Nobody Fights My Messenger

The Father speaks

(Wednesday 14th March 2012, 22:30)

I am a vessel unto honour. I am a vessel unto honour. I am a vessel unto honour, not a vessel unto dishonour. I am a vessel unto honour. Who am I when my Father says I want to make use of you? I am not the one that created myself. He is the One that moulded me; He is the One that brought me; He is the One that refined me. He said I want to make use of you. Who am I to tell my Potter that moulded me no, that He shouldn't use me? That means I am finished; that means I am destroyed. He is my Potter. He is the One that moulded me. He is the One that owns me, and He said I want to make use of you. Who am I to tell my Potter that He shouldn't touch me? That means I am finished. He is the One that owns me. He is the One that beautifies me to be something He can use. He moulded me, and I became like a cup. He can use me for drinking water, and He can use me to do anything. A vessel unto honour. A vessel to use where kings and queens are. A vessel you will carry like an egg. It's not anyhow vessel. Who is that person that will say you cannot use this one? That means the person will die. He will die!

There are many cups everywhere. There are many cups everywhere. You cannot just go there and take anyone to drink water. You will make sure you take the clean one. The one that both the inside and outside are clean. You will not take anyhow cup. If they know themselves and know their head, why do they go to the market and buy what is good? They could have gone to the market with their money and bought what is rotted. If they could go to the market and buy what is good for themselves, My son, whoever raises ugly hand on you in this journey shall die! I will use their generation to lay the foundation. I Am the One speaking. I Am the Almighty God! In this journey that I call you, if anyone despises you or troubles you, I will use their generation to lay the foundation. I Am the One speaking. This journey that I send you, whoever troubles you, I will use all their generations to lay the foundation. They will never grow old. I will deal with all of them. I Am the One speaking. I will deal with them prematurely; they will die. I Am the One speaking. They will know that I Am the Almighty God. If they could go to the market and buy what is good! They could buy the latest car. They're driving the latest cars. They're building the latest houses. I Am the Almighty! I now choose the good one to spread My Good News. Why are they troubling you? They should come and meet Me. I will use their first sons, their first children in their generation to lay the foundation. I Am the One speaking. It is very fearful for somebody to offend the Father. I told you in the morning. If they offend the Father, premature death will be their portion. I Am the One speaking. I know what I'm saying, and I mean what I'm saying because they will begin to die. I will deal with their generation to the end. If you offend the Father, to whom will you go? Who will you go to? If you go to your native doctor or anybody, they will tell you they cannot help you. I don't know where this your problem comes from; I cannot help you. Because it's from the Almighty! I Am the One speaking. If you could go to the market and buy what is good, you see fresh fish that swims in the water and the one that is dead in a pan. You say no, you will take the fresh one, the one that floats in the water, so that when you eat it, your body will be fresh. As you're eating it, you will be happy. Why? Because you have your money in your hand, you want first class. Somebody will now come and ask you why you buy that one. Is it not what you want for your body? If anyone can see any alternative to this My word, he can do you and go free. But if they cannot see any option to this one, I will deal with them. If they can go to the market and buy what is good, if they come here and challenge you, that means all of them enter My trap.

You did your work; you have your money and your freedom. You go to the market to buy what's good for yourself. Can anybody ask you why you buy this cloth? Is it not your money? Can anybody challenge you for it? You did not steal money from anybody's pocket. You worked for your money. They now paid you your salary. Can anybody arrest you for it? Can anybody kill you for it? I Am the One who owns every soul that walks on this Earth. I Am the One that owns every soul, young and old, both man and woman. They are My sons and daughters. Even though they're serving wood, they're serving chicken; they're serving cows, they're serving flowers, they are all My children. I can pick anyone. I can choose anybody because I know their heart. You don't have any right to ask Me why I picked that person, and you don't have any right to trouble that person. If you do it, I will deal with you. You know that if I lay My curse, it will come to pass. If I lay My curse upon your generation, it will come to pass. I Am the One speaking. My son, anyone that troubles you, I have laid My curse. If they don't withdraw their hands, if they don't withdraw their hands, you will see what will happen My son. I have said it. I Am the One that deals with you in this house. I Am the One that speaks to you face to face. As I dealt with My children in the time of old, that is how I'm dealing with you. I told you wherever I'm speaking, no matter any name they give you, you cannot be bigger than Me. If you're a man of God, you cannot be bigger than Me. I Am the One that chose you. Anywhere the Father speaks, you have to bow down and reverence Me. No matter which name they give you or any rank they give you on this Earth, your rank doesn't reach where I Am. I Am the I Am that I Am. Anywhere I speak, you have to reverence Me. Nobody is bigger than the Father. I Am the Almighty. The kings, the nobles, all of them reverence Me. I Am the Creator. And when I'm dealing with somebody, anyone that wants to raise ugly hands, I will deal with your generation.

You are doing what is not good, and they're telling you to amend your ways, but you are coming here to cause trouble. You're coming to cause problem. As I was saying, nobody goes to the market and buys what's bad. You bought a cup, and you're using it for drinking water. Somebody now comes and starts beating the cup. Why are you beating the cup? It's the owner of the cup you should have beaten. The owner of the cup is the controller of the cup. You can take it to wherever you want to take it. If you like, you can even break it. You this cup, as I bought you, I'm taking you to that house tomorrow; everybody there will use you to drink water. Because you're the one that bought it! The cup has no right to disobey. Can anybody come and destroy the cup? You can sue whoever does anything to the cup. You can deal with the generation of anyone that destroys the cup. I Am the One speaking. They will know that I Am the Almighty God. I do not speak anyhow. If I said My word and I've not brought it to pass, that doesn't mean I'm not the One speaking. I Am the One speaking. I Am not a talkative.

All of them are blind. They are deaf. They are dumb. They are walking in darkness. They are working, looking for food. The Father is there, looking at all of them. The Father still controls their affairs. The Father still have mercy on them. But they're still doing evil upon evil. Do you know more than the Father? Can you adjourn your death? Can you transfer your death? If you're doing your own, you should just do it. Do not cross the path of the Father because the word of the Father is final. If you cross the path of the Father, you will see it. The story of those who did it in the time of old is still there. Their generation lived to tell the story. That is exactly what I'm saying now. My son, whoever troubles you, I will deal with their generation; they will never grow old. I Am the One speaking. In this journey, whoever sends you a nonsense message, let them send it to you. Do not care; don't bother yourself. I will deal with their generation. I Am the One speaking. I Am the Alpha, the Omega; I Am the Authority. I Am the Authority. I Am the Authority. Take Me out, take Me anywhere. Even this night, take Me out; I will speak anywhere. They may give you a name that your wife is mad. Who told you? I Am the Almighty. I Am the Almighty. Very soon, they will know Me on this Earth. Very soon, they will hear of Me. They will be afraid of Me that I Am God that dealt with My children in the time of old. I Am the God that made one walk in the bush like a madman. I Am the One that spoke My word, and it came to pass. I Am the One that made the king eat grass in the bush. When I speak My word, it will come to pass. Nobody challenges Me, how much more trouble My children I send a message. I told you, it's very fearful to fall into the hand of the Father because it will never finish. If the Father's curse is upon you, it is very bitter. Nobody can erase that curse. You're still committing your sin, walking around the corner; the Father is still sending messages to you. But you say you want to destroy the messenger of the Father. My son, it's very fearful.

My son, you are a thorn in their neck. You a thorn in their neck! Let them come and lay hands on you. You are a thorn in their neck. You are an exhibit for them. If they know themselves, all of them that wronged you, they should better enter their closet and ask for mercy because I will touch all of them. This is an everlasting curse that I laid on all of them. Everlasting curse that will never erase! No matter how much you serve Me, you have wronged Me because you touch the apple of My eyes. Everlasting curse! I send you a message. Since I've been sending you a message, did I mention anybody's name for you? I said I Am the One that deals with all My children. I said you should send the message to everybody. Whoever reads the message, anywhere he knows he's not doing it well; he will amend himself. You did not mention anybody's name. I told you I did not come for individuals; I come for the whole world because all of them are My children. Whether you give your life to My Son Jesus or not, do accordingly as you go to that message. All of them are My children, both black and white. I Am the One that owns all of them. Nobody has power more than Me. But if you want to tell Me that you have power, I will deal with your generation. I will curse you! I will deal with you to the root! You're going on your own way and nobody to speak the truth. The Father comes down. The Father turned Himself into a Human Being, so He could speak to you, so that you will know where you're going, speaking to you so you can rectify yourself. But you say you have wings, that you know how to fly. You can do anything to come and trouble My home. Can you trouble the Father? Can you fight the Father? Which power do you have? I want to know! Who gave you that power? So you want to fight your Father. You want to fight the Most High God. Have you heard it before? Since the day I have been dealing with My children, look into My word, have you seen that anybody defeated the Father? Oh, let me try my best; let me try my power so that I can destroy them. Do you think he's the one that's speaking to you? That woman that speaks, that man that speaks, do you think they're the one speaking? Do you give them wine to drink so they can speak? The Father is the One speaking. The Almighty God is the One speaking. He knows everything you're doing. You're doing evil. He is touching that area, and your body is biting you. You fail because the Father will destroy all your generations. You have offended the Father. You have offended the Father. You have offended the Father.

My son, send it to all of them that I will deal with their generation to the end. Tell them that I will deal with their generation to the end. I Am the One speaking. The Most High God is the One speaking. The Creator is the One speaking. When they're reading My word, all of them that have My Spirit will know I'm the One speaking. All of them that have My Spirit and read My word know I'm the One speaking, and I will wipe their generation away if they come here to trouble you. Nothing good will come out of that house again. I Am the One speaking. I will do it. Whoever knows they're the one that troubles you, they should go and confess now. They should go and confess and ask for mercy because I will deal with their generation to the root. Nobody can destroy this Earth for Me; I Am the One that owns it. I told you the devils that fly around; I Am the One that created them. Whenever I'm speaking, they respect Me. My son, write it down quickly and send it to them. Let them go through it, so they will know they have sown thick and thorns into their children's lives. They have laid a curse upon the head of their unborn children.

As I called you to preach My word, if you say you don't want to go, I know what I will do to you. I will touch everything you're doing; no one will be good again. That is Me. If I say, 'My son, send My message,' and you don't want to do it, I know what I will do to you. But if you say 'yes, my Father, I will do it,' who will trouble you? My son, many of them I chose to do My work, to speak the truth, I speak My word into the heart of most of them. Many of them, whenever they want to preach, I speak My word into their heart. Write it down for them! I speak My word into their heart, but they're afraid of the congregation. They're afraid to speak whatever I ask them to speak because if they speak it, there will be confusion in the church. The people will go away. Tell them! Tell that man, that woman that is preaching, that I always speak into their hearts whenever they're preaching. Some of them, when they're preparing the message, I will tell them what to preach, but they will ignore it and preach their own because some of their congregation have gone their own way. I Am telling you to speak the truth because I know where I'm taking you to, but you refuse. That is why you remain in one place. Tell them. Tell them! Can you see Me? You cannot see Me. You cannot see Me, but I see you.

You are preparing what to preach; I'm telling you what to preach, but you say no because you know that if you preach that message, they will not give you the food they're giving you again. Somebody is doing evil, and he's bribing you in the church. You're happy, jumping up on top of the altar. You carry a microphone in your hand; you're throwing hallelujah. Somebody is doing evil. Why can't you tell that person the truth so the Father can reward you? Every truth you speak and somebody repents, the Father will promote you. But if you keep the truth and tell lies, you're coming down. You are diminishing.

If My Son I sent to this Earth hadn't told the truth, He wouldn't have come back to Me. I could have rejected Him. He spoke My truth, and I rewarded Him. He is a Winner. He is a Champion. That is why I said anyone that wants to pray should pray in the name of My Son. I crowned Him, and nobody will take it away from Him. Even the devil knows! No one! I sent you to preach My message, the truthful message, but you diverted it. Are you the one that created the Earth? Are you the one that owns the Earth? Are you the one that created yourself? It is very fearful to disobey the Father because you will pay for it. If you fear human beings you can see and disobey your Father; you know what you've done to yourself. Tell them! All of them are working for Me. I see all of them. I put My word into your heart. Oh, I cannot hear from my Father. You are hearing from your Father! Who told you you're not hearing from your Father? You hear from Me! You are lying! My Spirit is inside you as long you call yourself a man of God. Whether I'm the One that called you or trained yourself to be, I always come to you and speak into your heart. Whenever you hold that microphone in your hand, sometimes I will divert your attention; I will tell you what to say. You will ignore that one and say something else because you know that if you say it, you will offend somebody. You are now afraid of somebody; you now leave Me. You now leave Me your Creator. You now leave whom you're working for. I see all of them. My son, don't waste time before you send this message to all of them.

You are walking helter-skelter, asking somebody for counselling. What should I do; all this one I'm doing is not working. What should you do! Because you're lying! You disobey the Father. Your work is not moving forward because you're not doing what the Father asked you to do. What He asked you to preach, you're not preaching it. You are lying. Even if only three people are in that church, the Father knows your food will not come through that place you're preaching. Somebody else from outside will bring you food. Tell them about the truth. If it remains only three people in that church, let it be. You will eat. The Father will feed you. The Father knows the way He will provide for you. Because you're looking for everything on this Earth; you're looking for all the cars you want to drive; you're looking for all the houses you want to live in; you're looking for all the women you want to marry; you're looking for the battalion of children you wish to bear. Many children are there suffering. Who is taking care of them? Who is feeding them? Are they not children? Children are children! Is it because they're not from your body? Do they have ten heads? Are they not the same children? Children are everywhere crying. You neglect them. You will close your eyes if you see them as if nobody is there. Some of them may even greet you; you don't want to answer them because you know they may need your help. Oh, if I speak to her now, she will ask me for money; let me behave as if I don't see her. But the money is there in your account. If it's your child, you will run quickly to give them whatever she wants. You are sending money to your own child, but another child is there crying. Even if you don't have it, you should go and borrow and give it to her. The Father knows the way He will pay you back. Oh, have you finished the money you have; do you want me to send another one to you? But somebody is there crying; she doesn't even see water to drink. My son, they're taking your message as nonsense. They will know that it's not nonsense.

My son, all of them that involved themselves to trouble you, I will pay all of them back. I will touch all of them. I will touch all of them unless they change. I will touch all of them. Anywhere they are, I will look for them. Let them put more effort. Let them go and hire themselves. Let them go and hire more powers. They will tell Me who gave them the power. You are just an ordinary human being. As I used My children to speak in the time of old, after I used them to speak, I would perform, and perform, and perform. The human being is just there as a tree. The Father enters inside them and speaks. The Father will do the remaining work. Don't you know that all of them are very foolish? Are you the one speaking? My son, whoever touches you will die! I will deal with their generation. This is the third time. I will deal with them to the end. I used My children. You know all of them I used. Were they God? I Am the One that used them to speak because you can never see God. You can never see the Almighty Father. You cannot see Me and live. I always use My children. If anyone says he wants to deal with My children, that person will find himself to blame. Let them come My son.

If I Am the Almighty God and not the same God that spoke to Abraham in the time of old, this Earth could have collapsed. It could have gone. If I Am the Almighty God, I called Abraham, made a covenant with him, and maintained the covenant; if I Am not the One, this Earth could have gone. I Am the same God! I told you why the Earth remains until today. Because of My Son Jesus! Because of the blood I used, that's why I still maintain the covenant until today. Do you think I'm not the same God? Is there any other Person? So they want to try their power because the Father keeps quiet. I Am dealing with you; I'm speaking to you. What can you do? Which power do you have?

In the midst of the midst, the Father laid hands on Abraham, and he obeyed. Nobody has done it before that he could emulate. He came out; he followed the Father like a fool. The story is still there. Whenever you're praying, you mention Abraham's name. Before I called Abraham, who told you he did not commit sin? How old was he before I called him? Did you know how many sins he committed? But I called Him. I know the reason why I called him. My son, do not let anybody deceive you. I Am the One speaking My son. You can never see Me, but I see you. I Am the One speaking My son. Don't let anybody deceive you. The one I said you should do, do it. Don't let anybody deceive you. You have met your Father raw. Anyone that the Father uses you to speak to and withdraws himself fails. They will never see this opportunity again. Go back and see those that Moses dealt with face to face. Their lives changed. You cannot compare Moses with any other one. Whoever the Father uses you to speak to but count it as nothing, that is the end. My son, My son, I've told you, I Am your Father. You are My son. I Am the One.

When you're doing evil, who gives you the evil? There are some places you will go; you cannot do the evil because it will fall on your head. How many children did Jacob have? There was one special one among them. What about David? How many children did his father have? But the Father picked one out, isn't it? I Am telling you because the things that happened in the time of old still happen till today. With their ignorance, they wave the blessing the Father give them away. I told you I always drop an anointed child in each family. Because of their ignorance, they destroy the blessing of that child. That one may be a drunkard. He may be the madman on the street because the father and the mother are stupid. But they say they're going to church. Whenever you go to church, you leave the anointed one at home to play ball and watch television because you're asking for a blessing upon blessing. But the blessing that the Father gave to you, the blessing that will change your life, you leave him at home. The blessing that could have made the whole world hear your name' you leave him at home. You're shouting for a blessing because you want to drive cars. If you don't see petrol, will you drive a car? You will abandon the car, isn't it?

Nobody knows the Father. Nobody knows the way of the Father. All of them are foolish. They are foolish My son. They are foolish. The blessing the Father gave to them, they have destroyed it and followed the things of this Earth. The children the Father gave to them, they forget about them. This Earth is a mystery. If you know your Father, He will tell you who you are. There are some people the Father created; He did not create them to go to the farm; He did not create them to go anywhere. If you see them, they will always sit down outside the house. Good morning, how are you? If you wake in the morning, what do you do? You will just sit down outside the house and care for people with your mouth. Through that, you will eat. Anybody can call you any name they want to call you, but as you're greeting them every day, as people are going and coming, somebody will come to you. Sir, you have been kind to me every day; please take this. But you are foolish. You are running around because you want to be a doctor. You will go to school upon school; you will not get the job. Why? Because you do not seek from the Father.

When the Father plants flowers, somebody is there trimming the flowers. If the Father says you will be a lawyer; you will be a doctor; you will drive an airplane, what about the flowers? What happens to the flowers? It will overgrow until nobody can transfer it from one place to the other. If everybody is a doctor and a lawyer, don't you know you're stupid? Come to Me, and I will tell you who I Am! I will teach you what you don't know. I Am the Creator. I will teach you. Mummy, no, I don't want to go to school. If the child says 'no, I don't want to go to school,' don't trouble him. Leave him and begin to watch. Oh, if you don't go to school, you will die. But the child insists he doesn't want to go to school. Mummy, this is what I want to do. Leave him alone. Pray to the Father. Father, You are the One that gave me this child; he said he doesn't want to go to school; Father, show me what he will be. You will see it! The Father will tell you, and He will confirm it. Follow it with that child. He will be what the Father wants him to be. Have you seen him; he said he doesn't want to go to school. As you're chasing that child, you may chase him to the road until he dies. Even if you succeed, he will truly go to school to join the bad gang. He will be their leader. Do you know more than the Father?

My children in the time of old that you hear their names served Me; they proclaimed My word. Don't you hear their names today? Even those who went to school and had grade one, do you hear their names in the book they read? You only hear their names in Jesus, in the work of the Father. If the Father honours education more than everything, He couldn't have spoken in another language. The Father is not after education. That thing He put inside you will come out. Each person the Father created, He put something in them. He did not create all of them equally. You, you will build the house. You, you will paint the house. You, you will clean the house. You, you will be cooking in the kitchen. You, you are the one that will be washing the plates. It's a division of labour. Every work He divides for you, maintain your own side. Don't envy anybody. Somebody laboured and built the house. Somebody also helped in building it. Somebody painted the house. Somebody cleaned the house. Now somebody is cooking while another is washing the plates. If the Father says the one that washes the dishes will feed the whole house, so be it. How can somebody that washes plates provide for the entire house? He neither goes to the farm nor goes to work; when everybody finishes their food, he will be the one to wash the plates. How can he feed everybody in the house? The Father knows the way He will do it. He can swap things around. As you see your finger, it's not equal. If one finger does not support the other, it will be difficult. You will use all your fingers if you want to carry any load. If one of them is missing, there will be a problem. It will affect the remaining ones. Do you know more than the Father?

My son, in this journey, if anybody troubles you, the Earth will share into two because of you. I Am the One! Tell all of them that are going through this message and all of them that have heard from Me through you that come here to attack that the Father says He will deal with their generation. Tell them! I Am the One speaking. If you have a stain in your hands and the Father fishes you out, you should be happy. Go back and reconcile with the Father. But if you say you want to come and attack, you are in trouble. It will never be good for your generation. The Father will cut all of them off because you have sinned for your unborn generation. Tell them! I Am the One speaking. They should go and reconcile with the Father. They should go and reconcile with the Father immediately. They should go and confess to any Pastor and tell him what they have done because the Father will deal with their generation. The Father has spoken. I Am the One speaking. Nobody challenges Me. Nobody challenges Me. Nobody challenges Me. Nobody will cut the hand of the Father short. Nobody! He created many fishes in the river. They never use their head to knock each other. All of them go in their own way. The Father is the One that controls all of them. As He speaks His word, any category you know you fall into, quickly amend yourself. But if you say you want to come and do wickedness, I will deal with all your unborn generations. Even you that committed the sin, everybody will ask you what you have done and who you offended.

Don't they hear about Moses and Pharaoh? If they know about Moses and Pharaoh, they should go and reconcile with their Father. They should go and confess immediately because the Father will deal with them. If they like, they should think you're the one speaking. I Am the One speaking! Anybody the Father chooses, He never leaves him alone unless the person goes on his own way. That's why the Father will never forgive any witchcraft. If any man of God chooses to be a wizard, the Father will never forgive him because they never do anything good. That is the end of your journey. Your own case is different; no judgement. As They see you, They will see it inside you. You know where you're going. You are using two powers together. When Jesus Christ came, how many powers did He use? It's only one. But you're operating under two powers. There is no judgement for you. Your own judgement is automatic. My son, all this one is what they're complaining about. You will continue to send it to them. I told you their hand is not clean. Nobody will go to that word that will not know it's Me. They will never send any comment. Those who send a bad comment, you know who they are. Those who have My Spirit, the clean Spirit that they call upon Me and My Son, when they get there, they fear; they will never cough. Those who say they're stubborn, that they have power; they don't know it's the same Father that did signs and wonders in the time of old. They will see the power of the Father. They will see it My son! You are calling upon your Father; you will see your Father. You will abandon your car and walk with your feet whenever you're inside your car because you see what's more than you. Something is chasing you.

My son, there are many things I can use to destroy this Earth. If the day is dark, everybody will be in their beds. But if the day refuses to break, you will sleep and sleep for several days; you will be afraid to even go out because you don't know what's happening out there. You will not go to the farm; you will not go to the market. If I say I should do it with the sun, the day will break and never be dark. You will work and work for several days. You will ask yourself what's going on. Is it the air I want to use? How many should I count? Am I not the One that owns them? Everything they use to surround themselves that they call amenities are the things the Father can use to destroy them. Everywhere is dangerous. Everything you see is dangerous. They will now gather and begin to say nonsense. You are walking on the ground, and the ground is level. If you step on it and it sinks, not that rain falls, don't you know something happens? What do you call that? Destruction! My son, you are in a safe hand. Be bold and continue to speak My word.

Who told you they don't know the truth? As you're preaching it to them, and another person is preaching it to them, this Earth will be a better place. What will the remaining ones do? They will change. But if you're the only one doing it, and they go to the so called church, the Pastor will tell them something different. It's like they're confused. You, you don't want to eat; holy-holy; go on your own way. The Father has no other language than holiness. He killed many people in the time of old because of it. The Father killed some people because of the word they uttered in their mouths. How much more!

Can you kill the messenger of God? It's only the Father that has the power to kill His messenger. If you don't deliver the message well, He has the power to destroy you. But if you deliver it well, He will crown you. He will nurture you. He will care for you. If you go your own way, He also has the power to destroy you. Nobody has the power to kill the messenger of the Father. If an actor dies in a movie, how will the movie end? They don't know anything. If the Father chooses one, He still has the power to choose another one. If He chooses you and you fail to do it as He asks you to do it, He has the right to choose another one, and He will tell you that your own has ended. You don't have the power to destroy because they choose another one. He has the power to choose another one even while you're still alive. You will be there like a figurehead. There is nothing anybody can do. In a house, amid eleven children, one is special, and the blessing of all of them is not equal. If you say you want to trouble all of them because of one, you will see yourself. That is what the Father can do. I give you peace. 

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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