Virginity Of A Woman

The Father speaks

(Sunday 14th January 2024, 23:36)

When I created Adam, I brought Eve out of his body after some time. The body of Eve was different from that of Adam because children would come out through her. Without the man, there is no woman; without the woman, there is no man. The man cannot deliver a baby, and the woman cannot impregnate herself. I Am not a foolish Father. Whatever I do is perfect, and nobody can fault Me. Whatever I did, I didn’t mean it for evil. I did everything for your own good. I Am the Almighty God. Jehovah is My name. I Am the Great I Am That I Am. I Am the Creator of every creature. I created man, and I created woman. Whatever I didn’t create cannot exist. I Am a Holy Father. I hate sin. I hate abomination. Sin is an abomination to Me.

When I created the woman, I put a seal of blood at the entrance to the passage of her body. My son, I explained to you about the virginity of a woman before. Virginity is a seal of blood at the entrance of the passage to the body of a woman. I Am the One who put it there. It is a seal of My covenant between the woman and Me. You know the Spirit of human beings is powerful. This blood represents so many things. After I created her eggs and put everything in her womb, I sealed it up. When she grows to maturity, her eggs are cleansed and sanctified every month with a flow of blood. This flow of blood then becomes unclean and passes out through a tiny opening in her body. I created a woman’s egg with different layers upon layers. Neither bacteria nor viruses can penetrate it. But demons can penetrate it if she defiles herself. Along the passage to her body, I also positioned spiritual armies who will swallow up any stranger who wants to enter into her womb. After everything, I sealed it up with a seal of blood. This is a seal of My covenant in her. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Creator of every life. I Am a perfect God.

The virginity of a woman is very important. It means undefiled. Sin hasn’t entered her body. If you marry a woman, whether you pay a lot of money on her or they give her to you freely, as long you marry her legitimately by seeking the consent of her parents, you will sleep with her afterwards. If you sleep with her for the first time and remove the seal of My covenant in her, the seal of blood, then you remove her virginity. My favour, My fruitfulness, My multiplication will follow you everywhere you go. As you remove this seal of My covenant in her, you also enter into a covenant with Me and her. As you break this seal of blood, you make a sacrifice for all the sins she has committed and the sins of her unborn children. You atone for all of them through your body because you’re the one who removes her virginity. This has nothing to do with Christianity now because being a human being comes before Christianity. Christianity came as a result of disobedience because somebody violated the Law I had put in place. This blood atones for everything. I Am the Almighty God. I Am a Holy Father.

As a man, what do you think will happen to you if you remove her virginity unlawfully? You lay a curse upon yourself and the woman and hereby destroy her unborn children! All your unborn children are there spiritually. If you sleep with your wife, she may not get pregnant immediately, but all the children she would have are there spiritually. I have programmed everything. When the appointed time comes, they will come one after the other. Whenever you sleep with the woman, your Spirit and her Spirit will enter each other like a magnet, which also connects to the children waiting in the spiritual realm. A hen lays an egg. If you cook and break the egg, what do you see inside? A yoke! If the hen hatches the egg, what happens? Whenever a man sleeps with his wife, the seed of the man is planted into the woman. What do you think will happen if she sleeps with another man? If another man sleeps with her, he will also deposit part of his body into her. But the part of one man is inside her already! Now, all of you can see the kind of sin you commit everyday. You can see how you defile your unborn children. All of you don’t know what you have done to yourself and your unborn children. All of you take it for granted and hereby destroy your unborn children. That’s why everywhere is full of poverty and hardship. I Am the Almighty God. I hate abomination.

As a woman, the part of every man who sleeps with you lives inside your body. You have defiled all your unborn children. The children you born are not pure anymore because you’ve defiled all of them before you gave birth to them. As you defiled your body, you also defiled your children before they were born. As a woman, if different men sleep with you, you must know you carry different families inside your body. This is part of the secrets I never wanted to reveal to anybody. All this while, I calmed and didn’t speak on this matter because I knew I could purify them through My Son Jesus. The more I keep quiet, the more Satan lures all of you into destroying yourselves. You don’t only destroy yourselves; you also destroy your unborn children. Satan knew all these right from the beginning. He knew I didn’t want to speak about it, and he capitalised on it to his own advantage to destroy all of you. Some children wouldn’t have come out because it wasn’t yet their time, but because of your sin, Satan forced them to come quickly. You thought you were enjoying yourself but didn’t know you were destroying your blessing. Satan now vowed to bring out your blessings to come and suffer. O, I didn’t plan for it; I wasn’t supposed to get pregnant; why am I pregnant now? All the ones you’ve done in the past are ripe. All the ones you’ve done have been incubated in the spiritual realm. As you can incubate an egg in London, and another woman will give birth to the baby in America, in the same way, demons incubate all your eggs in the spiritual realm. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the One speaking.

If a man sleeps with a woman and removes her virginity, though she’s not pregnant physically, the baby from that man is there spiritually. If she marries the man, she will give birth to this baby as her first baby. If she doesn’t marry the man but marries another man, she will give birth to the baby of the man who took away her virginity. This is how all of you produce abominable children everyday. I Am the Almighty God. I Am a Holy Father. I hate sin. I hate evil.

A white rooster sleeps with a hen, and a black rooster sleeps with the same hen. By the time she lays her egg, you will see the difference. If she hatches all her eggs, then the difference will become clear. However, it is different for human beings. If I begin to explain some things to all of you, you may find it difficult to understand. You should have asked yourselves this question. Who gave human beings the brain to mix the seeds of a cat and a dog? This was what Satan showed all of you. And this is exactly what he does to your unborn children in the spiritual realm because of your sins. Satan taught your doctors and scientists everything they do. If you mix the seed of a dog with that of a cat, what kind of animal will come out? It’s neither dog nor cat. These are the kinds of children you all produce everyday. How? Peter slept with Rebecca, but it didn’t result in pregnancy. In the spiritual realm, the baby is there because if they test Rebecca's body, they will see Peter's seed in her. If you say he doesn’t sleep with you, they will know you’re lying. As he inserted his body into your body, you cannot deny it. After some time, John also slept with her. Who will now be the father of the unborn child? Are you the owner of the Earth? All of you must be very careful where you go with your body. You must be very careful what you do with your body. I hate sin. I hate abomination. I Am the Almighty God.

If a married woman gives birth to a baby with an incurable illness and such kind of illness isn’t found in her generation or her husband’s generation, then something is seriously wrong somewhere. But she gave birth to the baby!!! How could a healthy man and woman give birth to a baby with an incurable illness? This is a question all of you should ask yourselves. If that woman should trace the generations of all the men who have slept with her before her marriage, she will find this incurable illness in one of them. One of the men who slept with her before her marriage has such illness in his generation. As long she’s not a virgin anymore, anything can happen to her. She will eventually reap the reward of her sin. Removing a woman’s virginity goes a very long way, more than any of you can ever imagine. If a woman sleeps with more than one man, she remains a prostitute spiritually. I Am the only One who can remove such a stigma from her head. Does it pay to commit sin? It doesn’t pay to commit sin. It’s high time all of you will remove your hands from sin and evil. I Am the Almighty God.

Some children sleep with their mother spiritually, and she would be pregnant physically. She cannot tell you how she became pregnant. Because somebody had slept with her before!!! Somebody had removed her virginity before!!! The baby was there spiritually. If Satan slept with her spiritually, she would become pregnant physically. Doctors would tell her maybe she was pregnant, and she didn’t know. She will then look for the man who impregnated her. Why? Because she’s not pure anymore! She has defiled all the heroes I put in her body. If she had kept her virginity, Satan wouldn’t have had the chance to impregnate her. A married woman may be pregnant even when her husband doesn’t think she can be pregnant. O, I’m pregnant. The husband will ask her to go to the doctor for a checkup. The doctor will tell her she’s four months pregnant. Both of them will count it for joy because they’re married. What happens if she is not married? Who will be the father of the baby? Because you’re not a virgin! You’re a sinner!

What all of you men carry around like a rod does you more harm than good. The good children I prepared for all of you to produce have all turned into evil children everywhere. Why is the Earth like this? The children are accursed children because of their father and mother. Even you, the man, if you sleep with a woman when she’s not your wife, you’re not pure anymore. The Spirit of that woman has entered you. Both of you are not pure anymore. The same Law that holds the woman holds the man also. There is a little I can tell all of you concerning this matter. If both of you come together as husband and wife, leave the spiritual side for Me to handle. If you don’t sleep together, children cannot come. I know how to cleanse your unborn children because of your sins. I know how I do it. All of you who have defiled yourself before marriage and have not produced children should begin to cry to Me. Mention the names of all the men that have slept with you. Pray to Me so I can separate their Spirit from your Spirit.

I gave some people the eyes to see how many children you would have. As a woman, those who have spiritual eyes will see your unborn children follow you wherever you go. Without sleeping with a man, the children cannot come. If you sleep with a man unlawfully, they will become accursed children. The seed of a man that all of you look like a mere water carries lives. Not just lives, it carries many other things. That’s why doctors and scientists can do whatever they want with it. I Am the Almighty God. Everything I do, I do it for your own good, not for evil. As you’re listening to the band, you should listen to the band that will sound good for you and your generation. I give this Earth for you to enjoy and be happy. I give you different kinds of food to eat. I Am the One. If you eat only one food everyday, then come and ask Me the Creator. I created different kinds of food for you to eat. What do you want to eat? I gave you everything! I gave you your own body to control. But what do you do? You destroyed your body with your own hands. I gave you the chance to control your own life. Why can’t you control it in a good way so I can be happy? As your faces differ, so also, I created you differently and gave you different blessings. Without holiness, you cannot enjoy My handwork in your life. I Am the Almighty God.

If you have defiled yourself before marriage, and you’ve given your life to My Son Jesus, you must give Me time to cleanse your womb. I will take My time to cleanse you so you can produce good and glorious children again. I will cleanse you and cleanse your unborn children. The more powerful I created you to be, the more powerful your unborn children are. If you destroy all of them through your sins, you also know what that means. It will take a long time before you can get pregnant for your husband because I will take My time to cleanse all of you. But many of you are anxious about getting pregnant immediately after marriage. You forgot the journey of sin you’ve embarked on. You forgot you’ve come a very long way. I will not speak more than this on this matter. Whatever you sow, you shall reap. All of you will suffer for your disobedience. I Am the Almighty God. Sin is an abomination to Me. 

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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