The Strange King

Greetings, in the name of our Master and Saviour. Amen! Greetings!

Whatever the Father does is strange because He Himself is a Strange Father. The Father we cannot see who instructs us and expects us to follow and obey all His instructions. He is indeed a Strange Father.

Adam and Eve were given instruction to follow, but were driven out of the Garden of Eden the moment they failed to follow His instruction. Noah was given an instruction to build an ark. He built it and the Father acted strangely by wiping His children away from the face of the earth. Abraham was given an instruction to leave his father’s land for an unseen promise. A man without a child who was promised many nations. Joseph was kept in the prison to escape death so that his mission on earth wouldn’t be aborted. Moses was kept in the water because his mother couldn’t hide him anymore, but landed in the palace of the same king who wished him dead. A virgin, an Angel from heaven was promised a child without a physical father, something which was a taboo. According to the Law of the Father, she was meant to be stoned. But the same One who gave the Law also shielded her from death. She later gave birth to a King in a resting place of animals. What kind of king is He? A strange King indeed!

The death of Jesus Christ is more important to the Father than His birth because it was very important for His blood to touch the ground. A lot of pains and sorrow surrounded His birth. The life of Mary was hanged in her throat. Joseph her husband only bear it simply because He was controlled from above. After the birth of Jesus, Mary endured many hardship and suffering because of who Jesus was. Several times there was no food in the house to eat because somebody froze everything around her. Jesus kept assuring her that His Father would provide. She and her husband and the child became refugee in Egypt. As the child Himself grew, He was called a bastard. Because of Him, Satan cut short the life of Joseph so He could live a wayward life when there is no physical father to guide Him. Some who were rich in the land even banished Him from passing through their street because of who He was. They hurled insult on Him constantly by saying, “Look at him, the one who calls himself a king. He has nothing except only one cloak. Don’t let us see you pass through our street again.” Jesus wept several times because it wasn’t easy. Some people even laid ambush for Him so they could kill Him. It came to a point He wasn’t sleeping in the house anymore. Supposing it’s today, they could have abducted Mary just to get Him. He suffered a lot. Yet He was a King.

My dear Friends, the life of Jesus is an example for us to emulate. He was and is a King who belong to a strange kingdom, a kingdom we cannot see with our naked eyes. As His followers, let us also understand we are part of that strange kingdom. Let us remind ourselves that we’re not part of this earthly kingdom. Whoever belongs to that kingdom always suffer in this earthly one simply because of who and what he stands for. Let us walk in the foot path of our Master, the King who suffered for us so we could take our place in the kingdom above. As we celebrate Christmas, let us remember everything He passed through because of us. As we celebrate Him, let us also celebrate Mary, the woman who gave herself as a tool for the Father to use. Let us not celebrate as the people of the world do because they don’t know what they’re celebrating. We know Him and have given our lives to Him. Let us celebrate Him in holiness and purity of heart.

May the pains, sorrow and hardship of Jesus Christ swallow everything that is not of God in your life and bring you everlasting peace and joy.

Remain blessed in Him.
Pastor Radiant Ayowole Jesudairo
London, 25th December 2016.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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