Woe To The Earth

The Father speaks

(Monday 16th ‎April ‎2012, ‏‎05:25)

Woe to the earth! Woe to the earth! Woe to the earth! What else do you want Me to do? May another planet take its place! May another planet take the position of the earth because I regret creating it. May another planet take its place. The vision I have for this earth, that is not what I’m seeing. May another planet take its position. How long! How long shall We continue like this? How long? Can you count the years? Can you count the years I’ve been battling with the earth? You cannot count it because the years that have gone by were more than the ones they counted. Many years were wasted that you don’t even know. They cannot record it. The ones they have on record were only by imagination. You cannot record since when I’ve been battling with this earth. Many years you see in record today were only by imagination. Nobody could tell how long the I've been battling with this earth. Do you know how long? Do you know how long?

I brought My glorious children; I brought My wonderful children to this earth to do My work. Yet, they struggled and struggled. I called them to do My work! They neither drank nor ate; they spread My Good News. By the end of the day, it was as if they came back to Me in sorrow. Yet, they lured them to do evil upon My word they’re proclaiming. My son, why should I come down and begin to teach you every day? Why should I come down and begin to cry for you? Why? When you know the good and the bad that you will not follow the evil? Why should I be teaching you every day like a teacher? But I must teach you so they will not lure you to do evil My son. A hero will soon fall. The hero I chose will soon fall! The hero I chose will soon fall and the earth will shake. A hero will soon fall. A hero will soon come back home. A hero will soon depart. Who will go for Me? Who will go for Me that I will never panic? Who will go for Me that I will never struggle Myself? Who will go for Me that will do it the way I want it to be? Who will go for Me that will speak My Word without looking back? Who will go for Me that they will never lure him into doing evil? Who will go for Me My son? My son, it’s not easy. I Am the Alpha. I Am the Omega. I Am the Great I Am that I Am. I Am the Ancient of Days. A hero will soon fall My son. My son, a hero will fall. I don’t suppose to cry. A hero will fall. I give you peace My son.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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