Only Your Word

When You opened the treasure of Your mouth, Your Word came forth, thus heavens and earth were created. It was through the power of Your Word all creatures were created, both visible and invisible. Whenever You speak, You speak with power and every creature both visible and invisible bow and surrender to the power of Your Word.

You God, who is not a respecter of man but full of awe and might, still bow for Your own Word: For You have magnified Your Word above all Your name (Psalm 138: 2b). I therefore stand in awe of Your Word!

It was through the power of Your Word You laid the foundation of the world upon the waters. With the blast of Your nostrils the waters gathered together so there could be land for man to tread upon. Whenever You speak, all creature bow in obedience because Your Word is full of power. Any creature that refuse to bow in honour of Your Word will be blasted away in Your wrath. When I walk through the idle road full of trees, I could see the wonders of Your Word. I could see all trees bowing in worship as their trunks move their branches and twigs back and forth with their roots deep into the ground. With joy, they worship You for You have created them to do what they were doing and they did it in honour of Your spoken Word.

Once I climbed to the top of the mountain hoping I could reach my hand to the sky. Though as I looked from the ground, the sky seemed as if it sat on top of the mountain. When I found my way to the top, the sky became farther as when I was on the ground. I realised the higher I go, the quicker the sky moved away from me. Oh, Your Word! As I looked down from the top of the mountain, I could see the beauty of the earth, all the landscapes were as carpets laid down on top of waters. They all looked beautiful. It was through the power of Your Word they all came into existence.

All visible and invisible creatures tremble at Your Word. Any creature that refuse to bow in awe of Your Word will be lost forever. Yes, forever! Man, whose heart devices evil continually, because he refused to honour Your Word, treasure of Your anger was poured against him and calamity was exchanged for prosperity, and abundance became famine for him. All these because he refused to bow in honour of Your Word.

You have given man wisdom to do so many things through which You brought him comfort. Because You make him comfortable, his pride puffed up as if it was through his might he could do all he did. His heart moved away from You. You later turned his comfort to discomfort. Oh, have mercy so that Your wrath will not sweep us all away as wax vanishes before fire.

You O Lord, who loved man and sent Your Word. This Word of Yours became flesh and lived among us. Many who have passed away beheld Him and never recognised Him. The few who knew Him lived to die for Him. You sent Him so we might have abundant life in You.

This Word of Yours , who was with You at the creation of all creatures, was given to men to love and cherish - (see Genesis 1:1, John 1:1-2). It is through this Your Word You give men forgiveness of sin; it is through Your Word You give men healing and deliverance and it is through Your Word You give men eternal life. Any soul who fails to recognise or honour Your Word will be lost through eternity!

When I was tired to keep Your Word, I strayed away from You and I was afflicted. When I realised I have no life without You, I came back to You and repent. When I keep Your Word again, I was revived. You made Yourself available to me once more because I sought You with all my heart. (Psalm 119:67, Jeremiah 29:13)

As I strayed away from You, I walked in darkness throughout the day and throughout the night. I could not behold a glimpse of light at all. All these because I neglected Your Word. My night became day and my day became night. A man who loves Your Word, a man whose delight is in Your Word will never walk in darkness for Your Word is a lamp to his feet and a light to his path. (Psalm 119: 105)

You who made Nebuchadnezzar king over the kingdom of Babylon. You even extended his dominion throughout the whole earth. Kings bowed down to him. All these were possible because You exalted him over all kingdoms. When He became arrogant and his pride covered his sight, he couldn't recognise there is a Greater King who is the Creator of all dominions; You sent him Your Word as a warning to him. He despised Your Word and hardened his heart. Then You changed him to teach him a lesson of his life. You gave him a heart of a beast and a king ate with wild beast in the bush until seven years passed over him. At the end of the seventh year, you established him once again and he later came to praise, exalt, honour and acknowledge You as King of heaven, for all Your works are true and Your ways are just, and You are able to humble those who walk in pride. (Daniel 4:37). When a man despises Your Word, You will bring him down and turn his honour to dustbin.

Oh, how blessed is the man who knows and keeps Your Word. He will be blessed in the morning, blessed in the noon, blessed in the night time. Why? Because his delight is in only Your Word and he meditates on it day and night (Psalm 1:2). However, the wicked and the ungodly who despise Your Word will be shattered into pieces and will be lost forever. Yes, forever!

Pastor Radiant Ayowole Jesudairo
London, 15th August 2015.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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