If I act in My anger, all of you will die. You’re flying in your private jet, diving into the sea, driving in your limousine, doing evil to people, all of you will die. All of you will die because you’re evil. Nobody can live and tell the story. I Am the Almighty God. I Am ready for all of you. I permit you to fly with your wings because trouble is coming, and all of you should prepare for it. If you want to fly, you should fly. I think you know how to do evil. If you call rain to fall, and it falls, on which land will it fall? Won’t it fall on your head? I turned many of My children into mad people speaking about holiness, yet you say you want to take a shortcut. Who is suffering between you and Me? All of you haven’t seen anything yet. Do you know where I live? If you know where I live, come and knock on My door. You can go and lie down at the front of My door and wait for Me. Where do I live? If you know where I live, come and meet Me. All of you must be very careful, including the person I Am using to speak. All of you must be very careful! The fact that I use you to speak doesn’t mean you should discredit My power. All of you must be careful so that the wind will not carry you along when it comes. You cannot be angry and bite yourself. You cannot be angry and kill yourself. If you kill yourself, you will face the judgement. None of you can disappoint Me. You can only disappoint yourself. I Am the Almighty God. Jehovah is My name. I Am the Great I Am That I Am. I Am the Originator. Nobody dictates for Me. Nobody counsels Me. Nobody created Me. I formed and created Myself. I Am the Beginning and the Ending. Heaven is My throne, and this Earth is My farm. I Am the Owner of this Earth. Nobody pushes Me to speak. I speak whenever I want to speak. I Am not a talkative. If I speak, I mean business. And if I speak, it must come to pass no matter how long it takes. I did not give anybody the key of this Earth. I Am still the Controller.
If I created you to be My Prophet, you will speak whatever word I put in your mouth. I Am the One using you to speak. You’re My vessel. It’s none of your business if whatever you speak comes to pass or not. But I Am not a liar, and My word will never return to Me empty. At the end of your journey on this Earth, I will reward you. Nobody knows the time I will remove the blanket of this Earth. None of you should take Me for granted! I Am the Beginning and the Ending. I make a way where there is no way. If I say yes, nobody can say no. If I fight, nobody can defeat Me. Why do you all trouble yourself? As My Prophet, I shield and cover you. That I speak through your mouth alone is more than a respect for you. Nobody can harm you. I will settle your Spirit whenever you end your journey. I Am the Almighty God.
My son, all the words I spoke in the corner of your room will come to pass. I will bring everything to pass. The whole world will know I Am the Almighty God. I Am Jehovah, and I Am also the Holy Spirit. Every word I gave you to give to My children, I will bring it to the public. All the words I gave you to give to My children, I will bring everything to pass. Every word I gave you to give to My children, the time is coming when they will eat it like a cake. They will rush it and begin to look for Me, but I will hide Myself from them. By that time, the water might have swallowed them. Many of them cannot survive it anymore. Do you love the word of man more than Me, the Almighty God? Are you the one who will tell Me what to do? I can send a madman a message. I can send anybody a message. If you look at the content of the message, you will know it’s not the word of man. I Am the One. But for you to look at the content of the message and commonise it, you use an everlasting rope to hang yourself and your generation. Right from the beginning, some people will say there will be a blessing tomorrow, but I will say there is no blessing because I know the ending from the beginning. I Am the Almighty God. If rain wants to fall, I know. If you say rain will not fall, that the sun will shine, I will tell you rain will fall because I Am the One that controls it. Everything I created cannot be more powerful than Me. All of you should go back and read all the messages I have sent through My son. Is it easy to come down and speak? Who do you think I Am? Some of you read the messages and thought it was a joke. Some of you died already and cannot amend your ways anymore. They should have saved themselves, but they put their trust in their Pastor, their General Overseer and died. This was how I spoke through My Prophets in the time of old. But all of you think it’s a joke. That’s how you will commonise My word and die. Have you seen Jehovah before? Have you seen Me before? You celebrate Christmas every year. I never change. My words never change. Holiness is very important to Me. You will enjoy everything I gave to you through holiness. If your wife gave birth to children, won’t you love them? You will do any work to provide for them so they won’t suffer. As they call you daddy, daddy, you’re happy. You love them, but I love them more than you. That’s why I brought everything down so you can eat and care for them. Where is everything I gave you to care for them? Where are they? You’re chasing clout! You cannot manufacture anything by yourself. If you want to reap anything, you must first sow a seed. If you don’t sow a seed, you cannot reap anything. You cannot reap magic because I Am Jehovah God. Any human being deceiving you will only lead you to your death. I repeat it again: if rain wants to fall, they will tell you rain will not fall, but I will say to you rain will fall because I Am the Almighty God.
As a prominent Pastor, why are you shedding tears if you know what you’re doing is good? If you do it well, and somebody says he has a hundred heads and gets to where you are, if he sees no evil in you, he will bow to the name of Jesus Christ in you. That is the assurance I give to all of you. You cannot condemn the person who doesn’t do evil. If you know your hands are clean and people condemn you, check yourself and see where the smell is coming from. Check yourself! No man born through a woman can fight and conquer the evil of the Earth. No man! I Am the only One who can conquer the evil of this Earth. No Prophet, no Pastor has such power. I Am the One who created the Earth, and I Am the One who will settle it. I can allow all of you to fight and kill yourselves. I know how I will settle the remaining ones. I said, I Am coming, I Am coming, yet none of you listened to My word.
You claim you’re a Pastor. Because of the way I created you that nobody can see your heart; you’ll carry your Bible and go to church, deceiving people. You will stand in the midst of your congregation preaching the word of God. I Am speaking to Nigerian Pastors now! You’re the people that make the Earth go down! Now, I keep quiet for those who have hundred percent demons in them to rule the land. As My servant, if My truth is in your mouth, if those who have demons come to you, what will happen to them? They will bow down to you! They cannot do you any evil. You have nothing to do in common with them. But you claim you’re serving Me; you carry your Bible anywhere you go. You’re just there as a figurehead because worms have eaten you already. You’re only a shadow of yourself. You’re an empty shell. People only see that you wear clothes. You’re not alive anymore. You’re dead! You’re the head of those who make the Earth go down. You used My holiness to cajole My children. You’re decayed! Do you think the demons will leave you alone? Do you know where I first promised Abraham? After I promised him, I told him his children would go to slavery. This was a promise I hadn’t fulfilled. Then, who are you deceiving? Are you reading your Bible? Who are you deceiving? Can a good word come from the mouth that maggots have already eaten? Your words caused turmoil to the Earth. The Earth goes down everyday in the name of God. I Am the Almighty God, and I keep quiet, watching all the dance you’re dancing around the world.
Who are you calling? Are you calling your president Tinubu? Who is he? Tinubu isn’t the one ruling. Demons are the ones ruling Nigeria because you people contributed to it. He doesn’t know God. He doesn’t know Me. You had the opportunity to stand and speak that this man will never rule this country. If two, three or five Pastors gather their congregation and cry to Me, won’t I answer? Half of Nigeria are Christians. You should tell Me how he could have won! But what did you do? You and your fellow Pastors took bribes from him. You took money from him! Why are you crying? Who are you crying to? If you stand and tell your congregation openly that none of them should vote for him, that Jehovah God did not choose him, nobody will vote for him. He has no power to do anything because I have spoken. But you used cottonwool to block your ears because you’ve already taken money from him. You cannot eat your cake and have it. Do you think I Am a talkative? I Am the Almighty God. Cankerworms and caterpillars will eat Nigeria to the ground. After they’ve eaten it to the ground, I will lift up My hand and rescue the land. I have said it before that I will repair Nigeria, but none of you knows how I will do it. I will not do it now because I will not take the glory if I do it. I will do it in My own time but it won’t be too long. Let Tinubu fulfil his will. He hasn’t done his will. I want to see where he’s leading you. All of you gathered together and gave him the opportunity to rule you. I have given demons the power to rule Nigeria. Those who desire to follow them can follow. My son, nobody has followed yet, only a handful of people. Many people will still follow them, including the youth.
My son, you will hear what will happen. Some of them will see the money and can’t spend it. They will ask themselves questions. All of them don’t know what they’re doing right now. They don’t know what they’re doing because the demons in them control their affairs. They embrace and eat with demons. They progress in their own way. As they do it, the coming youth will also join them. If hunger is too much, they will join them. We cannot die of hunger; let us join them. In the time of old, women roasted their children to eat. This time around, they will join their caucus. What will happen to the less privileged? Nigeria will then turn into chaff. No man born through a woman can challenge Tinubu because he uses the blood of human beings to renew himself everyday. Nobody can challenge him! I give him the power to do whatever he wants to do. After he has satisfied himself, I will take over. How did David kill Goliath? With just a stone. Nigeria will be like a farm burnt into ashes. Afterwards, there will be peace everywhere. I Am the Almighty God.
I Am the Solution to the Earth. Wherever you come from, I Am the Solution. Those who claim they have too many demons, I keep calm, watching all of them. If it’s too much, I will remove such a nation from the face of the Earth. If it’s too much, I will command the spirit of earthquake to swallow everybody. Then, go and arrest somebody. Come out and enjoy everything you gather together. I have different ways to deal with all of you because you’re evil. Demons are the ones ruling Nigeria, and I gave them the powers. All your politicians renew their covenant with the blood of human beings everyday, and it intoxicates them. Who will challenge them? But there is time for everything! Who created human beings? Is any blood greater than the blood of your Jesus Christ? All of you are foolish! I don’t care how many people die on this matter. I don't care about the state of Nigeria right now. I Am the Owner of the land. I have said what I will do, and nothing and no one will stop Me from doing it. All of you should be very careful because they can kill anybody because power is in their hands. They have the upper hand. Why? Those I chose to speak holiness to My children connived with the politicians to destroy the glory of My children. Those who did it in the time of old, where are they? What happened to those I brought down from Heaven to do My work so that demons will shake anywhere they enter? They became slaves. They began to eat like slaves. They ate leaves. They couldn’t see food to eat until I came down and rescued them. I Am the Almighty God.
If I speak and it hasn’t come to pass, that doesn’t mean I Am not the One speaking. Nobody dictates for Me. Nobody draws Me into a fight. I don’t fight a dirty fight but a fight of holiness. How can you move forward if I speak and nobody hears what I say? I spoke in the time of old through My Prophets. Those who were lost heard them and amended their ways. They turned back from their evil ways so the Earth could yield its increase. But you’re My servants, and you call yourselves My chosen, yet all My children are destroyed. You’re working for the devil. Satan gave you peanuts in exchange for the glory of My children. You also lost your glory in Me. If I Am lying, any of you should come out and challenge your president if you don’t see shame and disgrace. He knows all your secrets. Come out and challenge him? You cannot; because you’ve soiled your hands! All of you are the same thing. He’s wiser than all of you. He cajoled you and captured you into his net. None of you have any power. All your powers are gone. You cannot serve two things together. If I say I Am Jehovah God, that you should serve Me, I Am ready to do whatever you ask Me based on My time and principles. Yours is to follow the way of holiness. If I ask you to serve Me, you must also follow My condition. All of you are betrayers! You betrayed Me spiritually.
If We talk of serving Me, the people believe in you because you’re the one they see. They will do whatever you ask them to do because you claim you hear from Me. Every time, my Father says, my Father says; when I was drinking a cup of tea, my Father drank with me. Isn’t it? When you were going to take a bribe, where was your Father? Did your Father ask you to go there? When you were building your castles, did you ask Me if you’d remain on this Earth forever to know what to do? If I told you you’d come to Heaven after you die, why are you building castles upon castles? My Father, I want to choose Your children because the work is expanding. Did you ask Me before you chose your Pastors? Innocent children that didn’t know their left from right, you ordained them as Pastors. You ordained them to go and die. If you give somebody something he doesn’t understand, how do you expect him to cope with it? It’s not easy to be a Pastor at all. You chose babies to go and control human beings. They don’t know how to wash their hands clean. You’re there, Pastors are beating their wives, and you can’t say anything. My son, do you know how many Pastors beat their wives like dogs everyday? Pastors were caught sleeping with other people’s wives. What are you teaching them? Where is My Commandment?
My son, if a child is crying, and the mother tries everything for him to stop crying, she breastfeeds him and gives him a biscuit, yet he keeps crying. The mother will leave him alone while he continues to cry. After he’s tired, he will keep quiet. All of you are crying that I don’t exist anymore. What will you do if I begin to point out your sin to you? Don’t you read your Bible? I Am the Almighty God, and I reign in holiness. I reign in My principles. I reign on the altar of holiness. I love a challenge. When it comes to the challenge of holiness, I will come out and prove Myself. Are you not reading it in your Bible? You don’t put your hands into a mess and call upon Me to come down and fight. Who do you call Me? All of you are praying concerning the situation in Nigeria. You have already pooed, and your poo is smelling! I Am the Almighty God.
You will tell Me where you’ll spend the money you gathered. If you pack the money and run to a foreign land, you’re a slave; you’re useless. What will you do with it? It will become worthless. Continue to gather the money, and We will see where you will spend it. If you do wickedness and borrow money you can’t pay, I Am Jehovah God Almighty. Nigeria is My land, and I know how I will settle everything. Gold and silver belong to Me. I Am the Owner of the land. The Earth belongs to Me and everything in it. If you gather money so that your generation will be the richest, We shall see. You call yourself a president and don’t care if people die or not. You don’t care because your heart is dead. We shall see your end. I Am the Almighty God.
Those who know Me as Almighty God should open their mouths and cry to Me. Before I come down, I will make sure all of you are already tired. I have done it before, and I will do it again. This year all of you will enter, hunger and hardship will ravage Nigeria. Haven’t you read it in your Bible that women roasted their children to eat? Are you not eating your children now? When you went out with your child seeking food because of hunger, they gave you peanuts, but you returned home empty-handed. What do you call that? Didn’t you kill your child to eat? Those ruling you can kill their wives or children if they know they want to leak their secret because I gave them the power. Therefore, hide yourself until this disaster passes over. They’re evil both physically and spiritually. Satan announced their evil spiritually a long time ago. Evil began to give birth to evil. I prolonged everything, hoping you people will change. They have finished the few people who still have little faith among you. If you enter a church with a large congregation, you can only find a few people with faith. All of them are seeking the food they want to eat. Because if the head is already condemned, what can the body do? Your head is condemned already! How much will your Pastor give you? You should open your mouth and pray to Me. The Pastor who didn’t teach you holiness, who didn’t teach you not to lie and lay a curse on people. Which prayers are you praying? What is the meaning of Christianity? Do you think I fight a nonsense fight? I don’t fight a dirty fight. I want you to settle the land by yourself before I come down. Before I come down, your hand, back, and nose might have burnt. I will come down and rescue you, and you will know I Am Jehovah God Almighty.
Those among you who are agitating to pull away will only waste your lives. They will kill you for nothing. I Am the One who joined Hausa, Ibo, and Yoruba together as I did Britain. I bind you together with a spiritual cord that cannot be broken. None of you can pull away unless I allow it, and not even Lucifer can separate you. He doesn’t have such power. The land is Mine. No matter how much he tries, he cannot destroy the land. He can only trouble the people as he always does because all of you gave yourselves to him. If I wish to divide the land, it will be in a peaceful way. Demons have gone before all of you. The few righteous ones among you will suffer. But if you know yourself, hide yourself. All of them call evil good and call good evil. If they arrest and kill you, who will judge your case? Where are the judges? Where are the police officers? Where are the lawyers? The masses don’t have hands and legs. They don’t have mouths to speak. If you cry and go to your Pastors, you’ll see what they’ll tell you because they’re all the same. They are in the same cult together. When you’re paying your tithe and offering, he knows you and knows where you work. But if a problem comes, he’ll ask you if you’re a member of his church. Evil Pastor! He knew you when you testified about your promotion and paid your tithe and offering. Now, he denies you because he can’t face his cult members. After all, they’re in the same cult. Nobody will hear anything until you’re dead. It also happened in the time of old. I Am the Almighty God and will never cross My boundary. No matter how I love you, I cannot jeopardise My Law. I, who made the Law, will never break it.
My son, if I give you a chapter from the book of Judges, you will interpret it as I want. Then, give the same chapter to another Pastor to interpret; he will interpret nonsense. How many Almighty God are you serving? You told Me that the word I spoke through My children is nonsense. I hijacked their Spirits. They spoke like madmen on the streets. They put down everything until it got to your generation. You call yourself a Pastor, My servant, and you’re speaking nonsense because the word doesn’t suit your taste. You shouldn’t interpret My word to suit your taste. If you do it, you sink the Earth. You sink the Earth! That means you work against good. With your Bible in your hand, I don’t even need to speak through anybody again as I’m doing now. As you read your Bible, all of you should know what to do. You’re supposed to see the light in My word. If you obey, you’ll see the repercussions immediately; if you disobey, you’ll also see the repercussions immediately.
When you hear about Jesus Christ, I arrested the soul of a young girl to fulfil My mission. When trouble arose because of My Law, I appeared to her husband Joseph that I Am the One. Mary confirmed everything by herself. Nobody dared touch the hair of her head. Even the Priest confirmed that it was from Me. He told them that anyone who does anything to Mary and the baby will see My wrath. He confirmed the baby in her womb would change the Earth in My own time. He told them I could use anybody to achieve My purpose. Therefore, nobody should do anything to Mary. He washed His hands clean! Today, all of you think everything is a joke. You’re calling the name of Jesus Christ and continue to do nonsense. You should continue to gather your money. You should keep quiet as if you don’t know what’s happening. You will see shame and disgrace before you die. People have started hurling insults at you already, but you’ve not seen anything yet. If it’s too much, you will call for death to take you, and you won’t see it because you’ve turned My church into an object of mockery. I Am the Almighty God.
It's very good to gather billions of people together to sing and call Me all My alias names. Those who are crying are crying; those who lost their children because of your evil cult are there crying; those who don’t see food to eat are also crying. But nothing concerns you. Is that how I operate? Nothing concerns you. You and your people you can speak to to change the Earth are watching everything. You keep quiet like a dog who can’t carry a piece of bone. Come out and speak if you don’t see shame and disgrace! Those who see food to eat and those who don’t see food to eat are going there. We are going to Holy Ghost night. Whenever they come back to their houses, they’ll begin to cry. They will not know when they’ll enter their grave. Why? Because they’re blind and deaf. They will do whatever you ask them to do because of what they want. Where is your God you serve? Do you think I want to create the Earth for the second time? Do you think the Bible want to come for the second time?
A father gave birth to ten children; seven are obedient, and the remaining three are disobedient. The same mouth the father uses to speak to the seven, he also uses to speak to the disobedient three. Ten of them came out of the same womb. Those who want to be good will be good, and those who want to be bad will be bad. They will manage whatever they see. None of you can change My principles. As I want everything to be, so it shall be. If you continue to follow the law of this Earth and throw My Law away, you will manage whatever you see. You have no good word in your mouth. Everybody looks at you like a holy man. They want to hear from Baba. Let Baba speak. Which Baba will speak? Which word does he have to speak? Your Baba is rotted, decayed and dead! Tell him to speak! The time for him to speak, he will quote the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation. My children will sing and dance. The Holy Spirit will reveal some things to the few who still have My Spirit in them, but they cannot speak out. They will carry their bag and go back home. They take nothing home. Even before they leave the church, caterpillars and cankerworms will eat the remaining good things of them. Their problem will start again. The few who have light will see little testimonies to give. Satan hijacked everything from all of them. Those of them who eat eat in sin. They can do anything. They commit all manner of atrocities, including the men and women of God they ordained. If you can hear bad news from Pastors, what about church members? Pastor steals; Pastor impregnates a girl; Pastor does this, Pastor does that. Do you know how many members commit evil and atrocities? So, the church of God is for business.
I know many of you will not believe Me. A lot is coming your way. Nigeria will be good, but a lot will happen. You have not entered the deep hole yet. It’s coming! Hunger and hardship are coming because your father who doesn’t have My fear is in power. Demons can use him easily because he gave himself to them. Anybody can commit any crime, and nothing will happen because their father has given them the power to commit all manner of atrocities. Yet, all of you are there, and you still put your trust in your Pastors who have nothing to offer. Open your mouth inside your house and pray to Me. Many of My children in foreign lands are afraid to visit Nigeria. Some of them cannot even visit their children because of what’s happening. If people are scared to visit, will they think of coming home finally? Satan knew this was what I planned to do; therefore, he put fear in everybody's heart. Why? Because Pastors sold their birthright to demons for peanuts. They gave an evil man the power to rule. They took money from an evil man to rule. He settled all of them. He has no power, but you people gave him the power. He took your mouth, hands, and legs because he gave you money. Do you know that man? Do you know him? Is there any power I cannot defy? But you call yourself a man of God, a Prophet of God, that you’re eating with your Father, that your Father speaks to you. So, before he came into power, where were you? Did he enter through the back door? Because that’s what you’ve been doing! I Am the Almighty God. I Am a respecter of nobody. That’s what you’ve been doing. That’s your usual practice! But this one hooked you on the neck. That’s what you’ve been doing! I Am the Almighty God. I Am angry!!! You thought this one was like the ones who have come before. You didn’t know he is a demon. Those who came before will eat and give to Nigerians, but this one vowed to scrape everything to the ground.
My son, I assure you again today that Nigeria will be good. Nigeria will be the best country in the world. If it happens, fear will grip everyone. None of you knows how I will do it, but I know how it will happen. Nigeria will be the best. Right now, every Dick and Harry speaks against Nigeria. They make a caricature of your country. I Am the Almighty God. I Am not a man that I should lie. Whenever I speak My word, I mean business. Because of what will happen, fear will grip everybody. My son, I asked you to announce to Britain that I Am coming. How many messages did you publish about Britain? How many years now? Do you think I forgot everything? I Am God, I remain the same. I never change My mouth. Everything I said, every word I asked you to publish will come to pass. Both Britain and America will go down. I repeat it again today. That’s why Satan wants to destroy Nigeria so that My children will have nowhere to run to. The same person who destroyed My motive for Adam and Eve is still the same one troubling all of you today. Not everything I speak. I Am a mystery. If I speak to you about what I want to do, he will use your sin against you so it won’t come to pass. I Am not a wicked Father, but all of you are wicked children. If I say this is what I want to do, I will never look back until I accomplish My purpose. As I said before, both Britain and America will go down. I swear by My name, Jehovah, Britain and America will go down. Whoever likes should believe; whoever likes should disbelieve. Whether you believe it or not, it doesn’t change Me. I Am the Almighty God.
All the things I created are very powerful, both good and evil. All of you should wash your hands from evil. You shouldn’t joke with them. You shouldn’t joke with demons. Imagine those who bathe with blood and want to rule the nation. How will they rule? Who will they rule? You cannot shed the blood of human beings and still rule the same human beings? Demons will be the ones ruling the land because blood requests for blood. If you bathe with blood, you will smell everywhere you enter because nothing good will come out of you. When My Son Jesus Christ shed His blood, did He kill Himself? You people killed Him. He didn’t kill Himself. He did it for the redemption of your sins, and Satan knows. For the Earth to receive her healing, the blood of a Holy Man was required, and Satan knew. That’s why there is nothing they can use against Jesus Christ. If He appears to you even in your dream, you will never see anything wrinkle about Him. That’s why all of you must be holy before you can enter Heaven. If all of you fight for holiness, you will see peace everywhere you go because you have no dirtiness. If evil rain falls, it will not come near your dwelling. I Am the Almighty God.
All of you should dig out the story of Christianity. I didn’t bring Jesus when Adam and Eve were still in the Garden of Eden. When the sin they committed continually spread across the Earth, I wiped them away with the flood. The same sin spread again. That’s why I brought My Son Jesus. Sin destroys your life. It makes you not to live in peace. It makes you not to grow old. It kills you prematurely, and you will never fulfil your days. It cut away your blessings and years. It drains away your energy. The energy you should have used for your entire life, sin cut it short. Your lifespan is reduced because of sin. If you fill your car with ten litres of fuel, it will last long. But if there is a leakage anywhere, that fuel will take you nowhere. For many of you, there are several leakages in your body. Your life drains away gradually. That’s why you don’t last anymore. All of you have the same body as Methuselah, but sin exhausted your body. That’s why many of you don’t last anymore. All of you face physical torment, restlessness, hypertension, how to feed, how to pay rent, mortgage, thinking and many other things. You trouble yourself with many things. In the time of old, the children I chose lived in tents. They would go to the back of their tent whenever they’re hungry and pick what to eat. Their animals produced many children. Today, your life affects the lives of the animals. All of you depend on artificial food to survive. You don’t know that such food kills your body gradually. If your food doesn’t grow naturally, you’ll rely on counterfeit. I Am the Almighty God.
Sin has gone ahead of all of you. I Am never afraid because I can manage you. But if you say you want to go on your own way, disaster will never stop befalling you. I can rescue you as I did in the time of old. The stories are there. What happened to Pharoah? Apart from Pharoah, I dealt with many kings. I Am never afraid of anybody. I can raise invisible armies you cannot see to fight you. All of you are failures. I speak it again: whether all of you like it or not, whether you believe Me or not, Nigeria will be the best country in the world. I Am the One who created good and evil. Disaster and calamity are not far from Me. I can do anything, and no one dares question My judgement. I Am the One speaking! If all of you are not foolish, don’t you have the brain to think that Satan is the one at work? He summoned all the spirits to come to Nigeria and fight you because of what I promised to do in the land. All of you should go back and look at the trend of events. Every year, your life is getting harder. Instead of My chosen servants to gather My children in holiness and cry to Me so I could use their Spirits to settle the land, they all sold their souls to demons for peanuts. Now, there is trouble in the land, and they’re crying to Me. Who are you crying to? Who are you praying to? Who will answer such prayers? All of you should come out and tell your congregation what you did. Tell them what you did if they don’t stone you to death! All of you are stupid and wicked servants. I Am the Almighty God.
Have you seen a man who built his house, set it on fire, and still slept inside? That’s what all of you did there in Nigeria. You set the country on fire with your own hands. Why are you crying to Me? All of you will fight and kill each other. Many of you will die! Those who know they’re serving Jehovah God should cry to Me in holiness. Those who go to church with their children to see their Pastors should continue. Many of them will meet their end right there inside the church because a lot will happen. You go to church because of the Pastor. You don’t read your Bible. You don’t teach your children anything good. You will be shouting ‘amen’. Whenever the Pastor prays, you will shout ‘amen’. If you fail to go to your farm, will the prayers of the Pastor multiply your crops? The last money you’re supposed to use to buy salt and pepper and cook for your children, you’ll give it to your Pastor. The Pastor will tell you that miracles will happen tomorrow. Where will the miracle come from? You’re committing sin, but still expect a blessing. Don’t you know that sin kills blessing? Sin kills blessing. Where will the money come from? Who will answer you? You don’t know that your sins have destroyed the land. As a woman, if somebody approaches you, you have no good word in your mouth. If somebody asks you a simple question, you’ll begin to abuse him. How do you know that person isn’t your helper? The road of blessing has opened, but you’re looking at that person as if you’re looking at an animal. But you’re shouting ‘amen’ in the church, looking for a blessing. Am I a wicked Father? Am I a foolish Father? Who will answer your prayers? If you like, keep shouting ‘amen’ so that people can hear you in another city. You’re only wasting your time unless you do My will. I Am the Almighty God.
Do you think your Pastors will rain down manna from Heaven? Manna doesn’t come down from Heaven anymore, but bitterness comes to them that needs it. The time of manna has already passed. I made an example of those things so you will know how to live your life in holiness. What makes somebody go to slavery? Why did I promise Abraham a son, and Ishmael came out first? I purposely kept Ishmael alive because I had already pronounced My blessing upon Abraham. That’s why I asked him to send Ishmael away. Ishmael shouldn’t have come through Abraham at all. I Am the Almighty God. I Am angry! I don’t speak because I want to speak. Abraham had many slaves in his house. The slaves had many children. Why didn’t he manufacture it by himself when he hadn't had a child? Why Sarah didn’t ask him to sleep with one of his slaves to produce children? If Abraham had slept with any of his slaves, they wouldn’t have gotten pregnant because I have My own time. If I promise you anything, I set time for it. This was exactly the same thing that happened in the Garden of Eden. If you do anything in a sinful way, you will live with the consequences forever. The same thing Adam and Eve did in the Garden repeated itself through Abraham. All of you should choose what’s good so that evil will not dominate your life. I Am the Almighty God.
Women should watch over their children so that hawks will not carry them away. If they go to school or anywhere else, your eyes should be on them until they return. All of you must be very careful of the people in power right now. They drink the blood of human beings as their fuel. They fight with money. They fight with blood. They take human beings as their fuel. That’s what demons asked them to be doing. As they take the blood of human beings, they renew their covenant. Who created human beings? Am I not the One? Can human beings be the solution to human beings? Some of My children in foreign lands are wealthy but cannot return to Nigeria because it’s not yet My time. I Am the One who will touch their heart to come back home. Right now, all of you should continue to cry because that’s what you choose. After you have cried and tired, you will settle yourselves. Your politicians think they’re enjoying life. Let them continue to enjoy because My servants gave them the power.
If all of you call Me with your heart, demons will see nowhere to enter. But you only waste your time if you call Me with your mouth. I Am the Almighty God. Whenever you enter inside the church and drop your dirtiness, you’ll become holy. I will take your holiness to heal the land. As you go back home, I will also replenish you. I will release My blessing upon you. Some people died with their blessing because they cut them off. I also recycle their blessing. I Am the Owner. Nothing is wasted. That is how I do My work. In a situation where all of you come to the church with your loads of sin and refuse to drop them, how can the land give you peace? That’s why nothing good is coming to you. I Am not a wicked Father, but I hate evil because it’s an abomination to Me. Until you do My will, nothing good can come to you. The Earth is spiritual, not physical. If you’re too anxious about anything, the demons that walk around the streets will answer your call. They will give you whatever you need. That’s why all of you give birth to all manner of demons everyday because you gave yourself to sin. All of you see yourselves as human beings, but I know who is who. Women produce demonic children everyday to trouble the Earth because they gave themselves to sin. Such children can kill their father and mother and commit all manner of atrocities. That’s why there is no peace anymore. I have used Isaac and Ishmael as examples before. They were both the sons of Abraham, but I know My own. I Am the Almighty God.
Until today, the children of Ishmael still work against the children of Isaac because they know they’re favoured above them. That’s why they fight without looking back. But you that came lawfully, that I spoke and guided you, what did you do? You’re playing with your life because Jesus Christ has come for you to do whatever you like. As many of you who claim Jesus has come so you can be free to commit sin will see disaster upon disaster. If Jesus Christ came and gave you the freedom to sin as you claimed, why did He confess His sins and wash His hands clean? How come Satan could not capture Him? If indeed He came and gave you freedom, confess your sins and wash your hands clean. Wash yourself clean, and don’t commit sin again. That’s when you can be free. If Satan sees you, he will not see anything in you because you’re clean. But as long you’re a human being on this Earth, you can never be free until you die. Even the thought of your heart is a sin. Tell Me how you can be free. But some sins lead to death. Some sins lead to sickness. Some sins lead to poverty, and blessings will never come to you. The Spirits of blessing are fragile. Whenever they come, you’ll grab them. Your body controls them. They’re like flowers that blossom; if you pour chemicals on them, they will die. If you commit some sins, they will run away from you and never return. That’s why some women can never have children even though their husbands married them as a virgin. They have committed sins with their mouth. If you speak evil words to anybody, that person can freeze your blessings forever because you only see him as human. You don’t know who he is. As you have Angels in human form, you also have demons in human form. Some of you took somebody’s item, and that person laid a curse on you. Money will never meet money in your hand. You were created to be blessed. You lost everything because of peanuts. Some of you bore false witness. That person now laid a curse on you. That’s why all of you must be very careful how you deal with people. I Am the Almighty God.
Prayers and curses are very powerful. Many of you speak all manner of nonsense with your tongue. You don’t know how I created you. If you take an ordinary needle to a native priest to do anything for you, he will tell you to speak to it after he has finished whatever he wants to do. A needle can kill, and you also add your tongue to it. Fire now jammed fire because your tongue is a fire! All of you commonise everything. When I asked Moses to go to Pharoah and ask for the freedom of the Israelites, what did I give him? Did I give him a gun or dagger? Did I give him a sword? What did I give to him? Ordinary word of mouth! To convince Moses, I asked him to perform signs and wonders with his staff. With that staff, he now believed I was the One who sent him. I didn’t tell him to pull a gun, dagger, or shoot an arrow when he gets to Pharoah. I knew he would win Pharoah. This is what many of you Christians don’t know. Why are you suffering when your blessing is with you? All of you, your blessing is with you. You’re not far away with your blessing. It's like your death. As you walk with your death, you also walk with your blessing. Everything is with you. As We speak about Heaven, Heaven is with you. Everything is spiritual. Heaven is very close to all of you. Until your flesh falls away, that’s when you can embark on the journey of Heaven. Heaven is with you as we speak, but you can’t go there while you carry your physical body. The same body you have on this Earth will also go with you to Heaven, but the physical body will go down. As you are physically, you will also be in Heaven like that. That’s why it’s very important not to change your physical image. And anyone among you who does it will find himself to blame. If I don’t create you with anything, and you purposely do it, you’re going to Hellfire. Who is looking for breasts and buttocks in Heaven? All of you are foolish! I believe I created you well. I made you very beautiful. If you do anything to seek the face of men while you’re on this Earth, Hellfire is your destination. Because you drew a tattoo mark on your chest, you now wear clothes that expose your breasts. You’re gone! If anyone tells you you will make Heaven, he lies. Anything you do to your body so that people can see it in you is a sin. I Am the Almighty God.
Whenever anybody finishes eating with his full belly, he will say Nigeria is useless. I don’t care; let it be useless. But the time is coming when Nigeria will rise, and everybody will be shocked. All of them that backed Nigeria to go down will see My wrath. Any person, any people, any race, any nation that supported the downfall of Nigeria will go down. I Am He who created darkness and light. I Am He, who dealt with many kings and pulled down their kingdoms. I will deal with all of them to the end. I said it before that the foreigners will come down and build Nigeria. I will bring back the generation of the enslaved. Many people who contributed to the evil will suffer until death. After their death, their children and their generation will also suffer for it. You’re there; nothing touches you. You have your security guards while people die everyday. But it will not last. If I release only one rain, the fire will never burn anymore. Nobody will believe it. Women and children will come out and dance in praise. Demons have their time. Whenever their time expires, I will take over My land. There will be jubilation everywhere. If you steal a drum, where will you beat it? Are you the owner? If you beat the drum, everybody will know you stole it because of its distinctive tone. If you hide it, it will bring no value to you. All of you should wait and see. Many of My children in foreign lands want to come back home but they can’t come because of the situation of the land. When the time comes, they will all come back home. I Am the One who will pull them from every corner of the Earth to come back home. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Creator of the universe. I Am the One speaking.