The Two Roads

The Father speaks

(Sunday 11th July 2010, 14:10)

My Son, this earth, is it a beautiful place? Yes, it is. This earth, is it a beautiful place? Yes, it is. I Am asking you for the third time. This earth, is it a beautiful place? Yes, it is. Do you know why I asked you? I don’t know. I know why I asked you. The way I made this earth; I created everything beautifully for My children; I created everything beautifully for them so they would lack nothing. If I Am a wicked Father, would I do it? No.

A Father has many children; He tried all His possible means to prepare everything for His children so they wouldn’t suffer. He built houses and every good thing for them to enjoy so they could live in peace. He warned them that everything belongs to them if they would obey Him. He said all these things are yours if you follow My instructions. If you don’t follow My instructions, you will not have everything. At the end of the day, the children refused to follow their Father's instruction. What name will you give to that Father? Is He a wicked Father? He is not a wicked Father because He has laid down His rules for His children to follow. If they refuse to follow the rules, He can never be a wicked Father, He will still remain a Righteous Father. That is exactly what I want to hear. Follow this way; don’t follow that way; if you don’t follow this way, this is what will happen to you. Can you follow both ways together? I’m asking you. No, you have to choose the one you want to follow. Yes, you answered correctly. There is something good, and there is something bad. Isn’t it? Yes. If you follow good, good will be yours; if you follow bad, bad will be yours.

Forever, O Lord;
Your word is settled,
In Heaven; it is settled.

If I could make this earth, if I could prepare this earth beautifully like this for My children; if I could make it beautiful like this, everything they need, everything they want; if I could make it beautiful for them here on earth; what about the one I prepared for them in My throne My son! I’m asking you. That one is extraordinarily glorious. What of the one in My throne? Imagine! So, they want to eat; they want to die; they just want to perish here, and they forget about My throne. Are you hearing Me? They forget about My throne. Those who have ears, let them hear that this earth is not the end of it. This is not the end of the journey. This is not the end. There is still a beautiful place I prepared for them. I Am looking at them! I Am looking at them! They are running after what to eat, they are running after money, they are running after wealth, they are running after riches. They forget about the place I prepared for them. They forget about the place I prepared for them.

Have you heard about the roads, the two roads? Have you heard about the roads? Yes. The wide one leads to destruction while the narrow one leads to eternal life. The one that leads to destruction and the one that leads to eternal life; isn’t it? Yes. The one that leads to destruction is very wide, very wide and very wide. A lot of people are on the road; they are on the journey. They don’t even search themselves that this road I’m following, that is very wide, that is very straight and wide, as it’s smooth like this, I don’t even know what the end will be. They don’t even ask themselves; they are just following it; they are just following it. Millions of them, they are on the road. They are on that journey without even checking themselves. Am I in the correct place; this road I’m following without nothing holding me, nothing even touches me, I’m just following it; let me check myself; let me look back; let me look at myself; let me look at those people coming behind me; it’s like all of us are the same. No! Let me turn back because I don’t like this road. They don’t even check themselves, My son. They are just following it. They are just following it. All of them who follow that road is the same. However, the road that leads to eternal life, how does it look like? Very narrow. You cannot turn yourself. Very narrow! You need to bend because you know where you are going to, you don’t want to miss it. How many of My children want to go through that road? I’m asking you a question. How many of them? Very few. Even those who started in the beginning that said they want to follow that road, by the end of the day, they said they cannot. Let me follow that road, the wide one that nothing touches me; because on this one, it’s like I’m not comfortable; I’m not comfortable at all; yes, I’m not comfortable on this road; let me follow that road that people are following that nothing disturbs them; I’m following this road and something disturbs me; I can’t turn, I can’t do anything, I can’t even talk; I can’t even enjoy myself; what kind of road is this; let me follow that one that everybody is following. They forget that that road leads to where? Destruction! Destruction!

You are on that road and you’re still asking Me that my Father doesn’t even answer me. You don’t even answer me. You don’t even answer me. Was I not the One who laid down the Law? I’m asking you. I was the One who made the Laws. My grace! A lot of them are still on that road here on earth, they are drinking, they are eating, they are doing everything, even when they call on Me, I still answer. It’s My grace. Isn’t it? My grace! But I’m still warning, I’m still shouting, I’m still speaking for them to change. If they don’t change, they know where they’ll find themselves. That time, they will not say I did not speak, and they didn’t hear. Because a lot of them heard, they just want to follow that road. They want to eat, quench and perish here on earth.

Sister, are you ready; for the judgement day; are you ready!

Brother, are you ready; for the judgement day; are you ready!

Heaven is real. Are you hearing Me? Heaven is real! This is not they told me or they didn’t tell me. Heaven is real. Either good or bad, you have to follow one; you have to choose one. Which one are you going to follow? Choose one out of it. Choose one out of it. Choose one out of the two. There is gain, there is profit in it. Are you hearing Me? There is profit. There is profit. Yes; there is profit. You know how to pray; you know how to perform miracles; you know how to see visions; you know how to speak; you know how to do everything. But are you on that road! I’m asking. Are you on that road? Search yourself. Search yourself. The time is coming, very near, very close, very close more than before. It’s very close. Without deceiving anybody, it’s very close. It’s very close. It’s very close. It’s very close. Which one do you choose? Which one do you choose?

I will follow the shining light;
I will follow the shining light;
I will follow the shining light;
Jesus is the shining light.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Choose which one you want to follow. There is a gain in it. Are you following what they are saying? Are you following what they are doing? The Word is there; the Word is settled.

Can they do it alone? I created the earth beautifully for My children to live. I know everything that follows. I know I can do it. I know I can carry their loads. I know I can fight their battle for them. I know I can do everything. But just only one thing; follow Me; follow Me. Follow the right way. Listen to My voice. Follow what is good. That’s all.

Do you think Jesus Christ just came like that? I’m asking you. Why did He come? To save us from our sins. And do what? To preach My Gospel to those who didn’t have knowledge of Me; to preach My word; to spread My Good News. Isn’t it? This is a reality, this is physical. Do you know that in the time of old, when My son Moses brought My children out of Egypt, many of them couldn’t see Me? Isn’t it? They couldn’t see Me. They couldn’t see Me. Even when they heard My voice, they shivered, they were very scared. Am I lying? Jesus Christ came, they saw Him real. Isn’t it? They saw Him real! He performed signs and wonders real for My children to turn their hearts from their evil ways. To turn from their evil ways! This is a reality. For a child to enter a woman’s womb without her sleeping with any man, do you think it’s easy? I’m asking you a question! Because it’s very easy when you’re reading it; Mary conceived, she did this one, and she did that one. I put things together for it to come to reality. Face to face, you could touch Jesus. Isn’t it? You could touch Jesus, but you can’t touch Me. You could touch Jesus, you could feel Him, He could speak. That was why He came through man, through the flesh; for you to believe in Me. What happened in the end? They killed Him. Isn’t it? They buried Him. Isn’t it? What else happened to Him? He resurrected! It’s a reality for My children to believe in Me because seeing is believing. Yet, they still chose to follow their evil way. They still chose evil. Everything will fail, but My Word will never fail. Can My Word fail? It will never fail. My Word will never fail. It is settled. That is why I always say you should preach My Word raw; don’t minus from it, and don’t add to it. Teach My Word! Those who have ears, let them hear.

I know how to do it; I know how to perform miracles; I know how to heal, and I know how to deliver. Search yourself. Search yourself! It’s not that they told me, or they didn’t tell me; because you know the truth. You know it; yes! I will judge you in the end. I will judge you because I have your record. Are you hearing Me? I have your record. Don’t deceive yourself. I have your record and I will open it for you. When I investigate everything, if you pass, yes, you will be with Me. If you fail, you know where you’ll find yourself. It’s not like He didn’t tell me, or He told me; because you know the truth. You know it. You know what is good, and you know what is bad. You know it. Even in your heart, when you do it right, you know that you are doing it right. This is the Word of my Father; this is what my Father says I should do; this is what He says I shouldn’t do. Because when you’re doing it, you know you’re doing it right. If you’re a Pastor, a man of God, if you’re preaching it right, you know you’re preaching it right. If you’re not doing it right, you know it yourself. If you’re just doing it to convince people of this world because of what you want, because of what you want to eat; you know it yourself that you’re not doing it right. You know you have failed. You know you’ve done what? You have failed. Yes; because you know you’re not doing the work of the Father; you’re not doing what the Father asked you to do. You know you have failed.

My son, don’t let anybody deceive you. Are you hearing Me? Don’t let anybody deceive you. Don’t let anybody deceive you. The one you know it’s the truth, apply it to My children. Tell them. Don’t let anybody deceive you. Are you hearing Me? Don’t let anybody deceive you. The one you know, the truth, tell them. I have told you before. Apply the truth, tell them. Those who want to hear, let them hear. Those who want to do it, let them do it – (the truth). Those who don’t want to hear, just leave them alone. Are you hearing Me? All of them, they are always on the same side, the side of destruction. However, there are many of My children, they are still holding Me firm, they are still following My will. No matter how it is, I will never miss it; I will follow this road which My Father asked me to follow; I will follow it; I will teach it; if they like, let them kill me; if I die, let me die for my Father. They are still following Me. Are you hearing Me? They are still following Me. They are still following Me. They are still doing My will. They don’t follow these worldly things that will perish with it. Do you know how many years they’ve been preaching this Gospel? Do you know how many years? Since Jesus Christ departed, can you count the years until now? They are still preaching it, but evil continues to do what? Evil continues to increase. That is why I said, the one you know you can do, do it. Are you hearing Me? Don’t let anybody deceive you. Don’t let anybody deceive you, because the things of this world will perish with it.

If you sow bountifully, what will happen? You will reap bountifully. If you do good, you do it for yourself because as time goes on, you will have the reward. If you do bad, you do it for yourself because you will also have the reward. Preaching, preaching, preaching; speaking, speaking, speaking; everything we are saying is all about Me. You know how to speak grammar; you know how to preach; everything is about Me and My kingdom. Many of My children don’t know how to speak English, they use their language to preach, and they are still doing good. Those who hear it are also doing good. That is why this Word of God is translated into so many languages for you to understand what the Bible says. It’s all about Me. It’s all about Me. At least, you must come from somewhere if you are not English. You won’t say you didn’t hear. If you are from Sri Lanka, there is a Bible in Sinhalese or Tamil language. If you are from Germany, there is a Bible in the German language. If you are from Italy, there is a Bible in the Italian language. How much more, you will tell Me you don’t hear that language. They translated it into so many languages, which, when you read you can understand.

Evil is piling up every day. Evil is piling up every day. I told you before, there will be an evil rain. Isn’t it? I told you before. It will fall in different-different dimensions, and you will see it. You will see it. You will see it. Those who choose Me to be their Shelter, those who choose Me to be their God, those who choose Me that it’s only Me, I will shelter them. I told you before, isn’t it? I will shelter them. I will shelter them. That day, if you can help yourself, then help yourself. You forget about Me; you ignore Me; you don’t count Me as anything. But when trouble comes, if you call upon Me, I will say I don’t know you, because you said you don’t know Me. Then if you call, I don’t know you. I don’t know you. I don’t know you. Who are you? You are calling Me; who are you! If you follow Me, if you do My will, if you call Me in the time of trouble, I will do what? I will answer. I will answer. I will not forsake you. I will even answer more than you expect. Because I Am the Mighty-Man-In-Battle. I Am the Mighty-Man-In-Battle. I Am the Authority. Nobody challenges My Word. If I say stop, you must stop. I Am the Authority. All powers belong to Me. I Am the God of hope. I Am the God of joy. I Am the God of liberty. If I set you free, then you are free. Nobody has the right to hold you down. If I give it to you, nobody can take it away from you.

Commune in My Word; meditate in My Word; study it day and night. Do what the Word asks you to do. Do it! Whatever you are looking for, you will have it. My Father said I should do this, He said I shouldn’t do this; He said if I do this, this is what will happen to me; let me follow what my Father asked me to do. That is all. Without stress and without tears. He said I should leave this sinful way; I shouldn’t do this; He said this one is not right, that I should follow this way; I will follow the way my Father asked me to follow. That is all! What else again? You are swimming in sin, you are drinking inside sin, you see evil you follow it, and you are still looking for your blessing. You cannot serve two gods together! Are you hearing Me? You cannot serve two gods together. Don’t you know that sin has its own master? It has its own master that commands it, that controls it. Don’t you believe Me? Of course! After all, He doesn’t see me; does He sees me; let me do this one. I Am seeing you! I even see you more than you think. You can only deceive man, you can’t deceive Me. You can’t deceive Me. You can’t deceive Me. You can only deceive man because I search every heart. I know it before you do it.

If you believe in Me, believe in My truth, believe in My Word. You will receive it and enjoy it. Are you hearing Me? Yes, believe in My truth, believe in My word, you will receive it and you will enjoy it. All powers belong to Me. All powers belong to Me. You believe in Me, you trust in Me that nobody, no evil will befall you, no witches and wizards can do you any harm because you trust in Me. Yes, if they are coming, I will raise a war. Yes! Because you trust in Me that, that power can’t do you anything; before they come I will stand. Yes, I will disgrace that hand. Because you trust in Me, you hold Me that I’m the only Way.

Do you know what happened in the case of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? Because they trusted in Me that I could rescue them, and even if I didn't rescue them. Then what happened? You rescued them. That faith is very rare. Are you hearing Me? That faith is not easy. It's only in a few of My children you can see that kind of faith now. Very few of them! Let me die if I want to die; let me die for the Word of my Father; let me die for the truth. Many of My children who call themselves Pastors cannot stand. Are you hearing Me? They cannot stand! They cannot stand. They cannot stand for what happened to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They cannot stand. You see fire coming on your way: can I stand; what am I doing; let me run; I'm not even seeing the Jesus I’m calling; please let me run. It’s not easy. The faith of Abraham is not easy. Are you hearing Me? The faith of Abraham is not easy. I try every heart. It's not easy. It's just a few of My children who will say: Yes, I will stand; no matter what the temptation, no matter how the tribulation, I will not disobey my Father, even if I'll die, let me die; I will not go back; I will not go back because I know there is a reward for me; I don't want to miss it; that place, I’m going there. It's not easy. Are you hearing Me? It’s not easy. Because riches and wealth are their masters. Am I going to die and leave all these things; all these amenities? They choose it as their master. They choose riches and wealth as their king. You cannot serve two kings together. Can you? You cannot serve two kings together.

Where was the hospital that Jesus Christ used to visit when He was on earth? No hospital. Are you sure no hospital? Yes, I’m sure. What about all the Apostles and the Disciples? I mean the hospital where they registered to take immunisation and diagnoses? There is no record of any. Are you sure? Yes, I’m sure. You are lying. That's the truth. That means they were not sick. That's right. That is what I want to know. That means there is no record in the Bible that the apostles visited a certain hospital, where they used to go, to take care of themselves. That's correct. From today, I want you to apply the faith of My children in the time of old. Are you hearing Me? The kind of faith that My Apostles, the Disciples applied in the time of old that it’s only Me, no other person. Nothing like herbs, nothing like medication; it’s only my Father. I want you to apply that faith from today. That faith, very strong faith, I want you to apply it from today. I cannot serve my Father and be sick. I cannot serve my Father and evil befall me. I want you to apply that faith. If you speak to the mountain that I command you to move; it will move. This sickness, I command you to disappear; it will disappear. I want you to have that kind of faith. It is faith. It is faith. It is faith. It is faith, it's not magic, it is faith. When you apply that kind of faith, people will look at you as if it's magic. It's not magic, it is faith. I can do it; I believe in my Father. And you will do it. It is faith. It is just a connection; it is faith. If you are weak, then you begin to doubt in your mind. How can it happen? Immediately you doubt, then you fall. No matter how powerful that demon maybe, if you say the demon should leave, he will leave; if you say sit down, he will sit down, and he will obey you. Many of My children, they are serving Me, they are calling upon Me nursing all kinds of illnesses. If you're serving Jesus, you will be like Jesus. Jesus didn't take any medication. He didn't attend any hospital for treatment. Why can't you be like Jesus? Faith is failing you. Why are you weak? Is it because of the things of this world; is it because of your riches and your wealth; is it because of the food you want to eat? You can't fast, you can't do anything, and you want to be like Jesus. How many days did Jesus go for fasting and prayers? Tell some people to fast for just three days, everybody will know. They will hold the trumpet immediately and begin to blow it; I’m fasting; I’m fasting. Everybody will know. How will your prayers be answered? Because, as you're blowing the trumpet, demons are with you there asking you, what are you fasting for; do this or do that. You are fasting and you're in sin. You know you'll come out of your problem as you're fasting. He will add another problem to it again. Why can't you keep it to yourself? Why can't you be in loneliness? Why can't you be in a quiet place and begin to speak to your Father? Keep your mouth shut. Begin to do good while you're fasting, begin to pray, and it will be well with you. Because the devil doesn't want you to come out of that problem; he wants you to die in it; so you're fasting; he will carry another problem and give it to you. But you think you're still fasting; you don't know the devil has given you another problem that is more than the one you're fasting for. You don't know something else is already inside you, but you think you're still fasting. Satan will tempt you. It is there you will exchange words with somebody. He will do one thing or the other, so you don't get what you want. But you will not know; you'll never know.

What did I say concerning Jesus Christ, the Disciples and the hospital? You said the Apostles trusted in you and didn't visit any hospital. Were they Jesus? No. They were not Jesus, but they believed in Jesus, and they had faith. And they didn't commit any sin! I want you to understand each word I'm telling you. Are you hearing Me? If you commit sin, the devil afflicts you. Run away from sin. Are you hearing Me? Run away from sin. Immediately you commit sin, they will afflict you in one way or another. If you don't commit sin, they will not see any way to afflict you. Run away from sin. Run away from sin. Sin is a reproach. It's like you, wanting to climb a very big and tall tree without any branch. How can you climb it? It is difficult. But if it has branches, you can see something to hold on to. That's sin and devil for you. If you look at an egg, it doesn't have any hole; no ant can enter inside. However, if there is a crack in it, an ant can enter and begins to eat it. That is sin and you. Run away from sin. It shall be well with you. Run away from sin. Run away from sin. Tell My children about sin. Sin is not good. Sin brings sickness. Sin makes you not to reach your goal. Sin makes you deny your Father. Because if you're committing sin, it's very sweet, however, if you're facing the consequence, you will say my Father doesn't see me. When He warned you not to commit sin, you still went on to do your will. Now you're blaming the Father. Was it the Father who said you should go and commit sin? Because it was sweet when you were doing it; you committed sin. When the affliction comes, you begin to say why me, the Father doesn't see me. Did the Father ask you to commit sin? Yes, there are lots of healing, lots of deliverance everywhere. As there are lots of healing and deliverance, so also there are lots of sicknesses. Am I lying? Yes, it's happening there, they heal, they deliver. Yet, there are lots of sicknesses everywhere. Why? Can you give Me an answer? Because of sin. Yes! Is it not better for you to say don't commit sin again than for you to send somebody for deliverance? It is better to tell that person not to commit sin again; because if you deliver that person, the sickness will come back again because of sin. It's very easy for you to say don't commit sin again than for you to go for deliverance, to run after miracle. Run after holiness, don't run after miracle, because if there is holiness, there will not be sickness, and there won't be any need running after miracle. It's happening there, they are healing there, why can’t you forsake sin, so you will not run after miracle, because when you are healed, the sickness will come back again because you’ll still commit sin. Many people are running after healing and miracle, yet sickness is accumulating because they keep on sinning. Yes, I can use My faith to heal you, but it's better to tell you the implication because you'll still go on and do the same thing. When Jesus was on this earth, what did He always say whenever He healed somebody? Go and sin no more! That is all. Go and sin no more! That will be the end of your affliction from the devil when you stop sinning. The devil knows that if you commit sin, he can use it against you. You will suffer sickness, and you will suffer lots of humiliation. At the end of the day, you’ll still miss it. You will suffer everything here, and you will miss My throne. You think the devil doesn't know what he's doing. He knows what he's doing. He doesn't want you to reach your goal. However, if you're committing sin, it suits you and you said, let me just do it. Immediately you do it, he will hold you and you can't come out of it. Then you'll realise it and call upon Me. I will forgive you but don't do it again. Then Satan has no power over you because you've confessed your sin; you will be out of his cage. I told you before. Whatever you do in your closet that you can't tell anybody is a sin and Satan will use it against you. He will begin to torture you. You are there, you can't say it out because he'll not allow you to say it out. He will continue to torture you. That is the devil for you. Yes, I said it before.

Worry, worry, worry; trouble, trouble, trouble. After the departure of Jesus Christ, all the Disciples were doing good, performing healing. Have you heard any of them said oh my business is dying, let me quickly run and put it in order, I'll come back? Have you heard anyone like that? I’m asking you a question! No, not one. That means they followed Me with their heart; they followed Me with everything they had; they followed Me with their all. Anywhere they entered, any city they entered, how did people recognise them; what did they say about them? They said they were like Jesus. In what way? Their way of life was exactly like that of Jesus. No one spoke evil of them; no one said they converted another man's property to their own; no one said they coveted what didn't belong to them. That means everybody liked to follow them. However, it is Jesus of yesterday, today and forever. The same Jesus of yesterday, the same Jesus of today and the same Jesus of tomorrow.

Where did I start My preaching? The things of this world. The things of this world! That is My words for you today. I started with it, and I end with it for you to know that I mean every word I speak. The things of this world will perish with this world. If you're not for Me, you're against Me. Tell them, anybody that wants to serve Me should serve Me with his whole heart. He should forget everything. I asked you how you see this Earth. Is that not where I started My discussion with you? I created everything good for you. Did you bribe Me before I did it? He (Jesus) came; He met it, and He left it. Are you hearing Me? He came; He met it, and He left it. He focused because He knew where He’s going was better than the things of this world. He was not trapped down by the things of this world. My peace I give to you. Learn more about Me.

If you are reading this and what you believe is completely different from this, I charge you to go back to your Bible and read it again. God lives in Heaven above and also in the heart of those who are contrite and lowly, the humble. He does not dwell in a house built by mere men. He may decide to put His glory there, only if He chooses to. If you don’t know this, you’d better get it now. See Isaiah 57:15, 66:1-2.

Jesus came, He preached about God and His Kingdom, which is the Gospel. He preached about Hellfire. This is the only foundation God laid for us to follow. The disciples followed it and they ended well. Whoever fails to follow this foundation will never end well. There are two destinations, Heaven and Hellfire. Either you like it or not, you are going to one of them. If you don’t choose to go to Heaven, automatically you’ve chosen Hell. It is automatic! Yes, the things of this world will perish with this world. As it was in the beginning, so it is now. The same God who destroyed those who disobeyed Him in the past is still the same God today. Jesus is right there in the Father’s throne, sitting at His right hand, interceding for us, so that when we sin, the Father’s anger will not sweep us away. Why won’t you do the Father’s will today! He stated them clearly above. I have chosen not to own anything until I’ll leave this world. Not a house or a piece of land. If I manage to own anything, it won’t be mine, but for the Father. I desire a mansion that is not built by man’s hands but built by the hands of the Almighty Himself. So also, there is a crown awaiting me if I finish the race. You can choose today to obey the Father with all your heart. It shall be well with you.

If you have no relationship with God, why don’t you surrender your heart to Him today, so He may wash you with the blood of His Son Jesus Christ! All your sins shall be forgiven, and you’ll become a new creature. Do you want to accept Him today? Say this little prayer.

Lord Jesus, have mercy on me. I realise I’m a sinner because I've been living for myself. I come to You now. Forgive me all my sins, both great and small. Wash me with Your precious blood. Deliver me from the power of sin. Take over my life and lead me to glory. I will serve You for the rest of my life. Thank You Lord Jesus for You died for me. Let Your Holy Spirit come upon me now. (Amen).

You should quickly get a Bible; begin to read and study how to be closer to your God. If you do this, it shall be well with your soul. If you know the Truth, the Truth shall set you free. May His grace abide with you in Jesus name.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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