Stop Hurting Me

Jesus speaks

(Friday 14th December 2018, 08:45)

If you committed any sin ignorantly, you’ll face the consequence. The fact that you committed it ignorantly doesn’t exempt you from being punished. In the time of old, My Father destroyed so many people even though they were ignorant of the sins they committed. Ignorant isn’t an excuse at all! Though you’re innocent of the sin you committed, My Father found another way to rescue you from facing eternal death. This was why I came. I Am Jesus Christ your Saviour. I Am the Alpha; I Am the Omega. I Am the Light of the world and the Light of life. I Am the Beginning, the Middle, and the Ending. I Am the Bright-Morning-Star. I Am the First and the Last. Every power in Heaven and on Earth has been given to Me. I came, I fought, and I finished the race.

If you could suffer the consequence of the sin you committed ignorantly, you have to know the punishment that’s attached to the one you committed willingly. All of you think it’s easy to atone for sin. No matter how much I atone for your sin, you’ll still face the consequence on this Earth so that your soul will not have to suffer in Hellfire. This is the purpose of My coming. My Father and I don’t want Our children to go to that horrible place – Hellfire. This was why He sacrificed Me for you, and I willingly gave up Myself because I love My Father, and I love you too. It was not easy! My son, look at Me, it’s not easy. I remember long time ago when I grew up under the bosom of My Father, I had no single mark on My body. Right from the time Lucifer did what he shouldn’t have done, this Earth hasn’t enjoyed a time of peace. The Earth has taken so much away from My Father, and it’s this same Earth that left these indelible marks on Me just because of all of you. This is why I will not forgive any of you who willingly stretch forth his hand to commit sin.

Can you atone for sin? I know what My Father did even before He could release Me to this Earth. It wasn’t easy for Him! He was worried because of Me. He was worried because if I don’t make it, that means all His work on this Earth is finished. My Father is happy because I returned to Him. He loves all His children, even Lucifer himself knows this. My Father loved him too, but because of what he put his hand, this was why My Father disown him. All of you think it’s easy to atone for your sin. I always feel the pains in My body especially when I want to atone for the Spirit of the dead.

All of you are serving Me, serving Me in flesh. You claim you’re for Me, but your hands are filthy. Everything My Father asked you not to do, this you love to do. He has set the rule right from the beginning and He cannot go against it just because of you. The best He could do for you was to sacrifice Me, which He did. Are you the owner of this Earth? Do you know the nature of demons? Are you the one that created them? Do you think My Father just asked Me to come down and die? All of you are going deeper in sin every day, including My servants. They are the worst! They are leading My children astray everywhere.

Why did you substitute your calling for earthly glory? Why did you substitute your anointing for the things of this Earth? Can you take anything of this Earth to Heaven? You came here with nothing and you’ll return with nothing. The kind of life you live here will determine how your end will be. My Father is doing everything for all of you so that you will not end up in that horrible place. Yet, none of you value it. I Am taking some of My children to Hellfire so that when they come back and narrate how horrible that place is, all of you will listen and amend your ways. But what do you do! You will not believe, and you will also encourage others not to believe. You will stand on that pulpit and tell My children not to mind those I purposely took to Hellfire and brought back. Have you heard it before that Angels took people to Hellfire? They cannot enter that place because they will not come out! I Am the only One that could enter and come out because My Father gave Me the power. This is why as many of you that willingly choose to destroy My Father’s handwork and you call yourselves Our servants, you’re going to Hellfire. Many heroes like you are lamenting there everyday and there’s nothing I can do. Do you want Me to tell you their names? Many of them are known to you. You will weep if you see them. And if you visit that place, if I don’t wipe some things away from your memory, you cannot live among human beings anymore and people will think you’re mad.

All of you are sacrificing the blood of My children in My name. Why did I die? Did My Father ask you to sacrifice His children? You want fame, you want money! In the name of God, you’re sacrificing the same children My Father wants you to lead to Heaven. What kind of judgement do you think you’re going to face? Your children here will live a miserable life throughout their generation because it’s not easy to atone for the Spirit of human beings. Each demon has to feed on Me to atone for them and it’s not easy for Me. This is why as many of you that are killing My children, killing the children of My Father, you will never have peace either on this Earth or in Hellfire. People may paint you here. They may give you the best names and titles, you’re going straight to a special cell in Hellfire. If you think it’s a joke, carry on with whatever you’re doing.

I took some of My children to Hellfire and told them to specifically come back and tell you because you’re My servants so that you can amend your ways and your preaching. But what do you do? You continue to fight against My Word. Can anybody save you? There’s no other saviour elsewhere. I Am the only Saviour and I cannot save you because you’re all disobedient servants. You have the heart of a goat. Both you and those who believe in the lies you’re preaching will go to Hellfire.

When I came to this Earth, I was Human Being like you. How many houses did I build? How many estates did I build? How many cars did I buy? How many schools did I build? How many wives did I marry? All of you are doing many things secretly hoping nobody sees you. You’ve forgotten that if you’re swimming in the river and your face is downwards, your back is exposed, and somebody is there looking at you. All of you are foolish and stupid! You’re like unreasoning animals. You’re spending My money on private jets and expensive properties while My children are there lamenting every day. When I came, didn’t I bless people? Some of you, you claim you’re doing good and the good you’re doing is evil because you’re only spreading demons to My children. The source of your wealth is cursed, and you cannot do anything good with it. Every blessing you think you’re giving is a curse to My children. To cry loud, you’re just a servant!

If all of you think it’s a joke, when the time comes, you’ll know. Either here or there, you will know who is the Master between you and Me. I came down and laid good example for all of you, example of holiness and simplicity. I lived a very simple life. But all of you want to enjoy your Heaven on this Earth. What will happen to the place I prepared for you in Heaven? Who will live there? I will disown all of you if you don’t turn back and change your preaching. If your fellow servant who is higher than you is deceiving you and you think it’s a joke, you know where you’ll find yourself. Eternal damnation shall be your portion.

Those among you who want to come to Heaven, you must change your ways and your preaching immediately. I didn’t send you all the kind of messages you’re preaching and teaching My children. Why do you choose to be wicked? Heaven you will not enter, and you’ll not allow My children to enter? Go and confess all your sins immediately if you value your life. Go and confess all your sins immediately if you value Heaven. The clock of your life is ticking, and death can catch up with you at any time. If We give you the grace, that grace will soon expire. Go to your pulpit and carry your microphone and apologise to all My children you’ve led astray. Let them know you’re heading to Hellfire and that you’re leading them to Hellfire as well. If you can do this, I will forgive you. But if you fail to do this, terrible judgement is awaiting all of you. If you want to have peace on this Earth and thereafter, do Our will. My will and the will of My Father are one and the same. Holiness is Our will.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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