The Unpredictable God

The Father speaks

(Saturday 12th June 2010, 11:45)

I Am Unpredictable Father. In Me, there is no sorrow. In Me, there is joy. I Am the God of joy. You cannot do it by yourself. Whichever situation you find yourself, just click in Me. You must click in Me every minute, every hour. I Am a Winner. I Am the Everlasting Father. I’m in My throne. Take every fear away from your heart. I will never move; I will never be destroyed. Don’t think how tomorrow will be, tomorrow will take care of itself. Just click in Me every minute, every hour. I Am the Father that directs. I Am All-In-All. Anointing breaks every yoke. I want you to be asking for it every hour. Take every worry away from your heart. Whoever touches you, touches Me. You are the apple of My eyes. All powers belong to Me. In Heaven and on Earth, all powers belong to Me. Just invite the Holy Spirit upon yourself every minute, every hour.

The truth is bitter; preach the truth. Speak the truth wherever you go. You are not going there for entertainment. Preach it in a hard way. Don’t look at anybody’s face. Silver and gold belong to Me. Tell them they should learn more of Me. Two captains cannot be on a ship. I Am Everlasting Life. My burden is very light. I Am not a bondage to anybody. I Am the Life. Tell them.

Tell My servants, they should not be afraid of what to preach. I Am the I Am that I Am. I Am the Husband of Pharaoh. They should preach My word as they supposed to preach it. Tell My servants, they should not hide the truth from My children; unless they are doing it for their own sake. My people perish for lack of knowledge. All of them, they follow the same way. They turned the Word to suit their own way.

With agony, with pains, He (Jesus) died for the truth. Do you think it’s easy? Why do you all Christians want everything sweet-sweet? Those who suffered for the Word, are you different from them? What happened to Hannah? She has been going to Shiloh for many years. Her life changed when she met My Word.

When I asked Noah to build the ark; do you think it was so easy? He went ahead to build the ark. Ordinary people thought he was mad. He did everything, but I had the purpose.

My son, anybody that is close to you, tell them about Me.

My son, do you know many people are weeping today? Some are crying, some are in pains. Many are afflicted by the devil. They forget about their mansions. My Spirit is in everybody I created.

Adulterers are everywhere, even on My altar, My servants commit adultery. Eat and clean your mouth, so far no one sees me, which is what they do. I’m in My throne and I shake My head. My children I created after My heart. I made them to be number one in everything I created. A time is coming; all of them will resurrect and go to Hellfire. That is the second death. They think they have money to pay. You cannot insult Me and go just like that. You will pay forever.

If you die now, it’s either you go to Heaven or Hellfire. The churchgoers, they don’t too much know about Me, especially this land. All of them will go to Hellfire. Some of them that are dead, their Spirit is roaming about everywhere. They will later resurrect and go to Hellfire.

Who will speak and make it happen when I’ve not commanded it? All powers belong to Me. Evil lives after the evil men. No one will try Me and go free. I Am the God of old and the God of new. What happened at the water of Meribah? Whenever anyone wants to make your life bitter, I will return it back to them. Fear not; I Am with you. I Am the Beginning, and I Am the Ending. I Am a True Father. The evil people say they will never rest. They forget I Am the Owner of this world. I Am a Great Physician. I Am a Seer. Can anybody come from outside to trouble you? Satan can use anybody to represent himself. Wickedness is hovering everywhere. Their own is just to perform wickedness. The God of peace will see you all through. You will never see any entanglement in this world. God of peace will give you and your household peace. I will condemn whoever wants to condemn you. I will raise war against whoever wants to raise war against you. I said it; will it not come to pass? I will make them eat and taste out of the iniquity they planned. They will see how it is. They will know how it is. I will revert what they planned back to them. I Am a Father. I Am enough for you. I Am a Sufficient Father, Unbeatable Father, the Reigning Father.

Either they serve this or that; it’s only Me they call upon. There is no other God, I Am the only One. If I give you anything, that doesn’t mean you can come to Me. Things of this earth will perish with you here. You can be nothing here because of Me, but you will be with Me there.

Many of My servants turn everything upside down. Emulate what is good. Let wickedness be things of the past. Let revenge go away. My Word is settled all the time. I can speak through anybody. When they speak, you will know. Holiness, peace, sanctification. I Am a True Father. I Am not a confusing Father.

If you give birth to a baby, how does he look like? Pure! From the age a child knows the difference between good and evil, that is the time he continues to commit sin if he deliberately chooses to do evil. This was exactly what Jesus meant when He said you must be born again. Let My children emulate what is good.

There are all kinds of evil in the hands of many of My children. There are all kinds of wickedness in their hands. Even My servants; greed, wickedness!

Many churches have turned to market now. They have now forgotten what they are pursuing. Some of them are there who want to acquire wealth. That day, everybody will give an account of himself. All I need is your heart. You are preaching caring; if you spread that money you waste on expensive things to My children; they will be happy. Their riches will fail them. Everything will fail them. Those who know Me, they are the only Ones I will elevate.

There is no condemnation in those who believe in Jesus Christ. Old things have passed away; all things become new. Who has the power to forgive sin? Come unto Me all you that are heavy laden. Do you think that Jesus can truly carry your load? Many of them don’t believe Jesus can carry their load. They struggle and struggle. Before you know it, the time has passed. What is the meaning of to believe? Where is the load we are talking about? It’s unseen load. It’s a spiritual thing. You cannot see it, but I can see it. Because of the worries of this world, they continue to swim inside sin. I Am only One, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. I Am a Holy Spirit. I Am only One. My teachings base on understanding. It has logic, it has so many roots. You can teach it the way it will favour you or favour the other person. But I love those who speak the truth. If you want to serve Me, serve Me in the Spirit. If you are in the Spirit, you can always see Me.

What happened in Acts of Apostles? They said so many things. If they could take Jesus away, what about us. I was looking at them. When the power came, what happened? Was it by their power? Since Jesus died and rose, have you seen anyone else that rose from the dead? Jesus is a Spirit. I Am God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Can ordinary person do it? Go back to when Mary became pregnant. How did she become pregnant? Did any man sleep with her? What kind of child was in her then? Spirit! Who betrayed Him? Did He know or not? Mission accomplished!

Ask My children: What are they hearing; what are they learning; what are they doing? If they learn about Me, they will do exactly what My Word says.

Where Jesus Christ preached, many of them were there. They enjoyed the preaching and didn’t want to leave. They repented with their whole heart. Repent, repent, the Kingdom of God is at hand. Yes, My servants preach, it’s sweet and they are nodding their head. Are they doing it? How many rich men do you think they can give their ALL to the poor? But when they heard the preaching, it was sweet.

The time is near, the time is near. Whoever is doing evil should remove his hands from evil. They should remove their hands from idol. There is going to be a judgement. It can’t happen; they have said it before. Surprise! It will happen. There was a prophecy concerning Abraham that the children will be enslaved in Egypt. Did it happen? The people now think this is the end of life. They say when you die, you die. Do you think it’s hard to destroy this world? Do you remember the time of Noah? Do you know how long it took Me to create this earth? Yes, it’s easy to count first day, second day, third day. Do you know how long it took Me to level the whole earth, to create every creature? It’s easy to count it like that. Do you know why I told Noah to pick everything male and female? I could have allowed everything to perish just like that. Will you be alive today?

Do you know that some of My children, after they gave birth to their children, they will kill them? What did I say concerning the person who kills? Do you know why I purposely put that Law? So that when others see it, they will not do it again. What is happening now? They pamper evil; they paint evil. Even in My house, when somebody does evil, they cover it so they could continue in their evil. Yes, I Am a Wonderful Father. I Am a Merciful Father. I forgive you today, you go back again. If you plant an evil seed, which kind of seed will it germinate? Evil seed too. What did Jesus Christ say? Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cast into the lake of fire. I want to tell you something. If you sow any seed and it germinates and grows until it becomes a tree, if you cut it, and you cut it again, and you cut it again, it will get to a stage where it won’t grow again. If you plant any good plant to bring you good fruit to eat, as it grows, you cut it. It will get to a stage where it won’t grow again. Now you are hungry, you want to eat fruit. This is an example of a woman who kills her children. Because the reason is best known to her, that is why she’s uprooting them one-by-one. That seed you’re cutting; do you know how it managed to exist? That seed you uproot, if you leave it to grow, it will grow another seed, and that seed will grow another seed, and that seed will grow another seed. Do you know what she has caused? Ignorance! Ignorance! Ignorance! It was like someone who bought a piece of land, cleared it, built a house on it, and now set fire into it by herself. It’s not by mistake, but she purposely set it on fire by herself. How does it look like in your own eyes? Yes, the devil afflicts. If you know Me from the beginning, the devil will not afflict you. You will run away from sin if you know My Word right from the beginning. That is why whoever has not given his life to Me, whenever he gives his life to Me, I forgive because he did everything in ignorance. If you know My Word and you purposely do it, a sinner will not go unpunished. Yes, a sinner will not go unpunished.

Do you know about Cain and Abel? Why was his offering rejected? Because his heart did not release it. After all, He does not see me; let me give this one to Him. Do you know why I use this as an example? Because of all My children who preach My Word. Whenever My children listen to My servants, they give My children back to Me. If you do it in your own way, I will give it back to you and I will punish you. Ask Me before you go to the pulpit. You take the good of it and you give Me the chaff. That is why I give you the example of Cain and Abel. Before grace and Spirit, which one first came to existence? Ten Commandments! If it’s Ten Commandments, what are they saying? I Am going, I will send the Comforter, He will give you the power to do what you can’t do. The power came and they began to do what they couldn’t do. The flesh has failed a lot of them. What are they saying?

What happened to Hannah? Who was she? Did Elkanah have other children? What did Hannah always do? She didn’t say I’ve been going there (Shiloh) always. Those who wait upon Me, they will do what? Many of My children, yes, they are coming to My house; if they don’t get what they’re looking for immediately, they will go from church to church looking for miracles. As a result of this, they run into destruction. Sometimes, they blame the man of God. I search all hearts. If your heart is clean, even there in your room, I will visit you; I will bless you; I will reveal the secret of secrets to you.

Don’t you know that some of My children in the time of old didn’t have My knowledge? When they saw evil, they ran away from it. Do you know why I say this? A lot of them in My house do evil. You know I hate the hand that shed innocent blood. I hate backbiting. Have you searched yourself why God is not blessing you? Put a knife in the fire, what will happen to it? Every of My Word is very deep. Love your neighbour as yourself. What you don’t want someone to do to you, don’t do it to another. The food you cannot eat, why giving it to another? There is evil everywhere. Only those who recognise Me, who enter My shelter shall be free from the wickedness of this world. With God, I will make it; with Jesus, I will make it; even if He doesn’t do it, I Am happy with Him. The name of Jesus is fire for the devil. If you do business with Jesus, you will never lose. If you want to be of the devil, be of the devil; if you want to be for Me, be for Me because I Am a jealous God. I Am not a confusion Father.

Do you know why I always tell you about sin and holiness? Because sin is the weapon of the devil. Whatever you hide in the corner of your heart, the devil will use it against you. As big as I Am, I don’t have a limousine. I don’t have this; I don’t have that. Is anyone bigger than Me? They want to change the foundation I set and lay theirs. The foundation of truth, the foundation of My Gospel, they want to change it to their own. All I need is your soul because your soul will redevelop to another body. If you miss it, you will regret your life. There is no condemnation in Me. Your character will bring you out. If you choose evil way, evil will follow you.

My son, are all animals in the bush the same pattern? I Am the One that created them. Nobody is accursed. Do you know the story of Africa? The ones they mentioned are what you know. I mentioned ten generations that time. How did My children in Africa know about Me? They never knew Me; they were all worshipping idols. Who was Moses? Where was he brought up? Why did I choose him? I know why I picked him. I always search all hearts. Though he was trained in Pharaoh’s palace, he was not like them. In the Wilderness, what happened to the golden calf? My children who knew Me, they turned back, and you see what happened to them. How much more those who have never knew Me.

I made this Earth a befitting place for My children. When evil began to multiply, it affected their children, their cattle and the ground they cultivated as well. If you shed innocent blood, it will affect everything. If the husband and wife are happy, what happens to their children? If you’re happy, your plant and everything will grow well for you.

Why is it that a well-known man did evil and he doesn’t suffer the punishment alone, but follows his children and their generation, even his cattle? Because that is My Word! The heart that harbour evil will never know peace. A wicked will never go unpunished.

You’ve been to many lands in Europe, how many houses did you enter and see them have a shrine? They (Africans) even lured these people to do evil. They sold their gods to them. You cannot serve two gods. They are My handmade. You trust them, you believe in them.

Nobody can have it unless I give it to him. Things of this world will perish with this world. If somebody wants to start a race, how does he stand? He will stand on one-and-half legs. Every of My chosen servant supposed to be like that. You don’t suppose to balance your two feet on the ground. Whenever the whistle blows, you’re gone; because very soon the whistle will blow. One hundred people may start a race; only two people may finish it. You want the things of this world, you want a house, you want a car, and everything will end. I told you before that many of My children started well, now they balance their two feet on the ground. Their name is reigning everywhere. But are they doing My will! Do you think I just come down to speak to you? I may come today, you will be with Me. All those ones you mentioned will go somewhere else, which I don’t want to mention. Do not let your heart deceive you. I Am a Father. I Am the One that owns every season. Why are you troubling yourself because of the things of this world? Tell My children to give their heart to Me, in their kitchen, in their closet. Those who are running after miracle, are they doing My will? I will open the book for them. I will ask them. I Am watching all of them right now. I Am like this; I Am like that. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus; can you be like Jesus? He walked on His feet; He had no shelter to live; He passed the night wherever He finished with the day's journey. Tell Me, where He oppressed people; where He acquired limousine. When somebody came to Him, that person wanted to do things that were not in line with the Word of God; did He tell him to pray to cover it up? I sit on My throne; they are coming to meet Me. The wealth I give to you, I did not give it to you to keep. I give it to you so you can give others who are in need, not to acquire the things of this world. I told you to preach to My children, I did not tell you to exploit them. What is Tithe and Offering for? For the Levites – those who do My work without any income, the widows and the orphans. Now, many of My children serve Me in pains and sorrow. They don’t know what the man of God will ask them again. Ah, whoever does not know Me will know Me. They are all coming to Me and I will pay them back. I Am looking at all of them. The era you are now, all of you are still happy. The condition you people are now, you are eating honey and drinking milk. The time is coming when everything will become scarce, but I will care for My children. You know how to do it, you know how to educate yourself, and you know how to speak eloquently. You now forget about Me. There will be an outcry very soon. This one that is on the throne, very soon he will regret himself. He will hate himself to the extent that he will have a heart attack. He will not know peace again. Where should we go now? They will begin to ask many questions.

I hate lying lips, I hate oppression. All those people don’t have a place in Me. They have no share in My place. Lying lips, false witnesses! Many of them are seeking for Me but their heart is very far from Me. I’m more than as they speak about Me. When you seek Me with all your heart, I will make your heart a dwelling place. But if your heart is far from Me, I cannot dwell there. People see you as you go to church every day, but your heart is far from Me. You continue to carry the load alone. If you don’t believe I can do it, then I will not do it. You are going forward and you’re looking elsewhere, how can you go two places at a time? I carry the wine full of different mixtures. I carry the cup. Whoever is thirsty that drinks of Me will thirst no more. It’s not like the worldly people give. When you are full of it, you will thirst no more.

Do you know chameleon? How does it change its colour? That is how My children are. I Am the One that searches every heart. The hidden things that you don’t know, I know them. If you are talking with two lips, I know. You know it’s very difficult to do something together with that kind of people. When you see them clapping hands in the church, they deceive many of My children. Because they know they are in the way of destruction, they lured many of My children into it. Before you know, it will be too late. The Father you’re serving, calling upon every day, if you know He can’t save you, why are you calling upon Him? All types of weather, I Am there. I never change. If you serve Me and the devil visits you, if you fall away, I Am still the Father. If you come back and repent, I will still accept you back, because I Am the Father and you’re My child. If I say you should go away, where should you go? If you turn from your evil way to the way of holiness and purity, I will accept you again. I told you I hate deceptive tongue, liars. They have no place in Me. If you change like the chameleon, you cannot serve Me. I have told you before; the weapon of Satan is sin. Anything you do in your closet that no human being sees, I can see it. When it happens, human being can talk. They will say Lord, why did it happen. I know My sheep and My sheep know Me. They never deny Me. You look at outward and I look at inward. Will you defeat Me, or will you judge Me. You cannot judge Me. All these things I’m saying, it’s like I’m a talkative. I know why I’m saying this because very soon, the trumpet will sound. Therefore, guard your heart with My word. Do not follow the way of hypocrites, the way of deceivers.

My Pastor says! Are you following what your Pastor says or what God says? Those who preach My word in selfishness, I will judge them. There are some things you don’t want to do, you will do it because of Me. You know John the Baptist? He lived like a mad man. He ate like an animal in the bush. What happened to Him at last? All because of Me. How many of My children can boast of that? He is not blessing me; He blessed this; He blessed that; He’s not even seeing me; I will go on my own way. I Am seeing you! Are you better than those who’re sick? Are you better than those who cannot walk?

What is the work of Jesus Christ? What did He do when John the Baptist was in the prison? One is to preach the Gospel, another is to witness. Why did John the Baptist asked about the person of Jesus? What happened to Elijah? Why are you running the race you cannot finish? This word of mouth has power. He spoke as if he wanted to ridicule somebody. The person you have been preaching about, now you say they should ask if we should be expecting another Messiah. My children don’t understand so many of My Words.

Evil controls this world. The air you breathe in is full of pollution. The conclusion is this: Hold on to Me in time of joy, in time of sorrow, in time of sickness, and in time of good health. Confess with your mouth that I can always do it. Without holiness you cannot see Me. As it is in the beginning, so it is now. What I started in the beginning, Jesus Christ came to shed more light on it for you to be sure of what you should do. What is perversion? What will happen to some people will be worse than that of Sodom and Gomorrah. Bring all the Tithes, bring all the Offerings so there can be meat in My house. Do you know why the sin of fornication and adultery is rampant? Because nobody cares for them. Those who have don’t care for those in need. You see that I am clean and very neat, that I put on fine clothe; you don’t know that I’ve not eaten. Then you’re asking me to bring money. I must go and look for it and give it to you. My children have mind to worship Me even when they have nothing, but Pastors become their obstacles because of money. I Am glad when they say let us go to the house of God. In My house there is fullness of joy. In My house there is liberty. Why is it now they turn everything upside down? Do you know My Word is moving many of My children? But a man of God is stopping them. They will put people in key positions because of money. The person after My heart that when he prays I will quickly come down; they will not put him in that position. Our God is not a God of poverty because they forget how that person made his money. The one who is steadfast in Me will now be discouraged. They forget money is the root of all evil. Start from Genesis to Revelation, study about rich men and study about little children, you will see what it tells you. Holiness, holiness! Why can’t people do what is good! Why can’t they follow what is right! Why do they believe falsehood? Don’t mind him, our God is not a wicked God. Is it not the same God who says don’t lie, don’t steal? Why do people believe in lies? What do I tell you about My servants who are not preaching My truth? I will punish them. If you plant good seed, you will reap eternal life. If you plant an evil seed, you will reap Hellfire. Teach a child the way he should go have two ways. It’s either you teach him good or bad way. If you teach a child good way, you as parents will enjoy it. He will give you peace. Just as I enjoy My children, those who do My will. If you teach your child the way of obedience early, you will enjoy it. If you teach a child bad way or evil way, disgrace, bitterness, sorrow and death will follow it. If evil is pregnant, it gives birth to evil. Can snake give birth to a crocodile or a pig? Snake gives birth only to snake. In human life, the whole heart is scattered because of evil. There is only one thing that can make the heart to be focused. What is that thing? Holy Spirit! That is only if you allow Him to enter your heart. Without Holy Spirit you can do nothing. Some say they don’t believe in the Holy Spirit. What happened to Solomon? What did he ask for? Without Holy Spirit, he could not do what he did. When he settled the dispute between those two women, people knew it was not ordinary wisdom. As that woman was shouting and screaming, people thought the child belonged to her. Without Holy Spirit, Solomon couldn’t have judged correctly. Seek Holy Spirit every day. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, if you have One, you have All. Among Them, there is no quarrel. I that is speaking to you, the Almighty Father, I Am a Spirit. If you cannot see Me face to face, what then are they preaching? I told you before that I Am a Breeze. Can anyone see Me? Everything is spiritual. When the children of Israel were leaving Egypt, what happened at the Red Sea? I Am the God of signs and wonders. What happened when they needed food? Did it just happen like that?

A demon is like bacteria that you can only see in a microscope. Sin allows demons to enter and remain in you, especially the sin of fornication and adultery. Once they enter your body, it takes My grace to expel them. They will give birth to children and grandchildren inside your body. As long you refuse to confess your sin, they will be there for ages. But if you confess, then you break their power. They can possess a woman's womb so she will not have children. She can get married, they don't care, as long she refuses to confess. This is why I always cry for holiness. Have you heard a man of God who wanted to cast out the demon and he was killed? If there is demon in you, how can you cast out demons? No one is free from sin. The demons can see it and they will attack you straight away. This is why holiness is very important.

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"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

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If a man breathes his last breath, his Spirit departs and continues his life elsewhere. Whatever life he lives here will determine his destination and how his next life will be.


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