This Earth Is Going

Jesus speaks

(Monday 14th March 2011, 23:15)

If They say this is how They want to do it, nobody can ask Them question. If They want to do what They want, nobody will ask Them question. They will do it the way They want to do it, nobody will question Them, because when They were creating it, nobody was there. Therefore, whatever happens, nobody to question. No one to question! Ask yourself question! Ask yourself question! Ask yourself question! Nobody else to ask. Ask yourself question. The Father created you well. He made you well. He did everything for you. Ask yourself question! Do I know the Father? Do I know the Son? Do I know the Holy Spirit? Do I know Their character? Do I know the food They eat? Do I know Their Ways? Do I know anything concerning Them? Ask yourself question. Who are you calling upon? Who are you calling? Who? The atmosphere; the cloud; the breeze; the trees? Who are you calling? The flies? Who? How do you manage to exist? Who is your Maker? Who do you celebrate? Who do you worship? It’s a question. It’s a question. It’s a question. It’s a question. I know it. I know how to do it. I know how to manufacture. I know how to do this; I know how to make this. Can you make it better than the Owner? It’s a question. Can you do it more than the Owner? It’s a question. And the Owner is not a wicked Person. He is not a wicked Person. You cannot do it more than the Owner. That Person that did it is not a wicked Person. He is a very simple Person. You said no; I can do it in my own way. But that was the Person that created it. He was the One that prepared everything. But you said you know more than Him. When it happened now, who will you call? You said you can do it. You should do it and let Us see! We don't speak in vain. We are not shouting in vain. We are not speaking for nothing. There is a reason We are speaking. There is a reason We are shouting. There is a reason We give long rope. There is a reason We give long rope! There is a reason. We are not fools. We are not nonsense. We are not somebody you can rubbish. We are more than that because We are the Ones that own the earth. We are not the person you can bullshit because if We say We want to take the earth today, We will take it and nobody will drag it with Us. Even the devil, he himself will give way because he’s Our own. When We give the devil chance, he will do whatever he wants to do. Whenever We say no, he will run away. I know what I’m saying. You don’t know what I’m saying. You; you don’t know what I’m saying. Stop there; don’t do it! He doesn’t have any right to do it. He doesn’t have any right to do anything! But when We step aside, what happens? He has the right to do whatever he wants to do. You yourself, you don’t know Me. Do you know Me? You don’t know Me. Do you think We are just speaking for nothing?

My son, you cannot pray for the whole world. Your prayer cannot hold back what will happen. Yours is to preach the word. Tell them the truth and hold yourself. How can you hold yourself? Be focussed. Do what They asked you to do. Whoever tells you it won’t happen, that person is lying. We told you before, isn’t it? Why are they shouting! So when it happened you’re shouting. We thought there was a power somewhere that can hold you. You were shouting. Do you know how the earth managed to exist? This earth is made up of what? Water! Why are you shouting? We hold it; We carry it in Our hands. You are studying, you travel to space, and you travel elsewhere. You are on this earth. We carry it in Our hands and you’re doing whatever you like, but We are looking. If We drop it, what will happen? That means We have the power more than you.

Is it not good, even though you want to go to the Father, you will go to a place of rest? Is it not good? Than for you to go to a place you don’t know what’s going to happen there. Even though you want to go, is it not good to go to a place you will burst into joy than for you to go to a place you will burst into tears? That is why when I bent Myself, you saw Me laughing. You will suffer here and suffer there. Nobody knows the time it will come! It will come in various ways! You’ve heard it before. Haven’t I told you before? Do you know who is speaking to you? I am Jesus. It will come in a various ways. It will come like a thief in the night. I am here; yes, I am here; let Us go. You have no right to say you’re not going. My son, why are you looking at Me! We’ve taught you everything before, isn’t it? We’ve taught you before. Do you think We are just coming here to talk to you for nothing? That is why We’re warning you to be careful because what you’re seeing here is not common. You have the privilege. Look; you have to be happy. Don’t do more than yourself. We are telling you and telling you. Do you think We are just speaking for nothing? Whatever We like We will do. This generation is cursed. Do you hear Me? This generation is cursed! Is cursed. They will begin to fall on their own sword. All of them! None of them know Us. They don’t know Us! Nobody knows Us. They don’t know Us. When you go to the farm to gather grains; when you collect everything including the chaff; after you filter everything, the good ones are just a handful while the rest is chaff. As many as they are, most of them are wasted. I know what I’m telling you. The faith of the few ones cannot carry all of them. We’ve told you this before. The faith of the few ones cannot carry the rest of them because the bad ones are far more than the good ones. That is why you see, this earth is going down. This earth is going down! I know what I’m saying. You are My son. We are speaking again. We are not playing. We know what We’re saying. Don’t worry. They are sorrowful, but We are happy because they told them, but they didn’t do it. Do you think this body of Mine just suffered for nothing? When you were beating and nailing Me, you thought it was easy. You were happy. Do you know what is meant to be tortured? Why are you crying? Did anybody torture you? What happened to them? Is it up to the one that happened to Me? I don’t want to talk. If they had done what They asked them to do, this earth could have been a beautiful place for them. By the end of the day, if they want to come home, they could have come peacefully. All those things they chose, why didn’t it save them? It could have saved them. It could have saved them. It's supposed to save them.

This earth is going. Do you hear what I said? How many times did I tell you now? It’s going. It’s going. It’s not My Father that is taking it; it’s the evil they are doing that is taking it. You know I will not hide anything from you. We will not speak different words than the ones We’ve told you before. The evil they’re doing is what is taking them. This earth is going! When it happened there, everyone was crying, it’s happening there. Do you know the one that will happen here? Do you know what will happen there? Do you know what will happen in another place? My son, maintain your faith. That is all I will tell you. Maintain your God. Maintain your faith. When it happens again, it may be only three people that will remain in the whole land. I know what I’m saying. I’m telling you a secret. It may happen in another place, it will be worse than that. I think We told you at the beginning of this year. Do you think We’re lying? When it happens, those who remain will start from somewhere. They will remember their Father. If they too don’t want to remember their Father, you will see what will happen. Because all those things, they have mouths, they cannot speak. They have eyes, they cannot see. They cannot create anything. They cannot create anything! You are serving animals. Can they create a human being? Are they the ones that created you? The things you’re serving, who created them? Then where is the Father that created them? You dumped the Father somewhere and you’re bowing down for all those things. Idols! Images! You leave My Father and His throne. My Father!

My son, don’t miss it because We are going to work together there. Be careful! Don’t miss it. We are going to work together there. I have revealed it to you again. How many times now? You will see it. There are millions of them; they’ve chosen what they want to be. You chose what you want to be. What do you want to be? You want to be with Us, isn’t it? Most of them chose what they want to be. They’ve chosen to go to hellfire and nothing will stop them. But you chose to be with Us. Maintain it. Maintain it. That is why We come every time to converse with you. Be careful! We tell you the secret of secrets. We tell you what We don’t want to tell you. Be careful! Be careful! Be careful again! Everybody will run away from you because of the truth. We stand in the truth. We speak in the truth. We are in the light, We are not in the darkness. Every darkness will run away from you because you’re light. Do you hear what I’m telling you! Don’t care. If it remains only both of you, don’t care because We come like a fire. We will not keep quiet again. This time around, We will take it by force! We will take it by force! We are not going to keep quiet again! The time of quietness is passed! It’s passed! We are not going to keep quiet again. This time around, We’ve come out! We’ve come out! Yes! Those who hear it and ignore it and they do their own, they will receive it. We are not just speaking for nothing. Every word We speak will surely come to pass. Be careful! Don’t use Our word We tell you to eat. Work on it. Tell them about it. It will come to pass. I know what I’m saying and I mean what I’m saying. My Father will not come down from His throne to come and speak to you anyhow. Likewise I, Myself and My Holy Spirit. I know what I’m saying. Every word We’ve spoken to you, We mean it. It will come to pass. Be careful! Be careful! Be careful! You don’t know what you carry and you don’t know who lives with you. I give you peace.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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