The Wickedness Of This Earth

The Father speaks

(Wednesday 16th January 2013, 03:19)

I am the Creator of this earth. This is the same earth in the time of old. When I came down and prepared everything, you only heard about Adam and Eve. Those who saw Adam and Eve are no more. If you say you should count the generation until today, it’s very long. If you say you should trace the bones of those whose names were mentioned in the Bible, you could still see their bones. If you dig their graves, you could still see their bones. But the same God of yesterday is still the same God today. That time, the earth remained the same, but the Spirit of the Father worked more than today. The Spirit of the Father is still on this earth today, but those who live in it do not yield to the Spirit of the Father, they walk in the flesh. That was why I told you the same earth of yesterday is the same earth of today. The Spirit of the Father is still moving on this earth today, but what happened? Those the Father used in the time of old, that you could still see their bones, you could trace the family they came from, those ones abandoned flesh and followed the Spirit of God. That was why everything they did was good for them. However, some of them still committed sin, but they believed in the Spirit of the Father. Things worked well for them. They had the fear of the Father. The same Satan was still on this earth that time, but the Spirit of the Father did not too much give Satan chance to destroy most of the spirit of the children of the Father because they had His fear. Because they had the fear of the Father, they still committed sin, but there were some things they wouldn’t do. There were some things they wouldn’t do because they knew it’s an abomination. The same Father of yesterday is still the same Father of today. The children destroyed the work of the Father. Though the work of the Father cannot be destroyed, but you the children would destroy the work of the Father in your life.

My son, I want you to give Me the definition of the Almighty God. Father, I cannot define You. Just define the Almighty God for Me in a simple form. Father, I cannot define You. I know My son that you cannot define Me! Jehovah is the Almighty. He is the Foundation of this earth. Without Him, nothing was created. Everything started from Him. He was the One that created everything. Those who’re serving other gods know that Jehovah is the Almighty God. He revealed Himself to some of His children. He used them to perform many wonders and miracles. That is why you could see this Word, the Bible. You cannot define Me! Jehovah is God. He is the same God yesterday, today, and forever. That is it! That is the definition of the Almighty God. That is where I started My word. If He is the same God of yesterday, today, and forever, you bear His name; you call yourself Christian; you hear about those who followed Him in the past; today, you’re reading about them; His Spirit still moves some of His children to speak, is He still the same God of yesterday, today, and forever for you? That is My question! Father, I know we Your children have changed, but You still remain the same today and forever. Why did you change? Don’t you know you have sinned! Can’t you see the Father has no right to rescue anybody? For you to see all these words the Father spoke and doubt them, you have laid a curse upon yourself and your generation. He is the same God yesterday, today, and forever! Nobody hears the name of God and fear anymore. Nobody hears the name of God and tremble anymore. Everybody go their own way. Some people even say they are God. They say they are God. They say they themselves are the Most High God. I am the same God of yesterday, today, and forever for those who trust in Me, for those who believe in Me, for those who do My will, for those who bend themselves down for the Holy Spirit to use. He is the same God yesterday, today and forever for those who say ‘Father, break me down; re-mould me and use me; I want to walk with You; I want to do Your will; I don’t want to go on my own way’. The more you believe in the Father, the more the Father will pour down His Spirit, because the Father doesn’t pour His Spirit on dirty children. If the Spirit of the Father doesn’t come, the spirit of evil will come. Those who are in the market place, those who are in the office, those who are in various places, it is that spirit that would control them because as they are, that is how their spirit is. In the midst of midst, you could only pick a handful of people that is good. Whenever the Spirit of the Father is coming, they would hijack it because those you’re speaking to are evil. That is why you see that the Spirit of God never move in the church anymore. In the whole church, if the Spirit of the Father sees anyone that is clean that He could use, they would say she is possessed by demons. She has the spirit of witchcraft. Why? Because all of them are dirty! Oh, Mrs Mary has started again; is she the only one in this church. There is something wrong with all of you! All of you are dirty! As you’re speaking to somebody, you don’t even know who you’re speaking to. But the same Bible you carry in your hand says “As all of them gathered together in one accord, the Spirit of the Father came mightily upon all of them”. If all of them weren’t together, what would have happened? The spirit of evil would have come! What happened to Paul the Apostle? As he was travelling along the way to Damascus, the Spirit of the Father hijacked him. As all of you don’t believe in the Spirit of the Father anymore, that is why the spirit of evil rule over all of you.

My Son, the Spirit of the Father moved in the time of old more than today. Why? They have all modernised everything in their own evil way because they are evil. They know where they’re going and they want to take many people along with them. Many of them don’t want to hear the word of the Father because they know who they are. As you’re telling them, your word is aching their ears. They know who they are. That is why you see many of the Father’s servants fall. Why did they fall? Somebody would come to a man of God and say ‘pastor, please pray for me’. She knows who she is and she would still say pastor should pray for her. She knows when the pastor is praying, there is nobody that the Spirit could use to say ‘that sister is evil’. In the time of old, everybody worked together. No one worked separately. As one is praying, another is prophesying. If anyone comes with evil intention, she would be exposed and disgraced. If the pastor’s eyes are blind and his own is just to pray for her, God would open another person’s eyes to see. They would set fire on her and the rest of the people would come together to cast that demon out of her body. It’s not like that today because all of them are evil together. If the Spirit of the Father is upon you, they will condemn you. They will quench the fire away from you because they’re evil. Oh, come, let us disgrace him; we have to tell the whole world it’s not the Spirit of God using him. Before you know it, they will disgrace you. You too will begin to fear. That is how they will kill the fire inside you. Tell them salvation is personal! I will teach you how to fish; I cannot be praying for you while you’re committing sin. Tell them My son! Let them fish by themselves. Everywhere is corrupt. If one is praying and another one is jumping up, and another one is throwing fire, the spirit of evil will not be comfortable. But everywhere is cold! Sometimes, the pastor will choke while preaching on the pulpit. He will say ‘please give me water to drink’. As he’s preaching, somebody would send spiritual missile to him and it would affect him immediately. What happened? There is no fire! When Paul the apostle was about going to Jerusalem, what happened? It wasn’t just one person, from several people; they saw there would be a problem. If the Father didn’t reveal, how could they have known? If you’re serving the Holy Father, He will never allow you to fall into trouble unless He tells you to go, then He knows how He’ll settle the problem. However, if He tells you not to go, then don’t go. This is not that He can’t rescue you, but He knows you’re flesh. The time they would lock you up in a prison, you could have used that time to preach to people in another city until their trouble comes down. But he had an adamant mind that he would go. If the Father did not have mercy on him, they could have killed him. As he was there, he began praying that the Father should have mercy on him because he went his own way. Hence the Father used somebody to speak to you what would happen, then you must obey. If you disobey, you will manage whatever you see. The evil people are everywhere. My son, as you see the whole earth, everywhere is polluted. The air alone is polluted. If you don’t believe in Jesus, what would Satan do? He will say ‘I am the one that’s reigning’. That is why you see sickness everywhere. When you’re sleeping in your bed, evil is right there with you how much more when you’re awake. That is why all of you that call yourselves Christians should hold Me tight. All of you have sinned. The things that shouldn’t have existed, you made them to exist and they’re hunting you everywhere. It is your choice. If anything happens to you and you die, you will never come back and tell people how that place looks like. That is why you have to prepare yourself while you’re still alive.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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