When Evil Overtakes The Earth

The Father speaks

(Sunday 23rd January 2024, 00:26)

I created this Earth like an ocean. Though you’re walking on the ground, but it’s like walking on the ocean. You don’t know the end of it. You only know today. You don’t know what will happen tomorrow. I did everything for your own good. I meant everything for good. Good gives birth to good, and evil gives birth to evil. I didn’t create the Earth in a disobedient way. I didn’t form it in a way of bitterness. I formed it in a good way, in the way of holiness. Out of the abundance of My treasure, out of the abundance of My own life, I brought out the Earth. I knew the kind of power I had. I knew that My power would overpower everything on this Earth. What I created cannot be more powerful than Me. My children, all of you know nothing. I didn’t allow you to know anything. As each day breaks, you count the time. This is all you can do. I didn’t allow any of you to know anything. You don’t know how your life would be. When My Son Jesus Christ said if you see Me, you see My Father, it is true. Yet, there is a limit Jesus Christ Himself knows about Me. I Am the One who gave birth to Him. He can only know what I show or tell Him. I Am the Almighty God. Jehovah is My name. I Am the Great I Am That I Am. I Am the Originator. I Am the Creator of every creature. I Am the Self-Existing Father. I exist by Myself and for Myself. Nobody created Me. I Am the One who created all of you. None of you is bigger than Me. If any of you think you have power and can do whatever you like, you will manage whatever you see.

When I told My Son Jesus that one of My planets was going down, that He should come down and rescue My children, He didn’t know how I would do it. He didn’t know what would happen to Him. This is how I created all of you on this Earth. Every one of you put your hope in tomorrow. You put your hope in what you cannot see. Yes, you will see it if you do My will, if you obey My Commandments. You will see it through the good you do. Good deserves good. Evil can never deserve good. Evil gives birth to evil. Evil can never give birth to good. Therefore, the Earth is more than an ocean. If you dive into the ocean because you know how to swim, you’ll swim out of it. This Earth is more than an ocean. The spiritual controls the physical as a whole. If you fail in holiness, you’re just wasting your time. If holiness fails you, you’ll begin to go down. When Jesus Christ was walking on the water, His disciples were there. Peter said he wanted to walk on the water as well. Didn’t he walk on it? Why was he able to walk on the water? Because he put his faith in Jesus Christ. Why did he begin to sink? Because his faith failed him! This is how I created the Earth for every one of you. Holiness will make you float. Holiness will make you prosper. Holiness will protect you, and nothing will touch you. But all of you have sinned and come short of My glory. Therefore, all of you are living in overtime. You’re living in overtime out of the abundance of My grace. None of you deserves it because the Earth is dirty. You have dirtied the Earth. Many creatures I created and put in different places now mingle together. The creatures that shouldn’t have entered human beings now live in them. They have sex with human beings. They produce children through human beings. Animals! All of you are animals! I didn’t create everything to be like this. I created them and separated them from you. The body of a human being is a temple, an altar. I Am the Almighty God.

When I chose the children of Israel and asked them to build the ark of covenant for Me, what did they put inside? The tablets of the Ten Commandments, the Manna they ate in the Wilderness, and Aaron’s budded rod. Who put everything inside? Human beings. The Manna was the food I asked My Angels to cook and brought down to this Earth for them to eat because they were short of My glory. The Earth was angry with them because of their sins. After everything, I asked Moses to preserve some of it and put it inside the ark so that the coming generation would see and know what I did. All these things are materials. These are things that I created. These are dead things, and I used them to do signs and wonders. The only thing I want from all of you is to live your life, produce children and multiply. The ark was made of wood, but I entered inside. None of you should compare yourself with Me. The house I didn’t build, the builders built in vain. You’re committing crimes and drinking blood, and you still think something good can come out of you. How can you rule people? How can you win souls? How can demons bow down to you? Every one of you is living in overtime. The trumpet can sound at any time. You will say this is how I’ve been speaking before. The wind can blow at any time and sweep many of you away. As each day breaks, all of you must prepare for My wrath. You can hide your crime from anybody. You can judge anybody. You can kill whoever you want to kill and still deny it even after the camera has caught you. You can bribe and deny it. But you cannot deny My judgement! I Am the Almighty God. A man who carries salt doesn’t call down the rain to fall. If I call down rain and it begins to fall, who will rescue Me? When I say I Am the I Am That I Am, none of you knows what it means. Nobody created Me. I Am a Self-Existing Father. There is nobody before Me, and there is nobody after Me. I know the secret of Myself. You can call Me nature. Powers begin and end in Me. Any of you can say whatever you like. If all of you are wise, you’ll live a life of fear everyday. You cannot do anything if I don’t permit you to do it. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Self-Existing Father.

I created and sent you to this Earth before I sent My Son Jesus Christ. I created you in holiness. Holiness cannot leave you unless you commit sin. Good and evil live inside you. You cannot use both of them at the same time. If you use one out of the two, the other one is still there with you. He cannot run away. He will bow down for the other one to finish his work. It’s like a man who married two wives. If your evil is too much, Satan will kill you in the end. No matter how jealous the spirit of good is in your body, he will never kill you. You are their host. My Spirit in you keeps you alive. I cannot kill you even if you fail to return to Me. If you marry two wives, jealousy can push the evil one among them to kill you. If she loves you genuinely, why should she kill you? Now, you can see that evil is not good. If you live up to ninety-nine years in sin, I will never kill you even if you curse Me from now until tomorrow. As I brought My Son to this Earth and you rejected Him, I still love you. I will never kill you. If Satan loves you, why should he kill you? Why should he inflict you with sickness? Can’t you see that evil isn’t good? Your eyes are opened, but you cannot see. What controls the Earth is more than what all of you can see. You can see the reality of it everywhere. Whether you’re white or black, it doesn’t matter who you are. Evil is evil. Your sense and talent will fail you at the end of the day. I Am the Almighty God.

My son, if you look at this country in which you live – Britain, they consult their oracle everyday because they’re tired of everything. Everyday, they ask themselves questions about what they’ll do to bring in money. Right now, the only area is immigration. As they’re bringing people in, they cannot provide any job for them because I Am the One on their case. Nobody violates My word and goes scot-free. This is a proof for all of you that this country will be worse than most countries tomorrow because they have failed Me. You use physical and spiritual power. You’re sending demons spiritually to attack other countries. Let Me tell all of you. What happens in many countries isn’t something done physically. They will release demons to attack another country so that if there is commotion there and the country isn’t settled, they will have the opportunity to exploit them. They will use them to make money. They don’t know what they’ve done to themselves. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Owner of every secret. If you ask people to sell everything they have so they can come to your country, where else will they go? This is their country! Where will you send them to again? If you clear a piece of land and pour petrol on it, it only remains somebody to set it on fire. If it begins to burn, everything will turn into ashes. I Am talking about Britain now. I Am the Almighty God. If I say something will destroy, it must start from somewhere. If I tell you in January that your garment will tear and you live until December and nothing happens to your garment, your garment will still tear before the year runs out. I Am the Almighty God. My word will never return to Me empty.

As many of you who believe in Me that I Am the Almighty God, you shouldn’t slack. The more you look onto Me everyday, the more I give you sense. The more I release power upon you. The more good things will begin to happen to you. You shouldn’t think about those who make it in their wicked ways. The Earth is Mine and everything in it. I own everything on this Earth. Nobody owns anything. If you own an oil well somewhere, that doesn’t mean it will remain with your generation forever. Your generation may even be the worst family hit by poverty because you got everything in a dubious way. All of you know the story of Nebuchadnezzar. I empowered him to capture My children. Why? Because they committed sin! Nebuchadnezzar thought he was powerful. He didn’t know I was the One who empowered him. What happened to him in the end when he became proud? I Am the Almighty God. It’s not by power; it’s not by might. Whatever position you find yourself in, don’t be proud of it. Whatever you do on this Earth, whether good or bad, I know about it. You shouldn’t be proud of it. I want all of you to be proud of good, not evil. I Am the Almighty God.

My son, as many as those who think they’re progressing, it will be like the time of old. When I opened the floodgate of Heaven, rain fell, and water climbed everywhere. Why did I decide to destroy the Earth with water? I wanted every earthly thing to go. If I do anything on this Earth now, everything you put your trust in will go. I Am the Owner of the land. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Creator. I created darkness and light. Disaster and calamity are not far from My reach. All of you take Me for granted because I have not acted in your presence. Do you know how I created the Earth? Do you know how I levelled the ground? I separated the ground from the water. I built it on water. It’s like a floating ball on top of water. I hold this Earth in My hand. The foundation of this Earth is built in Me. Even the water is Me Myself. Every time, rain falls and waters your crops. Whenever it finishes its work, the water will disappear. Where does the water go? Can’t you see all of you are foolish? You will see different kinds of fish. You will see the kind of fish you’ve never seen before. Where do they come from? All of you don’t have My fear. None of you have time to search for My wisdom. If I say as I Am, so you are, why can’t you search for wisdom to do good? Satan continually reveals to all of you the kind of evil you’ll do. Why can’t he reveal the kinds of good you’ll do to make the Earth good? But I created you from My body! Can’t you see all of you don’t have wisdom? You don’t have knowledge and understanding. I Am the Almighty God.

If Satan begins to torment your life the very day you gave your life to Jesus Christ, don’t you know you’re a champion? If giving your life to Jesus Christ isn’t good, why should he torment your life? O, since the day I gave My life to Jesus Christ, I can’t sleep anymore; I am tired of the journey; I cannot go anymore. You’re a failure! That means you’re married to demons. When they talk of holiness, then you cannot sleep. You should tell Me what lives inside you. Demons live inside you! You’ll begin to blame Mr. Francis who made you give your life to Jesus Christ. Instead of proclaiming the Good News to people, making them believe that Heaven is real, you’re discouraging them from giving their lives to Jesus because you have had no peace since the day you gave your life to Jesus Christ. That means your body is a temple of demons. Instead of you preaching the word of God, you’re discouraging people from giving their lives to Jesus. You’re now afraid to speak about God. You don’t want to talk about Jesus Christ. O, whenever I ask people to give their lives to Jesus, I don’t like the kind of dreams I dream. Why? Because you’re still doing what you’re not supposed to do. You’re committing sin! O, if I go to the church for a few days and don’t see what I want, I will stop going because those in the world have everything they need. It’s like living in a house without a foundation. If you have all those things, it has no foundation. Whenever rain falls, it will destroy. I Am the Almighty God.

Anything you have, including a baby you carried in your womb for nine months, if it has no foundation, you will die. That child will trouble you because he is accursed child. The foundation of that child isn’t in Me. I wasn’t there when you had your wedding. That child can be a vagabond. He can be a destroyer. He can set a whole city on fire because you brought him into this world in an unclean manner. That child entered through the window, not through the door. He is a thief, an armed robber. Why are you all crying? Am I the One that gave you the child? When you married your wife and were seeking babies, Am I the One who gave you that child? After you saw yourself in a junction, kissed each other several times, and had sex several times, you then said you wanted to marry each other. You invited your families and friends to rejoice with you. You have married each other before you even invite anybody to rejoice with you. Who are you deceiving? But your body is My temple! You forgot where you’re coming from. I Am the Almighty God. You cannot change Me. I Am the One who will change you if only you give Me the chance.

When I created the Earth, I only created one man and one woman. I don’t care how many of you die everyday because all of you are evil. Some of you, if I know your child will contribute to the destruction of this Earth because of your sins, I will never give you a child. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Creator of lives. The more sins you commit, the more corrupt and contaminated every seed in you will be. There is no more clean seed inside you anymore. My son, tell all of them! Any man or woman who committed sins upon sins before marriage will give birth to demons because there is no more clean child in them anymore because of their sins. Whenever you commit the sin of sexual immorality, you commit it with your Spirit, soul, and body. Nothing clean will come out of you anymore. If I see that your children will be an abomination to the Earth, I will never allow you to have them. I Am the Almighty God.

Satan has now introduced various ways of producing children to all of you. Do you see it in your Bible where I said a woman should carry a pregnancy for her fellow woman? Can’t you see all manner of abominations you bring into the world? That’s why tears and sorrow shall not depart from all of you. Do you see it in your Bible where a pregnant woman couldn’t give birth naturally and gave birth to her baby through surgery? Tell Me if you can see it! What makes a pregnant woman unable to give birth by herself? It is a sin!!! All of you continue to bring your children into the world through surgery, and you think it’s something good. Satan is populating the Earth with demons. When Satan and demons say they want to populate the Earth so they can dominate it, who owns Satan and demons? Who created the Earth? Am I not the One? Did I create the Earth to be populated with evil? If I say I want to destroy the Earth today, will Satan hold back My hands? Satan is a spirit, and I have the power to destroy him. If I could remove the evil from Heaven and create a place for them, do you think I can’t separate the evil from good on this Earth? Do you think I Am afraid of demons? All of you don’t know anything. I Am never afraid of what I created. I purposely didn’t destroy Satan when He sinned in Heaven. And I intentionally sent him to this Earth because of you. Those who want to follow him can follow him, and those who wish to follow Me will follow Me. Every work he does every day by day, he does it for Me. Now you hear it from My mouth. He reports to Me all his dealings with you. All of you can continue to bring evil children to the Earth everyday. You will continue to weep and gnash your teeth. You will continue to shed evil tears everyday. You will continue to bury and bury until you’re tired. I Am the Almighty God.

Many of you call yourselves Christians and ask Me stupid questions. You’re asking why I didn’t kill Satan when he sinned in Heaven. You should go and ask your father!!! You must understand that you can also do what he did because good and evil live inside you. If We’re talking of the devil, it’s not about somebody who carries horns on his head. It’s the spirit that lives inside you! The spirit can fail you. You can turn to anything at any time. If the spirit chooses to go on his own way, it will multiply from there and turn into something else. On this Earth, human beings like you choose not to do evil. Even if you abuse them, they’ll keep quiet looking at you. What is the difference between you and them? O, why didn’t God kill the devil? You’re a devil as well because the spirit lives inside you. If you give your consent and allow him to use you, then you’re a devil. That’s exactly what happened in Heaven. The same thing all of you do everyday; that’s what happened in Heaven. The kind of sin Satan committed in Heaven that made Me chase him down to this Earth isn’t up to one percent of the kind of sin all of you commit today. You will carry a whole human being and kill him. Did you read anywhere that Satan carried any Spirit and killed him? He only disobeyed Me by going where I asked him not to go. Today, all of you are using your fellow human beings for rituals everywhere. Satan didn’t kill anybody. It’s like a father and children at home. Don’t go there, and he went there. That was the sin he committed. The so-called Satan didn’t kill anybody in Heaven. My son, this thing you did won’t leave you; therefore, you cannot live with Me here anymore; you must leave and go down to the Earth. That’s what happened! This spirit lives inside all of you, including the One I’m using to speak. That’s what happened to Moses and David. Whenever the spirit comes, he will ginger your heart so you can react. I don’t want you to react. I don’t want you to use the spirit. That’s why I gave you My Law to follow. When Jesus Christ came to this Earth, did the spirit not go to Him? The spirit went to Him! That’s why I said the Earth in which you live is more than an ocean. I Am the Almighty God.

If you overcome while on this Earth, you’ll go to Heaven and enjoy yourself. If you don’t go to Heaven, if you die at a ripe old age, you will go back to the Dark-Planet. If you go to the Dark-Planet, you’ll see some areas that look like Heaven. All of you who still want to produce children should not bring innocent children to this Earth to come and suffer because I will visit all of you. I Am the Almighty God. I will visit all of you with calamity, hunger, and disaster. I will visit you with hardship and death. As you women open your laps everywhere for men to impregnate you, or you impregnate yourself, you will see the consequence of what you created. If you produce children, you do Me no good. You do the Earth evil. Every child you produce carries your image. I Am the Almighty God. I Am a Consuming Fire. I will visit all of you. Nobody will award you a certificate for producing children. If you know you can take care of the child, and the foundation is in Me, then you will give the Earth peace, and you will have peace as well. Today, you will hardly see a virgin. If you’re not a virgin, maybe you’ve disvirgined yourself; Jesus Christ can make you a virgin again if you give your life to Him. My son, if you talk of a real virgin, they can stone you to death. That’s what I want because Jesus Christ came into this world through a virgin, a real virgin. Virgins produce holy children! How many mothers will tell their children to keep their virginity? They will only tell them their mates are married; I want to carry my grandchildren. Do you know the year, the day, and the time I destined you to marry? Do you know the time I programmed you to have children? You will sleep with all manner of men and bring innocent children into the world in a sinful way. Then, if Satan begins to torment you through that child, you’ll then remember Me. O God, when I was young, I saw myself in a castle and in the midst of money. Yes, because you were still holy. But now, you’ve destroyed yourself. All those things were like flowers. They have faded away. That’s how I created it. Obedience is better than sacrifice. My son, how many people will listen to all these? I Am the Almighty God.

I would have destroyed the Earth a long time ago. I purposely kept quiet because I had brought down My Son Jesus, and I waited for all of you to yield to the preaching of My servants. What happened today? The same servants who’re supposed to preach the Good News are preaching bad news everywhere. Every one of you will hear it tough. The more I brought My Son, the more I release My Prophets to preach My word, and the more you enjoy a sinful life. All of you will see My wrath. Salvation has come to you individually. If you do it well, you’ll enjoy it before I come down to judge the Earth. If you ask your child to refrain from somewhere because fire is there, what will happen to him if he doesn’t listen to you? The fire will burn him. If the fire doesn’t consume him, that means he’s very lucky. As much as you all choose to do evil, evil will never depart from your life. I repeat it: you will weep and weep, cry and cry, and shed evil tears everyday. I Am the Almighty God.

It is a pity for My Pastors to carry the loads of people. You now put your hands into evil because you want to heal and deliver. You acquired powers from demons, yet you call yourselves My servants. You have rewritten the destiny of your generation. You have brought disaster, calamity, incurable illness, untimely death, poverty and hardship upon your children and their generation. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Great I Am That I Am. I Am a Consuming Fire. Can you heal your congregation? Can you deliver them? Who owns demons? Who settles them? Who gives them food to eat? Am I not the One? Haven’t you heard what happened in the land of Egypt? When I released My plague upon them, who retrieved them back? Whatever I asked Moses to perform, I also gave him the solution. Satan also did his own. Who won at the end of the day? Out of what I created, Satan was fighting Me. Who created the power Pharaoh used? Am I not the One? Who created Pharaoh? Can you fight Almighty God? Whatever door Satan opens for you, don’t think you’ll see peace there. Don't think you'll have peace if I didn’t open it for you. Anyone among you who sees this word, embraces it, and cleanses himself shall see peace. You should pity yourself and cleanse yourself. It is not enough for all of you to just listen and make comments. Judge yourself and do accordingly! My word is holy. My word is righteous. My word is like a two-edged sword. I give it to My servants to preach and bring My children back to Me. I Am the Almighty God. I Am a Holy Father. I hate wickedness. I hate evil. Those of you who choose to do evil will see My wrath. 

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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