The Mystery Of God

The Father speaks

(Saturday 10th April 2010, 10:45 and Wednesday 17th March 2010, 21:30)

A few years ago, as I slept, the Almighty God revealed some secret about Himself in my dream. This is something I couldn't share with anybody because it scared me. I pondered upon it for several days and I kept it to myself. I thought it unimaginable because I am not worthy to receive such a revelation from Him. Early morning on Sunday 18th of this month of April, God revealed something similar to me again. This time around, it was about the existence of His Son - Jesus Christ. I was terrified. This is something I have never heard or read in the Bible before. I was so scared and I woke up. I woke my wife up immediately and I shared it with her. A few hours later, as we were praying, God came down in His usual form to speak to Me. I was reluctant to ask Him, but I pleaded with Him to tell me the meaning of this terrifying dream I had. I asked Him if what I saw was true and He answered me this way.

Are you not the one who said I should show you the secrets of Heaven? What have you seen? Have I taken you to Heaven yet? Do not be afraid. I am with you.

On Wednesday 17th March of this year 2010, at about 21:30, as my wife and I were praying, the Almighty God came down and spoke to me. These are His words.

I reign and I reign forever and ever. Nobody will challenge Me, and nobody will take over My throne. I am All-In-All. I am Unshakable. You know Me My son. I am Unshakable. Nothing moves Me, nothing changes Me. They speak, they talk, it doesn't change Me. All of them will meet Me. Evil rain is going to fall. A lot of people will go with it. Only those who know Me, I will cover with My umbrella. Evil rain is coming! It will happen. It's not through Me My son. It's what they've chosen. I will shelter My children. Those who serve Me with their heart, I will shelter them. Remember Haiti! I sheltered most of My children. They think it just happened. Ignorant people; they don't know anything. Just leave them alone. I rescued My children. Even inside the rubbles, I still brought out My children. Those who do evil, let them continue to do evil. Their gods will fail them. Their priests will fail them. Their hope will fail them. They forget their Father. They forget Me. All the things they put their hope will fail them. It will fail them My son. They will say, had I known. It will be too late. It will be too late. It will be too late. Look at Me My son. I watch everywhere; everything that happens, I see everywhere.

Last week, when the Iceland volcano began, I asked God if this was the evil rain He mentioned to me. Here is the answer He gave me on Sunday 18th of this month of April.

Have you seen anything yet? You haven't seen nothing. They trust their handwork. I can do it! Things of the world will perish with the world. I know My sheep and My sheep know Me. Who are they blaming now? Themselves! But you know what is going on My son, you know the secret. They can't mention My name, they can't call Me. They don't know Me, so they can't ask Me any question. A time is coming, they will ask about the solution. Where are we going to go now? They will begin to ask questions. I think you say you know it all. Save yourselves! A time is coming and they will consult astrologers. Those ones will say they want to appeal to their gods. Manmade gods!

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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