Workers Of Iniquity

(Part 2)

The Father speaks

(Saturday 27th August 2011, 11:40)

What does it profit a man to gain everything and lost his soul? Vanity upon vanity, all is vanity. I have said it before. None of them is doing My work. All these ones are not doing My work. They are doing the work for themselves. They are painting kings and queens, but they forget the Father. They forget the Father! They choose earthly things. They respect My servants more than Me. When I speak, I’m nowhere to be found. Can you take the power from Me? Can you take away the power from Me? Even though you don’t want to hear My voice, you cannot take away the power from Me. You can do whatever you want to do, but you cannot take away the power from Me. When I begin My work, nobody will dare question Me. My son, do not let anything trouble you. The work you are doing is not your work; it’s the work of your Father. Do not let anything trouble your heart. I am the One that send you message. I am the One! Any time you are speaking in this house, I am the One you are speaking to. Any message I send you, I will first of all practice it for you before I send you. I am not a useless God. You know I am the Almighty. Why are you troubling yourself when the Father sends you a message and they send you bad reply? Why does it trouble you? I that send you message, leave everything for Me. I am the One that send you message. Anybody may even come and slap you, leave them alone. As time goes on, they will know it is Me because I will not keep quiet. I have told you what I am about to do. Everything they put their hope will fail them. It will fail them! I know what I can do. If I say it will not happen, I’m lying. I turn My body to flesh because of you. That is why I don't groan when I’m speaking. I turn My body to flesh and I’m talking to you one-on-one. If I tell you it will not happen, I’m lying. A lot will go because all of them put their hands in what they shouldn’t put their hands. They are not working for Me and they cannot turn back. They can never turn back! They cannot change. I have told you. A lot will happen! A lot will happen. My son, what is today’s date? Today is the 27th day of August 2011. A lot will happen! A lot will happen. If the Father says you should send this message to the whole world and by the end of the day He’s not the Father, how will you feel? But I tell you, it’s Me that send you! I say you should send the message to the whole earth. Whatever message they send back to you, it’s Me they send it to. That will not stop what I want to do. Leave everything for Me.

When you are doing well and eating well, people are giving you money in your church; when they stop coming to your church and nobody give you money anymore; who are you going to hold responsible? When disaster begins to fall in that church, who are you going to ask? Was it because I give you My grace! Because I am the One that controls the atmosphere! When the people decide they are not coming to the church again, or when they come, disaster begins to happen; what will you do? Who are you going to hold responsible? Because you say the Father does not exist! You say your Creator does not exist. When you are doing something wrong, He’s telling you and you say no. When trouble comes, they hold you responsible even to the point of them putting you in jail; who will you call? So you will call the Father inside your cell. The Father that you talked to anyhow; the Father you insulted. You are working for yourself. My son, do not trouble yourself. Be happy! Be happy because the Father counts you among the number one. Whoever sends you good message, praise God; whoever sends you bad message, praise God. Do not trouble yourself because you are not doing the work for yourself. You are doing it for the Father. It is the Father that’s speaking, the same Father in the time of old. The Father is not a talkative, but He was the One that gathered that word (the Bible). All the people He used in the past, was it not by word of mouth? If the Father that created the children does not speak to them, how can they know their right from their left? Then you say the Father is not a talkative. If the Father does not speak, how can He be a Father? Do you think the Father is a dummy? Is He foolish? Is He stupid? He that created something will allow it to spoil. But now, who is the most stupid? My son, I reserve My comment. Now I withdraw My hand from him. I knew he’s doing evil before, but I still gave him My grace. Now, I withdraw My hand from him. Now that he counts Me as nothing, I withdraw My hand from him today. Because of him, a lot will happen in that church. He will ask himself question what is happening. Leave him for Me My son. Every message I say you should send, send it to all of them. Whoever takes it will enjoy My peace. Whoever doesn’t take it will be among those that will be wiped away. Whoever doesn’t take it will be among those that will go. It won’t be too long. There will be a story. You will hear it very soon. All of them that are working in iniquity, you will hear them. My son, rain will fall. Rain of death will fall! Rain will fall My son. Rain will fall. Rain will fall My son. I have prepared everything. Rain of death will fall. Enough is enough. I will never give them grace again to die and go to hellfire. Now I will kill them by Myself. The remaining ones will fear Me. They think when they die they are going to heaven; no, they are going to hellfire. When I begin to carry out My assignment in various places, the remaining ones will have My fear. They will give up their earthly things. I am the One that’s talking. My son, get up and put today’s date down! Get up and write it down somewhere. Put it down; put it down; put it down. Take note of today! I am the same Father of the old; I am the same Father today. I do not change; I remain the same. I will carry out every work I propose. I will even do it for you yourself to fear Me that I mean every word I speak! For you to know I am not just speaking to you here for speaking sake, I will carry it out. I give you peace.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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