There Shall Be No Peace

The Father speaks

(Saturday 21st July 2012, 00:10)

Jehovah is the General. He is the All-In-All. Many of them that called themselves fathers, they carry themselves up. By the end of the day, they are nowhere to be found. The Father is the only Father. He neither sleeps nor slumbers. He never grows weak. He will never destroy. He’s like a stone. He is the Mighty-Man-In-Battle. He is a Fire. He is Water. The Father is everything. Who will beat the Father? Who will beat Jehovah? Who will beat the Ruler and the Controller? Everything will pass away, but He will never pass away. He is the Father. Who knows the Father? Who knows the Father? Who knows what the Father can do? Who knows Jehovah? Nobody knows the Father? I pray all of them should know the Father. I pray all of them should know what the Father could do. All of them walked with the Father and ran away. They were impatient. They ran away from their blessing because they were in a hurry. They ran away, for evil to catch them. When you walk with the Father, you will never see any bitterness. He will make away for you. Even if He doesn’t give you abundance, He will give you the one that will remain with you until you’ll go back to Him. You will never suffer. He will give you the one that is more than enough for you until you die. You will never regret because He knows that over there (in heaven), there is more than enough for you. He will give you the one you will use to take care of this body until you’ll go back to Him. Why does evil befall you? It’s because you’re greedy! He gave you body and what you’ll use to take care of it and everybody around you. If you buy a small car, you won’t use it to carry the amount of load it can carry? If you allow the car to carry more than the load it can carry, you will lose the car and lose your life. That is what every human being on this earth is doing. The Father created you, He assigned a family for you, He prepared all the food you would eat. What did you do? You abandoned what the Father gave to you; you went and acquired the one He didn’t give you. What do you think will happen to you? You went and acquired another man’s own to join your own. You will lose everything. You will have nothing. That is exactly what is happening to all the Father’s children on this earth! You left what He assigned to you! As you’re coming to this earth, you would have two children from your own body, the remaining eight will come to you from outside. When they come, this is what (food) you will use to feed them. Two came out of your body, eight from outside, ten in total. What happened to you? You said no, you want what (food) will feed a hundred children. Even if the food comes, you will not feed them. The ten you were given, you will still not feed them. However, you’re looking for the food that will feed thousands. What do you think will happen to you? You will lose all of them. What you should have done for that food to come in, you refused to do it. You left your own track and joined another man’s track. What do you think will happen to you? You will lose everything. You will begin to live a borrowed life. The devil will mock you. You will begin to live a borrowed life, a life of suffering, a life of tears. Why? Because you left the Almighty God! You left what He assigned to you.

You were looking for a house to rent. You went to letting agent and he showed you the one you could afford and you paid the money. You signed for everything and collected the key. Instead of you to enter the house you paid for, you abandoned it and went to another man’s house. What do you think they’ll do to you? They will drag you out. Instead of you to enter the house and clean it, so that you could purchase everything you need, you went to another man’s house. If there is no bed in the house, you’ll go to the market and buy a bed. When you didn’t enter the house, how would you know there is no bed in it? You paid for the house and it became yours, you refused to enter the house. How would you know what you need inside? My son, that is what all these ones are seeking for. When the problem comes, when their head is scattered, they’ll begin to kill. They will begin to vandalise. Are you the One that created yourself? Can you change the Almighty God? Do not let anybody trouble Me! I am on My own. I have done the ones I want to do. Whoever calls Me Father, I will call him My son. If you call Me Father, I will say yes My dear son. I will show you a new thing. I will make a way for you where there is no way. I will give you what to eat. However, if you do not call Me Father, I don’t know you. You are not My son. Though I’m the One that created you. The part of My body is inside you. Everywhere you go, I’m watching you. Every word you speak, I’m watching you. Every breath you take, I’m the One that owns it. Because you don’t know Me, you will not reach your age. You will not come to the place I prepared for you. Why? Because you’re far away from Me. The snake will bite you and you’ll die. When you die, you know where you’re going because you forsake the Father. You do not know Me. You do not know Me says the Almighty God. You do not know Me says the Originator. My children do not know Me. You do not know Me. When you enter inside a hole, it will swallow you. When you enter into a trap, it will catch you. Yes! When you enter inside the fire, it will burn you and consume you. Why? Because you don’t know Me.

The Father did not bring anyone to this earth to come and suffer. That is why He made every food for you to eat. He prepared some fruit for you to eat. He prepared some you must cook before eating them. You can eat some urgently. You can pluck it and eat. Even if there is bacteria in it, the power that’s inside you will kill it immediately because you’re hungry. You have no time to waste. He put some fire inside you that will burn every bacterium. He cooked physical food for you to eat. You can live in the bush for good ten years without a cooking pot and fire. You will eat only fruits. It will give you every vitamin and nothing will happen to you. That is what the Father did. What do you want that the Father can’t do? What do you want that He has not provided for you? Why do you all forsake the Father and bring shame upon yourselves? You bring shame upon your generation. You bring a curse upon yourself. You bring shame upon the whole earth. What do you know? Who chose you? What do you know? The Father is the Great King. He ruled well, He chose you to come to this earth and rule. Woe to you! Woe to you all! You put shame upon your generation. The Father spit you away from His mouth. He spit you all away. You are all useless. You waste the children of the Father because you fail to take correction. You all fail to take correction. You are struggling and struggling, why can’t you go back to the basics and seek the face of the Father! The Father spit all of you away. The Father is the Great Ruler. The Father chose you to come to this earth and rule. You fail! You close your ears. Until you go back to the Father, none of you will have peace! I have said it and so it shall be! My word will never return to Me! I have been using My children right from the beginning and every word I speak must surely come to pass. I choose you all. If you’re a king, it’s not by mistake. If you’re a queen, it’s not by mistake. Any power you are, it’s not by mistake. I am the One that sent you to this earth to be! Why do you fail to take My correction? You have failed My children. You are wasting all your generations every day. Why? Can you solve the problem by yourself? You are adding problem to yourself everyday. You cannot solve any problem. Until all of you go back to the Father! I have spoken My word. No one will change it. Nobody will change it. No one will change it. Nothing comes by mistake. Any position you are, it’s not by mistake. The Father prepared you to be there. Either you know the Father or not, either you give your life to Jesus Christ or not, any position you are, it’s not by mistake. Do not use your position to harm the children of the Father because you don’t know where the Father created the children from. You don’t know how He produced the children. You don’t know how they come to exist on this earth. The Father is the Owner. Jehovah Almighty is the Owner of this earth. There is nothing anybody can do. You all are deceiving yourselves. Whatever you know, go and learn it. You will meet the Father there. The Father is waiting for all of you. This is how you will destroy yourselves until the last day. The Father is waiting for you all. Continue to add problem to your problem. I am waiting for you. I am waiting for you. You give the children of the Father arms to fight. You give them arms to fight everyday. The Father is waiting for all of you. You do yourself harm. The Father is looking at all of you everyday. You waste precious souls. You waste lives! Do you know what the Father put in each life you’re wasting? The one that has not given birth, do you know the kind of child the Father put in her to bring out? It’s very painful! What you will do is in your hand. The correction that you’ll do is in your hand. It’s very simple. Obey the rules and regulations of the Father; else, you will never know peace. Until you do it, you will not have peace. Until you obey the rules and regulations of the Father, until you do it, you will not have peace. The Father has spoken His word. Until all of you go back to the rules and regulations of the Father, as the Father created the earth right from the beginning, and put His Commandments there to follow, until they throw the Commandments into the whole earth, there shall be no peace for them. I have spoken My word. Every ear should hear! Until they do the will of the Father! Either you give your life to Jesus Christ or not, if you have a child at home, they should respect their father and mother, respect your elders. Do the good you’re supposed to do, your life will be peaceful. Give them the Commandments! If not, there shall be no peace. I have spoken My word. I have spoken My word. You encouraged them to destroy everything. Are you the One that created it? You gave them arms to destroy because of your earthly law. Are you the One that created the earth? I’m asking you question! Are you the One that created this earth? Hence, you don’t want to give Me peace, you will never have peace. Until all of you give Me peace, you will never see peace. I am the Almighty God speaking. I am the I am that I am. I am the Authority. I am the Ancient of days. As you all don’t want to give Me peace, you will never see peace. I know what I will do. I have done it before and I can do it again in a twinkling of an eye. Yes! You all don’t want to give Me peace. Are you the one that created Me? I am the One that created you. Powers belong to Me. You give yourself problem. I am happy. I do everything you ask Me even if you don’t know Me. But I know you. I know you! You are My sons and daughters. You are not doing My will, but I protect you; I feed you; I make a way for you. Yet you don’t want to do My will. Don’t you know there is a curse on it when you fail to do the will of the Father? This is the curse you’re seeing everywhere. Blood will begin to flow. Why? Because you fail to do the will of the Father. My son, I have told you before, I am the Owner of the demons. I set everything right from the beginning. Yes, when you build a house, you put a dog. If anyone walks anyhow, it will bite him. I have told you before. Do you think it’s just like that? When you fail to walk amicably with the Father, when you disobey the Father, what do you think will happen to you? The problem will begin to spread everyday. You are speaking grammar, yet, no end to it. This is the beginning. We are watching Ourselves. We will see where it will end.

Everything you see on this earth, he’s a lecturer, he’s a lawyer, he’s an architect, he’s a doctor; everything come from the Father. You want to build a house and you mould blocks. You put one on top of another. You do everything equally, both the length and the breadth. When you finish the house, it will stand, nothing will happen to it because all the blocks are equal. Before you build it, you set the foundation properly. The house will stand. Somebody that built that house now tell you what you should do if you want to build a house. But you say no. You put big blocks on top of small ones. You cut short the length and bend the breadth. Can the house stand? It will never stand! What are you doing? You miss it all! No matter how you paint the house, no matter how you use gold to cover it, it will destroy. That is what is happening on this earth. The foundation the Father said you should follow, as long as you don’t follow that foundation, everything will crash. I am the One speaking! Let all of them come to Me! I am the One speaking! Anywhere on this earth, I am the Almighty God and nothing anybody can do! I am the One speaking! Nothing anybody can do! Everything will crash down because I have done it before. I revealed Myself before. I am the Almighty God. I am the same God. Anywhere they know, they should go and borrow money. Everything will fail them. I am the One speaking. Many of them will take their lives. They should better go back and seek the face of the Father. They should go back and seek the face of the Father! They should take a holiday in the whole earth and seek the face of the Father. If not, the worse will happen My son. I have spoken My word.

Whenever evil befalls one country, others would say it does not concern them. By the time it gets to your turn, what will you do? Do you think it’s only one country? It will affect the whole world. All of them are running the same race. They are running the race of destruction; the race of disobedience; the race of frustration; the race of hardship; the race of suffering. What about heaven that the Father prepared? What about the peace, the enjoyment, and the obedience the Father prepared for them? You cannot choose black and choose white at the same time. If you choose white, then you choose white, and if you choose black, then you choose black. You cannot choose both together. Go to the toilet and pooh, leave just little pooh in your anus and see what dogs will do to you. You will smell wherever you go. Do you think the Father just brought His Son into this earth, so that you can continue to commit sin? Those who said they know the Lord are the ones destroying the earth. They would bring unnecessary law that would destroy the whole earth. I am the One speaking! The law they introduced is not what you can hear. Then where is the Law of the Father? Where is the Law of the Father? Where is the Holy Spirit? My son, a lot will happen. I am speaking! A lot will happen. I am the One speaking. This is not a matter of ten people died, twenty people died. Many will die the same time. Only one person will slaughter a whole nation. I am the One speaking! It will happen. If they want to kill me, let them kill me as long I satisfy myself; I have killed those I wanted to kill; my heart told me to do it. It will happen! I am the Almighty God! Those who died, would they see them again? What they wanted to do, could they do it again? Your loved ones that died, do you know the kind of life they could have lived? Do you know the kind of children the Father prepared to bring out through their womb? Do you know what those children could have done in your life? But you wasted them away. So it’s not good to do evil? The Father is not a wicked Father. I give you peace.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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