Judgement Upon The Earth

The Holy Spirit and the Father speak

(Saturday 10th August 2024, 10:30)

The Holy Spirit speaks

Human beings come to this Earth from different planets, but nobody comes from Heaven anyhow. Nobody comes down from Heaven unless Almighty God gives permission. Satan can open the door for children to come down from all other planets. Women will give birth to crickets. They will give birth to serpents. They will give birth to scorpions and all manner of animals as human beings. But no children can come from Heaven to this Earth without the permission of My Father. Heaven is restricted to everybody. Heaven is a special place. Jesus Christ is the Key to Heaven. Nobody can go there anyhow. Almighty God was the One that operated it before. When My Jesus came down to this Earth and met all that Almighty God required of Him, He passed. And He gave Him the key to Heaven. He said nobody will come to Heaven anymore unless You permit Him. Jesus Christ will open the door for anyone who meets the need of Heaven. If you meet the requirements on this Earth, He will have mercy upon you and save you. He will guide and guard you. He will make a way for you where there is no way. He will beautify you. He will favour you. He will shield and shelter you. He will introduce you to all men. Nobody will speak evil about you. Even if they speak, they cannot raise their hands to do you any evil because He is your Protector. He will crush down anyone that wants to touch you. He is the Head of the heavenly army. I Am the Holy Spirit. I Am the One speaking. I Am the Great Seer. I Am the Revealer of mysteries. My origin is of old.

You can be nothing on this Earth if My Father doesn't permit you. You may change the colour of your skin, but you can't change the colour of your Spirit. If you change the colour of your skin, your Spirit remains as he is. You're not the one that created yourself. Almighty God is the One who created you. He is the only Creator, nobody else. No matter how much property and wealth you acquired on this Earth, nothing goes with you to Heaven if you die. The only thing Heaven needs from you is the holiness of God. That is the race. That is the journey. While you're on this Earth, you will eat and be satisfied. You will wallow in goodness and praise the name of the Father. The hands of evil will never touch you. Nobody will know the secret of your life. You will not suffer any illness. If people throw all manner of arrows at you, they will never reach you because I will shield you. If they poison your food so you can die, nothing will happen to you. They will ask themselves questions about how you do it. This is My power that connects to Jesus Christ. We will feed you with manna from Heaven. We will sanctify your soul and body. Nobody will harm you. Even if anybody has the spirit of witchcraft from birth, she cannot harm you because We will shield you. O, I was born with this witchcraft; how come I cannot hurt him? We are the Great Witchcraft. Who knows how to do evil? You cannot be proud of your witchcraft where We are. We are the beginning of it. If you have evil, who gave it to you? If you're proud of your evil, who gave it to you? Almighty God never uses any evil. As a human being, if you have it, it will destroy you. It will send you to a place you don't expect. If you have it, you will suffer on this Earth. That is the assurance. The Earth belongs to My Father and everything in it. I Am the One speaking.

Those who know how to travel to space and study the handwork of My Father—yes, He gave them permission to do whatever they want. If they cross their boundary, they will die. You can go wherever you want to go. You can possess evil power so you can travel to the spiritual realm while you sit inside your house. While sitting inside your house, you can travel from America to China. You can connect with the kings of this Earth. My son, I Am telling you what human beings like you do on this Earth. They will sit down inside their house and travel to another country. All of you are using mobile phones. You don't even know how they work. You don't even ask yourself which power the phone possesses. It's witchcraft! Your people who do all this evil have spiritual phones to connect to whoever they want to communicate with. They are different grades of evil people. How can this Earth see peace? The Earth can never see peace. There is no peace on this Earth until Almighty God Himself, the Owner, comes down and uses His key.

If you're inside your ship and it's leaking, you know where you'll block. If water enters your canoe, you'll look and block the hole through which the water passes. Only Almighty God can block it. However, He cannot block it while your body is full of sin. Unless you purge yourself and allow the boat of Almighty God to work with your body, that is the only way for you. My Father will never change His word. Any word that comes out of His mouth will never return to Him. If He blocks the leakage, what about the demons inside your body? What will He do with them? They will kill you! You should empty your body and let the demons fly away from you so that if Almighty God blocks the leakage, He knows how to settle all those powers. But for you to reserve them in your body and cage them in you, they will kill you. Almighty God is never a confusion Father. He can never confuse you. It's a perfect thing when you give your life to Jesus Christ. If My servant makes an altar call and you come out and give your life to Jesus Christ, the best thing for you to do is to open your mouth and allow all those birds to fly away because the Owner of your body wants to take full control. Almighty God wants to take full control of your body. Open your mouth and confess them all so that the peace of God can rest with you. That is the essence of Christianity. You don't follow those who do evil to do evil. You don't join the carriers of fake news. Everything you do is about holiness. Let whatever you do favour somebody else. This is the essence of life.

If you dress well and no demon attaches to your body, you dress to give glory to your Father. Even if you buy cheap material and sow the cloth beautifully, you'll begin to bless your Father because there is no demon in you. If your inward part doesn't give you peace, you can never look beautiful on the outside. Whatever you wear, if you don't wear it to bring anyone down, then there is no cause for alarm. Don't let your dressing fall anybody. Don't destroy another person with whatever you do. Heaven is watching all of you. You shouldn't buy anything from somebody without paying. How can you say you're beautiful when another person is crying on your account? You incur sorrow to your life. You incur pain to yourself because that person will utter evil words against you, and there's nothing Almighty God can do.

Who has the power to fight Spirit to spirit? Only Jesus Christ. Doctors only try their best. Jesus Christ is the only One who can heal you both physically and spiritually. If He removes the demon from you, He will not transfer it to any member of your family. He will not remove the demon from one and transfer it to another. Why can't you strive to do the will of My Father? The will of My Father is the will of Jesus Christ and Me. We speak the same word. If demons are wrestling with your blessings inside your body, you cannot possess your possession. All of you always follow the voice of liars because somebody has blocked your ears. Jesus Christ has the power to visit you and speak to you. He can appear to you as a man physically because Almighty God has given Him the power. It's not hard for Him to change Himself to the form of man. He can even live with you as a visitor for some days. But if your heart is hard, you will never listen to whatever He tells you. Almighty God and His kingdom are not tired of this Earth. But all of you are tired of your Father. How long will you live on this Earth when you're tired of your Father? If you're too old, you'll live one hundred years. You will go to the place you didn't plan for. Why can't you work with Me? Why can't you work with Jesus Christ? Why can't you work with Almighty God so He can take your Spirit whenever your body falls to the ground? How long will you live on this Earth? Will you live forever? The little years We gave you to live, why can't you listen to the word of the Spirit? Nobody can add to the word of God, and nobody can minus from it.

Almighty God gave all of you wisdom to translate His word into every language. Even if you don't go to any church, if you carry your Bible and read it, you will see the truth inside. Any patttern of life you live today, people lived such a life before. How was their end? If you're treading on a particular road and you read that human beings like you trod on such road before and wasted on it, why are you still walking on that road? Why can't you turn back? Why can't you live good life for your children? You cannot stop death! A man can kill you. Spirit can kill you. You can kill yourself. The demons inside you can kill you. Nothing concerns Almighty God. You shouldn't ask Him why He created the Earth. My son, all of them are asking why Almighty God created the Earth. Why do people die? Why did He create good and evil? For you to be a human being on this Earth, don't you love yourself? If you stand in front of the mirror, you'll look at yourself and be happy. If you prepare food that you love, you will be happy. Is that not enough for you to thank My Father? Is that not enough for you to thank Almighty God? He also prepared a better place for you whenever you leave this Earth. That's why He made this Earth as a centre. This Earth is a centre! All of you are foolish. Every year, you're celebrating your dead heroes. You're celebrating your dead soldiers. Have you asked them questions about where they are? Where are the people you're celebrating? All of you are foolish and stupid. Useless people!

Almighty God created people and sent them to this Earth to make it yield its increase. You confused them and sent them to war. They fought and lost their lives. They didn't enjoy anything. They didn't enjoy their wives and children. You didn't know that if you fight unlawfully, They will judge you whenever you die. They will judge you spiritually. Almighty God has returned many of them to this Earth to live. But you still visit their graves every year and lay stupid flowers. You're blowing stupid trumpets and shooting useless guns. I Am speaking of Britain now. Useless people!!! You're calling them your heroes. All of you are foolish! Did you ask yourself whether the fight you fought was a good fight or not? You don't know that all the blood you shed will still come back to you? Did you pray to Almighty God to atone for all the blood of your heroes who died? O, Father, we fought evil and dirty fight; we don't want this anymore. You're not bothered! Every day by day, you provoke Almighty God to anger. You provoke Him by saying there is no God. Tell Me how you will see peace. All of you will never see peace. I Am the Holy Spirit. I Am the One speaking! There is no peace for the wicked ones.

There is no doubt about it. Almighty God created black and white and made white the head because of the way He created them. He also gave them wisdom. You cannot be the head and don't have the wisdom to lead. He didn't create you so that the colour of your skin can cause trouble. All of you don't know anything! He loves all of you. All of you have the same organs. You breathe the same air. You share the same blood. He only differentiates you by the colour of your skin. Why should your colour cause trouble? If your wisdom is working well, why can't you know that all of you came from the same source? Why can't you work together so the Earth can yield its increase? Why can't you do what will make the Earth have peace? If you like, you can fight from here to the end; nothing concerns Almighty God. Almighty God remains who He is. You are the one who will suffer. You will suffer your Spirit and soul. The only thing that pains My Father is the innocent souls, the innocent children He brought to this Earth. Almighty God loves the Earth. He wouldn't have brought it into existence if He didn't love the Earth. He loves what's good. He loves it if you're progressing and blossoming. Even those who live in Heaven, Almighty God is happy as they're there. Everybody lives well in Heaven. Only on this Earth you have different clans. Heaven isn't like that. Though there are many cities in Heaven, everybody lives happily together. This Earth is a learning place. Those who remain faithful to the Father will go to Heaven whenever they die. If your Spirit is not free, you cannot go to Heaven. If you ask those who have visited Heaven before, they will tell you the beauty of that place.

On this Earth, Almighty God created different categories of people. Whenever you go to Heaven, you'll fall into the category you belong to. Some of you may be elders when you get there. It depends on your qualifications. If you're in Heaven and eating, where does the food come from? The Father have those who cook the food. You will neither see stoves nor pots, but you're eating. When Almighty God rained down manna from Heaven to this Earth, who cooked it? That means they cook in Heaven. But you will never see any mess anywhere. All of you are foolish. You only suffer on this Earth. Why can't you work for your rainy day? It is very painful because Pastors don't know what Almighty God gave to them. That's why they're chasing nonsense on this Earth. If they see the end of their journey, they will not gather sand, woods, irons, and all manner of nonsense together. If Almighty God tells the spirit of the ground to open his mouth and swallow everything they've acquired, he will swallow them. Did you work for everything you gathered? You turned the children of God into your slaves. You will set fire to their hearts. You're telling them they will go to Hellfire if they don't give you the little money they have. I Am the Holy Spirit. I Am the One speaking. I Am a respecter of nobody. They will give you what they have because they're afraid of you. Tell Me how you will make Heaven! You cannot make Heaven. You're cajoling the children of the Father because you're eloquent. You will stand on the pulpit blowing stupid grammar. Even the children you're preaching to don't even understand what you're saying. Your preaching means nothing to them. You will gather My children together inside the church just for the sake of entertainment. Is that why Jesus Christ died? Is that why He shed His blood? Heaven has rejected all of you already!!! To Hellfire you shall go!!!

You're not just a Pastor. You're a peacemaker. The Spirit of God is inside you to speak the truth. From your house to the church and every family in your care, open your mouth and speak the holiness of God. Hit the nail on the head. Tell that man, that woman, that boy, that girl that the road they're treading will end in destruction. As you speak it, their hearts will melt. But you're a wicked man, eating where you did not sow. You're lying, taking money from people. Some of you will tell your wife you're going to work. But you'll sneak and sleep with women. You're committing sin! That sin will destroy all your blessings. Pastors are sleeping with women inside the church. You will destroy the lives of young girls. You have picked up the same life you lived before you gave your life to Jesus Christ. Many of you have wives and children in the corner, and none of your congregation knows. Pastors' wives are sleeping around. They have their own evil circus inside the church. All of you have no fear of Heaven. Heaven has rejected you already!!!

You have shown the unmarried girls the way of dirtiness. All of them have defiled themselves. That's why it's very hard for all those girls to see their husbands. Sin has gone before them! They have sold their blessings to demons. If you like, you can push up your breasts to reach your mouth. You're only wasting your time. That man looks at you like a demon because demons have gone before you. You have defiled yourself. Your motive isn't to be a helper to your husband. Your motive isn't to intercede for your husband. Your motive isn't for peace to reign in your marriage. You want to build a house; you want to buy a car; you want to build a mansion; you want your body to turn into a white woman's body so that people will turn whenever they see you. Which people? Is your husband people? Almighty God created one man for one woman. If you speak to me anyhow, there are many men outside. Whenever I'm going to the market, many men look at me. That means your mind isn't in the marriage. You marry many men. Tell Me how you will find a husband. You only go there and display yourself to them. O, come and buy me! Will it last? It will never last. You who know how to keep your body, you who have the fear of God, wait for Him, and He'll connect you to the right person. If you're looking for a husband or wife and feel you're getting old, wait for Him, and He'll bring it to pass. There is a time for everybody on this Earth. There is a time to marry; there is a time to produce children. He had already programmed your life.

All of you don't know how Almighty God created the Earth. You shouldn't run ahead of your coach. You shouldn't run ahead of the one teaching you to run. Almighty God physically brought His Son to this Earth because you lack many things. The time of Moses has passed. In the time of Moses, they were still in darkness. My Father said He would bring Somebody with physical and spiritual power whom they could fear. Hence, Moses was part of them; they would never respect him. Though Moses was spiritual, many things happened to him because of how he was brought up. My Father now brought Jesus Christ through a virgin. If husband and wife come together sexually, the man carries 60-70 percent. The woman only carries 30-40 percent. That's why Almighty God made the man to be the head. As a woman, no matter how My Father blessed you, you must still give your husband respect. You're a helper to your husband. And the man must love the woman.

Almighty God gave the man everything to care for his wife and children. Sometimes, the man can suffer a setback because of the sins of his generation. Almighty God will now bless him through the wife he married. Sometimes, Satan will also enter the heart of the woman through pride. She'll begin to maltreat the man. And before you know it, the peace of the family will then turn into sorrow. If you genuinely gave your life to Jesus Christ, whether man or woman, nothing of this Earth should separate both of you. You're only husband and wife on this Earth. Whenever you die, if both of you pass, you may never see each other again. Both of you may live in different cities in Heaven. Even if you see each other, you may remember that you've seen each other somewhere before, but you'll never remember that you were once husband and wife. You cannot introduce yourselves that you knew each other in Nigeria before. All of you will become saints in Heaven. If both of you live in peace and harmony on this Earth, you will also impart it to your children. If wolves are outside, they will never harm your children because you taught them My ways. Mine is just to guide and protect them. No matter how evil people try their power, they will never penetrate because you taught them the ways of God. That's why Almighty God is never afraid when Adam and Eve sinned. He knew evil was there right from the beginning, but if parents teach their children the ways of holiness, they will live in peace. But all of you have chosen the ways of wickedness and evil. You also taught your children the same thing. That's why the wrath of My Father will fall on all of you. All of you haven't seen anything yet. Your eyes will see what you've never seen before. The whole Earth will scatter. Many of you will not live to tell the story because you will die. 

The Father speaks

I chose you as My servant to preach holiness to My children. If you preach holiness, fear will enter the heart of the entire congregation. They will not do what they're not supposed to do. They will live in My fear. But whenever you climb the pulpit, you'll begin to preach about money. O, I greeted my Pastor this morning, but he didn't answer me because I have no money to give; I know Br Bernard and his wife are evil; they dupe people to make money; my Pastor put them in a prominent seat in the church; I will do mine so that my Pastor can put me on a prominent seat as well. Is that the fear of God? Everyday, you'll open your mouth and praise Almighty God your Father. Yes, even demons know that I Am Almighty God. No matter how they operate, they never take My glory. They respect Me. They know that I Am Jehovah God Almighty. Do you think the people will believe you're serving your Father because you're praising Him? Open your mouth and tell them the evil they do in their closets! Tell them!!! I Am the Almighty God. You can tell of My attributes. That doesn't change Me. I Am speaking about the word inside your belly that you teach My children. It's not about My name. You can praise Me everywhere. Anybody can praise Me. Even if you don't praise Me, I will praise Myself. What lives inside you? Are you the one who created Me? I Am concerned about My children you gather together. What are you telling them? What are you teaching them? Which life do they live? Are they a source of peace to their marriage? Are they a source of peace to their generation? Are they a source of peace to their society? Are they a source of peace to the company where they work? Who are they? Do they have My fear?

You're My servant. I chose you as a prominent young man to do My work, but you went and sold your soul to demons. You established churches all over the world, and your fame has reached the end of the Earth. They told you that one of your churches burnt down, and you said, you know, that the enemies did it. How did you know? Who are the enemies? You are stupid and useless! I know it would burn; it's the work of the enemies. Which enemies? Does My blessing add sorrow? Where you went and sold your soul to demons, they told you anything could happen in some of your churches because that's part of the covenant you entered with demons. They told you that on this Earth, nothing can stop you from doing the work of God because your fame will cover everywhere. They assured you nothing will happen to you, but you should accept whatever happens to any of your churches. That is part of the covenant. Everybody respects you. If all these people can come to Heaven, won't I be happy? Won't this Earth yield its increase? Through only you alone, peace will reign in the land of Nigeria. But your time is coming! Your time is coming, and very soon. At that time, it will be too late. You entered a covenant of evil because of what you wanted. My son, I know you know who I'm talking about. I only use him as an example because many of them fall into this category. They have sold their souls to demons. The demons captured their congregation and turned them into their slaves.

I Am the Almighty God. I Am not a blind Father. I see the evil all of you Pastors do. Can you hide from Me? You cannot hide from Me. If I didn't remove the veil that covers all of you, if I seal the mouth of My children so they won't speak because I don't want My church to scatter, but all of you think you can get away with everything you're doing. Some of you say, well, the Father will compensate us because we established many churches for Him; He will look at our works and compensate us. How will I compensate you? The damage you caused on the ground is greater than the work you did! All your congregations are on their way to Hellfire. How can I compensate you when I cannot call any of your congregations My own? All of them are sinners! I Am the Almighty God. I will surely pay you back. You, your children and their generation will suffer the consequences of your evil. My son, tell them! They can hide themselves from people. They cannot hide from Me because I Am Omniscient. I see everything that is done in the dark. I told all of you that sin makes the ground to be barren. I Am a true Father. If you know how I take My children, none of you will dip your hands into evil. I worked tirelessly to keep My children on this Earth. This was the same thing I did with Israel so that the coming generations could come and live in peace. Right now, their holiness is zero. Their holiness is finished because blood has overpowered the holiness of the land. The only thing demons cannot take away is the fact that I touched the ground with My feet. My attributes and what I did in the land still give a remnant peace. But talking of the land itself, zero. They have defiled the land.

Does Satan have power or not? You human beings make My power to work through holiness. If you don't put it into practice, it will never work. If you hear My word and do accordingly, I will bring out My power. As My servant, as you speak by faith, I will never disappoint you. I will bring out My power, and testimonies will fill everywhere. This is how I do My work. It is an abomination for you to go to demons and acquire powers from them. What do you think they'll do to My children through you? I Am the Almighty God. My ears are very big. I hear every word you speak. I will never let you down if you do My will. As you read your Bible and preach My word, as you speak by faith, you'll see power in action. Healings and miracles will fill everywhere. This is how I do My work. If the authority of Heaven is in your mouth, My power will bear witness to every word you speak. I will never disappoint you. Whatever I want you to do, you will release it to My children. Testimonies will fill everywhere. If My power comes down, many of them will vomit whatever they have swallowed. Live; they can vomit reptiles through their mouth. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Owner of powers. The Pastor will neither give them anything to drink nor swallow. My power will expel every demon out of their body. All of you Pastors, where are you today?

As a man of God, after several years together with your wife, you then divorced. Nobody bothered to ask why Pastor divorced his wife. Both of you live together in the same house. She knows the kind of a man you are. As a Christian, even if you're not a Pastor but an ordinary churchgoer, the blood of Jesus Christ holds both of you together. The truth in holiness will set you free. Both of you will run the same race, the race of Heaven. You will never divorce. If you're working with Me, and your ways are clean, even if children and money don't come, you will continue to hold on to Me. The more you pray to Me, the more I will reveal the root of your problem to you. If you need to make a restitution, I will reveal it to you. If your case is very tough, after your confession and restitution, I will connect somebody else to bless you. You may never have children again. If I release them to you, they will suffer because you've committed too many sins. They will suffer part of your sins. You can adopt children and live in peace and harmony with your wife. After your death, demons will not see anybody to transfer your sins to. If I give you children and you die, they may not have the same faith as you. The demons will come back to them. Why are all of you seeking a solution where there's no solution? The only way that child can have peace is if I bring him down from Heaven as I did to Abraham. Was it easy? I will not bring that child from your generation. I will bring him down from Heaven so he can possess his possession. Isaac didn't come from the generation of Abraham. He came down from Heaven. Yet, who carried his pregnancy? Many of you today live by grace and mercy. You also used your hands and destroyed grace and mercy by opening the door of evil to yourselves.

The only thing that can carry you everyday is prayers. As you pray everyday, you eradicate evil from your life so that the Spirit of Heaven can control you until the end. When Jesus Christ was on this Earth, the spirits of evil visited Him because He was born through flesh. That's why He prayed twenty-four-seven so Heaven can carry Him until He departs the Earth. While He was on this Earth, evil visited Him everyday. I prepared Him as a Lamb to the Earth. I prepared Him as an Offering to the Earth. I prepared His blood to appease the Earth. That's why He came. Anybody, any religion that doesn't accept Jesus Christ only wastes their time. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Creator. The avenger of evil will always speak to their heart in request of blood. I don't hate anybody. But without the blood of Jesus Christ, the avenger of evil will always ring a bell in their heart to do evil because nobody atoned for their sins. Only the blood of Jesus Christ brings forgiveness. They pray twenty-four-seven without forgiveness. That's why Satan can easily use them everywhere. They're zealous for Me; they want to do My will. But anyone whose blood of Jesus Christ didn't settle the sins of his generation wastes his time. The power of evil will overpower him. Even a little child, the avenger of evil will speak to his heart. He will make him remember what happened to his generation and how somebody wiped them away. He will tell him he can fight for him and use anything to fight. Why? Because he has no Jesus Christ. The very day anyone gives his life to Jesus Christ, I settle the spirit of the avenger of evil. That's what I did for all Christians. Though you can continue your evil out of your own stubbornness, but I already settled the avenger of evil. That grace overpowers the powers of demons. I gave this grace to all Christians. Then, why do you still nurse evil in your heart? I have given you peace. Why do you still nurse evil and sorrow in your heart?

I brought you to live on this Earth and give you peace. Why do you still nurse evil in your heart? All of you don't know that everything I created is powerful, whether good or evil. Evil is very powerful. The last thing they do is to kill, which is what they always want. I created good and evil. The evil I created is very powerful. That's why I brought My Son to atone for the power of evil. I brought Him to quench the power of evil. If you read My Word, the Bible, you will see the kinds of fights that took place in the time of old. You cannot compare it with what goes on on this Earth today. Different types of killings took place everywhere. That's why I brought My Son. When I brought Him, I eradicated the powers of demons for Christians. Yet, all of you ignore the power. You're on your own. You're on your own because Heaven will never save you. This power gives Christians conscience. Before they do anything, they'll think twice. Other religions don't have a conscience. They believe I will reward them in whatever they do. They believe Heaven will reward them. Heaven will never reward you! I Am the Almighty God. All powers belong to Me. Whatever I say I don't want, don't do it. You cannot be killing My children and still think I will reward you for doing it. You're on your own. I will not reward you. If I fought in the time of old, I fought a good fight, and I told you why I fought. If I put sugar and bitter leaf in your mouth, which one will you love? Evil is evil; good is good.

If a man says he wants to kill and doesn't mind if they kill him, you have to know the kind of spirit that purchased that man. Do you know where you're going if they kill you? Where are you going? Are you the one who created yourself? Where are you going when your head is off, and your Spirit continue hovering around? Can you enter your body again? Can you come back and tell people what you face over there? Can't you see the kind of power that purchased them? Evil is evil until the end. No matter anything, Christians have a conscience. When Jacob did evil to his brother and ran away, he always thought about it because he had a conscience. It wasn't easy for him because his father-in-law tormented his soul. He couldn't return because he knew how he left his brother. All his life, he prayed to Me for mercy. I promised to keep him alive; however, his blessings would scatter because of the sins he committed. His sins had no remedy. He would have everything I gave him in sorrow because he called evil to be good. Why should you swap your blessing? You didn't swap your blessing, but Satan used you to torment your blessing. I Am the Almighty God.

The kind of sin some of you committed has no remedy. The mistake isn't from you but from your generation. Some part of it followed you. No matter how you serve Me, you have destroyed your blessings, and there's nothing you can do about it. You can only live by My grace. Whatever you want to have on this Earth, if I don't give it to you, you can never have it. It is neither by power nor by might. It is only by My Spirit. If you put your aircraft in the sky without air, how can it fly? I allowed some people to live horrible lives even upon their obedience and holiness so that many generations can learn through them. They counted everything for joy. They imparted many generations for good. The Earth belongs to no one except Me. Who has the power to do anything? All of you think you have power and can do whatever you like. When My Son Jesus came to this Earth, did He create anything? He worked with what I have already created. He worked with what He met on the Earth. Many of you breed chickens everyday, and you're happy. You only boost My handwork. If indeed you have power, I want you to create your own chicken from nothing. Don't use My eggs. Create your own chicken out of nothing; then, I will know you have power. I know you cannot create anything because you're foolish, but you think you're wise. You want to take My glory. How can this Earth yield its increase? If you take Me out of this Earth, all of you will die in a day. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Great I Am That I Am. My power and holiness sustain the Earth. There are still a handful of people who believe in Me. If all of you say there is no God, you'll see what will happen.

You don't know how I formed this Earth. I always speak about the Earth because this is the only open planet you know. I created many planets, and people live there, but you cannot see them. This Earth is an open place. I also spoke about the Dark-Planet. That's where you go after this Earth if you don't go to Heaven. You can only take off from this Earth and go to Heaven, no other planet. If you're a human being and don't believe in God but believe in the fish inside the ocean. Where will you go whenever you die? My son, a whole nation will believe in the spirit of the sea. I Am the Almighty God and the only Creator. For such people, I also created a planet for them after they finished their journey on this Earth. If the spirit of evil rages war, he will also claim their lives on that planet. I Am the Owner of any planet you go after this Earth. It's your choice. If you come back to your senses and want to know Me, I will then erase your name from the book of genealogy of that planet. I will bring you back to this Earth where you can serve Me, die, and go to Heaven. When I created you, I didn't create you to be in that category. I created the sea and put the marine spirit in charge of it. All of you call them mermaid. If you choose a mermaid as your father, I will not be in a dispute with you. Whenever the mermaid says she wants to eat you, I will not rescue you because I Am not your Father. When all of you look at each other on this Earth, you see yourself as human beings. These people have no knowledge of Me. They believe in the mermaid as their father. I also leave them like that. Whatever you believe cannot be more powerful than Me because I also created them. If you believe in them, I will leave you with them. My son, imagine a whole nation that believes in the mermaid. You can be holy for whatever you believe, but that doesn't take you to Heaven. For you to serve an idol, the mermaid in the sea, and give your glory to demons, you're not part of Me. I Am the Almighty God. All of you are living in the dark. You don't know anything apart from whatever I reveal to you.

If you give My glory to Me and believe in Me, then you believe in My Son. Whenever you die, I will also send you to a peaceful planet where you'll enjoy forever. You cannot call yourself a human being and believe in the spirits I prepared to oversee the affairs of the ocean. Whenever they're angry, don't call on Me. I didn't deny that I'm not the One who created you. Whenever you die, I also prepare a planet for you to go and live. I Am the Almighty God, and I work on principle. All of you have your choices. As a Pastor, you can say you don't want to be a Pastor anymore and want to serve an idol. It's your choice. I will leave you alone. The spirits will come to you immediately and introduce themselves to you. They'll tell you how to serve them. You must have a physical object in your body. They may even give you their logo. I Am the Almighty God and want the whole Earth to serve Me. The deed was done right from the beginning, and there's nothing I can do about it. The ball is now in your court.

Those among you who call yourselves Christians should be watchful because there is no more time on your side. I have spoken My word, and your prayers cannot stop it. You can only save yourself. You cannot save anybody, not even your children. I cannot open My eyes and allow evil to overpower the holiness of the Earth. Every day by day, wash your hands clean. All of you have sinned and come short of My glory. Many of you have exchanged your glory for demons. I can open the door for any evil to befall you anytime. The clock is ticking. All of you call yourselves Christians and don't know your right from left. You only follow the multitude. You will also go with the multitude when the day of evil comes. Some human beings like you drank water in the time of Noah and died. Is it easy to drink water and die? Is it a good thing? I have spoken, shouted, and groaned, yet none of you listened to My voice. You even humiliated My Prophets whom I sent to deliver messages to you. Some of My servants who have eaten with demons stood against My word. I Am the Almighty God, and My reward is with Me.

In the days of Noah, not all of them were sinners. There were few holy people on the Earth. I did what I had to do because I needed an entire generation whose holiness can carry the Earth. That's why I chose Noah and his family. They were not holy hundred percent, but their holiness was enough for Me to do what I wanted to do. I destroyed the remaining holy people with the wicked. If I speak of holiness and evil, they both go a long way. If you think you're holy and any member of your household is evil, that evil will rob you as well. That's what happened to the people in the time of Noah. Before I released rain to destroy everybody, I used three generations to warn them through Noah, but they counted it as nothing. Did I fulfil My word in the end or not? Did I do as I spoke through Noah or not? When I asked Jeremiah to proclaim My word to My children, for twenty-three years, he proclaimed My word, warning them to return to Me. Did they listen to him? Did evil befall them or not?

My son, for the past fourteen years, I've asked you to continue to publish My word as a warning for My children. The time is ripe. It took Me many days and nights to speak those words to you. I mean business. I have spoken to you a lot. Hold your heart strong because a lot will happen on this Earth. You yourself will shed tears because of what your eyes will see. No evil will befall you and your household, but you will shed tears because of the level of death you will see. It is very painful for innocent generations to partake in what they knew nothing about. The time is ripe! It is coming! It doesn't take Me anything. I can destroy the whole Earth within a week. If you don't go to work and things begin to destroy, what will you call the land? Famine!!! Those who cannot stay will start moving away from the land. If those who till the ground for you, those who do various work for you are moving away, what do you call the land? Famine!!! I will visit them in multiple ways. My son, hold your heart in your hand. I can come with the wind. I can come with rain. I can come with fire. I can come with famine. I can come with sickness. I can come with an earthquake. I can blow off your transformer. If you’re walking on the street, and the ground under you begins to sink without rainfall, what do you call that? You don't know when and how I will come. I want evil to be reduced on this Earth. I want many people to die!!! I tell you again, My son, hold your heart in your hand. Be strong and work with your Father. All of them have sinned! For some years, I asked you to publish My word. Do you think I Am foolish? All the messages I asked you to publish on your website shall come to pass. The messages shall be My witness to the fact that I've warned everybody. I Am the Almighty God. My word will never return to Me empty.

I wanted to do what I did in the time of Noah because of the level of evil on this Earth. However, I changed My mind because of My Son Jesus who I slaughtered because of you. Again, the age of the Earth is drawing to a close. The lifespan of the Earth is running out, but there are still many years left. When it reaches the end of her lifespan, Jesus Christ will come and remove the remaining saints. This Earth, planets, stars, moons, and everything will melt away. Right now, I Am coming! I Am coming down to wipe the wicked away from the face of the Earth. All of you can see it everywhere. That's why I've been speaking to Christians all these years, but none of you listened to My voice.

As for Britain, I know how I worked so the land would be peaceful. I destroyed all your idols. I relocated many powerful spirits away from the land. Where is the father and mother of witchcraft? I relocated all of them elsewhere. The lesser ones still lived inside some of you. After everything, I asked you to kill whoever had the spirit of witchcraft. The stories of all these things are still there. I know the kind of Law I gave to your forefathers, and I warned them what I would do to them if they ever forsake My Law. I asked them to accept whoever comes to them but should teach everybody My word and ways and let them take it to their countries. I asked them to teach My children how to administer justice. If there is any dispute, they should judge fairly. They should take it to their countries. This was why the door was opened for many foreigners to come in. That's why whenever they gathered, they thought about everybody. I taught them how to do charity. Amid good lies evil. Evil crept into the hearts of some of them and began to do otherwise. They even went to the spiritual realm and began to destabilise the peace of other nations so they could take whatever belonged to them for free. I warned them of all these things before. Unfortunately, all these people are no more. They're dead. You failed to teach your children everything I taught your forefathers. Some of your elders are still alive. Go and ask them all these things. It is very painful to Me for children to suffer for the sins of their fathers. It is very painful to Me for children to suffer what they don't know. I Am the Almighty God, and My word will never go unfulfilled.

Whenever I visit Britain with hunger, calamity, and disaster, the government will put down aircraft freely for people to leave because they don't know the cause of what's befalling them. I Am the Almighty God. You think you know how to fight. I can use anything to fight all of you. I will turn your hearts against each other, and you'll begin to kill yourselves because you've offended Me. You'll begin to see each other as enemies. I laboured to build the land, but you've destroyed all My handwork. All the foreigners living in Britain should begin to prepare a way of escape for themselves because it won't be too long before I strike the land with calamity and disaster. Those living in Nigeria will not be able to travel to Britain because those living in Britain want to leave. Everywhere will scatter! Many white people will go with you whenever you leave. I Am the Almighty God. I will render the land desolate. I that gathered you together will also scatter you. You think you have the power to do everything. Both Britain and America will go into slavery. Nobody will take you as slaves, but you will sell yourselves as slaves because of hunger. I Am the Almighty God. I Am a Consuming Fire.

I will visit Nigeria and uproot every evil from each household. Many of you will die. Some families will be desolate. No single soul will remain there because of the sins of generations. I hate idolatry. I hate witchcraft. All these make the land barren. This is how it is throughout Africa. I will visit all of you! I will remove all My servants who have sold their souls to demons throughout the Earth. Nigeria is the head. All of them will die!!! All of them will die! Some people will run to the church to seek refuge, but they will die right there inside the church because their hands are dirty. I have said it before that I will repair the land but none of you knows how it will happen. I will leave no stone unturned. I will visit everywhere. Satan cannot be more powerful than Me because I gave birth to him. I Am the Owner of the land. I Am the Almighty God.

This visitation will spread across the whole Earth because the same pattern of death will kill all of you. I have prepared the cup of My wrath for every nation to drink. Sorrow will fill everywhere! This great disaster will sweep billions of souls away from the face of the Earth. The only comparison to such a disaster is Noah's flood. There will be silence throughout the whole Earth. Some nations will exist no more. Water will swallow many. Earthquakes and tsunamis will destroy many. Some people will kill themselves. Those who will die still have another opportunity to come back to this Earth again after I settle their Spirits, but sadly, Christians who die through such disaster cannot come back to this Earth anymore because they've given their lives to My Son Jesus. They will either go to Heaven or Hellfire after they're judged. That's why I've been speaking to all of you to cleanse yourselves. Nigeria will then lead the Earth in holiness for the last time. I Am the Almighty God. All of you should wash your hands clean before it's too late because time is running out. This is not the time for fasting and prayers. I have given all of you plenty of room to change. I asked you to open your heart so the Earth can yield its increase, but you said no. The Earth belongs to Me. I told you I created human beings on this Earth several times but wiped them away. The same thing I did to them, I will also do to all of you. You're not the first generation on this Earth. It cost Me nothing to wipe all of you away because you're wicked. This time around, I will not wipe everybody away. Some people will be alive while their skin peels away. Nobody will be able to run to another country to seek refuge. I want all of you to know that evil is evil, and good is good. The remaining people will live in peace for a very long time. People will move to the desolated countries and rebuild them again. The whole Earth will be calm. Everybody will know God again. I Am the Almighty God. I Am angry. I hate evil and wickedness. My son, send this message to all of them now. 

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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