man's own with it, that means you want to destroy yourself. Your load is enough for you, and you know who will carry it for you. Don't panic yourself because of anybody. What you owe them is the truth. Whoever wants, let him take; whoever doesn't want, leave him alone. Don't kill yourself because of anybody. You want to know who is speaking; you want to see if the Father is the One speaking. Have you seen the Father before? So all the ones they've been teaching me there is wrong. Is it the Father that is speaking or that woman? The one the woman speaks about and the one in the Bible, is there any difference? If the woman is speaking and you don't believe it's the Father, is there any difference between what the woman told you and My Word? If you claim she's the one speaking, yet everything is there in the Bible. That's exactly what I sent My Son Jesus to teach, for you to know I'm the One speaking.

Since I came out here speaking to you through My daughter, My son, have I mistakenly said anything that is not in My word? If I've told you, challenge Me! So, I'm the One speaking? That's why I told you not to trouble yourself. Whoever comes to this house and believes what My daughter says believes Me. That's exactly like My Son. Whoever believes what My Son Jesus says believes Me. I have told you, anywhere you go in this world, let that Pastor come; I Am the One. I Am the One speaking. I Am not a confusion Father. I will not teach a different word. I speak about Holiness; that's all. I don't tell you about halfway-holiness. I'm speaking of a hundred percent holiness. That's what I want. I will not ask you to be twenty or thirty percent holy. No! You fail. With fifty percent holiness, you fail! With sixty percent My son, there will be an opportunity. We just forgive you and push you in. I want seventy percent holiness and above! With sixty percent holiness, you're shaking. Tell them! I want anything from seventy percent because nobody can be a hundred like the Father. You're a human being, and you're flesh. Sixty percent holiness, you're shaking! Let's just support him, let's push him in, and let him just go. My son, publish it for them; let them know! Let them open their ears wide!

When the children go to school, they set exams for them. Whoever passes will be promoted, and whoever fails will remain in the same class. That class and this one We're saying here are not the same. You know what I'm saying, My son. Let them begin to jump up and down; let them continue to swim inside sin. Let them know! Tell them! Tell them! Tell them!

I Am happy, and I want you to be happy the way I Am happy. I Am warning you again. Don't trouble yourself because of anybody. As you're disturbing your heart, as you're weak in your heart, it's touching Me. I want you to be happy. After you settle Me and My kingdom this morning, you can then satisfy yourself. If I see you disturb yourself because of anybody, you're missing your way. Those who go there – the church, I am a Christian, I am this one. Let them do it. You know they're going to meet Somebody. Never trouble yourself. You can never pass through any shortcut. You can never pass through the back. You must pass through the front, and the front is Me. There is no other route; I am the only Route. There is only one road, and I Am that Road. I give you peace.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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