
The Father speaks

(Thursday 7th July 2011, 22:00)

What is that thing you will have on this earth that you’ll not leave! No matter how I bless you, no matter how I package everything for you, you will leave everything by the end of the day. You will leave everything! The one I am doing with you now it’s what I want. It’s holiness I need. Is it blessing? If I say I should bless you, how many do you want to eat? If I bless you with millions of houses, you will only live in one. If I bless you with many cars, you will only drive one. If I bless you with many children, are you not just their father? Will you have children more than I? You cannot have children more than I. The one I am doing with you now is what I want. It’s holiness I need. It’s holiness I need. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. All these ones, all these perishable ones will be added to it. Because all these ones are perishable, but you can never perish. You can never perish. Don’t let anybody deceive you. The one I am doing now is the priority; that is the number one. I am the One that's speaking. I hear every word that is coming out of your mouth everyday. Do you want to teach Me My work? Do you think you know more than Me? Every word I speak, I mean it. It’s Me. Don’t haste more than yourself. You will never beg; you will never borrow. You’re eating, isn’t it? A time is coming; you will say this is too much. I’ve told you before. Because I want to break you, because I want to destroy you and remould you again, that is what I’m doing now. At the end of the day, when you’re in there, no turning back. You have tasted everything. If you haven’t gone deep in Me before all these ones come, you will be like them. My son, if I want to bless you today, somebody will look at you and hand over his company to you. A man, not a woman, will see you on the street, approach you and ask you to come and manage his company. I am the God of favour. Favour belongs to Me. My son, I am the One that’s speaking to you. Why are you troubling yourself? If you open your eyes to see your blessings, you will thank Me. My son, your package is there. My son, I am the God of Abraham; I am the One that called Abraham, I said I would do it for him and I did it. If you open your eyes to see your blessing, you will not go to that your work again. My son, I don’t want to shout. I come peacefully tonight. Don’t panic yourself. Do My will. Do what I asked you to do. I know why I’m dealing with you like this in this house. Once again, what I’m doing with you here is not common. It only happened in the time of old, for you to know who you are. If you say to somebody today you will die, that person will die. That is why you must not release your word anyhow. What I am doing with you here, I have not done it with anybody on this earth, for you to be seeing Me face to face. All My children I’m speaking to, I only speak into their ears. I told you before; I don’t want to scare you again. If I want to scare you, I will turn to another thing and you will see it. The day I appeared to you, it was only My face you saw. Did you see any other thing? All My body was complete, isn’t it? Did I remove any part of My body? If I had removed any part of My body, you would be surprised. If I had removed one part of My body and joined it back again, you would have known I am the One speaking. That is why you should not mercy for all those ones that are coming here. I love what you’re preaching. Those who are coming here should count themselves, they’ve seen God; they’ve seen their Father raw. It’s Me. I give you peace.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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