Why Should I Keep You Alive

The Father and Jesus Christ speak

(Wednesday 8th February 2012, 00:21)

Jesus speaks

Who is like My Father? Who is like My Jehovah? Among other gods, who is like My Father? Who is like My Father? Who is like Him? Among all their gods they bow down to, among all their gods they worship, among their gods they give honour, among their gods to whom they surrender their soul, who is like My Father? Who is like My Father? Who is like the Creator? Who is like the Originator? Who is like the Ancient of Days? It’s only Him that has the final say. It’s only Him that has the Authority. It’s only Him that says yes and nobody can say no. It’s only Him that has the power to destroy, to eliminate, to kill, and to restore. He can bring darkness during the day. He can also bring thick darkness during the night. He can do it. It’s only Him that has the power. He can change night to day, and He can change day to night. He can swap it. He can turn it upside down. He can do it the way He wants to do it. It’s only Him. Among all their gods they serve, among all their gods everywhere, who is like My Father? Because My Father is the head; He is the One that created all the gods they’re serving. It’s only Him. It’s only My Father. It’s only Him. He is the One that speaks and do it, no any other power. Every other power fails. Every other power will fail, but My Father never fails. He will never fail. He will remain the same forever. He is indestructible Father. He can never be destroyed. Nobody can kill Him. Their gods will die. Their gods will destroy. Their gods will disappear. But My Father will remain to the end. He will remain to the end because He is Self-Existing Father. Everything they put their trust will fail them. But My Father will never fail. He will never die. He will remain the same. He is My Father. It’s only Him honour and reverence belong to, no any other person. It’s only Him that has the power to do whatever He wants to do, no any other person. Everything will fade away. Everything will be wiped away, but My Father will remain the same thing. He will remain the Father till the end. He is the One that knows what He formed by Himself. He knows how He formed it. He knows where He brought them from. He knows where He will also return them to. He is My Father. It’s only Him. If He says I don’t want them again, they will disappear. It is Him. It is only Him. 

The Father speaks

If I plant flowers today and water them so they could grow, tomorrow I may say I don’t want them anymore. I will bend down and uproot them from the ground. I was the One that planted them before. I dug the ground and planted them and I was watering them so they could grow. I just planted them for fashion. When I see the breeze blowing them around, I love them. I just love them; not that they give Me food to eat. If I say I don’t want them again, is there any crime in it? They are Mine. I was the One that planted them and I can also uproot them. But I’m not a wicked Father. They are My flowers. I was the One that planted them. I want them to produce more children for Me. When I see them growing and their leaves change colours, I love them. However, if I say I don’t want them today, will you kill Me? Are you going to do Me any evil? I am the One that owns them. They are Mine. Nobody will question Me because I am the One that owns them. How much more the things that have no value. They are worthless. I even value the flowers more than you. When I see the flowers, I love them more than you. Yes, because you’re not doing My will. You go far away from Me. I created you more adorable than the flowers. The flowers remained where I left them. When I got there, I still met them as I left them. How much more you! I made you to be more valuable than them. I give you respect more than them. But what did you do to Me? What did you do to Me? You count Me as nothing. If I could give you all the respect! I give you the respect because I created you from My body. The flowers and the trees in the bush sing for Me everyday. They wave their hands for Me everyday. Even the birds in the sky sing for Me, they praise Me. They recognise Me. Even the fishes in the river recognise Me as their Father. How much more you that I created as Myself. You count Me as nothing. You go on your own way. What is the value of Me keeping you? By the end of the day I won’t have you; you wasted. What is the value? What is the value? You go on your own way. You don’t want to see Me. You don’t want to hear of Me. What is the value of Me to keep you, to care for you, when you don’t know Me? When you were hungry I fed you. After you finished eating, you said you don’t know Me again. It is whenever you want your food you will remember Me. After the Father gives you food, you will forget about the Father. He is no longer your Father. He is your enemy. You don’t want to hear the Father’s name. But when the affliction comes, you will remember the Father. Why should I keep you? Tell Me, give Me three reasons why I should keep you, then I will keep you. If you can give Me three solid reasons why I should keep you, then I will keep you. Tell Me the three reasons that will convince Me to keep you, then I will keep you. There is no reason. One, you don’t want Me as your Father; two, you don’t hear My word. Because if you count Me as your Father, if I say sit down you will sit down. If I say wait, you will wait. If I say go you will go. One, you don’t count Me as your Father; two you don’t count Me as anything. You don’t listen to My word. If you want somebody, you will listen to the word that person will say. If somebody says wait for me, you will say ‘look at the person that is calling me’. You don’t count Me as anything. Why will you wait for Me when I’m calling you? I thought somebody is calling me, I don’t know it’s you. You don’t want the person and you leave his way. Then when I’m speaking to you, how can you listen to Me. As you don’t wait for Me, you’re going and I’m still speaking. That means I am nothing in your sight. Then tell Me the reason why I should keep you because now you’re useless. Yes! You are useless. That is why I said you should tell Me three reasons why I should keep you. If I want to tell you My own reason why I should talk to you as My own son, I have hundreds of reasons to control you as My son and My daughter, as My own child. I have hundreds of reasons. One, I am the Creator. I was the One that bore you. I was the One that created you. Everything you have, I am the One that owns it. I have hundreds of reasons. I even have more than hundreds of reasons for Me to talk to you as My son, as My daughter because I was the One that created you. I formed you from My body and I brought you out. It took Me time to mould you, for you to become a human being. Not only that; every of your organs are complete for you to become a human being. How many should I count, both physical and spiritual? Not only that; I even give you part of My body so that wherever you go, you can connect to Me and talk to Me. I will fill you. When you need anything, I will give it to you. Can’t you ask yourself how I manage to hear when you’re praying? When you’re speaking, how do I manage to hear what you’re saying? How do I manage to hear when you’re praying? How do I manage to divert evil away from you? When evil is coming, when I know you’re the one that did wrong, why do I divert it away from you? I will struggle; I will fight here and there to make sure that thing doesn’t swallow you. I will remove it away from you so that you can still live the life I want you to live. You think you did it by yourself; that it just happened. You don’t want to know the Father. You will go back to commit the sin that is more than that one. The Father will remove it away from your head, maybe you can still know Him. Yet, you will go deeper into the worst one. I have thousands of reasons to call you My sons and My daughters. I have thousands of reasons to do to you whatever I like because I am the One that own you. Nobody! I am the One that created you. I have the power to do you anything I want to do you. No any other power can drag you with Me if I want to do you anything. It’s only Me that has the power to drag you from the hand of evil. But if I want to do you evil, nobody will drag you away from My hand because those who want to do you evil are waiting for you. Nobody will rescue you from My hand because you have bitten more than the one you can chew. That is why when evil is befalling all of them, they’ll begin to mention the name of their Father. They will start quoting nonsense scriptures without them knowing what they’re saying. They don’t know that every word they’re saying is written down, it’s recorded. They don’t know. One, you’re far away from your Father, you don’t even know who your Father is. Two, you commit murderous sin everywhere. Your sin is bouncing around. Satan and demons are using your sins against you. But you’re mentioning the name of your Father. Did the Father send you to commit sin? The Father created you well. The day you were coming to this earth, you were spotless, everything was clean and holy, without spot, without wrinkle. No stain on your body. Why can’t you sit down and ask yourself question where the problem is coming from? The Father did not create me with any problem. He did not create me with any problem! Where is the problem coming from so I can change myself, so I can know how to do myself? No matter how deep the problem is, my Father can make me clean again. But you continually go deeper and deeper. When the water swallows you, you open your mouth to insult your Father. That is why you should tell Me the reason why I should spare you. Tell Me the reason! If I want to tell you the reason why I will kill you, I have billions of reasons to tell you because you’re a wicked child. You are a wicked child. You are more than a wicked child. But you will open your mouth wide that the Father is not a wicked Father. The Father is not a wicked Father. But you are a wicked child. Are you the one that created Me or I’m the One that created you? Are you the one who will tell Me what to do or I’m the One who will tell you what to do? Who is wicked? That means if anything happens to you, you worth it because you are a wicked child. You are far away from your Father. You don’t want to hear from your Father. You don’t want to see your Father. That means whatever happens to you, you deserve it. You are a wicked child. That is it.

You don’t want to hear about your Father. Whenever somebody tells you about your Father, you will use your two hands to cover your ears because you don’t want to hear. You will chase that person away. But your Father is inside you, yet you chase that person away. That man wants you to connect yourself to your Father. You chase him away because you know where you’re going. When evil befalls you, you’ll begin to blame God. When they tell you to come close to God so He can wave the evil away from you, you say no. As you don’t even know the Father, He still waves the evil away from you, but you’re going deeper into the water so it can swallow you. You go to where you don’t suppose to go. When evil befalls you, you’ll begin to blame your Father. So the Father that brought you to this earth brought you to destroy you, to make you an example of evil, isn’t it? You can now see that many of them are very far away from the Father. They give themselves to the devil, to demons to destroy. You do yourself harm because the Father has done His own work. The remaining one is in your hands. You can do whatever you want to do here because when you die, you know where you are going. You can enter anywhere you want to enter; you can enter any society you want to enter because that is what you want. But that is not the way of the Father in your life. That is not what the Father wants for you. By the end of the day, what happens? After you face your music here, after you quench, you will also face your music on the other side and that one is an everlasting one. Nobody will rescue you away from it. It’s a story. My son, human being on this earth is a story. Human being here on this earth is a story. But there (heaven) is not a story because you will be there forever. After you have lived here, leave the remaining one for the Father. He knows what He wants to do there. He tells you that there (heaven) is a holy place. Whatever He wants to do there is left for Him. That place is a holy place. No any dirty person will go there. That is why He will search you here. My son, the matter is very simple. It’s very simple. Hold your Father the way you want to hold Him. It’s a choice for you. It’s not compulsory for you to go to heaven. It’s not under must. After all, the Father is the One that created hellfire. It’s human being that goes there. It’s a choice. He did not create hellfire for animals, but for human beings. Animals are meant for human consumption. Hellfire is for human beings like you. It’s not under must that you should go to heaven. You can choose wherever you want to go. While you are here on earth and people are clapping hands, dancing for you, it’s your sand they’re dancing for. Your soul will either go to heaven or hellfire. You only have two destinations after you die. As they’re dancing for your sand (your corpse) here, it’s either your soul goes to heaven or hellfire. It’s not by force. After all, the Father has set the boundary right from the beginning. Can you count how old this earth is? My son, do not trouble yourself because of anybody.

Can you count how many years since the Father called His son Abraham? But the work of the Father is still going on. That is how the world will still continue. The Father knows when He will put an end to it. If anybody tells you the world will end tomorrow, that means there is something wrong with that person. The Father never tells you the world will come to an end. My son, you must teach them what I teach you. They are preaching that the rapture is coming, are they doing the will of the Father! Those who are preaching that the earth wants to come to an end, are they doing the will of the Father? My son, many people misinterpreted My Son Jesus. What I’m telling you that I want to do now, the wicked ones will less. I am the One that’s telling you. They will less! When the Father and His Son come and We take the good ones away, but leave the wicked ones, won’t the wicked ones give birth to children? My son, they shouldn’t run more than themselves. They should preach what the Father asked them to preach. It’s holiness the Father wants from them. Evil is everywhere. It’s holiness the Father wants from them. You as a pastor, what does the Father requests from you? Holiness! Teach the remaining ones holiness. That is what He wants. Teach them the truth! Many of them that died are crying ‘oh they didn’t tell me; they didn’t teach me; supposing I had known, I could have known what to do’. You are a teacher, if you don’t teach your students, how will they pass? One plus one is two, but you say one plus one is four. When the exam comes, the student will fail. He will say, if they have taught me that one plus one is two, I couldn’t have failed. They didn’t teach them the truth. But you say you’re a man of God. You are a teacher. When the teacher teaches wrong thing, how do you want the students to do? They will do badly. The Father is not a bad judge. My son, I am the One speaking. I do not judge anyhow. When two people are fighting, you will first of all separate them before you judge, before you know who do bad and do wrong. You are a teacher, you were chosen to teach right, to teach the truth; but you’re teaching lies. You are going your own way. What then do you expect from the children? They will fail! As the head of the school, who will you blame? If you want to carry out your judgement, what will you do? You will dismiss the teachers and teach the children again. My son, you have answered correctly. That is all. You will teach the students and give them another exam. Now I will not judge by what I see. I want to teach them by Myself. That is what I’m doing now. That is why I’m teaching you now. Everything I’m doing with you here, I will use it against them. I will use it against them! I know My Son came and died because of My children. Though they didn’t count it as anything. But I still give them the last chance. That is what I’m doing now My son. I have told you that all My servants are doing their work to themselves. I told you. There is no truth again. There is no truth again. It is true that the rapture will happen, but not now. The Father wants to carry out His work again. The Father wants to try His best again because they fail where My Son is. They fail! They don’t count My Son as anything. You cannot see the Father physically. The Father will enter inside somebody to teach. But what did they do? They fail! The rapture they’re preaching about is not a matter of now. It’s still far. That is why I tell you that if somebody tells you that this earth wants to end today, that person doesn’t know what he’s saying. It is not now. I can’t even talk about it now. I told you if the end will come, I will let you know. I still want this earth to be a peaceful place for My children to live. This earth, I want it to be a peaceful place for My children to live. Demons cannot have power more than Me. The devil cannot have power more than Me. I am the Creator. I am the Creator. That is why I am teaching My children by Myself. I am teaching them to follow Me, to know My will, to know what they should do and what they shouldn’t do.

My son, let Me ask you a question. You are wealthy. You build schools - primary, secondary and university. You put teachers there to teach. You are paying them money and they’re eating well. What do they do? Instead of them to teach the children well to promote the name of that school, what happens? Every student that graduates from that school failed. Which name will you give that school? The purpose of that man to build that school is shattered. When the man sleeps, he will sleep well, isn’t it? He will be happy, isn’t it? A failure school! Anywhere the students go to look for work, will they see work? You as the proprietor of the school, how will you feel? You yourself, you’re a failure. The owner of the school now says he will come and teach the students by himself to know where the problem is coming from. It is then he will now know where the problem is coming from. You teacher, leave my school. You know where you are going. You are teaching my children wrong doctrine. I chose you to teach my children so they can go to a better place, but you’re teaching them wrong doctrine. I have the right to dismiss you. This is a worldly school, how much more. You will begin to explain how it took you to gather money and build the school. Do you think it’s easy before I could employ you? How much more to allow your son to die so you could have your children back.

My son, the Father still has a lot to do on this earth. Women give birth everyday. Right from day one you enter this world and you learn how to speak, learn how to speak about the Father. That is what the Father wants. A new born baby, once he could hear a word, he should hear about the Father, so that when he grows, he will know the category he belongs to. Now, if the Father comes today as they’re teaching rapture, who will follow the Father? If the Father says He’s coming today, who will follow Him? That is My question. Who will follow Him? Nobody! I do not see anyone My son. Whoever does not steal, whoever does not have the spirit of stealing will have the spirit of lying. Whoever does not have the spirit of lying will have the spirit of fornication. Whoever does not have the spirit of fornication will have the spirit of anger. Whoever does not have the spirit of anger will have the spirit of adultery. They will have different types of spirits. Who then will follow the Father? Is it selfishness? Only me, I don’t want another person to eat. Who will follow the Father? That is My question.

As a Father, I never fail. I never fail one day as a Father. My children fail, they are far away from Me. I am very simple. I am speaking to you as I spoke to My children in the time of old. I am the One speaking to you. This is how I spoke to My children in the time of old. I spoke into their mouth. I was inside their body. I spoke it out. Everything you see is a reality. I am never far away from My children, as I am in this house. If you want to doubt Me, the day you remove your heart from Me is the day you will know you’re far away from Me. I will still be here, but I will fold My hands looking at you. It’s you that will be far away from Me, yet I’m still inside you. The day you wander and come back, I am still here to receive you. All this generation is far away from their Father. They are looking for the food they want to eat. They are looking for the car they want to drive. They are looking for billions of children they want to give birth to. They don’t know all these things they carry around are problematic. There is implication in it. Temptation will come through all these things they’re looking for. When it comes, who will rescue them? That is My question. Because they are far away from their Father! Who will rescue them? The Father you don’t even know. You are a pastor; you open church because you want to eat money. You don’t even know the alias of your Father. You don’t even know how to greet your Father when you wake up in the morning. You don’t even know what your Father likes. You don’t know your right from your left. But you open church because of the money you want to eat, to build houses. You have already dug your grave. They will never judge you at the gate. Your own judgement is automatic because you open church because of the food you want to eat. You open church because of the money you want to eat. You are using the name of your Father to play gamble. My son, as you see all of them, they open church because of the money they want to eat. There is no judgement for them because they spoil the children of the Father. In a church where the man of God doesn’t know the Father, he doesn’t know his right from his left, he opens a place called church; what do you think they’re doing there? They are doing evil. They lure many children of the Father to come there. You that man will be thrown into the centre of the fire. There is no judgement for you. You can commit any sin anywhere. Right there in the house of the Father, you say you’re looking for money and you open a church. You now begin to teach the children of the Father wrong thing. You can commit any sin in your corner, but you stay right there in the house of the Father, you build it and call it a house of the Father. You now begin to invite children of God to come in. You know what it takes. That place should have been a holy place, without spot. It's supposed to be clean. The Father can kill anybody right in the church. My son, there is no church! Right there in the church, they commit atrocities that mouth cannot tell. There is no church. I told you that you can commit your sin in the corner of your house. A church is a church. You cleanse yourself before you go there. But you’re committing sin right there inside the church.

If you go through the Word and you read about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, it’s very painful to you. They nailed Him, they killed Him. That is physical. What are they doing now? The one they’re doing now is worse than when they nailed Him physically. What they’re doing now in every corner is worse than what you’re reading in that book (the Bible). They killed Him physically and He resurrected and ascended into heaven. What they’re doing now is worse. What the Father did put fear into the heart of the children. The Father purposely did it that He is the Father. He has the power to bring Him and also has the power to take Him back. They saw it with their eyes and they feared the Father. That is why I’m telling you that what they’re doing now is worse than what they did before. The fear is no more there. I told you when it happened and Jesus ascended back to heaven, the disciples had more power to preach the word of the Father. Because of what happened, they devoted their lives into the work of the ministry. Compare it with what is going on now. What the Father doesn’t even want is what they’re doing now. They forget about the Father and sought after their own power. They are now performing their own. They don’t count Jesus Christ as anything. When the Father comes and take the righteous people away, who are the righteous people He will take away? Who are they? Where are the holy people? Where are they? Let the trumpet sound today, the men of God will be the first one to run away. You will not even see anyone. They will run! They will board the plane and run away so they can have peace. These are the people preaching Jesus Christ. Where are they now? Where are the pastors? Where are the pastors when the earth is turning upside down? Where are they when sister is marrying sister? Where are the pastors when mother is marrying her son? You don’t know what is going on My son. Where are the pastors? They are there, looking for the food they want to eat. Nobody to challenge the Father. Father, it cannot happen. Nobody! Where are they? I cannot see anybody. All of them are working for their belly. It was the same Father that provided food for them to eat. Was it not the same Father? The Father that makes a way where there is no way? All the stories they’re reading, they think it just happened like that. They are building churches everywhere. Are they building houses for birds to sleep? Are they building houses for hen to sleep? Who are they building churches for? Where are the pastors? Why then are you calling yourself a Christian? Why are you a Christian? Kill me for my truth; I will never run away; a woman will never marry a woman in this place; a man can never marry a man. Where are the pastors? Father, Father arise! What will the Father do? He will arise! Leave them and let them be; it’s their choice. What are you preaching? Oh pastor, this is the money; thank you my son, what are you doing for your living. You don’t even ask questions. This is somebody that robbed somebody where he works. He now takes some of the money and gives it to you so you can pray for him. He knows your prayer will sustain him. Where are the pastors? Welcome my son, sit down; where do you work; you once told me you work in a bank; how much are they paying you; did they promote you or how did you get this money; my son, before I count three, return this money to where you took it; if you don’t return it, I will curse you because my Father gives me the authority; I am the one that will curse you, not the bank; Father, I thank You for bringing Your son to me so he will not go to the side of destruction. Before you open your eyes, he will run and return that money. He will be afraid. But you say ‘God bless you’ because he comes and give you money. You say you’re planting churches everywhere. What are you planting? You are planting evil! You are planting sins. What then is the essence when evil is free? Any church you plant where the members cannot meet the need of the pastor, they (the members) are in hellfire. They are in hellfire! Instead of you to preach about the Father, you begin to preach about wealth, using words to bullet them everyday. No good word from the Father anymore. How they will come and give them money, that is what they’re preaching. The Father is not after planting churches. It’s your heart the Father needs. Holiness is very far from the children of the Father.

The Father finds no fault in it planting a church. Hence, you meet the need of the Father, hence you meet the qualification the Father requires, you can stand as a pastor. But what they’re doing now, they don’t meet the need of the Father. Those of them that call themselves pastors don’t worth being a pastor. They don’t know the law that guide pastorate. They don’t know the rules and regulations of the pastorate. They are not doing the will of the Father. They have not received adequate training before becoming a pastor. They don’t worth being a pastor. They are like a baby, like a child. They don’t even know anything. They don’t know anything. They don’t know what they should have known in the body of the Father. It’s like a child who gives birth to a child. When you’re matured as a woman, you will marry and give birth to a child. That means you can take care of the child by yourself. But you’re a child and you give birth to a child, how can you take care of that child by yourself? You cannot! When you cannot bathe yourself, how will you bathe the child you want to give birth to? You are hungry and you cannot feed yourself, how can you feed the child you want to give birth to? Somebody is still feeding you, how can you feed the child you want to give birth to? That is what is going on. This is not a matter of spreading churches. They are spreading sins everywhere. They don’t know the implication of it. Somebody who supposed to still be under somebody, now you want to be on your own. You want to have your own freedom when you’re not qualified to be alone. There are many things you have to learn. There are many things you’re still doing and you need to do away with them before you open your own church. You are still doing them and they carry law into your hands to go and govern a church when you cannot govern yourself. All the things you’re doing and you cannot stop, how can you correct somebody that is doing it? You are doing it and the person knows you’re doing it, how can you stop him when you see him do the same thing? You that I know, you’re carrying women around, who make you a pastor? When you see me now do the same thing, can you tell me not to do it? It’s holiness; it’s holiness; please I cannot do it because I’m still looking onto my Father to fill me the more; I know I can do it, but not now; let me wait on my Father to give me go ahead; it’s my Father that will confirm it, not anybody. He will prove Himself. That thing that is weighing you down, He knows how He will take it away from you. You will no longer see it. But when somebody forces it into your hands, that you can do it because you have the qualification, you will fail. The work of the Father is not by qualification. You have sent that person to hellfire. My son, they have given many of them the logo of hellfire. I give you peace.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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