Prophecy Against Britain

(Part 3)

The Father speaks

(Saturday 12th November 2011, 01:10)

My son, are you hearing about their finance? My son, this country is the heart. I told you I purposely allowed My children to come here. When the heart fails, what will remain? The remaining ones are just like little villages. This place is the heart. Leave them and let them struggle. As time goes on, they will begin to ask those one who are managing themselves to tell them their secret. They want to know how those ones are surviving. Those ones will refuse and it will bring quarrel, war. As things are getting worse everyday, they still don’t want to know the Father. Are you the one that created the earth! I’m asking you.

My son, let them manufacture money. They know how to produce money. The oil they’re selling, who owns it? Is it not Me? As the oil is still flowing, where is the money going? The oil they’re manufacturing, they’re selling it. But where is the money? I am telling you the Father is the One that owns wealth. Once the spiritual aspect is taken away, there is nothing the physical can do! Man works, but God blesses. If you’re working and I don’t bless it, it will result in nothing. But as you’re doing your work, I’m blessing it for you. It will begin to increase. If I do not bless it for you, what happens then? That is what is going on here My son. Because they do not do what I want, I do not bless them. I was the One that blessed them, now I withdraw My hand. I have told you before. You want to tell Me you know how to produce. A barrel of this, a barrel of that! As you’re producing it, where then is the money? You know how to calculate. Do you know mathematics? The barrel of oil you’re calculating every day, where is the money? I am the One that owns it! It’s My money!!! It’s My money. When I created everything, who gave you the knowledge to have money so you could sell what you have and buy whatever you want? Who gave you the knowledge? I am the One! Now you prove you know more than Me.

My son, nobody will condemn Me. I am the One that owns the land. I am the One that owns everything. The land you’re cultivating, even the axe you’re using, I am the One that owns it. You now tell Me you know more than Me. When I take the axe away, you can now cut with your bare hands. Now you know I’m wiser than you. What can you do? You cannot do anything. It’s the Father! The Father is the All-In-All. Oh, this king is ruling well. It’s the Father, not anybody because no king can create anything. It’s the Father. When a king does what makes the Father happy, what happens then? He will release His blessing. But when you think you’re wise, you can do everything by yourself? We will see what will happen. The Father is the One that owns the whole earth. Now the oil is still flowing, what will happen if it seizes flowing? Now there is no money and they’re still crying for money. What do they know? They don’t know anything. My son, as time goes on, they will know something. Before they will know, it will be too late because when the Father annoys, He doesn’t look back. The Father is on this earth and they don’t know their Father. I am the One that is speaking. Even the servants of God don’t know. Those who will remain will tell the story. Those who die will waste their lives. They don’t have brains. I told you before, they supposed to go back and ask questions. Our Father that built this nation, what did they do? Some are still alive. They could have asked them question how they did it. The things they’re doing, the Father doesn’t like it. They go their own way. My son, I will prove to them that I am the Almighty!!! In this land; I have told you before! I will take My glory to another place. I will raise the place they least expect. I will raise another country. I will take away My glory from this land My son. You will be alive and you’ll see it. As people are running into this country, so they will run away from this land because they are far from the Father. This land will be desolate! I am telling you My son. I will do it! As people come here every day; every duke and harry; even those who have food are still coming here. As they’re coming, the same way they will run back. A time is coming, people will be moving out of this country every day without full stops. Nothing is chasing them, but they’re going out. Before they will realise it, it will be too late. I know what I’m saying My son.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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