You Are Hurting My Father

Holy Spirit speaks

(Sunday 23rd September 2012, 12:10)

This is not the way My Father wants this earth to be!!! This is not the way My Father wants His children to be!!! This is not the way My Jehovah wants this earth to be!!! This is not the way He wants them to be! My Father worked hard and did not rest. He is still working without rest. He thought He would have peace by the end of the day, but He does not have peace. Even now, He doesn’t have peace. He is worried because of His children. There is problem everyday. There is problem everywhere. His work is working against Him. What My Father created by His hand is working against Him. What He created by His hand, because he revealed secret to him, he betrayed My Father. He betrayed Him! Even until today, it gets wider and wider every day. Nobody wants to hear the voice of My Father. Nobody wants to hear Him. Why! All of them go on their own way. This is not the way He wants this earth to be. This is not the way He wants His children to be. My Father wants His children back!!! He needs them! He needs them by the end of the day. What He created by His hand is working against Him. He is working against Him! He is working against Him and there is nothing He can do. How I wish they could listen to the voice of My Father. How I wish they could listen to His voice and know He loves them. They should come back! The way all of them are going is the way of destruction. My Father has laid curses on everything right from the beginning. He has laid His curse and He cannot revoke it because no evil shall befall that place (heaven). In heaven, no evil person is going there. No any dirty person can go to heaven. But all, all the servants, all the chosen ones, all the noble ones, all the kings and queens, My Father has prepared their place for them and told them, ‘as you’re going, this is what you will do and come back’; all of them go on their own way because of the food of this earth. None of them turns back. They think if they do this one, they can come to that place (heaven). They cannot come to that place! They cannot come to that place because if you have little dirtiness in you, you cannot go there. How I wish they could hear the voice of My Father! How I wish they could know that the way they’re going is not the way of My Father. It’s not the way of My Jehovah. He worked! He worked! He worked!

Nobody created Him. Nobody created Jehovah. Nobody created Him. Nobody created Him. He alone is the Father. He is the Father of fathers of fathers. He alone, He alone, and He alone; He does not have an ending. Jehovah does not have an ending. Nobody can describe Him. Nobody can discern Him. Should I say He’s nature. I don’t know how to describe Him. I Myself don’t know where He comes from. Everything started from Him. He is the End of everything. Nobody can describe where He comes from. I will not say He is the nature. If I say nature, He created Himself. Everything comes from Him. Nobody can say about Father. Nobody can describe Jehovah. Nobody! If you think the Father brought you to this earth and gave you power, that ‘as you’re going to the earth, use this power and bring My children back to Me’. If it’s the power of healing, use it the way He asked you to use it. If you think because He gave you power, you want to ride on Him, you want to be equal with the Father, you have destroyed yourself. Nobody can equal with the Father! Because you have the power, which power do you have? Which power do you have? You don’t have any power. You cannot equal with the Father. You cannot equalise yourself even with any of His Angels in heaven, how much more the Father. You do yourself harm. You are going to the place of torment. Why Am I shedding tears? I am shedding tears because the Father worked. He worked, He designed His children and a place for them, so that when they come back, they will enjoy. That place can contain many people. If the whole earth go there at a time, it will contain all of them. However, none of them is going there. It’s only a pinch! If thirty people die today, maybe only five will go to heaven and the five that will go is by partial. All of them are going to hellfire. Do you think you just come to this earth to come and exist? Do you think nobody created you, that you created yourself? Do you think you just come to this earth by accident? Nobody comes to this earth by accident. The Father created everything on this earth. That is where I started My word with you. Nobody created anything apart from Jehovah. He mentioned His name by Himself. He is Jehovah. He is the Great I Am That I Am. He alone is Spirit and He alone is a Human Being. He can turn Himself to whatever He wants to turn Himself to. That is the Father. Nobody created Him. I Myself that’s speaking to you, I am Holy Spirit; I cannot even tell you where He comes from. I cannot tell where He comes from. He is the Almighty God. I cannot tell where He comes from. If any man of God thinks He knows, nobody knows anything. Nobody knows anything! You don’t even know your Father you’re serving. If He’s speaking and you’re hearing from Him, that doesn’t mean you have done it. That doesn’t mean you have done His will. Nobody does the will of the Father! Because that is what He created you to be! Don’t think you’re hearing from Him, He is using you and you’re pleasing Him. You are not pleasing Him! The Father is sorrowful everyday!!! The Father cries everyday because of His children. That place (hellfire), immediately you cross to that place, nobody will bring you back. Nobody will bring you back!

The devil is making caricatures of everything for you, telling you we will give you our crown; your crown is there in heaven but we will give you our crown and our food. The devil is making caricatures of all of them. The devil is using them to play. He drove us from that place, we know everything; He drove us from there and we cannot go back; hence we cannot go back, you too will not go there because you’re a fool; you dance to our ringtone. The devil is playing with them everyday My son!!! How can they know this one? The devil gave them strong heart. He gave them a heart of iron. He will not look back until the last day he escorts you to his kingdom, then he will stay clear. This is the time to take a decision. If the Savour goes there, He will not take you away from there. He only goes there to show people how that place looks like so that they can come back and tell others. Don’t eat the bread that is not your own. An ordinary piece of cake that is not yours, don’t eat it! If anybody gives you, ask him from where he brought it. I don’t want to eat amiss. Ask questions!!! Who can hear My voice! Who will hear this one I’m explaining! Nobody believes! You cannot see God with your eyes. They have tied your heart because of the food you ate. Because of where you come from, the devil sealed your heart because he knows who you are. If the Father sends somebody to you, why can’t you be happy and turn back because you will cry everlasting cry. Don’t think you love the Father, you’re doing the Father harm. You don’t love the Father. Do you think you’re doing the Father’s will? You are hurting the Father. You are hurting the Father because you say no to what He wants from you! You are hurting Him! By the end of the day, He will remove His eyes from you. He will never listen to your cry. Who will hear My voice? Who will hear My language? Who will hear this one I’m speaking? You think you love the Father? You don’t love the Father. You are doing the Father harm. You are hurting My Father. You are hurting My Jehovah. You abandoned the way He chose for you. You are hurting Him. By the end of the day, you will say you love Him. You are praying to Him that you love Him. But you do not go the way He asked you to go. You are hurting My Father. As you’re praying to Him, why can’t you do His will? Why can’t you follow His will so that every nonsense can drop away from your body while you’re still on this earth? You will die! You are hurting My Father!!! You are hurting Him. My son, tell all of them, they’re hurting My Father. You are hurting Him because you’re not doing His will! Understand this is the day. This is the day because you will suffer. The Father is not a partial Father. He has laid the foundation there. He has laid curses on both good and bad. He cannot change His mouth. If He changes His mouth, then He does Himself harm because you will corrupt heaven. You will corrupt heaven! No sinner is coming to heaven. No backbiter is coming to heaven. No gossiper is coming to heaven. No idolater is coming to heaven. No adulterer is coming to heaven. All the manner of things My Father says He doesn’t want, none of them shall go there. In heaven, there is no quarrel there. Everybody loves each other. They sing everyday. The assignment They give to you, that is what you will do. You will not cross your boundary. You cannot cross your boundary to go and gossip. How can they hear My voice? How can they hear My voice? How can they hear what I’m saying? They are hurting My Father! All of them are hurting My Father! He worked; He did not rest. He thought He would rest; even now, He does not rest. He does not rest because you’re His children. Compare Him with an earthly father and mother. If you give birth to children and all of them go on their own way, will you be happy? That is My Father and you. Everyday He’s sorrowful saying ‘look at the children I gave birth to, look how hard I worked for these children, look at the way they’re going, this is not how I want them to be’. As it is with your father on this earth, that is how it is with My Father and you. He cries everyday because of you. They are not doing the will of My Father. None of them is doing the will of My Jehovah. They trust in their own heart. They believe in their own heart. You will die and go to hellfire. You will go to everlasting torment. You will cry and nobody will console you until the Father think what He wants to do with that place (hellfire). After He formed heaven, He went and formed hellfire; He then formed this earth before He went to form underneath the earth. It’s not an easy work. Everything He made in heaven, He called them and they appeared on this earth. He has set all of them, He called them, and they appeared. That is the nature of My Father. If He wants to destroy this earth today, do not think He will call anybody. It’s only by the word of His mouth. As He called this earth to appear, that is how He called this earth to disappear. But He needs you there in heaven, where He lives. He wants you to be there. That is why I said I could not describe how My Father is. I don’t know where He comes from. He Himself is the Father of fathers of fathers. I cannot describe where He comes from.

Everything comes from Him. Everything you see in everywhere is from the Father. Why can’t you have the fear of that kind of person? Why can’t you fear Him? How can you hear from Him when you’re dirty? How can you hear from Him? The Father says you should clean yourself, but you said no. Even those who cleaned themselves and work with the Father go on their own way by the end of the day. Don’t think you love the Father. My son, tell them they do not love the Father. They are hurting the Father. They are hurting My Father. They ignore what He wants them to be. What He gave to them, they add another thing to it. You see visions, that doesn’t mean you’re going to heaven. Why? You are stealing, you’re backbiting, all the dirtiness you do are inside you. Therefore, you cannot go there (heaven). If you know you recognise the gift the Father gave to you, you will remove your hands from stain. If you are a man of God, speak the pure truth. Do not be afraid of anybody. If you die, let them kill you for Jesus. After all, they killed The Son because of you. I am Holy Spirit speaking to you. If they could kill Jesus Christ because of you, why are you afraid of them? If I speak the truth, they will kill me; if I speak the truth, they will kill me. Don’t you know you do yourself harm? You do yourself harm. Every work you do, you do it in vain. He that chose you is able to carry you through. He is able to save you. Have you not read it in the Word? Have you not read about those the Father stood and fought for? Father can fight because of you. He could machete everybody because of you. You will see those who are fighting with you but you will not see those who are fighting for you. You will only see that you’re defeating those who are fighting with you. The Father will bring His army from heaven and fight for you. You will defeat them and wonder how you manage to defeat them. It’s the Father. He is watching you everyday. Go to Him in prayers and He will answer you. He will answer you. Why are you killing yourself? Why are you doing yourself harm? Do not think you’re in the way of the Father. You are not in the way of the Father. You are on your own way. Purge yourself! The house you built, you built it on corruption. Is it not inside the house you’re living? What is your gain? You built your house on corruption and you’re living in it; you come out to preach to people. What are you preaching? The devil will look at you, look at your back and see the house you’re living. He will come there to torment you. You built the house on corruption. You are preaching on the pulpit, you ate before you come. The food you ate is food of corruption. The money they gave you came from corruption. What are you preaching? The devil will slap you. That is why they defeat all the Christians everywhere and they will defeat them the more. Why? Because they’re far away from the Father. Evil will befall you. They will take away all your food and you will not eat. You will not eat anything and there is nothing the Father can do until you come back to the Father. Until you come back to the Father, until you come back home! You are outside, you are not inside. You are outside and that is why you will go to hellfire. Don’t think you’re working for the Father. The Father is a merciful Father, yes. He is a merciful Father because of Jesus Christ. Apart from that, you are doing yourself harm. A merciful Father, when you cry to Him, because of Jesus, He will sustain you so that you can change immediately. Immediately that trumpet sounds, He is no more a merciful Father. Tell them!!! Now that you’re here on this earth, the Father will pardon you all the sin you committed through His Son. Immediately the trumpet of that day sounds, He is no longer a merciful Father. Tell them now!!! Immediately you die, the Father is no longer a merciful Father! As you’re here on this earth, He’s a merciful Father for you because of Jesus Christ. Immediately you die, He’s no longer a merciful Father!!! You will burn in everlasting fire!!! If you think ‘oh, Daddy, thank You, You are with me, I’m doing wrong and You’re blessing me’; if you think that is how it is, you will go to hellfire. Search yourself now!!! Search yourself now because you will go to the tormenting place. Because when the Father comes, many things will happen, and when you die, don’t think you’re going to heaven; you’re going to hellfire. Don’t say nobody told you. I am speaking now, My son, you have to tell them now. You have to tell them now they should put themselves in order. Tell them now! He!!! Tell them now!!! Tell them now. Tell them now. Tell them now because the devil has blocked their ears. While you’re here on this earth, the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are merciful to you. Immediately you die, as your body still lies on the ground, They are no longer merciful. You are seeking for the food of this earth; They are seeking for your heart, seeking for your soul, so that your soul can be with Them there. As your body lies on the ground here, your spirit will go there. They will beautify you. If there is any defect in you, you will have no defect any longer. They will take care of you. You are Saint there. Over there, everybody is a Saint. There is no any flesh there.

While you’re here, do not condemn any man of God that speak to you saying ‘thus says the Father’. If you do it, They will use it against you. You cannot see the Father. The Father comes from His throne of grace to use His children to speak to you, but you condemn them. You commit a sin. The Father will purposely put you in a place where the fire will burn you everyday. He will never give you any chance because you close your ears to the voice of the Father. Can you see the Father? You cannot see the Father. When you purge yourself, you will only hear His voice with your ears because His Spirit is inside you. He will only communicate with you in the Spirit. But every spirit of idolatry, the spirit of fornication, the spirit of adultery, the spirit of lie, the spirit of drunkard, everything is inside you. How can you hear from the Father? But you say you want to hear from your Father. You are biting more than you can chew. Tell them! Send the message to them that because you gather crowds of people together every Sunday does not mean you’re going there (heaven) by the end of the day. The Father is using this one to sing. He is not afraid of anybody. If you think because you have many churches everywhere and miracle is taking place that you’re going there, no. Everybody you gather together are not going there as well. Why? Because you fail to tell them the truth! Inside your church, people marry themselves, they’re playing love. Inside your church! Inside the church of God! Now is no more the church of God, it’s your church. If you are a Kumuyi, it’s the church of Kumuyi! If you are a Joshua, it’s the church of Joshua! It is not the church of My Father! I know what I am saying! Because in your church, they’re sleeping with each other. Why then do you gather them together? Tell them to go back to their house. They are not serving the Father, they’re wasting their time. They are sleeping with each other in the church. They are playing harlotry in the church. It’s not the church of Father. It’s not the church of Jesus. It’s not the church of the Holy Spirit. It’s the church of that person that founded it. Tell them!!! When you tell them, We will know that you’re telling them. Do not preach about merry-merry of this earth. Preach about holiness. Preach about the judgement of the Father! If you are part of all these ones! If you, the pastor, are not doing it and you fail to preach it, you’re going to hellfire. If the pastor is not doing all these ones, but fails to preach it, because you do not tell them, you’re going to hellfire. Why do They choose you? Why are you a servant of God? Are you afraid of them!! You will burn in the fire. You will go to hellfire. You will burn in the fire and nobody will have mercy on you. Yes, the Father, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit are merciful while you’re here on earth. When you confess your sins openly and you forsake them, They will wash and cleanse you. The devil will run away. As you say you will cover it, it will work against you. You are going to hellfire. You are going to hellfire and nothing anybody can do because you will die. You will die. You will die. You are working for yourself. You are pastoring yourself. You are the god of your congregation, it’s not My Father, it’s not My Jehovah, it’s not Jesus Christ that died because of you. You are their god. You are the one they’re serving. They will use it against you.

If you are a man of God, you’re doing 419, you’re doing many things and cover it up, and some of your members know, you’re saying how can I preach it. Preach it out! Tell them yes, you were once 419, you were once sleeping with some members of the church, tell them your Father disgraced you. Say it out. Tell them they should not do it. If I mistakenly sleep with you, I’m sorry; I’m sorry, my Father is hurting me. Tell them!!! Because you do it and you cannot preach it, the devil will use it against you. Hold the microphone in your hand and tell them. If any of you is here that I mistakenly slept with, I’m sorry and if anyone of you is doing it, my Father says you should stop it, it’s not good. Tell them. If you know you’re here, come out; I’m a pastor and I’m saying it out now; if you know you’re here doing the same thing, come out. Make an altar call!!! Make an altar call!!! My son, they should make an altar call. They should make altar call stage by stage. They should make an altar call of sleeping around with men or women. They should make an altar call of gossiping. They should make an altar call of 419. They should make an altar call of witchcraft. None of them will remain. If you make all these altar calls, one person will come out five times because if the devil gives you one, he will give you another. If you are into witchcraft, what do witches do? To destroy! Where is gossip? They will do it. Where are adultery and fornication? They will do it. Where is stealing? They will do it. Only one person will come out in all altar calls. But you say you’re a chorister in the church. That is why I say they’re hurting My Father. How are they hurting Him? They will be praying ‘Father, Father, I love you’. He is not your Father because you’re hurting Him!!! Make restitution now! If you’re a man of God, you’re hearing My voice, come out now and confess openly. There is nothing like shame. When you die, you’re going to hellfire. If you are a man of God and you’re ashamed, go and meet another man of God and confess. As you’re telling that person, you’re telling My Father. And that person will pray for you. He will place you on fasting and prayer. That is why I say they’re hurting My Father. The work My Father did is not a day’s job. That was why when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, He could not destroy them because He has done all the whole work. He has done everything from heaven to this earth. He has set everything, and He could not destroy them. It wasn’t a little matter. That was the reason the Father destroyed the earth in the time of Noah. This was the reason He brought His Son. This was the reason He brought His Son to this earth because of you, for you to learn. Yet, yet, you claim you’re inside the Father and you’re hurting the Father. You gather people together, you won many souls, all your work is in vain. Why? You look at your congregation and say ‘thank You Father’. All of them are chaff! Tell them they are chaff! You are only saying ‘Father, I thank You’, there is nothing there. All of them are chaff. All of them are dead. That is why those people are defeating all of them, killing them. They know more than you. They know the Father has made a covenant with you. But they know you shouldn’t do what you’re doing. That is why their hands will be on you. They know more than you. You cannot adjust the word of the Father for your own purpose. You cannot contain the Father; it’s the Father that will contain you. Even after your death, He will still contain you until the end. You cannot contain the Father. Oh Father, yesterday I drank, have mercy on me. No! That thing that you did, the record is there and you’re going to hellfire. You cannot contain the Father. Oh Father, I am sorry, I slept with a woman yesterday, but they know me as Pope, they know me as Saint here, Father have mercy. No! You are going to hellfire. Yesterday, I converted people’s property to mine, Father have mercy. You cannot change the Father. You cannot mend the Law of the Father to your own taste. You are a liar. That was why the Father said about this Word (The Bible) that no one should minus from it and no one should add to it.

All of you that are hearing My voice should run away from sin. Always confess your sin everyday. Do not keep quiet. Say it out and let the devil know what you have done, that you have confessed it out. Death can take place at any time, so that when you die, the Father can crown you. Do not think anything negative inside you. Let your inside be holy everyday. Do not plan evil against anybody. Do not say any negative word to anybody. The Father is the only Judge. Leave every battle for the Father. Do not be bitter because of any of your close relative. Do not let anything move you. Do not think any negative thing about anybody. If you do it, the devil will come and attack you. The judgement is for the Father. If you look at yourself and think back to when you were born, you can see that your face is different because of your age. As old as each person is, that is how old the demon attached to each person’s life. This is why it is good to teach a child the fear of the Lord at his early age. If he has that fear, he will never depart from it. Show him the way of the Father. But when a child grows up in idolatry home, he ate a lot of evil food, they’ve sown a lot of seed into his body, there is nothing anybody can do. It’s like a tree that was planted many years ago, that grows to have many branches and the root goes deep down into the ground. How do you think you can uproot it? It’s very hard, unless you use caterpillar to uproot it. But We are talking of human being now. They have sown evil seed into the lives of many of My children. Whatever they do, they are wise in their own eyes. It’s not them, it’s the demon assigned to them. They will get angry to the extent of destroying somebody. That is the demon assigned to them. They are living borrowed life. They cannot live the life the Father wants them to live. Until they switch fully to the Father, that is when they can live the life of the Father. It’s that demon that controls them; he teaches them what to do. The life of destruction, the life of ‘I don’t care’, that is the life they’re living. But if they switch to the side of the Father, that is when they can live the life of the Father. I am just telling you what is going on everywhere. That is why you see a higher man of God, when they die, they go to hellfire. That thing! That thing! That was the beginning of My cry that the work My Father worked, he betrayed Him. He betrayed My Father. Supposing the Father did not show them, they couldn’t have known. He showed them so they could know how to move far from it. He showed them because He thought they were good children. They worked hard with the Father, that was why He showed them. I am the One that’s speaking. I am the Holy Spirit. The Father showed them so they would not go amiss. And that thing is very powerful. The matter of this earth is not a joking matter. My son, in this journey, whatever you see, manage it. Do not say ‘Father, I don’t want to do again’. That is the work. They know they cannot go to heaven, that is why they’re doing everything they’re doing. They cannot come close to that place. Jesus Christ uses them as an example every day. He will take children from here to show them that place (hellfire). He makes a public show of them every time. It’s paining them!!! They cannot go to heaven. It’s paining them. Therefore, as you’re hearing My voice this morning, hold on to the Father that created you. Hold on to Jesus Christ that died because of you. He will be with you. No evil shall befall you. He will fight for you. Open your mouth and speak to Him every day. He will put everything in order for you. On this earth, you will not suffer. Look unto Jesus Christ. Look at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. He came in the form of man; He suffered everything because of you. He is the Finisher of your faith. Shed your tears for Jesus. Cry because of Jesus. Cry to Him every day. Let tears flow from your eyes because of Jesus. It’s not an easy matter. As you’re crying to Jesus, you’re crying to yourself so that He can rescue you. Do not cry because of the things of this earth. Cry to Jesus and remind Him of His suffering because of you. Tell Him He should not leave you alone. Forsake every evil. Forsake everything that concerns evil. This earth is not your place. The food you eat is your own. Do not follow the crowd. All of them are workers of iniquity.

If you’re crying for money, the devil will look at you and bring you money. You will not reach where you suppose to reach. If you are faithful to your Father, the devil will take the entire congregation away; nobody will come to the church so that you can come and seek for power from him, so that you can come and bow down to him. Oh Father, you’re the One that chose me, Father. Father is looking at you. Many of them did not even pray more than two times. What did they do? They went to seek for a solution. That one too would say ‘yes, come to us, we will give you power’. Then you will later justify your action by saying ‘is the Father not there when all my congregation left’. If it is only one person, preach to him. The people you’re hearing their names today, where are their churches? Where are their churches? You are hearing their names today. Where are their churches? Where are their churches!! What the Father said you should not bow down to, that is what you’re bowing down to. Not only you bowed down to him, you even invited him into your life. What do you think will happen to you? You are progressing in an idolatrous way. Do you think you’re going to heaven? Do you think heaven will contain you? It is what you want they give to you because you don’t have members in your church. Are you working for the Father? If you don’t even have any member, if you don’t even hire any hall, when the day breaks, take your Bible and your microphone, go and stand in the junction, go and stand in the market, somebody will hear your voice and change. Somebody will hear your voice and you have done the work. Is it compulsory for you to hire a hall? If you hire the hall, the devil will afflict people away and they will not come to you. You cannot pay for the hall. My son, tell them! Is it compulsory for you to hire a hall? The devil will afflict them and none will come to the hall. Because all of them are committing sin, he will tell them ‘you know you’re for us, come to us, don’t go there’. You will stand in the hall with your wife and nobody will come. You will then go and visit your co-pastor ‘how are you doing it’. He will tell you ‘come, let me show you, God understands’. Which God understands? They will now show you what to do. What do you think will happen to the church? The devil is the pillar of the church! You hire that hall and do lots of things to it. All the children of the Father that are coming there, what do you think will happen to them. You sow evil seed into their lives. Problems will come. Why? Because he (Satan) is the king of that place, because you went and called him, and he will afflict all the children of the Father as they come to your church because all of them have sinned. What are you going to preach? There inside the church, any confusion can take place. After all, the devil is the foundation of that place. What do you think he will do? All those things you used to promote him, he will cause confusion. That is why they can steal, lie, and commit fornication inside the church. He can even turn it into a market. As the pastor is preaching, some of them will be advertising their products. Their mind is not in what the pastor is preaching, their mind is in what they want to sell. But you say you’re inside the church. Whoever owes me money should bring my money! Inside the church! What do you think they’re doing? Are they serving the Father? After the church service, ask them the theme of today’s message, they cannot tell you. Why? Because you’re thinking how to sell your products. You were thinking how to close from the church to go and sleep in your boyfriend’s house. That is the beginning of My word. My son, tell all the pastors that their church is not the church of My Father. Why? Because the devil is the king of their church! If they want their church to be the church of My Father, they should make an altar call. They should make an altar call! Let him (the pastor) use himself as an example. Once I was a sinner; confess all the money you ate, all the sins you committed. If you know you’re here, you married and nobody joined you together, come out. You built your house on corruption, come out, or else the devil will use it against you. You started as boyfriend and girlfriend and went on producing children. What kind of children do you think you’re producing? When your child grows, he or she may see somebody’s wedding picture and ask you about your own. What will you tell that child? What kind of seed do you think you have sown into that child’s life? But you say you’re inside the church! When you die, everything you do will be used against you. It doesn’t mean you should hire a hall before you marry. Do it in a simple way. If you don’t have anybody, go and meet your pastor. Who gave this woman to this man? The pastor will answer, it’s him. They will bless both of you together. That is it. The devil will not use anything against you. If you don’t do one, you will do the other. If you don’t commit one sin, you will commit another. I give you peace.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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